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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 22 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Then, again I’m a bit shocked also that Max wanted wolves left in. I  die to wolves more often than to any special infected or vultures— and wolves….run. 

    Wolves though are a great source of meat.  The mod I got right now reduces meat harvest so no more existing on rabbits and chickens alone (they are reduced down to 3 per).


    Though me personally, I love a pack of zombie dogs or vultures as they are a good source of rotten flesh and feathers.


    But hey I am different.  I love it when I misjudge a situation and several ferals make me pay for it  😉

  2. 1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    @BoidsterBro, I need to applaud you again. I have just tested the mod you uploaded the other day and it's working pretty neatly. I'm on gamestage 340 and in the short time I was using the mod I checked a couple POIs and surrounding area (one in forest one in burnt forest or whatever the biome is called). I have only seen standard zombies and one fat one, which I guess isn't standard cause it gives more exp, but I still consider it normal because it's slow and melee. The only downside I could see was that there were still vultures in the game. Can you tell me how to remove them?

    You can either set the spawn rate to 0% chance or change what is spawn in place of the zombie itself.  If you open up the file that Boidster replaced for casual zombies, that will point you in the right direction.  Then find any instance of vulture and either change the name (say you want to replace vultures with wolves) or lower the spawn chance to 0%.  You will need to find the correct name of the entity you want to replace so that the console doesn't give you errors trying to spawn in a non-existing entity.


    I am at work right now so I can't give you specifics.

    11 hours ago, Boidster said:


    I did not check POIs, no. The mod should not cause any problems in POIs, as it only replaces one zombie name with another in all of the spawn groups. However if POIs have specific sleeper zombies specified, then the mod will not remove them. If the POI uses one of the sleeper entity groups, then no special zombies ought to spawn.


    So, POI designer sez "I want a Wight to be in this corner" = there will be a Wight in that corner

    POI designer sez "Spawn a GS-appropriate sleeper horde here" = the horde will not include special zombies


    Or so I think. I threw the mod together quickly with little regard for safety or best practices! 🙂


    Edit to add: I just went through Dishong Tower at GS127 and I didn't see anything worse than a Fat Mama zombie. No errors, and it sure seemed like the zombies were easier than I'd expect for a T5 POI at that gamestage.

    you know what is weird.  I got this itch to download the original mod and your mod, and go through them, seeing how the original mod author went about it.....even though I personally have no desire to mod any of the specials out of the game  🙂

  3. With my newest computer, I went with the AMD Ryzen 7 3800X.  I looked at the comparable Intel (Core i7-9700k) which based on benchmarks, the Intel was better.  However the AMD gave me what I wanted and I got a really good deal on it.  I am not a hard core computer person like all of you, but I typically build my computers to last (7-10 years) and with the exception of adding new RAM or replacing a burnt out component, I usually do a complete new build when it comes time and my computer is seriously lagging in performance.


    It makes it easy to get my wife on board to spend money on a new computer for me when I point out that every time I build one, it lasts for a minimum of 7 years.

    23 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I originally used a GTX 550 Ti with 1GB. Played just fine back in those days. I still have the card. I also did not realize that the 2080 only had 8GB. I have the Ti version which has 11GB.


    Mine is the 2080 Super.  I don't think they had Ti or the regular ones available when I was building it, but I lucked out on getting this one.  I hope I can get a lot of years out of this one, but I don't think I play as demanding games (with the exception of 7D2D) as you all do.  As I have gotten older, I have gotten into the more casual games that I can enjoy when I am not spending time with the family  🙂

  4. 1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:


    @ the 2 replies above this one - I'm not overstating, in areas where zombies would normally spawn such as POIs I can't even play the game because console keeps stopping my movement due to errors constantly popping up. And the mod I'm talking about is indeed an xml mod that is supposed to replace specials with normals. I don't know if it's possible to just delete a group of enemies without breaking the game.

    Yeah, if you look at the mod page, this was a known issue with it back in 2018 and was never updated.

  5. I thought about offering mine for free when I upgraded my computer last year, but decided against it (ended up taking it to a recycling center for computers).  In hindsight I should have asked but it was a potato to me.


    An ASUS GeForce GTX 560TI with a whooping 1 GB.  Yes, I was playing 7D2D up to and including Alpha 19 with that card.  I now got a GeForce RTX 2080 with 8 GB.  The difference has been stunning.


    You know, nobody asked Liam what his budget is......

  6. 4 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Problem with mods is that this game is still alpha and every alpha these mods basically stop wroking. Some of the mods like "remove special zombies" only spams console errors now, so no, mods are not the answer.


    A simple solution is just to reduce the spawn chance in the xml files to 0% for special zombies, or even modify the spawn groups so those zombies don't spawn at all.  While mods can be broken during the Alpha development of this game (which is not a surprise), there is a robust modding community on this forum that will help you with making those changes yourself and help you track down errors if your first attempt doesn't work out smoothly.

  7. 8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    As for the skill system, I liked the game way more before it got in the game. I just got resources and/or recipes and could go crafting right away, not have to level up stupid stuff like agility, perception etc. first and then get the perk and then maybe get the recipe or spend another point in that to get it. I do like that some recipes can be found so you don't have to purchase the perks, but I don't know how many of them are actually like this.


    As for what casual mode would be for me, it would be zombies not attacking blocks at all, only players. Possibly make them only attack players when they're close to them and/or in self defence, completely disabling their laser homing on players. Crafting/digging XP would be boosted a lot so you wouldn't need to kill zombies to level up normally. And the zombies themselves would of course respect the server setting and only walk if players chose to or there would only be normal zombies (no dogs, cops, vultures etc.). The rest of the game can stay including water/food because that's just normal stuff, maybe just make characters in casual hungry/thirsty slower that's all.

    You can still find recipes and books to craft those items, without ever going into perks.  The perk option is only quicker in some cases (if you can't find it randomly yet in loot or at the traders) and gives you additional bonuses that the recipes besides themselves cannot give you.  In fact, some items are only able to be crafted via finding the recipes for it.  The other downside is that without any perk points, you can only craft a level 1 version of that item.  But that falls under the concept of decisions and consequences of our decisions.


    Your version of casual mode seems just to be an adult version of Minecraft.  Which is fine as I am a big supporter of people playing the game they want to, not being forced to do it.  But that is something that I don't think TFP want to spend developer time and resources to do when they have so much more to do to get the game they want out there in its finished state.  This is one of those things that fall under the concept of having modders out there do these types of modes / changes.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Oh for sure, but given the current market good luck with getting one lol.

    Or have deep pockets and not concerned about paying a significant markup on ones you find from "third" party sellers

  9. 9 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    And like I said, why not just have casual and survival modes? Both groups of players will be unhappy if it stays all in one and it's logical because it's impossible to go both ways at once and extremely difficult to find balance (not to mention the balance still won't attract as many players as 2 separate modes). I also think the game will be clearer in terms of servers and mods if we do it this way. More servers will be vanilla because some servers only use modes to do what the 2 game modes would do.

    That is up to Madmole and the development team, but based on MM's past comments, I believe what we have today is their goal and if people want to play it differently, they are going to have to mod the game themselves or just play past Alphas.  They are working on simplifying some aspects of the game, but MM's intent with 7D2D is to have a game where choices matter.  They are working on giving us a solid baseline game, but it is up to us players to make the changes if we want it to be easier or harder.


    At least that has been my takeaway based on comments made over several Alphas.  I don't claim to know the mind of MM and the development team.

  10. 1 minute ago, meilodasreh said:

    Probably wouldn't make a difference in said panic situations.


    It was already relatively clearly stated that "the controls should be changed cause player doesn't want to change his muscle memory"

    Without wanting to get too philosophical, in fact that's one of the bigger problems mankind faces today. Seen from the perspective of evolution, one had to adapt to the given circumstances to succeed...nowerdays everybody is just complaining that the enviroment has to be adapted to the individuals best pleasure.


    I myself have to admit that I have run into those "why is my running speed so damn slow oh I'm crouched...ouch get away zombie" situations.

    ...then I feel stupid some time and just start over.


    I have run in the same situation - not realizing I am still crouched as I try to get away from a pack of zombies after me.


    And I agree wit the statement that we shouldn't change the environment (toggle switches).  However, in real life, I can easily tell if I am crouched or not.  In the game, it sometimes is not apparent that I am crouching when I want to run away from the danger.  It would be nice (like Meganoth mentioned) if there was a better visual indicator that you are currently crouched or not.  I have no issues with the keys themselves, it is just that the awareness could be better IMHO.

  11. If you installed new modlets, your file is probably messed up now.  Just deleting them won't necessary fix the issues if it is looking for items that those modlets introduced into your current game.


    Without your log files or a list of mods that you installed, it is very difficult to assist you.  There can be a wide variety of issues that is causing your problem:

    • Mods that conflict with each other
    • Mods that are out of date and not updated for the latest alpha version
    • Wrong mod version installation
    • Bad mod installation
  12. 11 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:


    @BFT2020I'm saying my opinion and I can use whatever adjective I feel like.

    Sure, you can use whatever adjective you feel like...but which is the better way of going about it?


    Option 1 (your way):  TFP - your game is terrible unless you input the options I want.  I don't care if it isn't in your plan or how much work it takes, but unless you do it, this game is terrible.


    Or Option 2:   Hey TFP, I know you have a lot of work still ahead of you, but would you please look into adding an UI option to remove special zombies for some of us that don't want it?  Thanks for listening.  Keep up the good work.

  13. 8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    So it seems the game becomes terrible after game stage 25 when specials come to play. Luckily for me, I have found an updated mod that disables all specials or only zombie animals etc. and repalces them with default zombies so that's great.

    Different reactions really.  I love how the special zombies up the difficulty as the gamestage progresses.  Without them, I can make a base and just sit there all night during the bloodmoon and not worry about them penetrating it.  If that was how TFP went, I wouldn’t still be playing this game.


    And I think calling it terrible is too harsh.  Sure, you minght not enjoy it, but there are countless others who are actually looking forward to new specials that MadMole hinted at.

  14. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    okay guys TFP don't want it because  people spend too much on looting after blood moon. I wish they just let them lay on ground on rot like -  dead zombie  , rotting zombie skeleton.

    That feature was removed to improve performance.  Each zombie body became a loot container so they would stick around for a long time.  Removing that feature was amway to reduce performance loss, at least thst is what I recall they said when they made the changes.

  15. On 7/4/2021 at 2:52 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    They say otherwise but I agree. Simply a normal early access thing. Majority of interested buyer have bought.

    However I want to state what I have said before. Even if the game went gold and released next week it is totally worth the $7.50 sale price it currently sells for and have totally been worth the $20 or so I spent on it.

    I can’t remember how much I paid for this game, but definitely worth it for me also.  2,941 hours on record, easily my #1 game played on steam (#2 is Fallout 4 ar only 1,400 hours).  Not getting as many hours right now as I did when A19 was releases, but it is going against MW5 right now and I been a Mechie fan sinces the days of the first one and NetMech. 

  16. 4 hours ago, VeteranXT said:

    Aso i was kicked/banned on 7 days to die cuz i was hacked...without any warning what so ever....i mean really?

    Hackers don’t break into people’s machines, install cheating software so they can get banned from servers…..they just don’t…….

  17. 2 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

    if your landlord changes does that mean the new landlord can say he not a handyman so its not his problem that your pipes are leaking. funpimps have taken over the building getting the rent so they should fix the problems.

    You bought X.  You are not paying rent, so TFP is not obligated to fix the problems of TT’s product.


    You buy a car from Company A.  Company A goes under.  Company B buys the rights to use Company A’s trademarks and patents.  Company B is not obligated to fix the problems with your car because they purchased those rights.

  18. 5 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

    i dont care if they upadate it i just dont want it to crash and delete days of work. honestly as long as funpimps is chargeing 30 bucks for the game and not even trying to fix the massive issues they should be ready to get complaints. as far as im concerned funpimps doesn't care about their customers in the least. 

    We get it, you are a disgruntled console player that want TFP to fix TellTale’s game even though TFP are not and never were a console developer/publisher.

  19. 17 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Still means it is going to need to be revisited because, if it functions the way you say it does, then it will one shot no wood blocks after the change is implemented. Even fixing the set bonus description so it won't be a lie post implementation of the change is a revisiting.

    It really depends on how they implemented this feature.  If the perk just adds bonus damage against wooden blocks, then increasing the HP of the block would balance it out.  If it checks to see if the block is wooden and completely destroys it, then that will require a completely different approach.  We do know, based on MadMole's comments, that they will be balancing out the durability of the blocks when they introduce the new destruction mechanics.

    8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    the developers play with spears and brass knuckles, not with shotguns, so I guess not

    The developers play with everything, not sure where this comment came from or its intent.

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