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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 11 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Server client won’t run real world game time, everything is screwy when set to 24 hours = 24 hours.

    also problem would be the long nights, even horde night you’d have to wait somewhere around an hour between horde waves.

    good idea that just isn’t fun in game

    I agree.  Even if you could implement it, why would you want to?  Even with 60/90 minute days, I find the nights to be long and boring (specifically early game - late game I tend to have enough activities to keep me busy from 22:00 to 4:00 on a 90 min day setting).  Could you imagine your first night?  Just hiding out and waiting 6 WHOLE HOURS for morning?  I would go crazy myself  🤔

  2. I would think (though this is just my opinion and I am not affiliated with TFP) is that the official answer is 8 in a party since they going for 8 players Co-Op max.  You may be able to get more than 8 (same as more than 8 players playing at the same time on a server) but TFP has optimized the online play around the number of 8.


    Again I could be wrong and this is just me applying my logic to the question.  TFP could have completely different logic than I  😁

  3. 1 hour ago, Burrfly said:

    Will alpha 20 experimental be compatible with alpha 20 stable?


    I'm curious because I'm really excited for a20 and want to play it right along without having to start over if a20 stable releases

    Huh, do you mean Alpha 20 exp compatible with Alpha 19 stable?  😉


    It's always best to either A) continue playing at the Alpha 19 until you end your playthrough, or B) Start a new playthrough when upgrading between Alphas (major releases).  Since they make a lot of changes when they go from Alpha X to Alpha Y, it's always best to start anew.  When they upgrade from Alpha X.X to Alpha X.Y, you might be able to do so without a lot of issues.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I wonder how long someone could play with loot respawing turned off.

    what day would it be when you run out of coal or nitrate to make bullets or would be be when you run out of stone for cement and have to go back to wood building harvested from a small plot of trees one block above the bedrock.

    Big open void bedrock land.

    Someone get an AI playing and tell us what day stuff runs out.


    My last long playthrough I was at 125 days, loot respawn was turned off.  On a 8k map, still haven't run out of anything at that point.  Some people have gotten even further along themselves.


    Granted, I am playing SP so all the loot belongs to me.  MP would be a different experience.

  5. On 5/28/2021 at 1:49 PM, saoron666 said:


    there are games with far more greater complexity out there and giant maps that doesn't run with same concept from start to end.

    or same mobs going N,S,E,O ..but what do i know.. i dont own a studio but i am a gamer..

    i dont build cars either but i drive one..


    funny thing i said cars.. even in car industry they do changes every year and change the car completely every 5 year..




    I build cars (or at least I work for a major automotive maker) so I thought this was interesting.


    I am sure TFP could release a game in 6 years or less if they had the same capital and resources that carmakers have.  However, comparing them to a car manufacturer like Honda or GM is not very fair since the scales are not the same.


    It may seem like 6 years that the vehicle makers are introducing new models, but the research and development starts earlier than that.  We are researching new technologies to go into vehicles 6+ years out.


    Also, I don't know many carmakers out there that let you drive their vehicles while they are still in development  😉

  6. If this was implemented, it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, I would just learn to adapt.  However, I tend to also look at it to see if this would enhance my playing or not.


    Adding the skill would be a direct cost to building bases.  Lets say the skill was 3 levels (stone, concrete, steel) and tied to Intellect.  Do 1/3/5 as base stats required and to unlock the top tier base building, you need to spend 7 perk points in the Int tree.  Not an issue if you are already spending points in that tree, but my current playthrough I am not going above Int 1 for it.  So first horde night, I either will have to be lucky to find the schematic so I can unlock the first tier or spend a valuable perk point to unlock it, as wood is not going to hold back the horde at my settings.  After that, I would have to get lucky in looting or find it available at a trader.


    Then we also already have indirect costs to base building:

    • Resource gathering - Need better tools and better perks to gather more quickly - not required but it is a challenge gathering resources without these
    • Concrete mixer - perk into, find a schematic, or find a working one
    • Steel - buy it, find a crucible or the recipe, perk into the crucible, mining iron and digging up clay to make
    • Traps - either find schematics or put points into perks
    • Electricity - again, same as Traps

    So putting base building / POI upgrading behind another gate to me doesn't enhance my playing; it feels like chores at this point.


    If you were to combine things, it might make it better IMHO - for example, combine the top tier with steel production so one perk unlocks both, not requiring to unlock two separate perks to build your top tier defensive walls.

  7. I originally thought I didn't have one, but realized in my latest playthrough I do.  When using a knife and attacking / backing up  against zombies, I hate it when they do the stumble forward into an attack after I do my attack.  No matter how much I try, I always get caught into one of those situations at least every playthrough, no matter how smart i am playing. Sometimes I see it and able to react, but there is always at least once I get tagged because I didn't react fast enough or thought I could take them down before they can hit me.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    It shoulde be extended on military /police POI too

    In order to do that, you need to create special containers with unique loot tables then as the current system uses common containers that access the common loot tables.  That can be done by modding the game, but I haven't seen any comments from TFP that they are planning on making POI's have unique loot tables before release.

  9. 2 hours ago, apex1x said:


    No offence but having 3 posts to your name doesn't scream of wisdom.


    Could you please provide some evidence for ongoing and planned game optimizations?

    This game is how many years old and you think there will suddenly be an optimization design phase? This is like the cart leading the horse.


    Bottom line is 8 players is not much of a multiplayer experience. All the active servers seem to have much higher player limits.


    Posts count doesn't mean wisdom.  Some of the wisest people say very little.


    Evidence of ongoing game optimization?  How about just playing the game over the last several Alphas (both major release and the minor releases)?  We have seen evidence of the efforts that Fataal and the other devs are making in the background to improve the gaming performance.  Based on the feedback from Madmole, Fataal, and others, we also know that optimizations will continue up to the release date of this game.  This is why it is in Alpha status - adding new elements while improving the performance.


    Bottom line, TFP are working on an 8 player Co-Op experience with the game, so the game is being optimized around that target.  Sure, you can (and will see) have higher player limits, but your experience at those levels will be based on your hardware and the server's hardware.  Unable to run smoothly while exceeding the game limitations is not an issue that TFP should address.

  10. It's random.  Loot tables are based on game stage which is independent of maps.  TFP are working on introducing biome difficulty adjustments (Snow and Wasteland) where you can find better loot as a reward for higher risk, but that would apply to any map you are playing.  All of this of course only applies to vanilla.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Roland said:


    But it doesn't work with A19. Not so super now.

    Did you not know that once you make a mod for 7D2D, you are now legally required to update it for each and every update from that point on?  Every single update!!!!


    It's in the EULA if you don't believe me....super fine print that you can't read at all, but trust me, it's there  😉

  12. 3 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:


    Ways to get sand:


    Head to the desert and dig.

    Construction sites often have a large pile.

    If you have a cement mixer you can craft it from stone.


    Good luck!

    good point.  I always forget about the pile of sand at the various construction sites I visit.  I typically get all the cement, cobblestone, and stones; but I keep forgetting about that big pile of sand in the front I can shovel up to use.

  13. @bachgaman is correct.  Ammo rewards in A19 are significant from the traders right now.  I been dropping some of the excess from the traders when I complete the mission to make it more challenging (or going for the non ammo rewards if they are offering something good).


    I am looking forward to A20 to see how the TFP balance out the traders' mission rewards and trade.  It's taken a lot of willpower not to use the traders as a solution to my current problem in the game  🤔

  14. Unless you are setting up a glue manufacturing line, just looting alone should get you enough jars to make glue (and still have left over for drinks).  At the beginning you might not have very many, but you also have a lot of needs to take care of so you should prioritize your jars based on your needs.  If you keep say, 10, you have plenty to make drinks (and you get those back after you use them).  Anything else goes to murky water for making glue.


    As SylenThunder mentioned, broken glass is also useful for making glass jars once you put it in the forge.  A lot of players don't bother taking broken glass with them because they get enough empty jars from looting.

  15. @FranticDan  I am using your mod now to play the game (first mod actually I have used for 7 Days to Die).  Really enjoying it so far (I went with the Just Die Already version).


    Doing my first playthrough so I am just seeing the various aspects (not playing Permadeath) of it and really like the changes to increase the difficulty without making adding in new elements like some of the other mods out there or just making zombies bigger bullet sponges.


    Some things I like so far:

    • Running into a feral zombie on Day 1 with very little stamina left (was heading towards the trader to finish up the initial quests) - Died because I got sloppy (LOVE IT)
    • the small details you put in place ("waiting for a chicken")
    • looking out at night and seeing the radiated zombies on Day 1
    • having to deal with a cop on Day 5 while working on my base (and knowing that if I was to use my two blunderbusses to deal with him, I was going to get more zombies in the area to have to deal with)
    • the increase in zombies I am seeing out in the open when I am looting and working on missions for the trader
    • Increased requirements for recipes / less food resources out there (harvesting animals) - I am on Day 5 and doing okay on food (haven't touched any can foods I save for the higher tier recipes yet), but I noticed that I have to constantly be alert on food.  With both hunting and farming being nerfed, it is going to make me spend more time taking care of food needs.
    • Death Penalty - Like the fact that coming back from the dead, you have max XP penalty and still keep your de-buffs.  Nice to know that you can't just let your character die to avoid starving 😉
    • Starting weapon and free perk seems to be balanced.  I was worried that starting with a Q4 weapon will make the start a little too easy, but the zombies didn't care I had a Q4 bone knife on me.
    • More slots in backpack, but not free - Have to get strength up to unlock Pack Mule ranks which will be a challenge since I am doing an Agility build right now

    Some things I am on the fence right now:

    • Zombie Health Bars - mostly just because I never played with them before so it is a new option in this playthrough - worried that the health bar will make me get sloppy if I know how much health they have now.
    • Vending machines refresh set at 30 days - Only because I am currently into the game 5 days so I haven't been able to make a good observation on this.  More than likely will move up to the thing I like


    Currently, nothing I have seen that I don't like (but only 5 days in).


    One question though - you have a custom POI that needs to be installed in a Nitrogen map in order to use it for the quest.  I went with the 7D2D RWG for my playthrough assuming that this was optional (flavor POI if one wants to use it).  This won't affect my playthrough correct?

  16. 25 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    3. A while ago you totally promised to look at the new game settings and improve things like days with 240,480 etc mins, more finer/varied range for things like horde settings, loot and xp amount (1000% YAY), airdrop frequency or even newer stuff regarding Zd hp and mystical things like that (extremely made-up feature, lol) BUT you also said that it needs UI changes. So.... the question is: are some of those "more option" tweaks going to make it into a20 or is it just the one and only "feral sense option" for now ?

    I recall (but I can be wrong) that Faatal talked about looking into those settings, but never promised that they were going to change.  They would have to look at changing the UI in order to add / change more settings, but that was never promised; just something he was hoping they could do prior to Gold.

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