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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 10 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    I won't be updating either of my mods for A19, twitch integration breaks the balance changes I've made. You won't have access to the options menu if you play with A19.5

    I intend to update both of my mods for A20, for A20 I'll work on balancing integration and see what I can come up with

    I been reluctant to use mods because of the constant changes going on as TFP improve the game.  Lots of respect to all those that are releasing mods and updating them as the game mechanics in the background get changed.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:




    How about throwing us a bone and giving a release estimate.

    Everyone else this will be just an estimate not a promise so calm down.

    They won't give a date until they have a firm release date.


    Because no matter how much they say it is just an estimate, some people will take it as Gospel and just being 1 hour late will be blasphemy / burn in hell attitudes.

  3. 6 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    So having the map seed as " " was bad, having it as "" worked though. Confusing but whatever, it works.

    “ “ is not blank though.  That does have a character, which is the space.  “” is normaylly used for blank fields, at least from my experience in other situations outside of 7D2D.

  4. 14 minutes ago, mikeyscott said:

     So basically what you’re saying is we have to wait until it comes out on PC first before of consul players get a chance to play any of the updated content which I think is not fair on us consul players as it is more consul players then PC players

    How is any of this unfair?  TFP is a PC gaming company, not a console game company.  Number of players doesn't even matter.  If TFP was a console gaming company, then sure they should work towards a console version first....but since they are not......

  5. 6 minutes ago, mikeyscott said:

    And anyone message me back from the fun pimps to let me know when Alpha 19 is coming available for consul players

    From a non-TFP person.....


    Console is not going to get Alpha 19.  TFP are working on getting the PC game finished and released.  At that point, they "may" consider looking into a console publisher porting the game from the PC to the console.   However, that is going to depend on hardware requirements and interest from a console publisher in porting 7D2D.  TFP has no interest in porting Alpha versions of the game over to the console after Telltale Games went bankrupt.

  6. 10 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    I really don't see how the new system isn't forcing set paths in addition to the very gated leveling system introduced in A19. And I'm confused how preventing players from escaping horde nights in vehicles wasn't another example of forcing set paths.

    Regardless it seems like a more elegant solution for the large push for dated videogame RPG mechanics would be to change the character creator to pick stats and traits for your character to start with. Specialize or be a jack of all trades master of none or whatever. The outfit system and current skill system just seem to encourage more grinding for solo players. 

    I only play solo and I couldn't disagree with this statement anymore than I am.


    I have never been felt like the game is forcing me down any path.  Actually, any paths that I have gone down were determined by me when I started playing the game.  I have done it all.  Custom made base day 1 by Strength tree.  Custom made base day 1 but going agility.  Only using items I crafted myself.  Upgraded a POI to a horde base, every playstyle I decided to do.  Yes, by not going down the strength tree, I wasn't able to take advantage of the mother lode / tools perks.....but I was still able to build my base over time.  Is grinding involved?  Of course, but it doesn't matter what path you choose, you will still see some grinding to gather the materials you need for the game.  Int perks improve the grinding of forged metals and crafting.  Strength perks improve the grinding of mining and harvesting building materials.  Perception perks improve the grinding of salvaging materials.  However, not having any of these perks doesn't automatically make it impossible to build my base or gather the resources I need for traps and gather resources.


    As for the outfit system, why does it matter to always have the "best" outfit for each specific situation?  If mining resources is my primary objective for that day, then I will wear an outfit that benefits that activity.  I won't change out outfits if I decide to first loot out a POI that is close by (unless I was planning on returning back to my base first, then I might change out).  But if I don't change out, it is not as if the game is punishing me for that - I just don't gain the benefits from the swap.  I have at times forgotten to change out my nerdy glasses from the previous evening to the lucky looter googles when I start looting a POI.  I don't stop what I am doing and go back to get the other eyewear.  I just do it.  If I do go back to my base to swap them out, that is my choice - not the game forcing me to do anything.


    The horde system is a basic part of the game; in fact, I would say it is the CORE aspect of the game (the game is called 7D2D and the default horde night setting is every 7 days.......).  If you are playing solo and you just want to avoid the horde night by using vehicles, why not just simply shut off the horde nights?  That is actually an option that TFP provided to us players.  If you are playing multiplayer server and the settings are setup for horde nights, then it is your choice to play under those conditions; not TFP or even the server managers.

  7. Every dollar they make goes to TFP, not to PC.  They don't take the money earned from console sales and only allocate it towards the console games or vice versa.


    TFP is a PC company, plain and simple.  They don't do console games.  Telltale games purchased the rights to port the Alpha game to the consoles and were responsible for maintaining and updating the game as they saw fit.  TFP got the rights back to the console game itself after TTG went bankrupt, but those rights did not include requirements that TFP were now responsible for updating the console version of the game.  Just like they didn't have the responsibility of updating the game on the consoles when TTG owned the rights.


    TFP has stated that their focus is on the PC game, as it has been for years now.  Once they finish 7D2D for the PC, they will then look into the "possibility" of selling the rights to any publisher wanting to port the finished game over to consoles - if that is possible to do based on hardware limitations or if any console publisher wants to port the game over.


    TTG going bankrupt hurt a lot of consumers out there, not just those that purchased 7D2D.  However, blaming TFP for another company's bankruptcy and therefor, the stoppage of updates and support that TTG was going in the past is not right.

  8. Not me.  I do 90 minute days, but I typically only gain one additional level at the end of the first day.  My first day typically is a finishing tutorial quests to get the free 4 perks, find the trader, grab a buried supplies quest, find where I am going to setup for the first few nights, clear that location out, and then go do the first quest if I still have time.  I don't do anything outside of my base during the night - but I am also using a mod that spawns in radiated zombies on the first night.....

  9. 3 hours ago, The Gronk said:

    Quick question:


    A "buried supplies" mission spawning inside of my base.  Is that a bug or a feature? 


    Do you want me to file a bug report?

    Does the game know it is your base?  I.e. was there a sleeping bag laid down and active in your base when you took the quest?

  10. On 6/20/2021 at 7:29 PM, Blake_ said:

    That's cold. I wrote 5 lines. I'm not the only one around here that honours nickname or title lol. Allow me to make it shorter just for you:


    Doors? no problem design-wise. Doors lowish hp. Opening doors bia stone axe-breaking takes the same time as lockpicking, both perked or not. Why break? because door knobs or shortcuts. Same with lockpicking or not. Design unchanged.

    TBH I know I am weird but...


    I normally follow the path laid out by the POI designer.  Before I have the book, I just knock down doors as shortcuts to get back outside to fill up the chest on the ground or my vehicle.  After the book, I take out the doors to get the brass knobs....but I still follow the designated path.

  11. 7 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Right most thing what they are doing are good but  drones , new guns or this bandits variants idea are so bad - it sounds like fallout rage 2 or another stupid post apo with guys in bdsm suits and strange hairstyle. rly 7dtd should go into days gone and l4d2 way

    Drones - You don't like them, don't use them


    New guns - Pipe weapons, just a small addition to address the fact we gain ammo early game but no guns.  These are just a way for survivors to fight back with firearms early game.  Again if you don't like them then don't use them.  I think a lot of us are eagerly awaiting the pipe weapons.


    Bandits - This has been the plan for 7D2D.  A lot of us have been eagerly awaiting the bandits to be added.  If you don't want bandits in the game, ummm, don't go past Alpha 20?


    Days Gone and L4D2 are not the same genre as 7D2D.  It is like you want TFP to completely scrap the game mechanics they have setup and make this game similar to those 2 games.

  12. Related to our INT build conversations


    If you are not a puritan to INT builds and only believe that they can only use equipment they can perk into, I have found a stun baton / knife combo is very devastating, especially against tough or feral zombies.  Hit the zombie with your stun baton until you stun lock them, then switch to knife and power attack to get the bleed affects.  Then back to stun baton to keep locking them up.  Since I do a lot of backtracking and stamina recovery while using the stun baton, the bleed affects (along with the initial power attack damage) by the knife helps to take the zombie down faster. - Doesn't have to be perked into to get bleed affects.


    You can also use the club if you want to (to try and knock them down), but since the stun baton stun locks them, that is my crowd control weapon.  Also, since I already take a knife for harvesting animals I come across, I am not using up a second inventory slot purely for a melee weapon.

  13. Never had that issue with my current or previous video card.  You might want to ask in General Support sub forum and read the pin about reporting an issue.  Lots of knowledgeable people and me read the posts in that sub forum.

  14. 2 hours ago, sillls said:

    I just saw the stream of Prime and Madmole talking about the quest  Restoring power to the gas station. It's nice to see a change from all the fetch quest but why restore power? 

    What would that do? Open a treasure vault?  A workshop? Setting up a colony? 

    I think it's good but not a very good end goal. 

    Turns on the lights, duh  🙂


    TFP are turning us into maintenance workers in the apocalypse

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