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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. On 7/4/2021 at 2:52 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    They say otherwise but I agree. Simply a normal early access thing. Majority of interested buyer have bought.

    However I want to state what I have said before. Even if the game went gold and released next week it is totally worth the $7.50 sale price it currently sells for and have totally been worth the $20 or so I spent on it.

    I can’t remember how much I paid for this game, but definitely worth it for me also.  2,941 hours on record, easily my #1 game played on steam (#2 is Fallout 4 ar only 1,400 hours).  Not getting as many hours right now as I did when A19 was releases, but it is going against MW5 right now and I been a Mechie fan sinces the days of the first one and NetMech. 

  2. 4 hours ago, VeteranXT said:

    Aso i was kicked/banned on 7 days to die cuz i was hacked...without any warning what so ever....i mean really?

    Hackers don’t break into people’s machines, install cheating software so they can get banned from servers…..they just don’t…….

  3. 2 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

    if your landlord changes does that mean the new landlord can say he not a handyman so its not his problem that your pipes are leaking. funpimps have taken over the building getting the rent so they should fix the problems.

    You bought X.  You are not paying rent, so TFP is not obligated to fix the problems of TT’s product.


    You buy a car from Company A.  Company A goes under.  Company B buys the rights to use Company A’s trademarks and patents.  Company B is not obligated to fix the problems with your car because they purchased those rights.

  4. 5 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

    i dont care if they upadate it i just dont want it to crash and delete days of work. honestly as long as funpimps is chargeing 30 bucks for the game and not even trying to fix the massive issues they should be ready to get complaints. as far as im concerned funpimps doesn't care about their customers in the least. 

    We get it, you are a disgruntled console player that want TFP to fix TellTale’s game even though TFP are not and never were a console developer/publisher.

  5. 17 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Still means it is going to need to be revisited because, if it functions the way you say it does, then it will one shot no wood blocks after the change is implemented. Even fixing the set bonus description so it won't be a lie post implementation of the change is a revisiting.

    It really depends on how they implemented this feature.  If the perk just adds bonus damage against wooden blocks, then increasing the HP of the block would balance it out.  If it checks to see if the block is wooden and completely destroys it, then that will require a completely different approach.  We do know, based on MadMole's comments, that they will be balancing out the durability of the blocks when they introduce the new destruction mechanics.

    8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    the developers play with spears and brass knuckles, not with shotguns, so I guess not

    The developers play with everything, not sure where this comment came from or its intent.

  6. also make sure everything is plugged in securely.  If something is not completely plugged in, like a power cable, that might cause it to power on and off.  Check to make sure your fans are running, including the cpu fan - temperatures liike Jugginator suggested are very informative

  7. 1 hour ago, reese3031 said:

    hi i'm having issues with my game 19.5 with in 10 mins into the game my pc shuts off with no warning.before the update game was playing fine. my pc is new and had done no changes to it or the game. i don't use any mods

    Sounds more like a hardware issue than a 7D2D issue if your PC is shutting down.  I am assuming by update you mean going from 19.4 to 19.5.  If you were running 19.4 with no issues, updating to 19.5 wouldn’t all of a sudden cause your PC to crash without an underlying issue.  Is your computer shutting down or rebooting or the video going out but the computer is staying on?

  8. 28 minutes ago, TWORDY said:


    Everything seems blunt... I would have swallowed the current classes system only if at least all weapons and armor types were available in every class. 

    Wait, Int builds can’t use shotguns or AKs or pistols?  Looks at weapons used during my last horde night……I must be a hacker then. 🤔

  9. I never used it to get the loot off of tall buildings.  It was mostly for cities way out there when I wanted to loot a specific POI or going on a trader shopping spree.  The ability to take a direct route from one location to another made it easier to travel and quicker overall, rather than trying to go off-roading and avoiding pits and such that would cause me to get stuck, or taking the roads but never in a direct route to my location.

  10. 2 hours ago, saltychipmunk said:


    But  demolishers would have blown themselves up ages ago, and the burnt zombies being walking volcanoes just looks odd.


    The backstory (from my recollection) is that the Demolishers are a creation of the Duke, or that was the thinking.  It has been awhile since that was originally discussed.

  11. When I hunt, I make sure I am aware of my surroundings and where the prey is based on landmarks (large rocks, trees, roads, etc.)  When I take out the prey (rabbits, chickens, boars, deer, etc), I know where the general vicinity is.  Even if I have to dispatch nosy zombies in the area, I am able to find the animal based on the landmarks I used.  Using landmarks in the wild is as old as time itself.

  12. 7 hours ago, Anxiety123 said:


    Never combine horde and production bases.  Always separate them.


    I do that (In my current playthrough and my previous playthrough).  I was at Day 125 when I got bored with it and restarted over.  You can successfully setup a base to do both.

  13. Huh?  I don't find the heatmap forcing me to move.....I must be missing something.


    Also, a lot of what you put in there as options seems to me simply asking to remove any difficulty in the game......

  14. 3 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Starting bow is useless in current form. Too frustrating to bother with.

    I always use the primitive bow until I find a better one or can craft it (which can take awhile either way).


    I find the struggle to using the bow a great part of the game.  It means that every animal I take out with it (or for the larger ones, that initial sneak attack) is well earned rather than simply pointing and clicking.


    Plus, hitting a rabbit running parallel to you while using the primitive bow when you say heck with it I am going for it, just pure joy  😁

  15. 8 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    I see that even yourself are underestimating the drone if just a little bit. Veterans know the importance of more storage capacity far too well. That singlehandedly makes the drone the most important gizmo in this game, far above any weapon. You can survive without shooting or "meleeing" a single zd by just using traps, but without storage, there is no game.


    There's no : "plz wait and you'll see" with the drone. It's just: "YAS, MOAR SPACE".

    Especially for those that play pretty much vanilla or mods that don't break storage capability.  Having that drone with my intelligence builds will mean less trips back out to my storage chests outside a POI that I am looting / scrapping.  If you play with mods that remove that restriction (i.e. remove any storage / carrying penalties), then this drone will be a "meh".

  16. 2 hours ago, susumu0607 said:

    Not the flowers, but the box too. Is the line down? I'm not sure if the line is down or not, so I can't even chat. Sometimes I log in and don't wake up for a long time, other times it's right after I log in. There are no logs of errors or dropped connections.
    I'm sure there are others out there who have this problem...

    Sure, but with very little information, there is no way to determine what is the problem.


    Follow the instructions in this pinned thread


  17. 1 hour ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    Now it's being reported that after 2023, Win 11 will REQUIRE a front facing camera, except on desktop PCs.




    What possible technical reason would require that?


    I'm gonna have to make a thicker tinfoil hat it seems.


    Not technical, but to support virtual meetings.  If you dwell deeper into the webcam requirements, you can see it is all about higer quality video cameras for the new normal.

  18. 17 hours ago, playlessNamer said:

    Why should i wear anything else than the fight and loot set out there? I think this is in theory allready worse than classic leather weak but fast, iron strong but slow system.

    Forced changing outfits sounds very horrorfull for me. The complete concept they have shown sounds horrible at all, its a best in slot mechanic.

    Nobody is forcing you to change outfits.  If you want to min max your game playing, that is the choice you are making.


    I love how people make the choice to min max gaming, how they make the choice to switch out outfits just to get a small bonus; then complain that they are being “forced” to do the thing they choose to.

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