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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    but yeah A20 seems to be taking a long, long time. Guessing that many of the Pimps are working on the new unannounced game, which is fine and probably better. I stand by what I have said “the majority of us paid around $20 for the game, as it is now it is a perfectly fine $20 game”

    Compared to past Alpha releases, doesn't really feel like it is taking a long, long time.  This is based on the announcements when each version was released and only goes back to Alpha 18


    A20 TBD
    A19.5 5/28/2021
    A19.4 3/10/2021
    A19.3 12/21/2020
    A19.2 10/19/2020
    A19.1 9/22/2020
    A19 8/19/2020
    A18.4 3/4/2020
    A18.3 1/24/2020
    A18.2 12/4/2019
    A18.1 11/12/2019
    A18 10/25/2019
  2. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well someone can have opinion about something and don't doing this - i think machete is useless   so i don't use  (logical) 

    That's all fine, but when opinions are requests to change the item or the perk or the playstyle, it does make a difference.


    I love the Knife perks and love the weapons.  I may also be one of the few that do go from Bone to Iron to Machete.  I don't find any of them useless, but I am a player that doesn't just look for the strengths of builds / weapons / items; I love the weaknesses that they have, or the choices I have to make.


    I love builds that are weak in combat because if I can make it to day 100+ using hard settings or a mod that ramps up the difficulty, I know it is because of the effort I made to overcome the weaknesses; not because something is so OP I can just stand there and hit the attack button over and over again.

  3. 4 hours ago, rupalimittra said:


    You know the GPU situation is bad when Jay makes a tutorial on how to buy a prebuilt 😅

    I've built every PC I've owned since I was 12, but man it's tempting to go pre-built for what I need right now....


    I got extremely lucky when my power supply went out last year in October.  I was able to get everything I needed for my computer around Oct/Nov.  Though I did go with a 2080 and didn't even look / wait for the 3000 series GPUs (I never buy the latest generation when I build the computer, I always go with the previous GPU - so far been fortunate enough to get many years out of my computer before I have to upgrade).

  4. 4 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    My biggest peeve is that sleepers don't have any foot step noise until they've either taken damage, or they've attacked you. Even with the addition of the sleepers making occasional snarls when awake, it's not enough and I've had way too many close calls to unfair deaths because you can't hear a feral/radiated behind you

    Says the guy who makes a mod where you can run into a feral on Day 1 before noon  😉


    Loving your mod if you can't tell

  5. 6 hours ago, 7daystodierocks said:

    or better yet maha a proper random world generator as right now on every seed i spawn it looks like somebody shook up a scrabble game and left it all messy

    You really are not paying attention to the Alpha 20 notes are you.  RWG is being worked on for Alpha 20.....

  6. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Now does the int-player have problems at start? I don't think so:


    1) As dscobral explained the INT player gets the fastest progression and is saving lots of time because of better mobility.

    2) As perk points are rare at start other attributes are still only lowly perked into their weapon. So the difference to the unperked non-INT weapon the INT player would normally use in addition to turret is rather low (10-30%).

    3) The pusher turret is the single most effective item in the game for horde nights and while still very useful unperked the INT player definitely  gets more out of it.

    The only thing I disagree with (but they are addressing in Alpha 20) is that the Int tree has the only melee weapon you can perk into at the beginning, but not obtainable if the trader doesn't have it.  Every other tree melee weapon you can put points in at after the tutorial quests are completed and craft / use a Q2 melee weapon at the beginning.


    With the Pipe baton coming in Alpha 20, that takes care of that.


    Otherwise, I am perfectly happy that spec'ing purely into the Int tree means my weakness is my combat skills until I get my hands on turrets.

    10 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    The Perception tree is decent as well. A bit of Strength is a nice-to-have so you can dig, open those crates and get cobblestone/cement faster, or if you are really unlucky getting that auger from the trader, but definitely nothing worth going above Str 3 (2 + cigar). Fortitude has nothing useful, and Agility is pretty much devoid of anything unrelated to combat except for Parkour, and Parkour is another fun-but-unnecessary perk.

    This really only applies to vanilla 7D2D (and I have no issues with that).  I am playing a mod right now (Just Die Already) where perking up higher in those trees are actually useful.  For example, the mod nerfs farming and food is an issue a lot longer into the game than vanilla is.  Throw in significant less loot than vanilla, being able to perk into Lvl3 living off the land drastically reduces the cost of farm plots and open up the ability to craft seeds.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Also, i specifically stated the day 7 horde, your day 125 is irrelevant as you cannot get 7 auto turrets by day 7 on 60 minute days. So I'm thinking you have 150% loot abundance, if not more to be swimming in ammo if you didn't get any from quests.

    If you are using bullets on day 7, you are wasting ammo.  Typically I am only using arrows and blunderbuses on the first couple of horde nights.  Save the ammo for when the hordes get much tougher.


    Nope, I never go above 100% on loot abundance.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Sounds like broken bone or being infected. They don’t significantly debuff and they last a long, long, long time.

    Easier to just deal with it until it becomes a problem then do a suicide run to remove them.

    They just aren’t fun in their current form.

    Unless you play a mod where it doesn't remove them when you die  😉


    Well, if they are not fun to have when you are playing, I think TFP did a good job on them then  😉


  9. 5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    I don't want to use the club or sledge every playthrough but like, it's kind of hard not to when you can just kill the zombie instead of spending 10 minutes doing a Benny Hill skit where you chase the zombies around on a sheet of ice as it flies all over the house with you spanking it with your 1 damage electric fly swatter. I'd honestly say an unperked club is probably more useful than a fully perked and full build stun baton lol

    I think the only limiting factor is you.  I have done all melee weapons a lot with the exception of the spear and unarmed.  I really need to do those at some point but I keep getting distracted.  Blades are my favorite go to right now.  I have never felt like I had to use either the club or sledge to be effective.


    Stun batons are great against ferals.  Had one rushing at me so I just started smacking it with my baton.  Getting the feral locked up / stun means you can keep hitting it, then zap it again.  Or if you got one in a bunch of zombies, whack the others to build up the charge and use the zap to stun the feral.  Makes crowd control a breeze at that point.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    Can any dev comment on the QoL changes or changes in general for Stun Baton? Are any even on the table? As someone who started a new A19.5 run with the explicit intention to do a Stun Baton character . . . yeah . . .


    IMO, you shouldn't need to have candy + a book only mod + an entire perk line + your junk turrets going all combined to basically just let the junk turrets do what they would already have done anyway. I couldn't even get a single stun baton for the entire first week, which made the build very sad as well, so I'm hoping it gets some drop rate changes to actually be usable as a starting weapon as I'm pretty sure damage wise it's out damaged by a stone axe rofl

    Alpha 20 is getting the Pipe Baton for Int builds.  That should greatly help in early game play as the Int tree was the only one that had a melee weapon you can perk into but didn't get it until much later.


    However, don't expect the baton to improve overall in damage compared to the others.  Right now it looks like the plan is to keep the Int tree the worst in regards to combat (if you pure spec into it), but obviously that can change down the road and I don't have any more insight into the Int tree than anyone else eagerly waiting for Alpha 20 😉


  11. 19 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    If you don't do quests in A20, you will NEVER get the proper amounts of ammo for horde nights on default settings since you can get up to 200 bullets which is quite literally needed. Especially since wood spikes don't do literal @%$# compared to a15.


    Plus in A21 we're going to get gamestages and loot tables for POIs to have their own tables as well so you won't see stone @%$#ing tools in a hardware store. (I don't care what anyone says, Other entities DID NOT reseal them. If they did, i would get banned from servers for breaking the boxes, replacing them with my own chests, and stocking them myself. It's a dumb argument.)

    I think you got your Alphas mixed up (We are currently on Alpha 19, Alpha 20 is just around the corner).


    First point you made up above - I was up to Day 125, survivalist setting, hordes every 5 days, maxed zombies.  I did not have to do quests to get ammo.  I basically looted POIs, mined raw resources, and purchase ammo from the traders.  I had to stock up 8 Auto turrets, 4 shotgun turrets, and have enough ammo for my personal weapons.  I wasn't really doing any quests, but that did not hinder my ability to restock for every horde night.


    I don't recall TFP stating that the gamestages and loot tables were being linked to POIs.  They have stated that the harder biomes were going to have differences in loot tables as a risk / reward type of system in Alpha 20.  Have you heard differently that now POIs are going to have unique loot tables?

  12. 1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:

    If you can't stealth more than 90% of the time because zombies have auto-trigger once you pass an invisible barrier, then it's a problem. Which is what EVERYONE complains about, because you know, it's a problem.


    I'm having a hard time figuring out how you missed the point entirely.

    Not if it is the intent of the Developers that you cannot stealth 100% of the time and those rooms are setup to ensure that you cannot.  It wouldn't be a problem at that point, more of how they are approaching the game intent / design.


    He didn't miss the point.  This point has been debated for so much over and over again.

  13. Nerve racking.  4k world, my base is in a city that is half forest and half snow biome.  Had to do a fetch quest inside the snow biome portion.  Snuck between 2 mountain lions to get in, found the satchel, then went outside on the second floor to make my get away.


    Three mountain lions were beating on the front.  I went to the back and snuck my way out and around.  Decided to take a screenshot on my getaway (third lion moved behind the tree when I took the ss)  🙂


    Then later on that evening, I fell off a ledge into the waiting paws of a bear....sigh  I go from having the luckiest day to the unluckiest night (no ss of the bear eating me)


  14. 19 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Cool, thanks. :)


    I might start it earlier than expected, since I just deleted my 7D2D world on day 5... I haven't made it past that point since late A18.

    I am restarting my game too.  Talking about it made me want to stop my Agility build at Day 25 and restart speccing into Int as my main.  Generating my map now  🙂

  15. 2 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Cool, thanks. :)


    I might start it earlier than expected, since I just deleted my 7D2D world on day 5... I haven't made it past that point since late A18.

    This is what I typically choose when I go Intellect.


    • Max out Electrocution
    • Max out robotics
    • Max out physician
    • Max out Advanced Engineering
    • I typically only go up to 4x4 with Grease Monkey, I wait to find the schematics for the gyrocopter
    • Better Barter maxed to be able to get solar banks / cells ASAP


    To help in combat, I typically take the first perk in Sex Rex and Flurry of Blows


    Survival perks to help out, especially with SP


    Turrets (Q6) - I go with Drum, extended barrel, auto trigger, and rad remover on the one I put the normal junk shells in and Drum, shotgun choke, semi trigger, and cripple mod for the turret I use the shotgun junk rounds for.  Some people prefer not to use the shotgun junk rounds since they don't work well long range, but I always use this turret for short engagements so I like the extra damage I get from it.


    Oh, and you are not a melee god going this route.  The key is finding / building a junk turret ASAP and using it.  Mobility is key.


    POTs will take longer as you will need to set turret(s) down, clear an area, pick them up, and repeat.



  16. 1 hour ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Regarding the Intellect build, just asking out of curiosity, has anyone tried to set up mini kill stations within tougher POI's to fall back to? (All you would need to bring along with you is some gas, a generator bank, some engines, a wire tool, a turret or two, and some ammo to fill them.)


    So you've obviously played an Intellect build before. Would you mind sharing some screenshots (or with just basic text) displaying the perks you personally selected? If anyone is still cautiously interested in trying said build (like yours truly), they could use it as a basic guide. :) Ex. When you take perk A, when you take perk B, etc.

    You basically do that with the auto junk turrets, especially if you have it maxed out so both can fire at the same time.  I will place my regular one facing towards the direction I am moving forward and the one loaded with shotgun junk ammo facing backwards.  If I get oberwhelmed by the number or quality of zombies, I fall back so the zombies follow me.  Then my rear facing turret shoots them from behind.  Lots of moving around to keep the turrets constantly  firing with the baton strike when they get in close.


    I don’t have screenshots as I am bad at taking them when I play, but I should be able to fire up the game in a bit and try to remember all that I took - I won’t be able to recall the order though since it was a few playthroughs ago.


  17. You can not simply just compare Weapon A to Weapon B.  That is not how this is game was designed.  You have to understand how the setup you have chosen should be played effectively.  How you play a pure Strength build is different from how you would play a pure Agility build vs how you would play a pure Int build.  When I max my perks into strength build, I know I can stand toe to toe with zombies (Heavy armor, Club or Sledge, Shotgun) and tear them apart at close range.  When I spec into the agility build, I am all about mobility and getting in an initial sneak attack (Light armor, blades, archery, gunslinger, hidden strike, flurry of blows).  When I play Int, it is all about making use of my turrets with my baton as my backup should things get too hairy.


    In all of these cases though, I am always using weapons outside of my primary builds (including sniper rifles and assault rifles - nothing is preventing me in my current Agility playthrough of using the sniper rifle, the shotgun, assault rifles, or turrets).  Heck, the last time I played Int as my primary build, I was using a compound bow to get sneak shots in when clearing out POIs even though I didn't put one point into the archery perk tree.


    If you want to limit your weapons based on the tree you picked, that is your choice.  The game is not pushing you to do that and more power to you.  But you cannot claim that the game is unbalanced because you made those choices.  I have not seen any comments from TFP staff that should you perk into strength, you are not allowed to use pistols or assault rifles.  The same thing applies to Int builds.


    My biggest complaint about the Int tree is obtaining the stun baton.  Right now in Alpha, I can be very unlucky and not get it for a long time.  That is why I am excited to see A20 with the pipe weapons and the pipe baton.

  18. 31 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Even if they were equal, which they are not (they should fall short by a lot in kills) they will never have the mobility of the rest of the builds rendering it innefective in many parts of the night AND in POI Clearing (which does not really matter in this case).

    weird, we must be playing different games as I did not have any issues clearing out POIs and defending against hordes when I spec’d into Int as my main build.

  19. 21 hours ago, saoron666 said:

    Look at the Cybertruck from Tesla! no price yet, not ready yet, in development still, ready to come out in 2-3 years maybe ... but still there is a few of them out there and Jay Leno got to drive one also..and Elon Musk brought it on stage to show it. that's how you show your clients and customers we are working to give you something soon..

    i actually left the deposit on it ..


    they show what's called " There is Hope" wait and see.... so idk what car maker company you work ..


    I work in the electrification department at General Motors, so not exactly a small car maker.


    The 2-3 years you mentioned is when the vehicle is in the final stages of being released, this doesn't include all the time prior in developing all of the subsystems necessary for the production of the Cybertruck.  When it was revealed in 2019, all of the engineering work and development work was completed.  At that point, they were working on final validation of the vehicle and setting up a production facility to start in 2021 (likely end of 2021 but mostly will be mass produced around 2022 when they get the line up to full production).  If you were to use the same development cycle of games to the Cybertruck, the working vehicles demonstrated would be in the Beta stage, not in the Alpha stage.  The ones that are out there are being used for final validation (being tested by Tesla employee's) and marketing.  Everyone that has pre-ordered the truck, not a single customer has one and driving it today.


    TFP has done exactly that (show your clients what you are working on with the various Alphas we have been able to play along with constant communication out from the development team on upcoming changes and where they are at with it) what you are saying Tesla is doing, except allowing customers to play the game during the Alpha development as soon as they had their first working Alpha.



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