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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 58 minutes ago, Life_For_Dead said:


    -_- xDDD

    I said "a little tool" but that doesn't mean "incomplete/simple" tool with less options/functionality...

    It's not complicated at this point to see a video to know how to set a city to small...

    I used Nitrogen who are not complicated too...

    Or will you said maybe I miss a second option (or whatever) to re-set again city to small??? I don't think so...


    Just see my result here & what I set: https://postimg.cc/bDJ60P2B


    Edit: But for a another thing, here maybe my fault, but there's is no road, we have to draw them ourselves? It's not automatic?

    The lack of roads and the one city location is based on your settings.


    Instead of having towns set to 0 and villages set to few, switch those two settings.  In addition, change grid sizes from medium to small.  Since you are trying to generate a 4k map, you don't have enough land for medium size cities / towns and have them spread out.  You can either have a large city on the map or smaller ones spread out.  You will still get some maps with everything in one location but you will also start getting some that are spread out with roads connecting.


    Since you have it set to villages (instead of towns), it is not drawing roads onto the map.


    Note:  These are just my observations, KingSlayer would be more knowledgeable as he created the tool.

  2. 1 hour ago, AmethystLainey said:

    I have a question, Is it impossible to use the same map when you have a mod with special POI or when you add POIs  ?

    For example I need to have a special map for WOTW it cant be the same as the mods that only have Vanilla POI?

    It's typically not impossible, but takes some work.  If a mod requires special POIs that are not part of the vanilla POIs, you will need to generate a map with those POIs (custom POI list for either Nitro or KingGen).  You can also import the POIs if you use the game's RWG creator.  I believe you can also import POTs into Nitro/KingGen maps, but it is easier to do it when you are generating the map rather than after.


    Detailed instructions on what you need to do can be found in the map generation threads in Mods -> Tools.

  3. @Naz


    You have my thanks.  I wasn’t having issues, but I did want to use your suggestions to make my system more stable while running 7D2D.  I did have a brain freeze when figuring out what I needed to put in the value for affinity to get Cores 0, 2,4, & 6 allocated; but looking at you shortcuts, I realized I wasn’t thinking in computer (i.e. hex). :clap2:

  4. 10 hours ago, meganoth said:

    All that a typical player would probably care for is how much coin he would get for the quest, unless that NPC being "mayor" had some consequence outside the immediate quest. This is directly discussing how a specific feature in the game would be received by players and if it would have the hoped for result.


    An idea here would be that it increases reputation with some faction to save a mayor (if reputation ever gets into this game) or that some area is safer for a while if a mayor is saved (if a variable area safety mechanism were added to the game).

    I wish all missions could have a more direct influence on the game, like buried supplies missions would increase the amount of stock in the trader you completed it for; rather than just some items and dukes as a reward.  Then if you didn’t do the missions, the trader’s stock would not increase over time.


    Then hour actions would influence how much help the traders would give you in the game.

  5. 11 hours ago, Dayhawk said:

    OK so after yet another day I finally figured out a solution. So it will take me a bit but I will have a mod that makes all POI's have no power. Welcome to the world after the grid is dead. Muhahaha

    Does that also extend to power devices made by the player?  Is the player stuck with just torches and candles, or does lights made by the player work normally?


    Curious as I think that is a cool idea to be totally dark.  I like to make my world darker than the game's default settings to get that "Oh crap" sensation at night  🙂

  6. Has your graphic driver recently updated?  I am assuming that nothing else is causing issues as you play (no drops in performance, no stuttering, no crashes) and the only thing that has changed are the graphics.  Since you also mentioned not playing for 3 months so I am also assuming you have plated Alpha 19 with no issues before.


    A hardware issue I would think we would see other issues (like crashing and such) which is why I am leaning towards a driver issue right now.  I am on a PC so not much experience with Macs, but if it was me, I would look at anything software related to graphics (drivers, DirectX, etc).


    You also mentioned Darkness Falls, I assume this issue exists also in vanilla


    13 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Npc rescue missions would certainly be a fun quest/activity.  Perhaps something similar will/can be added once bandits and other human npcs make it into the game.


    It would be a shame if all we got quest wise were basic kill x, clear and fetch types.  I encourage you to attend one of the several a20 dev streams when they get started and ask for this feature live...😅


    I would hope the a rescue mission be more than just transport Meat Sack 1 from Point A to Point B.  It would be great if they were a true rescue mission where you are rescuing a group that follows Noah that consists of civilians and guards.  Where they need rescue because the guards are critically low on ammo and members of the party are hurt which slows them down significantly.  Then you have a choice:  Do you distribute your supply of ammo and medical supplies to the group to improve the chances of getting them safely to their destination, or do you keep everything yourself and roll the dice to see if you can escort such a large group by yourself and doing all the work while slowly making your way to the safe zone.

  8. 2 hours ago, MIOLOmole said:

    Remit yourself to your insignificance. Who are you to say what can and cannot be done in the game? Everything you say is not validated by the TFP. That's why you're on my level in this forum. School programming knowledge does not classify you as apt. You are rude and stubborn. Cheers !!!

    again proving my point. 😁

  9. Try launching the game launcher first (go to Steam library, hit the play button, and select Show Game Launcher.  Choose tools and select Clean game data....


    Then validate files through steam once again.


    This is just a guess, but a good spot to try until someone with better knowledge comes along to help.

  10. 6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Npc rescue missions would certainly be a fun quest/activity.  Perhaps something similar will/can be added once bandits and other human npcs make it into the game.


    It would be a shame if all we got quest wise were basic kill x, clear and fetch types.  I encourage you to attend one of the several a20 dev streams when they get started and ask for this feature live...😅


    I don’t mind a rescue mission, I just hope it would be executed correctly by TFP if they were to go this route.  Otherwise I would avoid it like the plague if it goes from a rescue mission to a babysitting mission.


    The bandit AI will give us an idea if this can be pulled off correctly.

  11. 58 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Now english isn't my mother language, I may be wrong about this. If some native english speaker wants to comment, this is what I said:

      Hide contents

    Rescue missions will get stale like any other mission once you have done a few dozen. Who cares if that NPC is called "mayor"? If the mayor then doesn't feature prominently in a story all it means is that "mayor" means a bit more money. A quest isn't suddenly more fun if you get twice the money out of it.


    What you said  was fine, it came out the way you intended.

    5 hours ago, MIOLOmole said:

    So using your words " who cares " of your school programming achievments !!! Its a matter of LOGIC. I stick to this Everything that has already been done in 7D2D only PROVES that the basics of my idea can also be done ... and that should be the part to discuss. " However, it seems like you are taking his discussion of this request as personal (as if anyone that doesn't fully agree with you is against you)." ... WHO is anyone ?? Your brotherwood ??

    Again, proving my point.  You are attacking others when you dismissed their opinions / comments as based on “school programming achievements.”  You don’t know mine or meganoth’s programming experience, so when we mentioned what would it take and where TFP is in regards to non-zombie AI, you immediately go after us with childish attacks on our credentials.


    Anyone is anyone you would use the same tactic against, not a brotherhood or mates - I only know meganoth through the forums and is simply someone I have discusses with and against ideas.  I don’t like it when people use these tactics and willing to speak up about them when it is used on someone.

  12. 1 hour ago, AmethystLainey said:

    I was trying KG and wasnt really liking it as much as Nitro was hoping the In Game was better LOL.


    BFT -I thought SNOW north and Dessert South was a thing :(


    Both Nitro and KG allow customizations in regards to the desert and snow.  When you generate the maps, you can select different options regarding those biomes.


    The game's RWG creator normally places the biomes opposite of one another.  However, it is not necessary North / South.  The current map I have is West / East.

  13. 3 hours ago, MIOLOmole said:

    " have been programming " doesn´t mean u meet the requirements/standards of the gaming industry ... if that was so important, pls point your portfolio, so that we can judge your professional skills. Discuss is what I'm being doing, since my first post. Where did I took it personal ?? I simply don't agree to your justifications. I stick to this Everything that has already been done in 7D2D only proves that the basics of my idea can also be done ... and that should be the part to discuss. The only person taking it personal is u, since my first post. Cheers !!!

    Have you done any programming?  If you have, you would understand that while computer languages change, the basic principles you learn via programming stay the same.  It is all about the process.  Once you strip down the differences of the computer languages, each language has the same thing:  Processes, steps, algorithms.   meganoth has experience in programming so he understands the process and what it would take. 


    You do understand that there are other fields of programming, not just the gaming industry?  But to simply imply that the opinions of others doesn't matter because they don't meet your standards of programming is shortsightedness on your part.


    meganoth has not been rude to you or been attacking you; he just has been discussing of what you requested, what he knows has been requested in the past, and what TFP are doing today that may affect what you asked for.  However, it seems like you are taking his discussion of this request as personal (as if anyone that doesn't fully agree with you is against you).

  14. Just now, Matt115 said:


    okay i manage what was i problem XD i was hiting frame near them and "plastic" was  catered by stron from frame XD god i was too much tired XD sorry for that guys

    I was driving my minibike once and managed to drive myself into a hole I dug for a buried quests mission several days before....eh we're human  😁

  15. 15 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    For this game, mods have no requirement to be compatible with each other, leaving that to users to figure out.

    When you're running as many different mods as you are, problems are likely.


    One way you could sort it out is to create a small new test world with no mods, and confirm that everything works as expected.

    LGSM will let you do this without disturbing your original world.

    Then add in half your mods and see if you have the problem. If so, you've narrowed it down to one or more of those mods.

    Repeat as necessary until you find the problem. Or you could add one at a time until you get the problem.


    I am at work so I can't open paste bin links (and thus cannot see how many mods he has).


    I recommended to someone in the past who had around 104 mods to do them in batches of 10.  That makes it easier to isolate the problem (compared to 52 which would have been half in their case) and faster than doing it one by one.  In the end, it was the last 4 mods they installed that was causing the issues. But I may be giving advice in this situation that is not necessary since I can't read the log file  🙂

  16. Actually meganoth was not arguing against it.


    First, he pointed out at the beginning was that TFP are working on introducing bandits prior to going Gold.  A lot of what you are thinking of would be tied into that project as the bandits themselves will require AI to operate well in the environment of 7D2D.  So TFP are already busy on working on an AI for them.


    Second, any AI needs to take into account the world that they are in.  They need to react to threats around them and to traverse an environment that can change (if you rescue the AI, do you want them to go the blocked door and just wait there until you clear it or go through the hole you created in the wall to get to them).  A simple magnet pull AI would not suffice.  If there is a deep hole between you and the NPC, the NPC will simply fall into the hole.  If there is a threat nearby (Zs), you don't want the NPC to just stand there and take hits.  You want them to react to the world around them, not just become Simon from Neebs Gaming.  Now, we are not saying that they have to be advanced AI where they need to act like they are human; but nobody wants to escort / rescue a Simon; and we have all seen bad NPC behavior in past games where it frustrated the player (aka Fallout 4 is a great example).


    Third, TFP already have a list of things they want to get done before going Gold; and they don't want to drag out the Alpha development even more adding more and more content in the game.  While they will add some things in as they finish up their big ticket items, this might be one of those things that a modder would add later on once TFP have the basic elements added to the game (bandit models, bandit AI, drone AI).

  17. 1 minute ago, theFlu said:

    I don't think I've ever seen one in vanilla.


    I think the heat map itself is deactivated for the horde hours.. if you cause heat after 4 am while mopping up the horde, you can get a screamer there, but from 22 to 4 you can run all your forges for free.

    I only recently been playing with a mod, but I could sworn I have seen screamers as part of a bloodmoon on some earlier Alphas.  That might have been removed at one point and I am thinking about the olden days.....or I could be completely mistaken.  I have put so many hours in the game that sometimes things blend in.

  18. 13 hours ago, MubaraksaGen said:

    6) Now the abilities in the game are quite unbalanced, from the beginning of the game you can improve trade and knock out good weapons from merchants, it would be more logical if improving one line of skills would reduce the effectiveness of other branches of abilities.  In other words, by improving only intelligence to the maximum, the character's damage from all types of weapons and health and stamina indicators would worsen.  And to avoid this, it would be required to maintain the same level for all branches of abilities.

    So the suggestion is to make Int players worse in terms of combat because of their negotiation skills with traders?  Do you, by chance, hate smart people?  😉


    Int builds are already handicapped in using the weapons of other trees if they don't spec into them.  In fact, Int builds are believed to be the least combat capability tree out there (personally, I like the challenge of playing them early game as combat doesn't come easy to them until they get double turrets deployed).


    Also, your suggestion seems to be a way of forcing Int players to go one specific route, and that is hybrid.  Int only builds already have handicaps, but if you push to make them worse, I feel like this would be limiting the options for Int builds.

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