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Everything posted by BarryTGash

  1. I think the buried treasure quest, as of A20, will generate a small horde when you dig enough to bring the radius down - I noticed this too in vanilla (also spawning an external horde when you enter a poi).
  2. Just noticed that the power armour can't take the ablative armour mods - does power armour already provide a 10% per piece reduction to chance to be set on fire? Assume customized fitting mods can't be installed as they'd clash with the inherent mobility bonus compared to titanium armour? Thanks!
  3. (In before TFP nerfs day loot stage instead)
  4. It's nearly at that point that the roles are reversed and the ai is cheesing us 🧀 😆
  5. How about: https://7daystodiemods.com/one-hour-of-daylight/?
  6. Spawning in late is definitely an issue. One example; I was looting the skyscraper building site - had just crossed over the crane arm and jumped across to the area that usually contains a welcome party. Instead, there was no one there - so I carried on up the ladder. Got halfway up, then remembered the little loot room down the hatch, climbed down the ladder and everything spawned around me... I find it hard to believe that's desired behaviour.
  7. I seem to be permanently stoned - the 10m timer doesn't go down and manually debuffing (debuff buffstoned3) doesn't work - the 'buff' reapplies. I'm generally not too fussed but the 20% debuff to food/water consumption is a bit of a concern - especially considering nachos aren't a thing to satiate those munchies...
  8. I noticed in the creative menu some rather cool looking shipping container blocks for walls and doorways - I can't seem to find a way to make these in survival through the shapes menu. Can anyone confirm they are creative only? Thanks.
  9. When Piriform was bought out by Avast in 2017(?) is when CCleaner got ccleaned from my system. As an aside, any improvement you saw was purely coincidental.
  10. I'm not sure if blocks have listed which faces have attachment points in their parameters, as per some other block based games?
  11. Here's an alternative: have a bulletin board outside trader outposts that you can accept new quests from at any time, day or night. You are still required to visit the trader personally, when they're open, to cash in those completed quests. Perhaps this way you could accept more than 1 quest at a time and bank up rewards from completed quests that you turn in when you go back on restock day?
  12. Hang on - is it your custom map or a community map? Can you post it (or a screenshot/preview of it)? Are you using custom biome maps too?
  13. Might be a height issue? Try raising the snow level, perhaps. Which map?
  14. There's (at least) two things going on here: 1. One is 8bit, the other 16bit grayscale 2. The smaller file size one is much smoother, meaning the lossless compression algorithm is much more effective. Conversely, there's a lot of finer, random, detail in the larger map. Here's a link to an 8bit version of Tricorn - it's still really big in comparison (30mb): https://mega.nz/file/6qAFCKwY#HODbEEbjJgZAD43Yuq4FTrzTycI27oF-flvCWYLDUOo
  15. Done and done. Tricorn Island is a relatively large file at 16k/16bit 125mb. If there are any issues with the google drive link, let me know and I'll sort something else out.
  16. This looks seriously good. It's so quick - 16k on my poor old 4790K is done in 4 minutes. Here's a couple of previews of heightmaps I originally created for Nitrogen. I think some custom biome, city and zoning maps will really make them shine - but that'll have to wait. I'm off to explore!
  17. I think I've answered my own question. Water apparently needs to be totally #000000. This island came out much better. I really love the way Nitrogen generates urban sprawl. Super cool.
  18. First, thanks for this amazing tool - I can't remember the last time I played on a non-Nitro map! I note that import_HM.png is flipped vertically - is this by design? Not that it's really a big deal. On a separate note, please see the attached heightmap and corresponding preview map. Is there anyway to prevent towns being generated in the water? Whilst it could be quite a cool map, it's not what I'm after at the moment Thanks in advance. (original map nabbed from here: https://medium.com/@travall/procedural-2d-island-generation-noise-functions-13976bddeaf9)
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