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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Ouch. I haven't experienced this on a Windows setup so far. Is this happening in Windows Single Player or when you join a server? It seems the Linux server build is not being very compatible with some of the shader textures. Can you also confirm these are the very latest versions of the mods as some were updated with new shaders to help fix this issue?
  2. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    This is a very good point and something Addon creators will be given more guidance on as things move forward. These settings are governed independently by the Addon creators, with the NPCMod acting as base for them to be powered by, but guidance is clearly essential to ensure parity when multiple Addon Packs are installed. While things are being set up and stabilised, it has been a bit of a free for all with one pack setting higher spawn rates than another. This makes it rather futile to combine Addon Packs if one is not going to spawn. Some guidance for Addon Pack creators is just being worked out in order to find an optimal balance. This will be based on a hierarchy of spawn rates to modulate appearances, and one possible candidate is as follows: Default Settings (which can naturally be changed by Server Admin/Host to suit their own game play styles) 1. Standard zombies will always have the highest spawn chance out in the Biomes and take priority. Typically 100% chance. 2. Non standard zombies will have the second highest chance to spawn out in the Biomes. Typically 5% to 50% chance. 3. Then comes the NPCMod Addon Packs which should be lower than the lowest non standard zombie. They have a chance of 2.5% to 10%. These are all dependent on the Biome as well. For example, these are some of the most important Biome spawning zombie groups which the NPC are also added to: All Zombies - The Janitor Zombie is the lowest Vanilla spawner with a 20% chance to appear. Night Zombies - The Zombie Dog is the lowest Vanilla spawner with a 5% chance to appear. Snow Zombies - The Feral Lumberjack Zombie has a 10% chance to appear. (There are also some separate game stage considerations for the snow biome) Wasteland Zombies - All Vanilla spawners have a 100% chance to spawn with some being given even more chance. Wasteland Night Zombies - All Vanilla spawners have a 100% chance to spawn with some being given even more chance. In addition, spawning frequency is much higher as we all well know if we venture into the Wasteland Biome 'alone' at night. If there are too many NPCs, then the regular zombies will be wiped out too quickly and probability eventually says they will ultimately be replaced by another NPC. This can create a sterile World. But if there are too few NPCs then it will take some time for their numbers to increase. And as you are seeing, if one Addon Pack allows a high spawn chance (compared to other NPCs and zombies) then it can upset the Biomes. It is a delicate balancing act, but it is being addressed. It will also require a level of compliance from Addon creators to ensure all Addon Packs are given a fair and equal chance to appear in the World by default. If you want to share what you have installed, and what you would like to see, then provide the details and we can advise you on a one setting fits all that can be added to all of the packs you have installed. It may take a little time for you to edit the entitygroups.xml for each but you'll always have those as templates. It will also help us see if the candidate settings are working out in the wild based on your future feedback.
  3. Yes, indeed. Another 100 x 100 Bandit Settlement was added this week incorporating the GS01-800 base groups you created and Dark's creations are nicely setup for those. And the spiders are back with the arachnid setup in their own GS01-800 steps. I opted to set no probability at all for the base entities, and use its 1.0 default, and will promote that as the default value to creators so every Addon gets an identical chance to spawn. And naturally, lowering for 'feral'/'infected'/'heavy ranged' types, but with ever increasing values over GS will be easy, and adheres to vanilla format. Yes, setting up the GS for groups will serve the NPCMod and Addon creators well into the future and is much appreciated. The gains will certainly be cumulative as more content is shared.
  4. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    Here is an update for the A20 NPCMod Prefabs that are specifically set up to complement the NPCMod and NPCMod Addons. https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod-Prefabs Bandit Settlement 02. A 100 x 100 POI that will spawn in the Wilderness as a T4 Bandit location for fetch, clear, and restore power quest type. The ground level is sand box style game play while the underground is more scripted pathing. There may be a surprise or two. This POI will be best used in association with Darkstardragon's Bandit Addon packs, including the new Orcs Pack. This POI is heavily influenced by Bdubyah's 'The Wasteland' mod which will receive its own customised version in due course. 'The Wasteland' is also powered by the NCPMod which allows for some interesting crossover.
  5. We could discuss this briefly non publicly, but for the record to show that it has been considered. Oakraven looked at the feasibility of elevator/lift type blocks for the Oakraven Forest Collection but past experience has shown it to be very unstable. For the time being, only the horizontal type walkways show sufficient stability. Things may always change in the future depending on how 7 Days/Game Engine functionality develops. This means you can request a size and Oakraven can check how stable it is in game. For example, 8 x 1 or 8 x 3 to allow for wider trenches/moats. One useful thing is that they can be mounted on periodic supports and added in chain to cross wide rivers. I hadn't considered or tested how they would function with electricity simply because they were manually operated. But, adding a powered version that is triggered by the sensor would be an interesting expansion for @oakraven to consider.
  6. Let me confirm. 1. You are only using the Snufkin Zombies for Horde Night. 2. Up to GS 100, they are too challenging. 3. You would like to halve the HP of the Snufkin Zombies for up to GS 100. Here are two solutions. The first one is easiest. a) Remove all difficult Snufkin Zombies until GS 100. Some are easier to fight because they have lower HP or do little damage. The ones which are easier until GS 100 are: zombieCowhead ZombieBomber zombieScarecrow zombiePsycho zombieSiren HellBoar zombieTipsySquatch zombieTipsyPinkSquatch zombiePogo zombieRedOni and zombieBlueOni And from feralHordeStageGS103 you can leave everything as normal. b) Create easier versions of the more difficult entities for up to GS100. The Snufkin Zombies are governed by the entityclasses.xml. If you make an extra copy of the difficult zombies and rename the new copy with 100 at the end then you can have two versions. One with 100 for up to GS 100, and the normal version from GS 100. For example: zombieScorcher100 can be a copy of zombieScorcher but with HO reduced from: <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="2200"/> to <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="1100"/> This is only half and much easier for level of Survivalist. In the entitygroups.xml you would also add 100 to the end of the names of the Snufkin Zombies which are duplicated with lower HP so they take the place of the regular Snufkin Zombies for all Game Stages up to 100. Good luck with whichever choice you choose.
  7. You are very welcome to use them in the Ravenhearst mod in any capacity you see fit, and thank you for asking. We all appreciate both the Ravenhearst Mod, and the abundance of single and grouped modlets that are shared with the community as stand alone options because they bring greater life and expansion to the 7 Days experience. I personally use a variety of your single and grouped modlets to help balance servers as standard.
  8. This method works dynamically by forcing everything for the empty glass jar to be Action1 (right click) for dirty water except for the Water Cooler which is Action0 (left click) and clean water. If this is what you're looking for I'll send this optional items.xml by Direct Message out of courtesy for JaxTeller and OrbitalBliss (Home Depot) as it merges 2 methodologies and would be disrespectful to post it publicly. I use JaxTeller's Mods constantly and my visit was actually to check for any updates.
  9. If you want to separate the type of liquid that dispensers can provide, it is probably easiest to make a new type of jar and a new type of liquid so they can change to each other. This will be two new items.xml additions. For example; drinkJarEmptyJT drinkJarBoiledWaterJT The jar will need to be added to the recipes or loot so you can craft/find it. And also added to Localization so it has the name and description you want it to have. They workingWaterCoolerFullJT can be removed from drinkJarEmpty and added to your new drinkJarEmptyJT with it filling up as the change item to become drinkJarBoiledWaterJT and then changing back to drinkJarEmptyJT after you drink it. All of the templates to copy are either in the default files or JT's files.
  10. Oakraven may be thinking about updating the Firefly jar from now. It was a little busy completing the Fish Farm because it is pretty sophisticated. Until it is updated, here is a way you can very easily add this feature for yourself. 1. Open the blocks.xml in the Config folder for the HydroponicUndergroundFarming Mod. 2. For the very first entry 'FireFlyJar' add: <property name="CanPickup" value="true"/> just under the <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceBrokenGlass" count="2,4" tag="allHarvest"/> line. This will allow you to pickup the Firefly Jar and also see the prompt when you are looking at it. Oakraven may also add some other updates to this mod, so I'll just add this instruction here for now.
  11. Here is a new Mod for the Oakraven Forest Collection, called 'Fish Farm Mod'. Down here. Here is a brief description. The Oakraven Fish Farm mod allows players to manage the process of fishing through all stages of growth and development. The process for management is as follows - Create your Fish Farm, place it on the ground, add Fish Growing Kit, and wait as the fish go through an incubation, hatching, growth and breeding stage, and finally collection. Fish are only harvested in this final collection stage, but this resets the Fish Farm to the final growth and breeding stage. Once harvested and collected (just like accessing a loot box), the fish can be placed on the ground and harvested for fillets (3 kinds of unique fillets). Alternatively, you can craft a Fish Stick and cook a 'Fish on a Stick' snack. The Fish Stick can also be used as a melee weapon. Oakraven Fish are cooked on a stand alone Fish Oven. Here are a few pikkies to demonstrate how this mod works. Oakraven Fish Oven Oakraven Fish Farm Oakraven Fish Farming Kit Fish Stick Add the Oakraven Fish Farming Kit to a Fish Farm Test the Fish Stick as you are waiting. Farming for Salmon. There are quite a variety of fish that can randomly be collected. Place the Salmon on the ground and strike it to collect the fillets. Want some Fish on a Stick? Fish Curry
  12. That is correct, and it was by choice of the original creator. Here is a post which explains how to change it if that is your wish.
  13. These changes are only helping the player see the oil icon with a blue tint over it instead of the custom icon, just to allow it to remain server side only. It doesn't make any change to the name or description and is purely an icon change. It seems the problem you are having is that the description and name of the item is not showing up properly and maybe it is called steelPolish instead of Steel Polish and doesn't show the description. My guess is that your server is on a Linux setup. If that is the case, change the file name 'localization' to 'Localization' which Linux prefers on this occasion and it may magically work as intended. If that isn't the issue, please further explain.
  14. This is a little something for JT's combined devices mod for all working devices stuff. It just changes a typo here and there and also a few other little bits and pieces to make what he wanted to show appear. This replaces the current Localization.txt text. Key,Source,Context,English stoveKitJT,items,Item,Stove Repair Kit stoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use." grillKitJT,items,Item,Grill Repair Kit grillKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This grill repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use." woodStoveKitJT,items,Item,Wood Stove Repair Kit woodStoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use." workingStoveOldJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Stove workingStoveOldJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." workingStoveModernJT,blocks,Block,Working Modern Stove workingStoveModernJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." workingGasGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Gas Grill workingGasGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." workingCharcoalGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Charcoal Grill workingCharcoalGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." workingWoodBurningStoveJT,blocks,Block,Working Wood Burning Stove workingWoodBurningStoveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." coffeeMakerJT,blocks,Block,Coffee Maker (Powered) coffeeMakerJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea." coffeeMakerCommercialJT,blocks,Block,Commercial Coffee Maker (Powered) coffeeMakerCommercialJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea." workingMicrowaveJT,blocks,Block,Microwave (Powered) workingMicrowaveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This microwave is powered already and can be used to heat up bowls of canned food to gain the maximum benefits from them." drinkBowlEmptyJT,items,Item,Bowl (Empty) drinkBowlEmptyJTDesc,items,Item,Use this empty bowl to heat up foods in the microwave. foodSoupChickenJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chicken Soup foodSoupChickenJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food. foodBowlPastaJT,items,Food,Bowl of Pasta foodBowlPastaJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food. foodBowlChiliJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chili foodBowlChiliJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food. foodBeefStewJT,items,Food,Bowl of Beef Stew foodBeefStewJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food. foodLambSoupJT,items,Food,Bowl of Lamb Soup foodLambSoupJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food. foodTunaSandwichJT,items,Food,Tuna Sandwich foodTunaSandwichJTDesc,items,Food,Making a delicious tuna sandwich will give you some extra benefits. microwaveTipJT,Journal,EnChanged,The microwave can be placed and used to heat canned food recipes. Canned food recipes offer slightly more benefits to them than if you eat them in singles so save those cans when you can. Bowls can be found in loot and are used with the canned foods.,, microwaveTipJT_title,Journal,KeyTrunk,Microwave sinkKitJT,items,Item,Sink Repair Kit sinkKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This sink repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken sink and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars." waterCoolerKitJT,items,Item,Water Cooler Repair Kit waterCoolerKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This cooler repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken cooler and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars." workingGraniteSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Granite Sink workingGraniteSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets." workingCabinetOldSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Sink workingCabinetOldSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets." workingWaterCoolerFullJT,blocks,Block,Working Water Cooler workingWaterCoolerFullJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working water cooler can be used to fill jars." workingUtilitySinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Utility Sink workingUtilitySinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets." workingPedestalSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Pedestal Sink workingPedestalSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets." workingWallOvenJT,blocks,Block,Working Wall Oven workingWallOvenJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment." And as for your question, to change the sink from murky water to clean water, here are some instructions. 1. Go to the items.xml file. 2. Search for drinkJarRiverWater (It appears twice) 3. Change it to drinkJarBoiledWater (sink and water cooler) or drinkJarPureMineralWater (water cooler). BUT, there is one more thing if you are using the all working devices. Make sure the list all has different numbers. At the moment a lot say 3 and will not work. Make it look like this from 1 ~ 5. If you are using just the drinks mod then this is probably not an issue. <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingGraniteSinkJT" /> <property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingCabinetOldSinkJT" /> <property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="workingWaterCoolerFullJT" /> <property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="workingUtilitySinkJT" /> <property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="workingPedestalSinkJT" /> There is a missing icon here and there for recipes. I think I saw one for the working grill, but it's not critical and something for the future. @oakraven kindly taught me about changing drink type and setting it for different drink locations and now you can know as well. ^^
  15. This issue was more frequent in A19, but much less so in A20 so far. However, it was the same for all vehicles, and not just the Snufkin variety. The speed of some of the Snufkin vehicles did make this more noticable though. I have seen this happen in A20, again for all vehicles, at times when the server is under stress (such as being on an overloaded system) or in need of a restart (after running for a long time). I have not seen this specifically for only the Snufkin Vehicles beyond being more pronounced. It's a very unpleasant issue for servers and can be incredibly frustrating for players for sure. It'll be good to hear if removing the mod makes any difference or if it continues for regular vehicles as well. Please ask all players to throw away their vehicles ahead of time to avoid item issues if you decide to remove the mod.
  16. In the items.xml under Create_item there is a long list of all the items that will be given to the player once they open the starting bag. And underneath that Create_item_count shows how many of each item they will receive. The names of items available are usually found in the original items.xml file in the main game. If you add weapons/tools, they used to be given a random level. They are all assigned level 1 from A20.
  17. I tested in SP. I checked the dedicated server I play in on Day 507. I was unable to duplicate the issue as the buff check loaded on both of these instances. It's a process of elimination from here to see if it will run on its own without any other mods and looking for a conflict.
  18. Please share information about your server/client setup. What mods are currently running on the server? Are all players seeing the same issue or is it limited to one/few players?
  19. The bikes are normal bike models with attachments added to them. As you move nearer to one of these bikes, a 'buff' triggers and these attachments get added onto the bike. There is a check system in place that is constantly telling the bike models to attach their Hell Bike features. However, it can have some issues depending on server stability, network stability, player connection and things like that. When this issue happens, it is helpful to put the vehicle back on the player toolbelt and place it again. This often causes the buffs to trigger again and they start to look like Hell Bikes. There is no real guarantee that this will fix them as this is an experimental way to decorate the models in a way that was not really intended.
  20. The download list has been update to include the Rock Drill mod. The Oakraven Rock Drill allows players to extract mining resources from the ground. The resources collected provide a mixture of definite and random resources in variable amounts. The Oakraven Rock Drill is powered with specific Rock Drill Gas that is produced using shale on the chemistry table. Here are a few images to demonstrate. The Rock Drill is crafted on the Workbench. The Rock Drill Gas Can is crafted on the Chemistry Table. After you place the Rock Drill, it requires 1 Rock Drill Gas Can to power it for one complete cycle. Animated drilling stage. Example of resources mined. There are additional varieties to reflect all game play mining efforts.
  21. By this, ALL original zombies will spawn in both regular gameplay and the Bloodmoon event, because only the PLUS zombies are removed from the entitygroups.xml groups. To remove ALL zombies from the Bloodmoon event would require using the optional version added in the mod pack for Server Admin and then only making changes to the top version for regular gameplay.
  22. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    This character is one of the enZombies, if I'm not mistaken. The identical character can be seen as part of the SWAT team in the middle of the picture. I tested some UMA characters within the NPCMod environment and some will play along nicely while others will lose access to their animations controller, while others will lose all of their UMA clothing. ErrorNull has patched the enZombies to be compatible with a variety of other mods very successfully and I believe this project is also in the list of things to do. This is something for ErrorNull to address. While the ZombiezPack does contain 2 SWAT characters, it is these ones. These are not the SWAT Bots you are looking for. An ErrorNull intervention on this one.
  23. They all carry the same recipes and it's purely their cosmetic features and the recipes that match those features which are different.
  24. The Glass Baseball Bat, Knife Baseball Bat, and Star Baseball Bat are very comparable to the Steel Club for Melee Damage, Power Attack Damage, Block Damage but they require less Stamina Cost. This is one of their benefits. In addition, they allow 6 mods instead of the Steel Club 4 mods. The only one they can't use is the knockdown mod because they are linked to cuts and not directly connected to the pummel type unlock. In addition they benefit from Strength + Deep Cuts + Pummel Pete + Flurry of Blows. This is a lot of extra benefits. Here is a comparison of how bats with 6 mods compare to steel clubs with 4 mods. They have no skills or attribute benefits at all at the moment. Radiated Wight from 709 HP To 426 HP after the bleed out perk completed and with a power attack. 283 Damage. For the Steel Club, 722 HP Down to 497 HP. Again with the bleed out because of the barbed wire mod. 225 Damage. This offers a little over 20% extra damage with just these mods with no skill/attribute benefits. Once the bats gain extra skill/attributes for the Strength + Deep Cuts + Pummel Pete + Flurry of Blows, they can be really effective. To give these bats just a little more variety the mod has been updated and they can now use the flaming mod as well. A fully modded out bat with all 6 slots and all attributes/skills is a fierce weapons. As for the Zeus and Dre X3 electric effect, it seemed to be working well in SP at least. The Dre x3 with a shot for each radiated zombie. 7 shots remaining. 6 shots remaining. I missed one. 4 shots remaining. As for the long sniping shot that requires us to hold down fire until we see the green bar fill up and the energy sound, they often die from the first shot unless they are very strong so we don't often see the electric buff.
  25. It was updated on exactly the 24th. In fact, it was those two new Cooking Stations which were added as updates.
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