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Everything posted by arramus

  1. The Black Betty Power Generator has been added to Progression for Engineering Skill 3 to match the other 2 generators available. It has been pushed to Moddb here. https://www.moddb.com/mods/oakraven-forest-collection/downloads/power-things
  2. Nice spot, thank you. We shall get it added and updated.
  3. The: - Oakraven Forge - Wells and Standpipes - Meat Grinder - Cooking Stations were kindly provided by Oakraven. The Dragon 'Workbench' was also kindly provided by Oakraven but made specifically for the NMM. Feel free to make any requests for these Workstation/Well blocks in the Oakraven Forest Collection thread for Oakraven's consideration.
  4. Unfortunately, the lock mini game is created by the same team who created Score and we shall give feedback to them directly as the mod is shared using paid models and the rule of use does not allow changing any code. For a simply T1 Quest like the Blacksmiths (2 chickens). Sometimes the creatures are counted as part of the Quest and need to be eliminated. Sometimes the creatures are not counted as part of the Quest but they still appear. The Quest will still be complete with them in their Chicken area. Maybe this is something for TFP to reconsider as it should also be the same in regular game POIs. The boars in the boar house do count as part of the Quest as I could see their red markers disappear as they were eliminated and I had one as a final creature to come back and eliminate that I had missed. The Giant Rat can be found in the Wasteland, Forest, Snow, and Desert biomes. They can also be found in some Wilderness POIs. There is one particular POI called Beasts Nest... The Goblin Club will also be found in all Biomes and some POIs.
  5. Even though the new version contains 6 new POIs, they will simply not be used on your older world and it should be very low risk. Nothing has been added or taken away from the player's inventory which makes it much safer. As for the Archery Bow, there is always an element of subjective vs objective when setting a balanced amount. Maybe this is something you can test to find the sweet spot for your community by yourselves. This will reduce testing incremental changes little by little. Please share your feedback for others to test and validate as acceptable (or not). If you go to the 1-NMMXCore\Config\items.xml location, lines 16 to 18 change the Wood Bow projectile velocity settings. Defaults: - The Primitive bow is -.3 and sees damage reduce on any target that is from 20 meters or more. - The Wood Bow doesn't have a setting as it uses the base value which is probably 0 and sees damage reduce on any target that is from 30 meters or more. - The Compound bow uses 0.2 and sees damage reduce on any target that is from 30 meters or more. It is currently at 1.5 which is a very true and direct flight but sees damage reduce with greater distances. It means that players can hit dragons from further away more comfortably but will still need a lot of hits to take it down. On my own tests, it required over 135 iron arrows to fully deplete the 5000 dragon health.
  6. Thank you. The creator checks messages in this thread for such feedback. It is something we can do ourselves but it is best to allow the creator to make the best decision on this. I think the collision on some objects may need investigating to understand why some objects cause looting issues and some do not. The item on the desk sits above a desk safe and that may be causing issues. Can you explain more about the locked hatch and then the locked safe? At the moment the locked hatch and the locked safe use the same unlocking mechanism. Hatch Safe
  7. A new version has been pushed to the Github download area that includes a fix for the custom crossbow bolts from the original creator. It is also being uploaded to the Moddb version as well but will take time as it requires the whole mod uploaded rather than just the fix section.
  8. Uploading a patch to Moddb as v.24. It will take some time but is a critical update because the Medieval Tower will not function without it. The Github version is already updated since it only uploads necessary changed files. Changes include: 1. Medieval Tower fix. 2. Removal of non appropriate modern assets. 3. Increased price for Mage light (990 silver as base). 4. Hooked up regular forge to Engineering Skill 1. 5. Blood Moon Vanguard was giving kills during non Horde Night activities as some non Blood Moon entities slipped through. Only Blood Moon entities are listed in the 'kill list'. 6. A few other small tweaks and clean ups. 7. The horse fuel is hardcoded and is actually a 'class' rather than just a recipe type item. As such, adding custom fuel is not feasible. For now, only the sugar cubes mod image will appear instead of the Gas Can. Purely a cosmetic change for now. Recent World updates can stay the same as any POI changes are related to existing assets that will reset/change on next Quest activation.
  9. Yes, there should. It will be easier to give all cooking areas the same recipes unless it is very special like the fish. For another day as it will take some time.
  10. List of to dos, which includes duplicate Apache Trunks or placed on top of crates. 1. DnY Castle1 has a modern toilet. DONE (Pot replacement) 2. Bric a brac vending machine not working. DONE (Plus loot taken off NMM Crate as players are reporting issues with things on top of NMM crates). 3. Regular forge and crucible is not hooked up to Progession Int for unlocking. Engineering Skill 1/3/5. 4. Blood Moon Vanguard kills are being rewarded in regular gameplay. Regulars sleeper entities are in the list. 5. Windmill - remove a Taza box from inside or outside (double add) 6. Horse top-gear sound requirement. 7. Horse 'gas'. 8. Forge border for Blacksmith's. 9. Medieval Bakery (Vit E) - Book pile x2 and Taza's (double add). 10. Remove block on Hero Loot at Vit E Tower (blocks access to loot box). DONE (Taza Crate) 11. Medieval Tower spawn issue. DONE (Volume tweak) 12. Mage Light price is too low (requires manual pricing) 3. Forge is hooked up. Crucible was already hooked up for Skill 5 (default set by TPF).
  11. @Canute I tested the: Joust Arena - It was possible to clear on 3 attempts. However, some enemies do walk away from the POI and need to be found without going out of the POI completion distance. This happens on every attempt. There is no solution to this as NPC behaviour is how it is. T4 Waterfall Windmill - It was possible to clear on 2 attempts. Some enemies walk away and a bird hides in a small corner of the outside area. We shall keep watching how it plays. Medieval Tower - One of the Sleeper Volumes was bugged. It has been replaced and is working fine again. It will be updated soon as it is critical. It will cause no problems with worlds as the Quest start will replace it. It is Darkstardragon's wish that the NMM and Sorcery Mod will work together. Once a boss POI is finished his side, I believe that was the next challenge. Yes, Salvaging brings some really nice finds in 'hidden' areas of these carts. ^^ I could replicate the issue with candles or some other items not allowing loot containers to be searched. Added to the fix list. The Mage light is a modified Head Lamp and should have been given its buy price. It will need to be added manually. On the list. The absence of the light was given the burning shaft as a trade off. Once players want to use the Blunderbuss or Flintlock for night missions, it becomes too dark. That's the reason for its return. It sounds like Light Rune buffs players vision.
  12. Thank you. This was reported to the creator and is currently in their hands. It is particularly noticeable when a player aims down the sights and less so when fired from the hip.
  13. Here is an update for the weekend for both the Github Development Build and the Moddb release. On this occasion, both versions will be identical for Mod files and Worlds. Moddb has been updated to Mods.23.zip https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/mods10 And its accompanying map at version NMM01.5.zip https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/nmm01 The Github versions have been given the _2022June04 naming where appropriate. Total Updates, with Moddb in mind include: 6 new POIs - 3 x T1 (NMM Remnant House 04 / NMM Stable 01 / NMM Bric a Brac - 3 x T2 (NMM_ME-House_02 by Shema / NMM Skinny Finger / NMM-shema-Medi-House1-25bl These will add additional variety for low level Questing. They are a mix of easy - moderate set ups. Multiple Quests Slayer quests for all types of entity from Undead up to Mythical Beast Base Defense Horde Quest where players construct and defend a temporary base Blood Moon Quest where players can pick up a skill point as they complete eliminations during Horde Night General Updates and balancing to multiple items and POIs Updates to icons/Localization to bring further immersion. Sugar Cubes Horse Mod. A few images. Horse Sugar Cubes Mod will provide an extra 2m/s on top of faster acceleration. The schematic can feed found in loot or purchased from the traders. The mod can also be purchased from the traders. Thank you to Shema for this T2 POI. And a simple T1 stable with cobblestone wall ^^. As for icon/Localization updates. Glue looks less industrialised. And some well known items have been given some small changes for immersion and aging. Next week will be all about an 'end boss' type Quest sequence and possible reintegration of a Medieval Baton and Bat. Vitamin E Medieval Tower. I shall look out for it from the Trader in next play throughs and see what's happening. Vitamin E Medieval Tower. I shall look out for it from the Trader in next play throughs and see what's happening.
  14. I experienced this for a few POIs. The final yellow targets for the last spawn do not really match where the entities are. Sometimes they are birds on the outside of the tower but stuck in one of the corners and we need to go outside and look up. Sometimes it is an entity that dropped from that location and went outside and is walking near the POI. It sometimes takes a bit of exploring. This is on the list of things to do. For now the horse has received a mod back. It is the acceleration and speed mod but it is now called 'Horse Sugar Cubes Mod' instead of Vehicle Super Charger. Horses change from 14 m/s to 16 m/s so it is a nice little upgrate.
  15. I tend to stay outside with the Masai rifle after activating the rally marker and clear some of the towers first by running around the outer walls. If they start to come outside, which they often do, I stay really close to the wall to thin them out a bit. The wall seems to reduce their shooting angle very nicely. I haven't seen a screamer yet even though they should be hooked up still. I shall have to investigate that more... Stealth and NPCs do not really go together too well.
  16. Here is an update for the Github development build. Blood Moon Vanguard (Quest) Upon completing the initial survival quests, players will be given the Blood Moon Vanguard Quest. This quest is only for Blood Moon entities. The challenge is to eliminate 222 entities to receive a skill point reward. This carries over for indefinite Blood Moons and is repeatable once 222 has been reached. We shall monitor feedback on this value to see if it needs to be revised. As a Single Player it's quite reasonable, but with an NPC or a Party, the player will still receive an elimination point even if they don't complete the kill as the game accepts a non critical hit as being accepted. This Quest is also from Laz Man and we understand it was created to encourage players to join Blood Moon events. The Quests for NMM fit into 3 categories: - Regular day to day POI quests from the trader. - Expanded quests that are only for specific times or can be fulfilled without paying too much attention, such as 'Zombie Slayer'. - Special Quests that may send the player on far and distant challenges to face a unique beast.
  17. Instructions on how to bypass the Clone/download zip function to remove the need for double nesting zip files. 1. Click on the zip file name as it is a hyperlink to a new page. It will open in a new window that provides only the zip download. https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMMWorlds/blob/main/NMM01_2022June02.zip Alternatively, it can be downloaded directly. https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMMWorlds/raw/main/NMM01_2022June02.zip
  18. The Github Development build has been updated to include a new Quest. Contract: Eliminate Horde (Created by @Laz Man for A18 and still very worthy for A20 with just a few updates and customisations) This quest is placed in the player's toolbelt upon spawning but can also be purchased directly from the Trader when it is stocked. It is a multi-stage quest as follows: - Be prompted to head to a selected trader to pick up building supplies. - Head to a predetermined location and craft defenses as requested in the Quest progress area. - Place your flag and the Horde will attack your mini base. - Eliminate the incoming to achieve the Quest. - Return to the trader to collect your reward and initiate the next stage that follows the same sequence. There are 3 defense challenges from regular entities, feral type entities, and a mix of feral/chaos type entities. Each stage of the quest gets closer to the trader to simulate an encroachment into NMM Outpost Territory. Rewards are very generous and upon completing the final stage, players pick up a skill point. Players can build their defense beyond the minimum requirement. Here are a few images to demonstrate. Check your quest and activate it. Head to a predetermined Quest rally marker and activate it. Follow the Quest instructions and place your flag. Once you place the flag, the horde will spawn. Eliminate a preset number to complete each Quest stage. More entities spawn than needed, just in case a bear or NPC gets involved. You can finish them off or return to the trader once you hit the quota. Collect your reward. A new Quest costs 1200 as base price, but the rewards are most favorable.
  19. Yep, fences would be nice for town houses for sure, and even some of the merchant buildings which double as houses. For new POIs added directly from the NMM team, that is very possible. For POIs that came from the CP48, the rules are to leave them as the creator intended apart from modern things and it isn't possible to add fences to those. We'll add some more fences like the one Guppy has for his house as it works well and helps to separate the POIs a little. The Hansel and Gretel gingerbread house has been added to the development build and already comes with fencing. The only residents of this building are the Goblins as it matches their size and character.
  20. Excuse me if I didn't describe what that means clearly. Fortunately, they are only spread around on the inside of the building and there is nothing placed on the outside. It will only be when a player walks through the door or brushes up very closely to the building's walls that the undead will wake up and respond. It has been very safe to walk outside without being attacked.
  21. @Shemasheko kindly shared a medieval house for both the CP49 and NMM mod. It is a T2 Questable house with a high Undead count potential spread around the building. It brings additional variety to the Medieval Town and lower Tier Quests. The house fits the context perfectly and has its own unique features such as the stylish chimney, compact use of space to maximise room count and routing, and a few touches that will stand out as unique to this POI. It has been bundled into the Github Development build and the World for this build has also been updated.
  22. Thank you to Macksan for creating a Japanese Localization.txt mod for the Japanese community. It has been uploaded here for the Japanese 7D2D community to make it easier to understand many descriptions. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/zzz-jpn-macksan-notmdvl
  23. Here's the current Moddb version. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/mods10 And a World to go with it. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/nmm01 This Moddb version won't be updated for a little while for sure. Version 22 includes a +1, as the original was 0 version, and all that equated to about 40gb of uploading and it got a bit too frequent. Once a batch of new POIs has been tested in the development version then it'll be good for another Moddb upload. Adding to Nexus as well will just be upload overload. I appreciate the Nexus installer is useful for many players but adding a few mods to a Mods folder is quite an elementary task. For those who are unfamiliar with this process though here are instructions. I'll add them to the opening post as well. ============ INSTALLATION ============ For Players and Server Admin/Hosts who have never installed a mod before, here are some simple step by step instructions: 1. If you've never installed a mod before, it is necessary to create a Mods folder in the main directory, typically inside :\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die. In the future, this location may change and we'll update instructions at that time. If you have a custom install or your server host has modified the installation location, then you may have to explore. 2. Simply make a new folder called Mods (with a capital M to reflect standard nomenclature) in your '7 Days To Die' main directory folder. 3. You can now drag all of the mod folders directly out of the zipped file, and it can be placed directly into the Mods folder. It should look like the list of folders and file in the image earlier in this post. Does this Mod need to be installed in the server/client host? = YES Do players also need to install this Mod? = YES (because it contains custom content that cannot be downloaded from the server).
  24. Here is a new update for the NMM. This is specifically for the Github development push with the very latest content. https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMM And here is a new World for the Github development push which includes the very latest content. https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMMWorlds Both will show 2022June01 in the readme for the NMM and the name for the World to show compatibility. The Moddb versions will remain as they are for the benefit of some community servers. This Moddb v.22 build and accompanying World are decent builds. They don't incorporate all of the updated features, but will serve communities well since a new version can require a new World, especially where POIs are added. Updates to the new version include: - Mushroom blocks received collision update. Somewhat critical as they were impeding (in some cases trapping which could be seen as a fun feature for some) player movement. - Update to a few POIs for the continual checks for inappropriate assets. - Two new T1 POIs Bric-a-Brac (A 25x25 store with a mix of the undead) NMM_remant_building_04 (A burnt out TFP building given some aging and a stable for the horses) - A few small localisation updates here and there for the Wood Bow which had been buffed a little and called Archery Bow. The localisation updates are to change Wooden Bow to Archery Bow in the perk Archery skill descriptions. Undead entities with some burned ones out back who are caring for the mini crematorium. Remnant House with burned in the building and Undead in the stable.
  25. The 7daystodiemods.com website visits this thread to make its updates directly from the first post. The first post has a link to the newest sample map which is compatible. That link for the map never changes either as newer versions matching the current NMM build overwrite previous versions.
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