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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Yes, it will be included in the next build. Khaine's version unlocks it and terms of use allow it to be added with appropriate acknowledgement. The next version has been released and a post about it will follow below.
  2. Ya, I had the same looping 'server is initialising' issue when I used the '&' symbol... v.20 is just uploading and will be about 10 minutes. The mounted riders are a real surprise that Darkstardragon sprung on us.
  3. Map in the Data > Worlds folder or SaveGames > GeneratedWorlds folder also works. NMM Mod in the Data > Mods folder or SaveGames > Mods folder also works.
  4. NMM has been updated to push version Mods.19.zip https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/mods10 This push will require a new World. The NMM01 World has also been updated to NMM01.4.zip https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/nmm01 It requires a new World because a critical POI has been removed and another has been added. Here is a breakdown of updates. 1. Quests Darkstardragon has created numerous chain quests which allow players to battle through 5 stages for each Quest type. For example. Zombie Slayer Stage I II III IV and V. Each stage requires players to eliminate a certain number of Undead type entities. Upon a single stage completion, the player is rewarded. The final stage sees the best reward. Beast Slayer As above but each stage changes beast, such as Bat, Rat, Spider, Troll, etc... And others that can be bought from a Trader. However, the first Quest is Free of Charge and is found in a player's inventory as they spawn. The Quests are experimental and we need to check on how often they are seen at the traders and if the rewards match the challenges. Feedback is always helpful. 2. POIs The Mountain Multi Trader has been removed. It was causing some rendering issues for some players and too extreme for others. It will be added again at a later date as a rather challenging POI. A new Beasts Nest has been added. Once a player reaches Bartering Skill 3 it can be located by reading a Scroll in the Traders secret stash and then Quested from Tier 5. Players can visit it at any time though. Be prepared as it can get rough. 3. Tweaks The Wooden Bow has been renamed to Archery Bow and buffed up a little. The aiming cross sights get closer together when aiming and the velocity has been increased so arrows will fly further without dropping due to gravity. The trade off for better accuracy and truer flight is that the drop off damage will be more pronounced where players are striking from greater distances. This addresses the lack of a higher Tier bow which is being considered. 4. Localisation Attributes and Skills are better documented for which ones are functional and which one are 'Not Yet Invented' and not worth your Skill points. In summary: 9 out of 10 Perception skills are fully functional. (No need to spend in Dead Eye) 9 out of 9 Strength skills are fully functional. (With Smite Thee Down being the only replacement) 8 out of 9 Fortitude skills are fully functional. (No need to spend in Machine Gunner) 8 out of 9 Agility skills are fully functional (No need to spend in Gunslinger - And Flurry of Blows is limited to knives) 5 out of 8 Intellect are fully functional (No need to spend in Batons, Turrets, and Grease Monkey - Some limitations with removed things but Oil has been moved to to Master Chef skill 3 for unlocking. All documented) Magolis Compo Pack team is supporting the NMM with new POIs and we hope to deliver some additional Tiered POIs to keep questing interesting and not too repetitive. Darkstardragon is working on some POIs in the background for larger Quests. I shall work on some simpler T1 and T2 Quest buildings. However, POI creation does take time to do it properly. This is a sample of a simple T1 Bric-a-Brac building that will join the mod soon. It utilises the new A20 blocks which already have the lines in them to give that wooden reinforcement effect. I believe that is everything for this update.
  5. If I could only recommend one thing: Overall, a better intro document. Feel free to write a document outlining everything that is appropriate for new players or important as players move up in Game Stage and it can be added to the first post. ^^ We are jonesing for shields to be a thing you can wield. We know that the base game may be giving you obstacles there. Based on a novel approach Oakraven used in the Snufkin Weapons PLUS mod, it is possible to attach an item onto a player using the helmet dye area. This shield is in the game if you search in the Creative Menu area for shields. It is purely experimental because it is buggy. For example, you can 'put it on' but not take it off. For whatever reason, a remove prompt that works for all Vanilla models attached to a player, do not remove for custom models, at least the 3 we have tested. After removing the item from the 'helmet' it is necessary to log out and log back in to purge it. This is something we will look at in more detail as things stabilise. This shields gives a +1 to damage resistance and elemental resistance for heat/electricity. After we updated we had a funny incident with regular zombies from vanilla 7dtd spawning in on a dig mission, IIRC. We shall monitor this. The dig quests spawn from a SleeperGSList of entities. In turn this list selects from a sleeperHordeStage list which is linked to player game stage. And then entities from a lonnnnnng sleeper horde list spawn. The NMM only has Undead entities in this list so it's something that may have additional influence from elsewhere. It took longer that you might guess to get how there are two categories of crossbow and bolts. We thought things were just flat-out broken. This has been Localised with clearer documentation in the Attributes/Skills area. Early game like day 1 might need to chill out a bit with the enemies. Ideally you shouldn't be able to be shot on day 1 because that's like half of your health in one hit. There is a built in check system which allows servers to give a 5 day/level chill time (by default) which protects the player from environmental damage and too many entities. This is hardcoded and it doesn't appear that the NPCs are governed by it. The ranged Orcs/Goblins/Elvens had their probability reduced to 30% chance to spawn out in the Biomes. This is a one time setting that is not linked to game stage and is locked. Any more becomes too harsh but any less turns the Biome increases the melee entities and it becomes too easy as Game Stage increases. The only suggestion for now is to complete the starter quests as quickly as possible and just run. If players see a friendly, stick close to them. Hardcoding limits options on this one. Currently getting repeated trade routes quests to the same place (the traders way up the mountain) Also there is a mine off in the bushes at the top of that POI that killed me and I'm wondering if that's by design because it made no sense. This has been commented on repeatedly and is no longer in the mod as a trader location. It will be reintroduced at a later date as a regular POI. Strength is a really high-priority skill tree, maybe too much so. We have two STR characters and one not, so I hope the other things like Agility:bows and Perception:explosives skills are working properly, because I think we're going to continue to have one character lean away from STR and I hope that pays off reasonably. There is clearer documentation showing what Attribute skills are functional and what ones are not worth investing in. 9 out of 10 Perception skills are fully functional. (No need to spend in Dead Eye) 9 out of 9 Strength skills are fully functional. (With Smite Thee Down being the only replacement) 8 out of 9 Fortitude skills are fully functional. (No need to spend in Machine Gunner) 8 out of 9 Agility skills are fully functional (No need to spend in Gunslinger - And Flurry of Blows is limited to knives) 5 out of 8 Intellect are fully functional (No need to spend in Batons, Turrets, and Grease Monkey - Some limitations with removed things but Oil has been moved to to Master Chef skill 3 for unlocking. All documented) Getting shot from outside of one of the POIs (I think it's a castle) and losing like half health with each hit on day one is maybe a little much, though it did lead to angry laughter by all of us. Stay away from the walls as it'll trigger them to spawn/wake up. Even if you don't breach the invisible spawn volume, these NPCs are very sensitive. This is governed by Score/XNPCCore and discussions are ongoing. The wandering mobs harrassment on our base on non-blood moon days/nights is probably too low. The wandering hordes are governed by default settings. It is possible they are being wiped out by Orc/Goblins/Elvens and Friendly NPCs as they wander. I have only seen them soon after a Horde Night event. Like most games, the NPC hires do hilariously annoying things all the time. Such as a hostile standing on a friendly's head and performing figure skating spins... Yes, plenty of oddities and frustrations. EDIT: clearly elven armor is T3 light armor, and dwarven armor is T3 heavy. Come on bro. ;] The original creator set up all this armor linked back to steel. We've tinkered with the original settings to make them more balanced and can look at them again as things settle down. They are all governed by a master template which reduces individual traits. EDIT: the POI on a mountain with all the traders is both great and needs some changes: it shouldn't be possible to be the starting quest trader POI because that's going to frustrate newer players or weaker players; also with the newest map it has a buncha janky illusory blocks all over the place Gone. And yes, this POI is huge and suffers from a Vanilla game issue with those phantom blocks which should disappear as the players gets nearer. This issue has pretty much gone for all buildings except the most render heavy. Two more questions: -are both categories of bow/crossbow (the vanilla and the mod-specific) buffed by the Agility:bows skill? All bows/crossbows are buffed by Archery skill and the books. -are there any other skills that do nothing or almost nothing right now? As above, and better documented in the most recent update. I could give my notes on the introductory "how this mod works" document on that you have up on webpages if you'd like. I am not bad at that sort of thing. Sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it and in what order you say it. Go for it. Add pictures too. ^^
  6. I'll just copy and paste that particular bit from the answer above about Flurry of Blows: Even though some are one handed/look like clubs/knifey they are not covered by flurry of blows or deep cuts. In time, things may change but that will be an arduous process at the moment. The new crossbows are governed by the perk Archery and all the books just as with the Vanilla bow type. I'll add more clarity in the Progression area to mention they use their own custom ammo.
  7. All custom melee weapons that hit, chop, or stab (but not spear) benefit from: - The Smite Thee Down Skill (perkSkullCrusher) with knockdown and Area of Effect - Sexy Rex to reduce melee stamina use - Crafting from Q2 - Q6 Even though some are one handed/look like clubs/knifey they are not covered by flurry of blows or deep cuts. In time, things may change but that will be an arduous process at the moment. The Flintlock and Blunderbuss are well integrated and all covered by perkBoomstick. Sticks of Boom is a cosmetic name change but under the surface they are basically ranged shotguns. All of these weapons were kindly made by Oakraven specially for NMM and we'll get better documentation added to the Smite Thee Down area first and reconsider their weapon type for the future.
  8. The most recent background updates were about weapon balancing and making Horde Night match the intensive kind of experience we see with regular zombies. The current NMM version has definitely brought back the chaotic Horde Night because Darkstardragon kindly made some fundamental changes to ensure all of the Horde Night spawns are based around the zombie code which is specific to Horde Night. As for the weapons, it is all about balancing to help keep them integrated to Game Stage. For example, feedback on how that's all working out is helpful. Ballistic Type: These weapons have been given the most thought so far simply because of their potential impact. They work like this: Lower End - Blunderbuss type These are powerful for sure but slow to reload and a player may need to carry 2 or 3 at the same time to keep things at bay. The double barrel version is the slowest to reload but has that double shot benefit. Their range is fair with huge damage for close up but still allow players to retreat to the edges of a POI during a quest and take out entities while at the boundaries to some extent. Overall, pretty decent for T1-T2 Questing. They need iron ingots to craft which restricts them being a very very early feature. Mid - Upper End - Flintlock tpye These are also powerful but more so because they have greater range, faster reload, and are more accuracy with the closer sights for aiming. The Masai flintlock rifle is a little slower to reload but carries a 3 shot magazine and benefits from reload skills/perks. These weapons require steel ingots to reflect their extra gains. Flintlock ammo also requires more gunpowder to craft. Semi Auto Crossbows These cause about 10% less damage than regular crossbow ammo but have the 4 bolt loader to compensate. Useful for getting damage multipliers when stealthing. All these weapons are restricted by a reduction in mod attachments but using a regeneration mod (rad mod) in combination with the few others that can be added certainly brings up the damage. Getting feedback on how they are working out and if players can adapt to their unique features is helpful. Not having scopes will be a biggie for some players. ^^ Next up is thinking about the bow and melee type smite weapons. Since the T3 bow has gone, the T2 bow may need a little assistance with slightly closing the sights when aiming for better accuracy. Other than that, it is pretty well covered and A20 already gave it a boost from A19. It has its own specific mods and is still be governed by all book perks on top of the Archery skill/attribute. The smite weapons are quite diverse and Oakraven made them by comparing existing weapons. Sure, some are pretty powerful but they are governed by the need to invest in appropriate attributes and skill to bring out the best in them. They will always be linked back to player proficiency and 'swing' speed as well. Certainly not going to empty a room like the M60. Apart from giving the bow a little better aiming potential, or bringing in a better T3 type bow for higher GS, it will be nice to hear feedback on the overall balance. We also have to remember that the hireable NPCs are a weapon in themselves and their use during a Horde Night can act like a sledge or turret and consider how they come into play.
  9. The most recent updates have been for a mix of reasons, but are typically done for something critical such as: - A recipe is using an item which no longer exists in the world (a canned item) - A small change was needed if something is not functional and can impede actions (a small uppercase/lowercase mismatch caused some items to not be createable even though they were visible) These updates cause no issues to the World at all. The new map was added because the POIs were reviewed with the hope of removing as much inappropriate content as possible. For example, some modern toilets, utility sink, chemistry pick ups for the one with plastic, cardboard boxes, and trash cans. If you use the old World, and new POIs, you will still see these inappropriate features until they are activated by a Quest. Then the POI resets with the newest content. The World was added for players who are using the mod for the first time so they get a fresh and updated start. Since no assets are taken away from the mod, the risk of updating to the newest mod version but keeping your existing world is very minimal. In fact, I could use the most current NMM release on a world from NMM v.8 without issue. The risk is less severe because nothing was permanently taken away, and the updates are typically cosmetic for new background additions. As such it is worth taking the risk on this occasion... but with the understanding that there can never be any guarantees.
  10. @A.Danials Version 16 of NMM has just been uploaded. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/mods10 And a new version of World 'NMM01' has also been uploaded to match. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/nmm01 If you have a particular seed, size, and specifications you want to try, share the details and we can try to build it our side to see if it's successful.
  11. I totally removed the 'POIs' folder from the main NMM game. This is my second install of 7D2D and I can use the original as back up if needed. SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs\POIs The necessary files from this folder are built into the NMM and stored here: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die NMM\Mods\1-NMMCore\Prefabs\NMM Vanilla POIs It contains things like blueberry fields and iron ore blocks. There is occasionally an error which warns about too many paths for not enough POIs, or something of that nature. At that point, trying a new RWG seed typically brings success.
  12. The updated Wilderness Caves are a lot of fun and a resource bonus as well. I'm interested to see how the jewels, treasure chests, and scrolls are going to play into the lore.
  13. We currently have two ways to install Mods. 1. The way we have become accustomed to and which still remains valid for the time being. a) Make a 'Mods' folder in the main game directly. b) Add the contents of this modpack inside the Mods folder. And that's it. I use this first way because I can run two duplicate instances of 7D2D with this mod pack in one, and The Wasteland Mod in the other, without needing to configure where the game looks for the files I want to use. 2. The new way is to make a Mods folder in the C:\Users\arramus\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie type location. This is where GeneratedWorlds, Saves, SavesLocal and some things like that are stored. There have been reports of this method causing issues such as duplication or errors. I tried it when A20.4 first hit and didn't have any issues, but prefer method 1. for the time being as it's easy going. A20.5 shared this about the new Mods set up. I'll switch over, only when I have to. Mods folder Due to restrictions from Microsoft, FUTURE updates may change the location of the Mods folder.These restrictions make it so that the Mods folder can longer be in the same installation folder as 7 Days to Die.You can specify the location of the UserDataFolder in the game launcher. The Mods folder can then be placed in that folder. Add the following to the command line:Format:-UserDataFolder=<YOUR_DRIVE_LOCATION><YOUR_FOLDER_LOCATION> Example:-UserDataFolder=C:\MyUserDataThe UserDataFolder can also be set in the serverconfig.xml file.Format:<property name="UserDataFolder" value="<YOUR_SERVER_DRIVE_LOCATION><YOUR_SERVER_FOLDER_PATH><YOUR_FOLDER_LOCATION>" />Example:<property name="UserDataFolder" value="C:\MyServer\Users\TFP\123456\MyDediSaves" />
  14. Just a small update for a critical thing and a few quality of life updates. The Fish Starter Kit required old money to 'craft' and has been changed to Silver Coins since old money no longer exists. The Fungus entities are added to BM. And for testing purposes, a BM variant of the Giant Rat. The Rad Mod has been renamed and given a new icon, since it was since hooked up to loot and is necessary for certain entities. And since those nights and POIs can get very dark in there, a 'Mage Light Mod' has been added to the Trader inventory. And a slight update to the 'Escape Menu' image. As these are all minimal .xml updates to existing assests, it is not necessary to start a new world.
  15. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    Darkstardragon's NMM just got an update (npcs/Bandits/Undead/POIs/bug swats) and a little more polish. ^^
  16. One of the POIs from @Laz Man (Medieval_Blacksmith_01) was replaced by its updated A20 version, and the additional level of polish will be noticeable. Apart from adding the custom forge to the outside area, a wheelbarrow near the blacksmith resources, an old rustic well, and loot switch where appropriate, it remains practically untouched and deservedly so. Much appreciated. This serves as a Tier 1 Quest location (fetch/clear), but also makes for a cosy starter base with a functional forge and well. This update also brings the Joust Arena in a friendly and hostile format. The friendly format contains the 'Royals' and a couple of their trusted guards that can be hired. The towers also contain ranged characters in a locked 'turret' state which is a nice feature sphereii and Xyth introduced to the NPCMod to expand available functions. The hostile version is T4 and also with locked ranged entities up in the towers with their crossbows and bows. It is reminiscent of The Wasteland Mod Prison but possibly a little more forgiving. This one is getting attacked by a dragon. There's a bit of tinkering in the background to consider a viable and appropriate light source beyond the burning shaft mod which is quite limited. Since there are no headlamps or weapon lights, it can get quite dark in there. I'll be asking Oakraven for assistance on this option as it's something we use in the Snufkin weapons whereby a 'mod' is added as a dye to a player's headwear to provide beneficial buffs. The default models work just fine but these lit ones (The Firefly Jar and Orange Flower) do not want to play along very well. A new test World has been uploaded to accommodate this update here. It is the same generation as before but with subtle changes here and there. The Main Menu has 6 possible images shown randomly. Thank you to @closer_ex for this very practical mod. And @magejosh added a loading screen. and an 'Escape' feature which brings up an interactive scroll that has a hyperlink back to this thread. ^^ Darkstardragon's new entities and decorations are very decent and will add that additional variety and challenge is some rather unexpected places.
  17. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    Here is a new POI added to the NPCMod Prefabs pack. https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod-Prefabs Joust Arena (NPCMod_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01) A Tier 4 Fetch/Clear POI for the Bandits. Ranged Bandits are locked in a turret state in the towers and melee type will be active at ground level. A default zombie type was first submitted for the CP 49 pack as an addition to the Medievil Village Tile Set. This is the NPCMod Prefabs version, and there will also be a version for the 'Not Medieval Mod' by Darkstardragon using its own custom blocks and other properties. This POI can spawn Downtown in a 60 x 60 block or in the Wilderness.
  18. The NMM Medieval Town (CP 48 Medievil Village) has 31 unique POIs that can be randomly placed on the Compo Pack Tiling system for their specific size. This is actually plenty because each town mixes up both the building tiling system and POIs to provide unique features. Saying that, both the CP 48 Medievil Village, and by association NMM Medieval Town, can always make room for more and this can allow the random town size to be increased so there can be some very small towns and places verging on a Capital city. Joust Arena is a 60 x 60 POI that has been submitted for CP 49. In the meantime, it will be customised for the NMM and bundled into the mod. Wilderness Tagged version. Tiles placed version. A bit moody in the Wasteland test world. The new enemy and unique variety versions are going to need their own POIs for sure, and additional POIs can be made specifically with them in mind, where they do not exist.
  19. It sounds harsh. I wonder what kind of errors were showing up in the server log. I tested an eclectic mix of mods that are really not very compatible at all. The first was in a totally destructive environment and the second was more realistic. The first one had some oddities but I couldn't crash it with the Snufkins added. This was an A20.5 stress test. In the second, I used Navezgane with 26 Mods, of which 1 was the Snufkins. There were 7 mods which contained custom entities. I spawned a wide variety and left them to it. There is the Siren in there along with The Wasteland Mod Aliens, Mutants, Raiders, as well as Darkstardragon's Vault Dwellers and all sorts of others. The console remained clean. Can this mod on its own run on the server without issue? If yes, there may be a conflict with another mod. If no, let's keep troubleshooting. It may require a little trial and error to find if there is a conflict with this one and a particular mod or something in this mod isn't working on the dedicated servers. A server log will be very helpful here to see what is happening at load out.
  20. The Pegasus vehicle is made in this way. - The vehicle base is a 4x4 (that is what we see in your picture) - It is given a buff to remove its model mesh parts - The Pegasus model is placed above it. - The player is position so it looks like they are sitting on the Pegasus. This is all done using a buff in the buffs.xml. Based on your picture, the buffs.xml is not loading.
  21. Ya, hard to say where this error is coming from as it appears to be inconsistent from what we tested. In your case, it is much more consistent. It sounds like there may need to be an increase in the number of Wilderness POIs being added to the World. Those Wilderness paths are already doing crazy spaghetti everywhere and even go to POIs which haven't been tagged to receive any pathing connection. Some more POIs will be added to the Wilderness, such as more cave type places and this may calm things down. If you can share the size and features you are looking for in a World we can attempt to create something since we are seeing this error a lot less than you are experiencing.
  22. Ya, that's a good point for sure as server configuration allows the GS Level to be set and default is 5 in there at the moment. For the NMM characters, all POIs only allow ranged bandit types to spawn with a 0.1 chance until players reach GS50 at which point they go to the same probability as everything else. The Undead ferals are even lower at 0.025 as they can be fast and relentless in a pack. Since you've brought in additional Addon Pack friends, they'll also have the same spawn chance as the Orcs since they share the same Sleeper Groups. For the Biomes though, there's no GS feature available and that level protection would be very useful just to get things going.
  23. The 'Not Medieval Mod' is a fantasy Modpack based around a 'medieval/historical' theme. It provides an immersive environment, from game characters to the overall theme. The goal was to move back in time and bring in a touch of magic. As such, modern day assets have been removed, renamed, or replaced where possible. It is brought to you by Darkstardragon, who has been very active supporting the community project NPCMod, with an abundance of custom Addon entity packs. With the NPCMod being released (which powers the NMM), followed by CP48 Medievil Village (which adds that full on immersion to locations), the 'Not Medieval Mod' was simply waiting there for the taking. The 'Not Medieval Mod' should really be considered as a team effort because it combines the creativity of Prefab/POI creators, modelers, coders, and everything and everyone else that is required to release a full on mod. Many regular game features will be recognisable and allow players to quickly adapt to the new theme. For example, a Worktable is now an NMM Dragon Worktable with some craftable items removed but some new ones gained. Regular modern zombies are also gone but you'll still see Burnt Zombies out there and a few crawlers in POIs. The Wasteland is now Orcland with a partial burnt crispiness and wasted feel. There are two kinds of download; Development Build and Stable Build. 1. DEVELOPMENT BUILD - Can change daily Github: https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMM (This version is the development version and updated regularly. The current version will show the date on the Readme.) 2. STABLE BUILD - Updated weekly/monthly Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/mods10 (This version is the current public version which is decent for communities who want a stable build for everyone to download and share the same assets. It will be given a rapid update for critical issues, but other than that updates will arrive when there is sufficient additional content or change.) LOCALIZATION The NMM mod has been built using an English interface and Localization mods are gladly accepted for other languages. Here are links to Localization mods submitted for players that prefer to play in that language interface. 3. Japanese Localization Mod created by Macksan (日本語化MOD) https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/zzz-jpn-macksan-notmdvl No log in is required for either Github or Moddb. The Moddb version will be updated on a weekly-monthly basis when the current Github version has been fully tested as stable.) Installation Place these individual mods from the bundle in your Mods folder. The bundle to be placed in your Mods folder has changed a little since this image was posted but will look similar to the following: For Players and Server Admin/Hosts who have never installed a mod before, here are some simple step by step instructions: 1. If you've never installed a mod before, it is necessary to create a Mods folder in the main directory, typically inside :\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die. In the future, this location may change and we'll update instructions at that time. If you have a custom install or your server host has modified the installation location, then you may have to explore. 2. Simply make a new folder called Mods (with a capital M to reflect standard nomenclature) in your '7 Days To Die' main directory folder. 3. You can now drag all of the mod folders directly out of the zipped file, and it can be placed directly into the Mods folder. It should look like the list of folders and file in the image above. 4. And when you launch the game, turn EAC (anti cheat software) off because EAC will not accept the custom content. Does this Mod need to be installed in the server/client host? = YES Do players also need to install this Mod? = YES (because it contains custom content that cannot be downloaded from the server). About the World - NMM01 Custom OPTIONS As of A20.6 Stable, a fire system was introduced as default. While it has received very positive feedback, this may not be for everyone. There is a new folder called 'NMM Gameplay OPTIONS'. This provides players/communities with custom options related to the food spoilage and fire dynamic. The associated Readme as follows: NMM Gameplay OPTIONS Readme This folder contains separate mod folders. The mods can allow you to customise your NMM experience depending on your game style. To use any of them, copy directly into the Mods folder. They will activate as you launch the game. Simply remove them from the Mods folder to deactivate them if they are no longer appropriate. A) 1-NMMCore Food Spoilage This mod activates food spoilage for NMM. This allows any food you have (except for fish and honeycomb) to degrade over time. B) 1-NMMCore No Fire This mod turns off all fire features for NMM. This means entities and selective ammo cannot burn wooden buildings, etc. C) 1-NMMCore No Fungus Fire This mod turns off the fire feature for the 3 Fungus entities. This means the acid vomit and globules cannot burn wooden buildings, etc. All other fire features will remain active, such as Fire Breathing Dragon attacks. Sample World Here is a 7K sample World. Be warned that there is a 'Spoiler' image of the World layout at this location. https://www.moddb.com/company/not-medieval-mod-developers/downloads/nmm7k01 NMM uses the game's in-house RWG with a little repainting of the Biomes for additional variety. In addition, all buildings are community made and incorporated into A20s superb Tiling system. This image shows how the biome and layout will look. The placement of Wilderness POIs and mixing of POIs in the tiling system may change as updates arrive but this image will be a very true likeness of what can be expected. NMM7K01 Layout - Added as a spoiler for communities/players who prefer the surprise. And the original 7D2D RWG Seed and Settings for reference. To make your own RWG, temporarily remove your Data > Prefabs > POIs. This stops default POIs from spawning in the Wilderness. The NMM is bundled with all the required POIs to generate a World. If you prefer not to temporarily remove your POIs folder, your World will only have NMM City/Town/Village Tiles, but the Wilderness will contain regular default buildings. More about the NMM NMM provides a multitude of custom assets from game characters to a fully immersive environment. Here are a few images to demonstrate. Environment This images shows CP48 Medievil Village minimally customised for the 'NMM'. Beyond changing things like electric lights and other modern assets, the POIs stay totally true to the original creators concept. The player is riding on the Pegasus which is currently available after completing a Tier 4 end tier Quest. Entities There are Orcs and Goblins which are 'Bandit' class entities. They will attack players without hesitation. In early Game Stages they will be melee type and as you progress you will experience some with ranged weapons (crossbows and bows). They will appear in the Biomes and selective POIs during Quests. There are the Undead. These are a collection of 'Zombie' class entities. They will attack Players, Orcs and Goblins. However, some types of Orc and Golbin are also built into the Undead faction to help make Horde Night a more eclectic experience. There are the Friendlies. These consist of 'Survivors' and 'Hireable' classes. The Survivors are just trying to survive like regular players, while the hireables can be hired by players to assist you. You can build your own merry band of followers. There are also Mythical Beasts such as Dragons out there... And some giant Rats and Spiders are known to lurk around as well. Vehicles Players can gain a horse (kindly created by @Zilox) after completing a Quest Tier if they so desire. The Shaman Goblin. And that stick is not just for show... ^^ Weapons Players also have access to a variety of custom weapons: - Smite Thee Down type. These consist of hand held cutting, stabbing, and head cracking weapons. - Flintlock and Blunderbuss weapons. - Semi-automatic crossbows that hold 4 bolts at a time. - Speary things. These progress using their associated skill from Quality 2 - 6. They are integrated into the regular system but you'll see a little difference in name changes. @oakraven has been prolific in sharing assets with the NMM and had these weapons all ready and prepared well in advance. Traders There are also custom Traders which are piggybacking the regular traders and their unique traits. Rekt has become Baker, who is built into the NPCMod Core files and being put to full effect. He also sells roast chicken and provides two custom quests. And @Laz Man's older version of the Blacksmith POI has also been converted into its own Trader POI with an appropriate character from the NMM. Quests There are an abundance of Quests beyond regular Fetch and Clear. - One is automatically provided upon entering the game and after completing the 'Tutorial' stage. It gives Skill Points for completing a certain number of eliminations during Horde Night. Players who prefer not to have this automatic quest can delete it from their quest tree list. - One can be found in the player tool belt and starts an entity quest to eliminate the Undead faction. This has 5 quest stages and awards experience and skill points upon full completion. Others in this series can be purchased from Traders. - Another is also shared in the tool belt and offers a mixed quest of collect / craft / defend. This can also be purchased again from Traders. - Some Traders have their own specific side quests which only they will offer. The Main Quest - The Main Quest is one which requires visiting certain POIs in a certain order based on the scroll instructions. This quest is primarily designed for SP or smaller groups who share as a party. It is not designed for large communities or public servers. A starter scroll is found at a certain central POI (which can be found in multiple towns) and leads players on a sequential quest mission. These POIs and scrolls will not reset and once taken or complete are gone forever. However, a server admin using server admin tools can reset the specific POIs or region that they sit in to provide a 'loot respawn' equivalent which will then bring them back into place. The names can be provided to server admin on request but will not be publicly shared to avoid any spoiler disappointment. What else will you find? The Oakraven Forest Collection has been 'plundered' and incorporates the fish farming, bee hives, chicken coops, wells and and and... ^^ Here is the Read Me added into the mod which shows a list of Credits, without whom the NMM would not be possible. ================================================= == Not Medieval Mod for 7D2D is powered by 0-XNPCCore and 0-Score == ================================================= ASSETS: =============== === 1-NMMCore === =============== 1-NMMCore contains all of the base resource files and connected xml files. 'Not Medieval Mod' (NMM) Creators and Developers in Alphabtical Order from Z - A: Zilox - Kindly provided the Medieval Horse. @xyth - Kindly developed the 0-XNPCCore, along with the team. The 0-XNPCCore is a complete bundle of models, code, and other game assets. Xyth/SphereII/Mumpfy - Kindly developed 'Locks' mod powered by Score. @sphereii - Kindly developed the 0-Score, along with the team. Also provided the 0-SphereII Legacy Distant Terrain. @oakraven - Kindly provided the NMMOakCore content, consisting of multiple released and NMM standalone modlets. (Full list below) @magejosh - Kindly supported background development, such as Biome modification. @MichaelL./mplogue - Kindly provided custom Prefabs that match the theme of the NMM. POI creator extraordinaire. @KhaineGB - Thank you for sharing Lockable Inventory Slots for mod use. @Guppycur - Kindly provided resources, and a venue for the NMM development. @Darkstardragon - NMM Creator and Overseer. Bought and brought all entities, and some models, into the NMM along with a host of other critical tasks. Compo Pack Team - Kindly allowed 'Medieval' type Prefab submissions to support the NMM. @stallionsden brought them all together into tiled Medieval townships. (Full list below) arramus - Kindly supported this, that and the other. (Some customisation from original assets was required for integration and balance) ================ == 2-NMMOakCore == ================ This 2-NMMOakCore Mod Pack compiles mods created by Oakraven, with support from arramus. It is a highly fundamental part of the NMM and Oakraven has really gone above and beyond. Thank you. The majority are individual modlets and part of the Oakraven Forest Collection that can be found here: Oakraven Forest Collection Mod List: - Bee Hives - Chicken Coops - Cooking Stations - Dragon Beds and Stuff (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Dragon Blunderbuss (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Dragon Cannon - Ranged (A custom ranged weapon made for the NMM) - Dragon Carts (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Dragon Crossbows (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Dragon Flintlocks (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Dragon Weapons (A custom collection made for the NMM) - Fireflies - Fish Farm - Oakdragon UI - Torches and Lights - Water Wells - Work Stations =================== == 1-NMMSmittysArmor == =================== This 1-NMMSmittysArmor Mod compiles assets provided by Smitty from the Smitty's Armor mod. Thank you for giving your kind permission. ============================== == 2-NMMCP48 Medievil Village Modded == ============================== The Compo Pack is a well know and very well establish 7D2D resource that allows custom POIs/Prefabs to be added to Worlds. Submissions are made to the CP team and kept as intact as possible beyond carefully modifying for quality and performance. The beauty of the CP is that it is very welcoming and open to all submissions and supports over 1000 Prefabs. A20 further diversified Worlds with a Tiling system and Stallionsden and team have carefully created themed tiles. Check them out here: The Medievil Village is one of the themed tile sets and consists of 31 community made Prefabs that have been updated or submitted for A20. All of the Prefabs keep their original names. However, the Sleeper Volumes, some internal assets, and tags have been changed to match the theme and avoid conflict where the originals are installed. Prefab creators from Z - A include: Zyncosa WormPie WildPig Vitamin E 'Unknown' Tom TehKarmah SirLoachalot Riahsaurus Rex PVWolfgang Pashmina Midnight Peach Libby Laz man Guppycur Ericbeaudoin Eko Eihwaz Ataxia78 arramus Additional POI submissions for CP49 are joining Medievil Village Modded. Prefab creators from Z - A include: Shema Redzero83 Magoli OPTIONAL SETTING By default NMM has no food spoilage system. However, it is hooked up to allow it and this can be easily turned on to increase the challenge. - Step 1. Go inside your '1-NMMCore / Config folder and open the blocks.xml file. - Step 2. On Line 4 you can see this code line. <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='FoodSpoilage']/property[@name='FoodSpoilage']/@value">false</set> (may say true at the end depending on your version) Change the false to true to turn on food spoilage. Change the true to false to turn off food spoilage. KNOWN QUIRKS/ISSUES/EXPLOITS - The NPCs are not governed by low level protection rules and initial spawning may be met with a hostile or friendly interaction. Response: Run to a safer place, ideally close to a friendly who will attack the hostile by default. - The NPCs sometimes pause, disappear, do not follow requests promptly, attack too much, or show other odd actions. Response: They are what they are, and as good as it gets for now, which is actually very functional and adds immersion. For major issues, report in the NPCMod thread. - Quests are not registering kills. Response: Has been reported to the developers in the previous comment thread. - Fetch quests can be exploited. Response: Place the fetch items in your inventory before handing in to the trader. This exploit can be both beneficial and negative depending on the sequence. This uses a built in game quest feature and will hopefully get resolved in the future. - It is not possible to open some crates when a light/object is placed above or under it. Response: This requires some changes to the models and will be resolved in due course.
  24. Just a little reminder on this one. I'm currently on the A20.5 experimental build.
  25. Just a little reminder on this one. I'm currently on the A20.5 experimental build.
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