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Everything posted by arramus

  1. I wonder if these would cause any lag say someone has 20 each of turret guards, animals or guard animals? Larger servers notice some performance issues if there are too many guards and animals populating the world. They often set players a limit I was testing and did place down from the F6 menu an item called guard template which resulted in about 6.5 million error lines so safe to say will be keeping an eye on that one in future! :D.....dev server also crashed. A template entity is generally not supposed to be spawned using F6. It is not accessible in game and Admin should not attempt to spawn it on the server. I noticed some were commented out such as "GuardHandsim" "GuardZeus1" "GuardPsyren1" and so on, are these hidden treasures or should be avoided for some reason? These were experimental for A18 but did not work out. They could roam freely just like a player. If they enter a Trader area, it crashes the server. Their alternative was not appropriate. That is one reason for the turret guards. Also the guards seems quite powerful with their shots, were taking down loads within 2 shots, headshots I figure but is there a way to reduce their impact at all, I guess they do have limited health and don't heal unlike the animals do, shame they don't self heal and I gather theres no way to apply that. Thanks As with player weapons, the turret guard weapons are governed in the items.xml. It is possible to reduce entity damage among other settings. In A19 it was possible for players to heal their turret guards using a bandage. In A20, TFP removed this ability as the entity class they used was removed from the game. The turret guards are using the last remaining class for Traders which is good for some things but not for that.
  2. What World are you attempting to use? The PREGEN6k? There's a warning with Failed loading world header file for PREGEN6k\Oakwood\main.ttw. Any other posts relating to such an issue generally suggest a Region file has corrupted. The Oakraven Modpack has its own World called OAK6K01 as well as its own Prefabs and needs to be set up on a new RWG world. All I can suggest is deleting/moving all of your saved and trying with the sample OAK6K01 World if you aren't already.
  3. What's the very first error message in the log before all of these warnings appear? You turned off EAC, right? Pushed another Old West POI and associated World. Meatloaf T2 on a 25 x 25.
  4. Pushed the Meatloaf POI as a T2 with all Quest types. It's a 25 x 25 and tips the scales towards the Quest type POIs but still allows the deco and remnant POIs to appear at a reduced frequency.
  5. Yes, it can get tricky at times using things as they weren't quite intended and it'll require a little more of that science. Things like moving the new seats a little or changing the exit property for the new seats may suddenly snap things back into place. I haven't seen that hold bug before when exiting a vehicle and that's a new one.
  6. Of the 9 remnant default Old West POIs, 5 take up 25 x 25 slots of which 2 are questable. Adding a few more 25 x 25 POIs should decrease the chance for destroyed non questable POIs but not totally eliminate them. This will maintain some level of destruction but restore some life. This is going to be a 25 x 25 addition called 'Meat Loaf'. The 'L' has unfortunately fallen off on this occasion.
  7. Pushed a small cosmetic update. A bit of aging, fascia filling, and sun shade for 3 of the POIs. Aging on the roof tiles and broken fence. Fascia lighting (unpowered) and a few extra props. Canopy for the seating area for sun shade (because zombies appreciate that ^^)
  8. Pushed a small update with a new T2 Quest POI. This is a 50 x 25 POI to give additional variety for RWG builds with 'Many' Towns selected. It is an outdoor stage and barbecue venue for 'locals'. All POIs are typically indoors but this offers a fence enclosed area exposed to the outdoors.
  9. Pushed a small update with a new T2 Quest POI. Sweeney Salon and Lovetts Pie Den joined together somewhere to pass on ingredients for those delicious pies.
  10. There is nothing to fix in the Oakraven Workstation Mod and it will continue to use that name. Changing it will cause problems for many users if they update to a newer version while it is still on their gamesave and the name has changed. It seems both the Oakraven Workstation Mod and Tactical Weapons Mod use the name 'ammobench'. Go to either of the mods and everywhere you see the name 'ammobench', rename it to something else. It will appear in the blocks.xml, recipes.xml, Xui files, and possibly in other places where it has been added. If one has already been added to your game, then change it in the second one you are trying to add.
  11. These new additions look too good to use, and with the fire mod, shotguns, and general zombie clawing, it's lucky a quest restart will return them to pristine condition. These would all come together nicely in a gated luxury community 'last stand' tile.
  12. At present, two people can be on the blimp. The pilot at the front and the passenger tucked just behind them. It can be more. For convenience, this is best done with a group of people so you can test how it looks. Instructions to add more passenger: 1. Go to the Config/vehicles.xml file. 2. Search for vehicleSharkBlimp. 3. Scroll down to this area for the vehicleSharkBlimp. seat0 is for the 'pilot' and seat1 is for the passenger. <property class="seat0"> <property name="position" value="0, .7, -0.15"/> <property name="rotation" value="-25, 0, 0"/> <property name="exit" value="-2,0,0 ~ 2,0,0 ~ 0,0,-4 ~ 0,0,4 ~ 0,3,0"/> </property> <property class="seat1"> <property name="position" value="0, 0.6, -0.7"/> <property name="rotation" value="-15, 0, 0"/> <property name="exit" value="-.9,0,0 ~ .9,0,0 ~ 0,0,-1.5 ~ 0,0,1.6 ~ 0,1.5,0"/> </property> 4. To add 2 additional seats behind the passenger, try adding this extra xml code below seat1. This will add the new seats and change the position value so players may sit in a line and look appropriate. This changes the position value in two ways. The distance up from the center of the blimp (moving up) and the distance from the center of the blimp (moving back). In seat0 it is .7 and -0.15 for up and away from the center. In seat1 it is 0.6 and -0.7. seat1 is moved 0.1 down from .7 to 0.6 (using 0 before the decimal point is optional and no worries about the discrepancy). seat 1 is moved .55 back from -0.15 to -0.7. If we use this 0.1 and .55 difference in position between we see in seat 0 and seat1, we can match that pattern for a new seat2 and seat3. The shark is not quite totally flat with a slight downward slope to the end of the tail and these numbers may need further tweaking. <property class="seat2"> <property name="position" value="0, .5, -1.25"/> <property name="rotation" value="-25, 0, 0"/> <property name="exit" value="-2,0,0 ~ 2,0,0 ~ 0,0,-4 ~ 0,0,4 ~ 0,3,0"/> </property> <property class="seat3"> <property name="position" value="0, 0.4, -1.8"/> <property name="rotation" value="-15, 0, 0"/> <property name="exit" value="-.9,0,0 ~ .9,0,0 ~ 0,0,-1.5 ~ 0,0,1.6 ~ 0,1.5,0"/> </property> This keeps the pattern for all seats. It may need tweaking more though depending on what you see in game. To move seat2 player up a little, consider .55 instead of .5. To move seat2 players back a little behind seat1 consider -1.3. You can do the same for seat4 and seat5 if you want a party of 6 players all on the same blimp. Please share your results if you pursue this as other players may want to try the same.
  13. This has been a bit of a thorn and should relate to only the Work Station mod. The icon name and name linked to it in the xml files were updated very recently and the most current version should resolve this. If an icon is called something like powdermixer but the xml looks for PowderMixer it is case sensitive and they won't pair and hook up. On the recent update, they were checked to make sure they match. I shall double check. 1. <property name="CustomIcon" value="oakchemistrystation"/> in xml. Actual name of icon is oakchemistrystation 2. <property name="CustomIcon" value="forgebigoak2"/> in xml. Actual name of icon is forgebigoak2 3. <property name="CustomIcon" value="tatarinforge"/> in xml. Actual name of icon is tatarinforge 4. <property name="CustomIcon" value="tатаринforge"/> This one needs updating as it should also be tatarinforge. This was another issue with font types being an issue. 5. <property name="CustomIcon" value="stonecrusher"/> in xml. Actual name of icon is stonecrusher 6. <property name="CustomIcon" value="cementmixerbucket"/> Actual name of icon is cementmixerbucket 7. <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammopress"/> Actual name of icon is cementmixerbucket ammopress Just no.4 needs an update to change from tатаринforge to tatarinforge and I shall push that now. Update: Pushed. This update should have no mismatches and can be reinstalled for that version or updated manually by crosschecking letter casing and names are perfectly matching in the blocks.xml and associated icons in the ItemIconAtlas folder.
  14. Pushed a small update to support the Old West street. - Bony Xpress. This is a T3 POI which supports all Quest types. It is a 50 x 25 size. There were periodic gaps along some sides of the streets for 50 x 25 and this additional POI helps to address that and give a more populated POI feel. - A new OAK6K01 sample World has also been upload that contains this new POI.
  15. Pushed a small update to the Old West Migration Mod. - Added a 50 x 25 POI (Bony Xpress) for T3 to support all quest types. This is a play on Pony Express and has a main office and stable on the left side with a storage facility on the right side. This POI helps to fill in any of the large 50 x 25 empty gaps that may appear on the Old West streets. There are an abundance of 25 x 25 POIs and they can fill up a road on both sides most appropriately. Occasional gaps where there was not an alternative 50 x 25 POI to add in place is no major issue but can look a little empty. This will now be filled at a greater frequency with this new POI on top of 'Apper' and the regular default strip POIs.
  16. <property name="Model" value="Entities/Crafting/table_sawPrefab"/> The table saw still exists as a Prefab and copy/pasting existing properties and then customising to match your needs is something your community should be very comfortable with based on the weapon upgrades and customisations.
  17. Just putting in the foundations on a new POI for a Pony Express service for the Old West. As with the standard naming quirks, it'll be called 'Bony Xpress'. It'll have the walk in office on the left and stable on the right and possibly something upstairs for admin.
  18. There are not too many additions to make to integrate Spider Pipe Bomber into your existing build so you current settings aren't lost. Copy and Paste - buffs.xml has the Spider at the bottom for the decorations. - entityclasses.xml has the Spider at the bottom for the entity. - entitygroups.xml has the Spider added at the bottom of each Biome area at the bottom of each list. Integrating into the horde night will require a little work but Notepad++ is the way I added it in originally by using the Find What: (I selected Hammer Spammer) and Replace with: (I added Hammer Spammer and the new Spider Pipe Bomber). - items.xml has the Spider at the bottom for the melee and projectile (2 sections). - Localization has the Spider at the bottom for its display name for players using that mod. The one that took the longest was the entitygroups due to the Game Stage changes in the Horde Night entries.
  19. A basic response to some warnings that appear from time to time for the Snufkin collection. 1. Particle System is trying to spawn on a mesh with zero surface area. This appears to happen when a projectile with a certain particle attached to it makes contact with the ground or some other surface areas. Typically the electric shock or fire type particle. It has been this way since the beginning. It is a TFP asset interacting with another TFP asset that was probably not intended to be used in this way. It does not appear to be critical unless the spawn rate of the Geist or fire producing entities are increased to allow multiple versions on them at the same time. Too many Geists all firing their projectiles have been known to crash a server. The entitygroups.xml has been set up to keep spawning balanced and with the increase in entities for the Plus collection, critical issues have not been reported for a long time. 2. RadiatedParticlesOnMesh The radiated particle on mesh appears to be a feature that may have been experimental in the past. When too many entities of this nature all appear in the same area, it has been reported that it can cause lag. There haven't been any reports it brings a warning error. The potential performance hit is a good reason the Snufkins have a single entity using this radiated particle to ensure it's the exception. If other mods that use this radiated particle are added and they are all appearing at once, that is when a performance hit is most noticable on a dedicated server. 3. Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5. This Magic Bus warning was reported in the Bugs channel about 18 months ago. It is deemed to be a low priority issue and we may see those models updated in a future Alpha. The Magic Bus is being used in a more dynamic way than what was intended and this is a trade off for keeping it in the pack. It was not added in the A20 version because of this issue, but was requested to make a return.
  20. Pushing an update with a new zombie to join the collection. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2022September23 Spider Pipe Bomber. As the name suggests, this entity throws 4 pipe bombs (2 followed by another 2) for its ranged attack. The accuracy and player damage will not cause too much trouble for players with sufficient protection. However, these pipe bombs can pass through protective bars.
  21. When one issue is fixed, another one that was waiting may appear. It is helpful to add the log to the post to see if it is showing the reason for the error.
  22. The models themselves embed the text font/color/style and nothing is currently accessible by xml. This is something Oakraven will need to give some thought to. We received comments on color in the past as they all used to be one color. This eclectic mix gave more variety to assist different types of player even though it would restrict using the full range of storage containers for those colors which weren't appropriate.
  23. Pushed a small update for the Modpack. - A new 6K sample World was bundled into the Modpack. It has received some custom Biome edits so all Old West is in the desert and Snow Orc POIs are in the snow. Since the algorithm changes for A20.6 Stable it has a different layout. A layout has been added to the first post as a 'spoiler'. It only has 1 starting spawn point which is pretty much dead central in the World. - Some new custom Old West POIs have been added to give additional Old West variety. @Guppycur kindly shared a new entity with the community. It is a roasted vulture which has bi-pedal gait and will chase you on foot. And a sample of the custom POIs you can expect in the Old West. This is a strip type where all 3 buildings are linked into 1 POI quest.
  24. Old West Migration has been updated to A21 and can be downloaded here: https://github.com/arramus/A21-OldWestMigration (Click on the Green 'Code' icon and select 'Download ZIP') The whole mod (A21-OldWestMigration) can be placed in the 'Mods' folder. 7 Days will be able to read and use the Prefabs from directly within the mod. Ensure that the mod is not nested with other folders. The hierarchy will be 'Mods / A21-OldWestMigration / Config, Prefabs, ModInfo.xml, and Old West Migration Tiling.txt' If it is something like Mods / A21-OldWestMigration-main / A21-OldWestMigration... it will not load as the ModInfo.xml file must be where the game can see it. ^^ Terms of Use: - Please ask for permission before using this Mod in an Overhaul or Modpack. This ensure there is only one 'official' release and reduces the possibility of outdated clones being in the community. - Please do not add this Mod to a Prefab/POI pack. - This Mod can be distributed within a closed community. Please do not upload it to an alternative location which is publicly accessible. Old West Migration is a small modlet that provides the following: - Increases the size of the Old West tiling system by using higher min/max tile values in the RWG creation stage. - Increases the amount of Old West settlements being created in a RWG. - Adds a gateway and Trader to the Old West tiling system. One custom trader can appear directly inside the town. - Adds custom Old West POIs that can be quested and are in context with the Old West theme. - Converts remnant and decorative default POIs to quest POIs. - Adds custom tiles to expand the current TFP selection. - Adds decoration POIs to the desert and forest biomes in context with the Old West theme. Here is a video to demonstrate from Flat Lander. Here are a few images to demonstrate. The length of each straight is quite long but game play is smooth since these POIs do not require heavy rendering. Bubbles is a T3 custom POI. It has been repurposed and rerouted from a default POI. Downstairs is an innocent 'soda fountain' establishment while upstairs offers something stronger. This is 3 POIs connected as a T3. We have 'Crapper', 'Trapper', and 'Dapper' for hygiene, hunting, and attire. ^^ Gold Rush offers a T2 quest. Gee Gee is a T1 stable. This image shows how the Old West generally expands with an intersection with two buildings at each end to cap them off. 1. Old West enlargement. ^^ In addition, there are a variety of Decoration POIs that will spawn randomly and at a regulated amount in the Biomes. Here are a few examples. The custom POIs have some of the 'key' triggers to unlock doors. These rarely work unless the Client also installs the POIs. While this is a Server Side Only mod, this issue with the 'key' triggers may be noticed if it's used on a dedicated server. This has been reported as a potential bug.
  25. Ah yes, the addition of the ZMXuiCP for compatibility caused incompatibility. ^^ Yes. You found the new load order requirement and other people who visit will be able to use that for the future.
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