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Everything posted by POCKET951

  1. ah the elusive bugged storage tree. Is this worth submitting a proper bug report?
  2. I mean I learned of it from Jawoodles Video. I just wanted to make sure TFP are aware of it. I just wanted to make a simple demonstration of how it's achieved so they can replicate and fix it. also if TFP decide to fix this, they don't have to skim trough a 20 minute video to figure it out. the information here is laid out clearly and quickly digestible. also damn, I just got 4 dislikes in this thread. some people are salty.
  3. I am not trying to deprive anyone of there fun. I just remember reading in the forums somewhere that they wanted to fix blocks that cause this kind of behaviour. I am doing this to try to help TFP make zombie pathing better and more consistent.
  4. I think you are being sarcastic? I am terrible with sarcasm. I just want to make him work harder to find the next busted thing so TFP can keep fixing force fields untill they are entirely gone.
  5. Combining slope plate filler+ Road paint mark create the same result as the old arrow slits. unpathable by zombies You put the road paint marks over top of the slope plate fillers. Can we get this fixed? @faatal If you stand in the middle Zombies are unable to path to you and they start attacking the ground and get confused as heck That being said, people who like this, I encourage you to use and enjoy it as much as you like.
  6. depends what biome and lootstage, but they adjusted the lootstage tiers in the latest alpha, could be totally possible. tier 1 POI loot is also usually nothing to write home about
  7. I always thought it was supplies or inventory or critical things the trader needs? or when story is implemented, or in order to balance the traders you have to get X number of these crates for the traders to have access to there full inventory?
  8. Dont let @SnowDog1942 see this. he will get ideas
  9. IDK what bandits will be like when we get them, but in a previous thread I have already day dreamed about all the exciting possibilities bandits bring to the game and the 7 Days To Die design space, so what ever form they come in in A21, I will be excited for our first look at them and also there future iterations and implementations This is another day dream idea, but what if you the first time you get killed by the bandits and instead of respawning at your bedroll you respawn in the prison POI and your quest would be to break out, find recover your gear and escape.
  10. I just used the rural church beside the trader in pregen 8k, didn't realize it was a tier 3 poi until much later. roomy enough for 1 person and it starts as cobble. It became a bit tight on space as my storage became bigger and bloated but I am sure I could just add on and expand if I really needed too
  11. I think alot more people would take pack pule if it actually increased your inventory space. Currently its always 9x5 what if you could add another 5-15 inventory slots by going into packmule? 10x5 for 5 more 11X5 for 10 10x6 for 15 more I am also not sure how cargo pocket mods will fit into the new A21 armor system and if we will still be able to overcome encumberance that way, or if each piece of armor in A21 will naturally add pockets to your bag making it take longer to become encumbered. 15 might be to much?? I would be glad for 5 and 10 would be nice. I can dream though right
  12. idk what the expected outcome should be for this, but this is the correct logic for wiring a powered door to open from both sides. It has to connect to the Door/trap last in order for both things to trigger it.
  13. Your post didn't go poof. the thread was accidentally double posted.
  14. @BFT2020 are you still working on this or has it been shelved?
  15. I like the idea, but there is RNG, I think for a control you could find a patch of even ground, dig out the dirt to the stone, and then time a dig down to bedrock through nothing but stone.
  16. well I have 4 points, coffee and rock busters arent an issue, so I will always have those and I got more fuel than I will ever need. also have all 7 art of mining boooks I don't care about tidiness or the augur sounds though. I am more concerned about the pure min/max yield of resources per minute assuming you have EVERYTHING related to mining.
  17. what is the most efficient min/max way to mine ore/resources in the game at the moment? I have stuck by and always used a fully kitted out augur but I do see people use Q6 Steel pickaxes with all the modslots full is it preference or is one actually better/faster than the other? I have never really tinkered with the pickaxe
  18. I crafted a q5 lever action rifle because I never found any. as soon as I hit lootstage 100 I jumped to the much higher biomes so it was much so I most likely skipped over the lootstage window to find them
  19. @schwanz9000 when can we expect an official fix for this loot issue?
  20. That is because it just stops appearing in loot after a certain lootstage in its current iteration from what I know. and it is a really low lootstage (190 or 130 I think). I consider anything below lootstage 200 low because I play to level 150+ on all my servers
  21. I am shocked that Penetrator is on that list. It is insanely powerful, especially if you do funnel style horde bases with AP sniper rounds
  22. sadly, no Is this a bug that needs to be reported, or is it an intended feature that the Lever Action Rifles magazine can't be extended? just a bit disappointing because you could extend the marksman rifle but you can't extend this one.
  23. I apologize if I am being a @%$# about this. I just want it to be fixed. Is it wrong to expect something to be fixed in a reasonable time if I was told it would be fixed/addressed?
  24. Nope. thought of it and tried it, you can't attach a mag extender to a lever action rifle. hasn't worked in any of the A20/20.1 builds
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