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Everything posted by TSBX

  1. Confirmed and reported - https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-15117 Thanks again!
  2. Confirmed and reported - https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-15113 Thanks!
  3. Reviewing this, I'm unable to reproduce it in A20 b141. If you can make it happen again, could you post a screenshot of your graphics settings and include your output log as well please?
  4. Confirmed and reported https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-15111 Thanks!
  5. This will be addressed at some point going forward. WIP for now, I'll keep an eye on it.
  6. Confirmed A20 b135. https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-14987
  7. Looking into what was intended for the attachments per weapon. Thanks.
  8. Unable to reproduce in A20 b128, if it crops up again please tag me, thanks!
  9. Confirmed - https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-14868
  10. Doors might be getting a complete overhaul so it may be a moot point. Will see about an improvement ticket for a visual indicator of door direction in the meantime. Thanks.
  11. Already reported - https://7daystodie.atlassian.net/browse/SDTD-14655
  12. When I click on it I get a download location dialogue box, looks like it's working for me.
  13. Ok, thanks. Let's all keep our eyes open, moving to cannot repro for now.
  14. Work in progress at the moment. Stay tuned.
  15. This will be addressed at some point in the future; moving to WIP. Thank you!
  16. WIP as part of the new shape menu implementation. Thanks!
  17. Are you able to reproduce the issue after verifying your game files? Also, I noticed the game loading a mod folder. It may be empty, but could you also try to repro. with the Mods folder renamed/moved please? Thanks!
  18. Hi dcsobral, The portion of the text you're referring to is simply giving Shotgun Messiah as an example for being related to crafted shotgun quality. That text is purposely generic and reads the same for all schematics that are gated by a perk. Shotgun Messiah As such, it is intentional and not a bug.
  19. Awesome, good catch. It looks like the bag is simply de-spawning because it's been "emptied" (spawned empty) but because it does it before the player closes the inventory, it looks like it's bugged out. I'll put a ticket in.
  20. Description from Twitter, for context. "Hey Survivors, Here is a work in progress teaser screen shot showing off a new primitive pistol, a new Fat cop, a ton of updated and new environment art and a brand-new Random World Generation Algorithm. Great work by the entire TFP Team coming to Alpha 20 Stay tuned! " So, that's RWG, and it looks amazing.
  21. Unable to reproduce at this time, let me know if you get a seed that does it in the latest A20 build.
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