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Everything posted by Khissi

  1. Absolutely agree with this. I don't mind triggered sleepers that wake and start searching for you because a bit of brain power lets you find a way to get to them before waking them. This, though, is very different. The zombies don't even spawn into the POI until the trigger is activated and, if you've found a way to move past that trigger, they just don't happen at all causing the quest to fail. I wonder if we're being forced into playing a certain way (heavy armor spray and pray) and only ever following the designated path? Seriously? I shall pout and be horribly despondent! I played that way when I first started a few thousand hours ago. Stealth, however, is something that must be worked at, carefully managed, learning each POI to find the best way of seeing each sleeping zombie so you get a viable, silent head shot. This is just annoying. Light Path: Every POI has a 'path' usually indicated by 'light' which can be a torch, lantern, flashlight, etc. As long as you stay on that path, only turning off for broken/slatted doors which are meant to be axed and explored, then you should find every sleeper and eventually get to the main loot. I say should because with all the new POIs I can't say if it's still this way, but, it used to be and, so far as I've been playing a21, seems to still work.
  2. Apparently, some of the new/refurbished POIs now have a required action to spawn in some of the zombies as in, falling through a trapped ceiling or walking a certain pathway. I don't like it, honestly, since I prefer stealth/ninja gameplay and don't always follow their paths, but, this is what I've seen happening so, there's that. Edit* About the best way to circumvent losing your spawns this way is to always follow the light path. This means you'll wind up running into stuff you don't particularly WANT to run into, but once we learn the POIs we'll find ways around getting so horribly ambushed just to stay on their pathway.
  3. Mine worked as normal in the last horde. I just kept repairing the end post and it most certainly took damage. Not sure what's happening with yours.
  4. They are, but, have you noticed how FEW you need to make the tools now? Sorta balances it all out in my opinion. I didn't have enough to make one of every type of steel tool for every tier, but I just hung on to my stuff until I got to tier 3 ability, then made the pick axe so I could mine more efficiently. After a bit, I got the shovel and axe in drops in tier 4 POIs so, it was moot! I have yet to have enough magazines to make tier 5 steel tools, but it will get there, if we don't get another build and I wipe this world to make another.
  5. I've moved mine twice. Hold the E button down and you'll get the prompt.
  6. I've noticed that they only show on the compass when you're fairly close to them... I wound up having to put the red flag on them every time in a21. So, not sure if they reduced the distance or what, because it was the same in a20 as in, they weren't always on the compass, but you could see them farther away. They were not on the compass all the time, though, only when you got closer. Edit* New build a21 b317... the trader icon is absolutly NOT showing up on the compass even when close. The name and icon are on the map but it's not on the compass.
  7. Okay, so I got to do my GS75 horde and it was fun as heck... then we got the update so, wiped everything, cleaned everything, made a new random world and started fresh. I love this part of the game. However, may I say that, though I agree magazine reduction was necessary, I really, REALLY miss that option to choose the magazine bundle for EACH quest reward. For the folks that don't want them, fine, take something else. After all, you have quite a few more choices than in a20. The sheer number of magazines needed to gain significant proficiency in any one area cannot be downplayed. Yes, you were getting several magazines for each quest. However, you never knew WHICH magazines you were going to get since the weighting didn't always carry through for that reward. I mean, why on earth would I have wanted 46 magazines of a type I wasn't going to use until possibly late game? It's a crap shoot, and a good one! Sometimes you get the good stuff, sometimes you don't. I would like to have them back as guaranteed rewards. Thank you very much for the adjustment to zombie smackdowns. That was so annoying and I sure do hope the constant bleeds are repaired. I've not gotten a significant one yet, so... maybe? LOVING THIS ALPHA!
  8. You know, I'm pretty old, and change doesn't come easy unless I work at it. However, the good in this alpha far, far outweighs the problems being shouted here. I'm playing solo, and I wanted to progress as far as I could before having to wipe for the next build so I gave myself 2 perk points per level, set the xp at 175% and loot at 200%. With my days on 120, my first horde was about equivalent to a day 21 horde at my normal settings. Yet, I did just fine. I created a melee base and used a freaking stone spear which kicked zombie tail (actually beheaded them the way the base is designed), bought enough cement mix from the trader to reinforce the most important parts and things went well. I'm finding magazines pretty much everywhere and, though some things seem to come faster than others *Lord God farming is DONE and cooking almost done* I'm doing it on a 6k map and have yet to find a single Crack-a-Book. I never use GOD mode, and the only mods I'm using are inventory lock and food/drink UI because I can't freaking see those little line thingies. IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS! Multiplayer will be an issue, that's certain, but I don't think it will be the kind of issue people are so worried about. The magazines are EVERYWHERE and having the ability to reset entire chunks every few days, well... that's going to take any problems and just shove them off a cliff. They gave us all these xml files and settings to use to make the game fit OUR playstyle! Utilize those things and keep tweaking it until you're more comfortable. Change up the settings on your servers and have your folks let you know how it's working. I feel your pain and I sure as heck wouldn't want to be a server admin with people pulling in all sorts of directions and wanting things THEIR way all the time. I gave up raiding for this very reason... When the game starts feeling like a job, it's time to quit. I love being retired. I hope you find an answer other than 'Lock my server to A20'.
  9. Give it time. Players who enjoy these types of challenges will find ways to challenge themselves including and/or despite the new changes. Humans are nothing if not innovative. These same types of arguments were entered when traders were first implemented, when the changes to perks were made so 'learn by doing' was ended. There have always been people who feel very strongly about they way they choose to play and that's a good thing! These are the people who will go out and create things like Darkness Falls and Apocalypse Now. All they needed was a strong, stable base game they could work with and, yeah I know, we're not exactly perfect in that regard, but it's sure getting better. There will always be ways to overcome and still enjoy the game. Give it time.
  10. For testing purposes and because I'm a total weenie (shut it!), I have perk points set to 2 per level, Adv. diff, 175% xp, 120 days, 200% loot and, on day 6, I've hit level 21, still only have tier 4 stone tool ability, tier 5 stone spear (can make a tier 1 iron but, ew) and various strange weirdness for magazines. I mean, already 23 in electrical? wha.... I managed to loot a tier 6 pipe machine gun and might have enough ammo to supplement using the spear in a melee focused horde base with pipe bombs and Molotovs to boot. I've found 4 traders on a random gen 6k map (still on a bicycle) and wow... just wow, the infested quests are nothing to sneeze at when you're wielding stone, pipe guns and a primitive bow, wearing cloth. Talk about bleeds and cuts and.. yeah, keep on sending me to the snow biome, Joel... arse. Even with settings so focused on quick advancement, exploration trumps mining for this particular play through since the new and refurbished POIs are just shining beacons tugging at my soul, and sometimes actually eating it. I'm sorely tempted to turn off horde just to keep exploring but I have to keep reminding myself that the 'new' will still be there even when we get the next build drop and I delete this map to have a clean install. Probably do an 8k next time. Kudos, guys! It's the little things that are blowing me away and I just wanna hug every overworked developer and planner and thank you for all the effort that went into this build. I am NOT finding exceptionally 'out-of-level' loot and the traders don't appear to be selling exceptional stuff even with a couple points put into Daring Adventurer and Better Barter. All you nay-sayers need to get out there and PLAY! Get into solo if you think it's too easy and adjust the settings until you're in pain or comfortable. I keep seeing people talking about things needing to be nerfed? Hell, I have all the stuff turned way up and STILL behind what I'd normally be doing though, with 2 perks per, I've been spreading the points out more than normal. I'm old too, though, so there's that. God, I'm loving this!
  11. I never said I didn't watch! I watched hours of gameplay from many different streamers all with differing playstyles. What I was saying is that the people who come into the forums to comment on things they 'watched' while never actually playing the game saying this or that needed a nerf, should shush it and actually play the game before commenting! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I absolutely appreciate each and every streamer who gave it their all this weekend and their work gave me an increased desire to dive into the new alpha and enjoy what has been created for us. However, I would very much like the chance to experience it as the developers put it out there for myself. Just saying...
  12. Wow... sure am glad the majority of folks will just get out there and play, rather than have the need to rehash everything they saw streamers do over the weekend. The streamers are fun to watch and all but that's the thing. Their playstyle is designed for entertainment purposes. At least let us little gamer dweebs TRY things the way they are before feeling the need to demand 'balance' for everything new after what must have been a painstaking process for the developers. You know, most people do NOT play the way streamers play. All the people I know play to have fun. Could be my idea of fun is not the same as yours.
  13. Never did find enough hazmat fiber (or pieces to scrap) to make mods for everyone before I actually reached 175 in this playthrough. Was a very interesting RNG. So, got power armor first.. heh. But, these changes look wonderful!! Thank you so much for all you do! Time to start again and check out the new maps!
  14. I'm just glad I saw the 'writing on the wall' in a20 and started perfecting my melee base. The nerf is real and I will be struggling to find enough ammo to run even one SMG turret by Day 21 horde. I run 120 days because I love looting, so my horde nights are long and fun, and often done twice for Horde Day 7 and 14. However, this puts me at a pretty high gamestage for Day 21 horde, and I need to have steel and electric fences and, if possible, a turret or two. I still use mostly melee, but by that time, I really NEED to have firepower for all the cops and soldiers and bikers, not to mention the dogs from hell. So, I'm scrounging and saving and hoarding all the ammo I can in a20.1 and the difference is VERY noticable. It is going to be tight... But, man, is it going to be fun! I am very happy with the way it looks. I like that bit of anxiety.
  15. Your evil is spectacular, beautiful and mesmerizing in its simplicity. *passes over her soul* I'm actually appreciating the changes made for 20.1 and wanted to mention how very much I appreciate the bookshelf change as well as the additional mailbox books. The bookshelves were much needed though I'd imagine the mailboxes will be very slightly tuned a bit more. Thank you very much for all your hard work! Everything is running beautifully for me with the update.
  16. I am enjoying experimental a great deal! Thanks for all the hard work you guys have put in and grats on going stable! Happy Holidays!
  17. Summary: (a short description of the bug) Game Version: A20 experimental Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz System Memory: 32768MB RAM GPU Model and VRAM: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (59Hz) Video Settings: Custom, none relevant Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes, Khaine's Craft Queue, Lockable Slots, Food/Water EAC off Status: NEW Bug Description: When attempting to make some leather armor, I noticed that I could not find the leather armor recipes just by clicking on the armor tab either in my inventory OR in the workbench. I should have been able to see those recipes in the workbench since, once I searched for them by typing in Leather in the search tab while in inventory, they popped up and showed the workbench was required. I checked the workbench again, yet could not see them until I did another search within the workbench, using the word 'leather'. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Have leather, duct tape, sewing kits in your inventory 2) Approach the workbench and click on the ARMOR tab 3) Look for Leather Armor recipes 4) Do a search by clicking into the search window while in the workbench. Type in the word 'leather' and the recipes will appear. Actual result: Paging through the armor recipes will show you Plant Fiber, Cloth, Scrap armor and more, but you will not find Leather Armor recipes unless you input the word 'leather' into the search window. Expected result: I expected to find Leather Armor recipes just by clicking on the Armor tab while in the workbench.
  18. Perhaps you've not watched the dev stream in question concerning the new pipe weapons and their specific mods. Also, though many mods are specific such as those for shotguns, others are used in multiple weapon types. My question, however, was about armor mods, and I see you don't have an answer, so... cryogenically speaking, at least I asked a question relevant to the topic. And, Vault 111 was a pretty darned good place to sleep.
  19. So, I've been watching all the streams and I wondered... since the weapons will have weapon specific mods now (or that's how I interpreted what they were saying) is the same to be true for the new armor parts? If this is true, then I'm baffled at being okay with adding so many 'new' items when the object of the exercise in new armor was to make things 'easier' 'more streamlined' etc... Am I understanding this improperly?
  20. It's one of the masteries... I think. Laborer? Mechanic? Check what the mastery gives you. Sorry, I'm old and forgetful. It's been more than 2 weeks last I played.
  21. Willing and perfectly able... love all you do for us!! Sad to lose the world, but happy to start a new one.
  22. I guess that's one way to do it, but I actually had a trader send me to one of the large bunkers (lab) for a Tier V mission! I mean, I'm not EVEN ready for that in this playthrough, and quickly discarded the quest once I figured out where he'd sent me, but if that's how it is, then is the same true for the well bunkers? Can they be trader missions, as well? If so, thank goodness! I would have missed being able to redo her quest line while moving up from level 100 to 150ish.
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