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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. There are a LOT of config file changes in a18. You can create the instance with the script, but then you should pull the default config from the Engine directory and use it. (Especially since drop on death/quit changed because they took the hidden option 4, and moved it to 0.)
  2. Scripts wouldn't affect server map generation. That's entirely in the game engine code. So far I haven't been able to get the Linux dedi client to generate a map though. Reminds me that I need to submit my data.
  3. Seems like something is messed up with where it's getting the repository from. I've got it set to defaults, and don't have any issues getting it with apt. Just ran it a bit ago, and I get ... root@beta:~# apt-get install xmlstarlet Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done xmlstarlet is already the newest version (1.6.1-2). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
  4. ok, that's odd. I just install it via apt. You should run all of these commands under root. apt-get update apt-get install xmlstarlet apt-get install lib32gcc1 apt-get install lib32stdc++6 apt-get install make apt-get install gcc That should take care of it nicely I assume you're using Ubuntu server, and not desktop version though.
  5. That's why it's so weird. I did get it and it worked, and all I did was rename the folder it was in, and now it's giving the error. It's really strange. Not a huge issue as the game plays just fine, but it is rather odd.
  6. So, interesting find. If I do a clean download of 16.4 via Steam, there is no error when starting the client from Steam. It starts perfectly normally. If I move the folder, and start the client directly, then I get the same error. Doesn't matter if I use the standard exe, the EAC exe, or the launcher exe file. Will require more investigation.
  7. Especially since it's an a17 trader that wasn't in a16. This is a completely clean download. It's super weird.
  8. OK, so I install 16.4 using "download_depot 251570 251576 7468628160220339213", fire the client up, and get this error... Seems fine afterwards, but what the hell?
  9. Since we were getting quite a large list of Stickied Tool threads, here's a centralised list. If you want a tool thread added, just give one of us mods a PM, or report the thread you want added. KingGen - A Random World Generator for 7 Days to Die The 7D2D Mod Launcher - A Mod Launcher for 7 Days to Die Prefab Editor (Alpha) DMT Modding Tool Unity Assets Bundle Extractor Improvements for the dedicated server Updated Asset bundle export script for Unity 2018 and A17 Gamestage / Blood Moon Horde generator Server Tools [bARC] Backup, archive, and clean your seeds! Mod Installer and launcher
  10. Good to hear. I didn't think there would be any issues, but it's nice to have confirmation. Now if only we could push all the extras to the users so they don't have to DL the mods....
  11. I have had zero issues with this. I run both the game client, and the launcher from a different drive.
  12. There is a console command to export the currently loaded xml data so you can see what it looks like with the modlets loaded in. (Don't recall the command offhand, and unable to go in game to check at work. Sorry.) You would be able to see if the xml data from the mod got loaded in correctly in those files.
  13. It's a new admin block I'm making, which I may port into something else for the public. I figured it out, and it was just me missing a step. Didn't use recursive on changing permissions so the xml files were still owned by root. There wasn't any error for files it couldn't access, it just ignored them. So it was loading an empty mod.
  14. Yes, it's listed as loaded in the server output log, and also in the client connecting to the server. Case hasn't changed between Windows and Linux as I just direct copied the folders over, and then corrected permissions for the server to use them. I even though maybe it was because I had a couple of spaces in the folder name, but other mods with spaces in the folder are working without an issue. It's got me completely baffled because based on all available data, the blocks should be in the game. Yet they aren't. Update: Tested replacing the spaces in the folder names with _, and it's still an issue. I'm sure eventually I'll figure it out and just facepalm.
  15. Also, any idea why a modlet would work on Windows SP/MP, and Windows Dedi, but NOT work on Linux dedi? I have this one I've been working on for my servers. All local tests are working perfect. Toss it onto my Linux dedi, and it's like it's not there. Zero errors in the log. In fact, it's even listed as loading. Yet none of the blocks from the mod exist in game. First I thought it might be order, or some other mod interfering because I didn't have everything on my test machine that I did on the live server. Can't find a single issue. No matter the load order, or what other mods are on, it works in Windows, and not on the Linux server. I'm already going bald, so losing more hair over this silliness isn't great.
  16. Yeah, that throws an error here.... <append xpath="/gamestages/spawn[@name='BloodMoonHorde' and stage > 23 and stage < 153]"> If I leave it at <append xpath="/gamestages/spawn[@name='BloodMoonHorde' and stage > 23]">, then it just errors out in a later line. So looks like I'll need to just make one for each line. Which is fine. I can toss something together in Excel to do that.
  17. To be fair even when it supposedly worked back in a15, CBSM was never reliable with the web map. Just use it directly with IP : Port.
  18. Ok, trying to expand and adapt Guppy's BM mod for a17 since a lot of my players are complaining about running out of zeds. Basically, I want to re-add that 4th line in that has been removed in a17, but I want to customize it for each gamestage. Looking at the stock feed, stages 1, 2, 4, 7 only have one line. Stages 10, 13, 16, and 19 have two lines. The rest only have three lines. So I wanted to start with stage 23, and add a 4th line to each of them. Initially I'm thinking to add in groups like 23-153 will get <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"/>, and step them up in groups like that. Looking at the example, <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name=BloodMoonHorde]/*/spawn[4]/@maxAlive">50</set> I need to select gamestage lines specifically. What I theorized would work is.... <append xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name=BloodMoonHorde] and [@stage=23]/*/spawn[4]/"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"/></append> I'll need to make a line for each one unless I can set a range to the stage, but I'm fine with that.
  19. In the News and Announcements section... Sticky: Alpha 17 Stream Event Coming Soon
  20. Moved your thread to an much more appropriate location. I don't support most mods or 3rd party tools in the General Support section.
  21. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3186539/the-microsoft-net-framework-4-7-for-windows-8-1-windows-rt-8-1-and-win If you aren't on 8.1, there is no help. You should be on 8.1 though. That version of 4.7 is for 8.1.
  22. Why All This Lag? Part Deux This is a funny list I made once for the possible causes of a high ping to the server and disconects. Each of these items has actually happened at least once to someone I've helped. You don't have the .exe files for the client set to run as administrator. You don't have the game directory set as an exception in your antivirus/security software. Your network adapter driver is out of date and needs to be refreshed. Your local area network settings are improperly configured. You have more than one firewall and don't realize it. (Common with some modems.) Your firewall settings are too strict. (VERY common with Norton360, ZoneAlarm, and Commodo firewall.) Your router is configured improperly. (Or it's just a cheap router that can't handle the traffic you're putting on it.) You have a bad network cable. You're using a wireless network connection. (Which leads to another huge list of possible issues.) You have a lot of traffic on your local network that is bogging your router/modem down. (All that streaming media eats up bandwidth ya know.) There's a fault in your router. There's a fault in your modem. You have a bad phone cord plugged into your modem. There's an issue with your house wiring. There's an issue with your outside wiring. A squirrel chewed on your phone/cable line at the pole and it's raining. (I have personally had this happen.) A switch/router at the CO for your ISP is having an issue. One of the many hubs between you and PWI is having an issue. (Most common) There is heavy sunspot activity. (Has happened within the past three years) There's a regional router outage. (This has happened more than a few times. More often occurs with trunk lines crossing large bodies of water) That's just a few. Sometimes, the easiest fix is something like shutting down your Modem/Router/PC for three minutes and then bringing them back up. Usually, I'll take the time to additionally perform a static discharge on my PC. 7 Ways to Improve the Wi-Fi Signal In Your Home Wi-Fi problems got you down? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. All kinds of issues can prevent you from connecting to your wireless network, from the construction of your house to interference from your neighbors and even just old equipment. So how can you speed up your home wireless network? We’ve assembled some tips and tricks to help you diagnose and solve some of the most common Wi-Fi problems. 1. Router placement is key Where you place your router in your home makes a huge difference in signal quality, Entrepreneur.com says. Avoid placing the router in corner rooms, or worse yet, your basement. The more walls, piping, or ducting the signal passes through, the weaker the signal is going to be. The router should be placed as close to the center of the room as possible for optimal performance. Radio signals should be able to make it through walls without much problem, but if you’re in a room with thick walls, expect to have trouble connecting even with a router close by. 2. Dual band router? Use it! Many routers come with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi connectivity. USA Today recommends you use the 5GHz band whenever possible. With so many wireless networks out there, and Bluetooth becoming more common (it, too, operates in the 2.4GHz band), there is a lot of interference for your router to overcome at times. We recommend you use the 5GHz band for video streaming and gaming, as data speeds are slightly faster. The 2.4GHz band should work well enough for everyday web use though. 3. Does everybody need to be wireless? As more and more Wi-Fi enabled devices are added to the network, your router will slow the connection speeds of everyone to ensure all devices have enough bandwidth to connect, B&H Photo & Video says. If this is happening, consider networking the old fashioned way. Devices closest to the router should be connected via ethernet cable rather than through Wi-Fi. Almost all Wi-Fi routers include at least two — and usually four — wired ethernet jacks. Yes, it’s not as pretty, but your wireless speeds should improve, not to mention those jacked-in devices will be cruising. 4. Lock it down! B&H also brings up another good point, and that’s wireless security. Lock your wireless network down with a password. Anyone can connect to a password-free network, and mooch off of your Internet (i.e., clog up your bandwidth). It’s also a security risk, as hackers may be able to access data on improperly secured devices, PCWorld warns. If you have the option for “public access” (i.e., an open access version of your network that allows guests to connect without a password, but not access the main network), turn it off. Just give your trusted guests your password when they need to connect to the Internet. Note: I recently got an email from AT&T stating I was torrenting movies. Turns out they pushed an upgrade which forced the guest wifi mode on, and someone was borrowing my network. There's more to worry about than just your local data. 5. Consider linking routers together Even with proper placement, large homes or older buildings may have trouble with getting Wi-Fi to reach everywhere. MakeUseOf recommends linking two routers together in order to increase range. There are a few negatives of doing so, such as the fact that you may need to connect the second router via ethernet cable to the original one, but if you’re having problems getting Wi-Fi signals to your entire home, it may be the only option. 6. Maybe it’s time to upgrade Wi-Fi routers are real workhorses, often operating almost continuously for years without issues. But like any electronic device, they’ll eventually wear out and begin to fail. ITProPortal points out that there’s other benefits to getting a new router: new wireless technologies. Especially if you’ve upgraded a lot of your gadgets and computers recently, there’s a good chance that a years-old router isn’t able to take advantage of the newer wireless technologies that are available. Of course, sometimes all you’ll need to do is reset the router to fix slowness — but if that doesn’t work, maybe you’ve outgrown the capabilities of the router itself. 7. Try a better antenna Some wireless routers allow you to replace the stock antennas with better ones, Yahoo reports. There are a variety of options for those routers that can, just make sure they’re compatible with your router. Buyer beware: Try to buy these better antennas from the companies themselves rather than ones made by a third-party that are “compatible” with your router. Sometimes the quality of these antennas found on eBay and other sites are quite low. Source​​
  23. Why All This Lag? WHY ALL THIS LAG? First off, we're going to define the most common complaint, LAG. So you can see, it's a pretty broad term, and can be easily confused. As a result, we won't use it in this context. We're going to separate "Lag" as "Latency" relating to a delay in the data transmission across the internet, and "FPS" as relating to the slowness of your PC to keep up. This is an older article, but it explains a bit the different between Lag (latency) and low FPS. Lag vs FPS Also... How to get rid of Lag guide. Now that we've cleared that up, we're going to get on with Latency, which is the real cause for the slow responses from the servers, and your disconnections. Now where where everyone gets really stupid. (No offense is meant here. Really.) Most people seem to think there's some magical connection between the port on their computer, and the port directly attached to the server. This Is Wrong. Your data takes several stops between your PC and the server. Each stop is a cause for latency in the signal. Oh, almost forgot, you guys may not know what Latency is yet... So, each step your data takes has a chance to slow it down. And it's not just your data either, if it's a regional router hub, it's handling the data for many millions of people. So let's break this down with a sample traceroute... I have my network sitting behind another network, then it goes to my ISP and off to the servers. Here's the path... * You're not actually hitting the server itself, this is just a load-balancing firewall. The actual server consists of an array of blades. Each one is an individual set of instances. But I digress... Now, each of those stops is a point of failure. The larger the number is, the higher the latency. In my example hops 4, 5, and 6 have a * instead of a number. This means that the packets were dropped. In this particular case, I happen to know that it's because they don't return ping requests, and not because there's any issue. However it could just as easily be because the latency is so high, that the tool stopped waiting for a response. When that occurs, you will typically see much higher numbers on the other side of it. If you look at this example, you can see where there is an issue with packets being lost and high latency. In this example, I took multiple samples and it showed that the Regional Router at Hop 9 was having some issues. It's spiking on latency, and is often dropping packets. In this example, hop 13 is the Regional router before PWE's ISP, 14 is the ISP, and 15 is the firewall. So, in this example, where is PWE to blame? Can the blame be put on your network connection or ISP? Nope it's neither!. It's completely outside of anyone's control. In this particular example an extremely large number of people were getting disconnected and were experiencing high latency. Of course they were. Look a the latency on all those Routers in the big New York hub. That's nothing wrong with the servers or PWE's connection. Though it could be argued that the pnap servers are partially PWE's fault since PWE uses that company for distribution balancing of the data. Common causes for latency... Your End The World PWE You're using Wireless There's a lot of streaming traffic on your local network. You have a bad cable going from the wall to the modem. There's a fault in the in-house wiring. There's a fault in the wiring from your house to the pole. There's a fault in the wiring to the CO of your ISP. There's a fault at the CO of your ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at a Regional Hub in-between your ISP and their ISP. There's a fault at their ISP. There's a fault at their local network/computer. Now, just looking at the colors, you can see where the majority of the fault is going to lie. I can safely say that 98% of the time someone complains about latency, and provides me with data to track it down.., I find that the fault is either on their end, or with a regional hub. Of those, the majority is the regional hubs; particularly intersections at major undersea trunk lines.
  24. It will happen when one of the following things occur. Consoles get better hardware where it matters, instead of where it doesn't. (most recent update was just GPU.) The Unity Engine gets optimized on the console platform better, so that it requires fewer resources. You have to understand, that the main reason the console is missing the stuff the PC has is because it does not have the hardware to support it. This is covered in great detail in the Console General Discussion forum sticky thread. Finally, no one will be able to tell you when something is going to happen. Unless that is, It's already been announced in the Announcements Forum.
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