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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 58 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    ... and the max number per player is 8. Unless they can make sure that a wandering horde is only showing up for one player at a time that limit would count for them as well.


    TFP posted an idea about an event system 1-2 years ago that they wanted to implement if time permits, it would be interesting to know where it is in their current priority list. That would have permitted them to surprise one player with a much larger list of zombies while the other players would have seen almost none at that moment. Though the difficulty would have been what to do if one starts a quest a few seconds later, for example in the prison.

    Nav County jail is one of if not the BEST POI for this reason.  On infestation it was a mad house. Plus the screamers I brought in. It made horde night horde look small.  


    I do wish there was more zombies in the mix, Especially in the early game. Even a few extra specials like mutated zombies. 


    Hell I don't care if they throw a screamers or two on horde night. 

  2. So with all the discussions about water change that I like it but it could uses more work for the higher tier days if you want to make stuff like grenades or Explosion arrows I've thought and discussed about a Higher tier water collector called the 

    "Electrical Water pump" 



    100 Steel

    35 mechanical parts 

    6 Water filters 

    200 polymer 

    35 electrical parts 


    It's as large as a Large Generator if not a bit taller (3 blocks long/wide and 3 blocks long 


    Time takes 10 minutes to craft. 

    takes 20 wats of power to uses. 



    It produces about 25  water a DAY but at a price. HEAT Alot of Heat


    It's equal to have mining metal in your base. So I hope you like zombies coming much more commonly. 








    Note I don't really hate the new system. Tho it could uses some fixes (Like water purifiers and buckets) 



    But there should be a way to get much more water in the late game for mass production of things 

  3. 16 hours ago, Roland said:


    I agree that being able to enter in percentages would be a good QOL update. Until/if that happens, if you start every slider from zero and adjust each up one at a time it is pretty easy to get very close to the percentages you want. It took me no time at all to get 62% plains, 25% mountains, and 12% hills which is probably not going to be a very noticeable difference from 60-25-15.

    Hopefully with gold they could do that they seem to be saving alot of QQL stuff for gold. Like optimisation 

  4. So with Alpha 22, i do wonder about the armor/outfits and other stuff @faatal

    (no im not going to argue i think its a great addition. because it will turn most armor/clothes into something useful, like whos going to wear goth boots?)

    i have a few questions about it. 

    Is it a 4-piece system (hat, body, gloves, and boots) or a 5-piece (hat, body. legs, boots, gloves). i know it sounds odd but it would go a long way for customization/roleplay/whatever 

    from what i remember we are NOT going to be able to wear/craft the Bandit armors. is this idea changed or remained the same, if so how come?

    Are armors changed from what REAL models have been shown? like commando armor had a few things changed compared to the one model we can find In game ATM (mostly the hat being backward? again it sounds weird but just a small question. 


    How is the radiation system going to work? will it just deal damage or work something like in the fallout games? 


    for people who wonder why i space stuff out like this, for ME, its much easier too read cuz im a Dunce LMAO

    i know its not a great time to ask but I AWAIT THE FORUM CRACK HE-


  5. On 8/5/2023 at 3:16 PM, Riamus said:

    Interesting. I haven't come across mines in the wasteland other than normal POI mines that can be found in any biome.  I guess I need to max out infiltrator and go mine collecting. 😁. More mines in the world is a good thing, imo.

    If you go off road you will find one 


    And it will make you @%$# your pants a bit at 3Am with a headset on...


    Ask me how I know 

  6. 14 hours ago, RhinoW said:

    They might not do it so people don't see their console experience instant combustion with extra zombie spawns.


    I'm able to play Ark with tons of dinos at my base moving and it's fine (I'm next gen) 


    Don't think they will be able to update Xbox 1 and Ps4 


    Tbh those consoles held it back alot

  7. 33 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    i think if we have  added options for the menu above the console port will have more customisability over game settings and player preferred options (assuming console wont get mods to choose from since they cannot mod the spawn rates of enemies themselves.)


    a common argument made is if you want extra zombie spawn amounts the answer is they are easily moddable (which is very true on pc) but console folk do not have the same privilege

    thats what ive been saying for....

    however long ive been on here Lmao

  8. On 8/3/2023 at 12:22 PM, Morloc said:



    If there isn't....there should be! 🧛🏻‍♂️



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

    Like a few things *cough* *cough* Enemie spawn rate, *cough* flamethrower trap, *cough* Enemie aggression *COUGH* 


    Sorry had a cold

     (Also I don't know how spoilers work on moble)




  9. On 8/3/2023 at 3:28 PM, zztong said:


    I agree. I've got a home-grown modlet that gives me a jar of murky water from a water source, instead of drinking from the water source.


    To compensate for making the early game easier, I took away the entirety of the character's starting inventory, so I don't start with food and water anymore. I also set murky water to stack to 10 instead of 125.


    I don't have any empty jars in the game and I don't miss them.


    The dew collector is fine. I added an "unfiltered dew collector" too which creates murky water. You can add a filter to it and make a regular dew collector. I have a recipe that lets me make a filter as well. I don't really care for being required to depend upon a trader for basic survival.


    I doubt it will tempt TFP, but I'm happy.


    For reference: (items.xml)

        <!-- Change the Hand (meleeHandPlayer) to collect water instead of drink water. -->
        <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandPlayer']/property[@class='Action2']/property[@name='Sound_start']" name="value">bucketfill_water</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandPlayer']/property[@class='Action2']/property[@name='Description']" name="value">lblContextActionTake</setattribute>
        <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandPlayer']/property[@class='Action2']">
            <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarRiverWater"/>
            <property name="Create_item_count" value="1"/>
        <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandPlayer']/effect_group[@name='Drink']" />
        <!-- Change the River (Mirky) Water Stacking to 10 to match the other waters. -->
        <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarRiverWater']/property[@name='Stacknumber']" name="value">10</setattribute>


    I think I see a future job for you 🤔 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Dreyseth said:



    Trader Joel is struggling to pay the bills; he always comes up a little short.
    Secret Stash may be gone, but Trader Joel will do special deals under the table.
    Trader Joel apears to be ahead, compared to the other traders.
    Trader Joel is very wise; he tries to see things from different perspectives.
    Trader Joel is a prominent advocate for Learn By Praying.


    he a little shy

    or giving @SnowDog1942 a good time

  11. 20 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    you both seem to have misread my point.


    I did not say "dump the dew collector system and revert back to the old system"

    I said I want empty jars back.


    The new system with the dew collector is fine, it works good early game, and the idea of a dew collector even is immersive.


    I just don't like how it works late game, where you should - as adam also said - have the possibility of some kind of "industrial production rate", especially because of glue (which needs water).


    Having a big dew collector farm is tedious, and not very good looking also...next to that "obvious thingy" with an unusable water source like lake nearby.


    So why not "reactivate" empty jars as a late game item, that you can slowly but steadily produce (see it like steel production),

    and those then can be filled in a lake, stormdrain or whatever.

    This effect would be the same in principle as a higher tier water pump like thing, to get higher amounts of water faster.

    I understand but I can see were they are coming from. But it makes no sense why you can't reuse a jar. 


    But unless they wanted to do something like fallout 76 (no water jars lmao) 

    Were it takes 

    3 dirty water to make 1 boiled


    But that would be worst. 



    In terms of glue. There should be alt ways. Like using crops with bones. 

  12. I do think there should be a higher tier way to get water.  Like a water pump. Make it huge about 5x4 (5 blocks long, 4 blocks high) 


    You need 20 steel, 30 iron pipes, 5 water filters, 10 mechanical parts, and 100 polymer 


    It needs 20 electricity to run as well


    It gathers 3 stacks of water a DAY, It gives more if you place near a water source.  

    It can only be placed on natural dirt/sand



    But it makes alot of heat. If u have 2 or more. Your granted a few screamers every day.  If you place it far away for your water. It will spawn when it builds up. 


    Just now, Adam the Waster said:

    I do think there should be a higher tier way to get water.  Like a water pump. Make it huge about 5x4 (5 blocks long, 4 blocks high) 


    You need 20 steel, 30 iron pipes, 5 water filters, 10 mechanical parts, and 100 polymer 


    It needs 20 electricity to run as well


    It gathers 3 stacks of water a DAY, It gives more if you place near a water source.  

    It can only be placed on natural dirt/sand



    But it makes alot of heat. If u have 2 or more. Your granted a few screamers every day.  If you place it far away for your water. It will spawn when it builds up. 


    And make it so dirty water Is much more risky and the effects. 


    Make it like the old days were if you don't treat it. You get more ill and you can die


    Once radiation is added.  Make it so it gives you some rads

  13. Also I was thinking about this. 


    Will animals get a New update. Again.  For alpha 22+? 


    I know we got one on alpha 16 and 19 but bears, deer, boars, wolf's rabbits still look like playdoe. And the animations aren't as good as the zombie dogs 


    I CAN'T WAIT for it to come to console! I get to play with my work homies 


  14. 2 hours ago, RipClaw said:



    Looting is not my favorite thing either and I wish the Fun Pimps would offer an alternative for people who don't like to loot. But since this system isn't going away, it's best to learn how to make it work for you.


    gotta disagree

    Scavaging and looting is so fun!
    i love finding something so good in something so simple and stupid
    and i love beating this with my Impact or ratchet, it feels great to Strip a WHOLE building of everything.

    granted the mags aren't the same as finding that ONE BP you have been looking for but still. its fun imo

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