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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. "Oh great @Roland May i summon you in times of need, I and Other have Dabbled in the Dark spell of politics, May i summon you to Cleanse this Forum from the Aberrations that I and others have made!  Cleanse it With you're mighty mouse! and Sweep this forum of the dust that falls! Amen"



    im going to keep that.

  2. 9 minutes ago, RhinoW said:


    The cheerleader is pretty normal to be honest, and is supposed to be the typical american high school girl probably.

    as someone that is in high school. no lol


    She is my least favored zombie due to the color of her cloths, I know she is iconic but she also does not fit in much like the football player. Maybe they could turn her into a Business woman or maybe she can be room to make a new special infected. *Cough *cough* My Ravager Idea *Cough*


    Still agree with out on everything else...

  3. 18 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    So this is the "black" zombie you are talking about? you really think he is "black".. aham... now i know why you dont wanna see black zombies in this game..

    All zombies in this game have skin, no one has a black skin.

    If its just a game with zombies, why do you care if there is black zombies or stronger females? what your problem with them? You dont wanna see them? ok your opinion, but you cant tell that there is black zombies or strong females. Feral and soldiers are MAN. You cant see the different between grey, yellow and black, now you cant see the different between genders? omg


    Spongebob Man Ray GIF - Spongebob ManRay Facepalm - Discover & Share GIFs

    Boe is black, have you ever seen a black person like that? 


    and im not agents Seeing a strong woman zombie. If they add another special infected zombie that is a woman then cool.  

    and you're the person thats bring race and gender in the game, no me. if this game just had rotten skeletons walking around people would still complain.


    and i say the feral, solder and crawler are "Unlisted" because there is nothing about them that says "Im male or im female" are you saying Woman can't be tall pr can be solders?? the Only thing you can tell about the Feral wight that its a PERSON is because of its butt. It has no genitals of many kind, its a person who are Radiated to the point where they lose everything. can you tell me who they where due to their face? no its a face that wants to eat you're heart like a Apple!


    God please shoot me already....


    i am done having this discussion, im going to eat Acid jello 

  4. 3 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    My argument are just the facts, there is no black zombies or strong females and some of them are sexualized because this is true happening. Opinions are something different, like you dont wanna see black zombies or strong females or you dont think the game needs that. So you can disagree with my opinion but not the facts.


    There is a black zombie his name is boe


    Second: Although yes many of the female zombies are Weak.... So are the men... Steve, Joe and Yo, but you're also very Vague with "Strong woman" Like what? a Female Solder? a Female Body Builder? a Female who works out alot?, you're not really giving a Idea. 


    Third: there are "unlisted" zombies. the Feral wight? is it a Man or a woman? no one knows! Solder! man or woman? Crawler Man or woman? Burned victim Man or woman? 


    Forth: Zombie Race? Does it matter? They are dead zombies that want to eat you! they are not talking people! if i made this game i would have added 2 zombies that would be so rotten that you can't tell who they where so argument like this does not happen


    Fifth: there is only one "sexy" zombie. the rest are Nasty! have you Seen Darlin? *sudder* and like i said! I think that she is too fresh to be a zombie and i would add some rot, but will anyone listen? no and it will be that way! im not in control of the art i can only give Suggestions...


    and Last


    Most strong people would have survived the Zombie outbreak, i say most due to other zombies like Bikers, solders, and Cops turned. so this one is kinda standing on one leg....



    Moral of the List. its fine to give you're opinion, just don't try to jam a agenda down anyone throat...  





    5 minutes ago, DarlingCows said:

    How do you guys think skin color changes as the skin rots. I’d imagine it turns grey. 

    No skin at all,



    the sun would melt that. Zombies in a desert would be walking Meat without skin

  5. 9 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    This forum is so full of kids, old kids.. but im glad im still have my arguments and some of you just wanna make fun with it, maybe you're all just kids playing a game, idk

    we understood you're argument. its just that you brought up "Toxic masculinity" and thats when it wen't down the hole. no need to bring up Politic's, agendas or any SJW BS. if you want to post that stuff go on twitter


    But you're argument with the stripper many other may agree with you. i agree with some parts like how she looks too Fresh for a zombie, but still no need to bring in toxic masculinity...    


    And its You're opinion and I and many other disagreed with you're Opinion....

    6 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    I'm not black but I can still understand that there isn't even a black zombie in the game. 

    Boe/Infected survivor ....


    do you even play the damn game? when the You play the game one of many normal zombies you find is black. 



    i need to eat glass 

  6. 24 minutes ago, DarlingCows said:

    Didn’t anyone ever consider that the stronger females maybe didn’t die to zombies and are all alive somewhere else?  It really a game about surviving in the apocalypse  not designing a game to win a best women representation award or something. 

    Not to mention they could all be bandits too. 

    i mean most Post war woman would mostly likely be Stronger then a Pre-war

    So you're person if you play a female, Whiteriver, Dukes Raiders, and Hobo bandits and Survivors. woman would probably be at least Equal in terms of strength in a world where flesh eating zombies want to eat you and every 7th day a Wave of them com-



    Oh crap i didn't fully read the message. my bad   

    Also i like you're pic :)

  7. 4 hours ago, zWolfer said:

    yes, this is a criticism... Who is the guy who design the zombies? I think its gonna be an old conservative man because all we have are white zombies, strong males, weak and/or sexualized females.. There is a lot of zombies, just the screamer is "correct" and one asian and the hungry female.. I mean, wtf guys, i know its a game but let do this in a good way....

    lord! May i bless me, the Forums and this "mans" soul's for getting mad about genders of zombies in a video game! Ahmen 

    kid holding a cross meme - Imgur

    Now i am going to eat 5 pounds of Glass!


    while i do think that She could uses some more rot on her, Grey skin, More cuts, more rott, Missing hair, no noses ETC


    and Yes alot of zombies that are female are not strong! and i think the game should make up for that with speed,





    STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!


  8. 25 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:


    Thanks for the advice, I bought a Gillette to shave away my toxic masculinity.



    Sad... i look like a cave man!

    And im going to say that way! :)


    Plus the lady's Love Beards! 

    4 hours ago, Eko said:


    Can we please keep discussions civil? This is a bully move and toxic masculinity at its most shameful. Honestly, this is ridiculous behavior and I am more than a little concerned that this sort of thing is not moderated. More often than not, this forum feels like a bunch of poop stirrers doing their best to derail any discussion that doesn't align with their own goals. 


    you serious? - J. Jonah Jameson - You Serious? | Meme Generator


  9. 5 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    I'm still traumatized after finding 4 Big Mama's and 3 Hawaiian zombies in the same room last alpha... *Shudders*


    1 minute ago, Reckis said:

    Is that kinda like finding 3 bikers and one of the twitchy little guys in the yellow shirt all in the same hotel room together?

    its also the same when i enter a office in the Brother theater and in the main office.. i see a farmer and stripper only! hummmm

  10. 5 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    There avoiding you like the plague...😅

    Just like real people!!
     i have seen the new worker, and business man but i have only seen the Party girl once....

    I even raided the Booby trap and none where their! 


    Treasure chest. None

    Raiding a house, None

    Wild. Once

    quest none!!!!!!


  11. 54 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Yes, finally. IMO they should've contacted you sooner. 7dtd is the only game out there that is pushing the limits of that engine to a point that makes it look like garbage, when it's actually within the top 3 general-purpose engines out there. 

    i think 7dtd Looks pretty good! IMO


    as long as its fun it does not matter to me. alot of people clearly enjoyed the game enough to ignore the Potato form A1 to (when ever they updated significant) to mediocre up till A17 (but then again i can't say much about the old alphas up before A15) 

    Granted there is some things that may be changed like the images from the Steam page even though its slightly misleading at least. but im not going to Start that fire again!


    TCALSH: i think graphics are Good and i don't want my PC to go Boom boom!

    2 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    It's stupid looking and overdone to appeal to immature teenage boys....


    Anybody have the jontron “Ooh, he might be me” template? :  MemeTemplatesOfficial


  12. 2 minutes ago, Ezed said:

    Not sure about Navezgane...I've been doing RNG since A 15 or so but it's the Tier 4 Quest Church with the broken roof and catacombs underneath.   


    Edit...I think you can craft them as well with a pumpkin and a candle...




    saddly its hard for me too enjoy RNG due to how long it takes for me too load. so Pregen and NAVE are my bread and butter


    if im really bored i leave the map to load while i jog or do something in the yard.... like talk to myself about ideas in game thay will never be a thing!

  13. Just now, Ezed said:

    Haha...looks like Wolfbain had the same idea at about the exact same time!!  Great minds and all... :)


    BTW Adam...check out the front steps of the big church...there's a Jack'o'Lantern sitting there.  I pick one up each time I get that church as a quest (I have quite a collection of them now... )

    the One in pairshton? 

    thanks for the info!

  14. 3 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    it was near halloween, all the good girls dressed as nurses for the party, and then this hsit happened.

    please don't say that... i got the chills reading that... *shivers* 

    3 minutes ago, Ezed said:

    Maybe the apocalypse happened on Halloween...those hot nurse costumes are pretty popular...

    then in this world they must only show their festivity via Costumes because their is no Jack o lanterns around, or Pink flamingos!





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