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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 7 minutes ago, VoltraLux said:

    What happened to all the knives on the assassin armour that was the best part 

    I moved it


    Found some more armors the new ones are 




    Ranger, the cowboy one and the goth one is biker


    It would be cool if we got the whiteriver and Cazador armor and they could also wear our armor Maybe there is more cuz scavenger and lumber armor isn't here. And a few seem to be missing like where is a winter armor 


    Maybe the way to tell is wraps on the neck. If they are white, they are whiteriver, if they are orange they are cazador






  2. 46 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I don't think it is objectively bad. When you see a preposterous machine in a mickey mouse comic then it fits. If you see the same preposterous machine Days gone it won't fit.


    And you still assume 7D2D to be a different game than it really is and so you come to the wrong conclusions. The geek outfits fits perfectly with a world that has a night club called "Booby Trap"  and a weapon mod for the baton that throws zombies 10 meters through the air.



    For the true goofy experience I'll wear the lumberjack goggles. 

  3. 5 hours ago, meilodasreh said:


    I'm fine with them! And that's even not all, there are some more that are not revealed yet.

    Would love to see them in motion. In that screenshot they might seem a lil "clumsy" because they're pasted flat onto a random background, no shadows or correct lighting.

    Maybe that's what's bugging some people about it?


    btw I once tried to make the shoes of the tech/nerd model irl.


     They work great...to entertain others watching you 😄

    They are called moon shoes 

  4. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    it's almost final design. it won't change 180*

    I mean the faces! The bodies are fine im

    Plus who ever posted it must be using a lower rig

    The only thing I don't like is the Googles on the lumberjack.  Aside from that and the clearly WIP nature. 


    I like it 



    I just came with the conclusion that it's just the model of the armor not the human model. They are also showing the ones with players! 


    We also have a few more armors like fiber, raider, desert, miner and more 

  5. Alpha.... 22.... news...... 




    4 hours ago, Roland said:

    Given who they are and their sense of humor, I'm surprised TFP hasn't ever implemented zombie rabbits. They could be the Head Crabs of the game!!

    We need that! And 


    The Radioactive zombie bears and dogs 



  6. 3 minutes ago, FramFramson said:


    I mean, this is pretty much my thinking. It's one of those cases where the C-suite guys decided they knew better than their lawyers "but it says right here we can change the terms any time!"


    In just one day they've had a massive wave of bad press not just in game media, but mainstream media, a stock value that's already dropping, who knows how many angry emails and phone calls from devs, and what has to be a non-zero number of letters from lawyers.


    I was kinda-sorta worried last night, but I'm increasingly confident that they've screwed up hard enough that if they refuse to walk the whole thing back voluntarily, they're going to be forced into doing so when they eat a class-action suit.


    This is why you don't let your CEO stick your company's wiener in a wasp's nest, kids!



    That's what's my hope is, unity will get there @%$# slammed in the toilet seat

  7. On 9/12/2023 at 1:26 PM, Khissi said:

    You know, I don't really care.  Make it clean, make it run like smooth silk, make it easily modable, then give it to us.... That's what they're working toward, and all this side junk... really?  pft...

    Ah yes, why didn't we just turn ever game into gmod. 


    You know this is kinda the devs dream game right? Yeah they are slow with updates and adding stuff but oh well.


    I wish we could just send XML files and tell them


    (hey I did it for you, add it for everyone)

    but that's unrealistic 

  8. 15 hours ago, Maharin said:


    Except, maybe, the bazillion mods being made for it?  Bazillion is the official count.  I'm also fond of using the term "metric crap-tonne".  Either will work in this case.


    But, honestly, who cares if they release anything besides QOL updates after it goes gold?  They made a nearly infinitely modifiable game and gave us many years of fun watching them turn it into something worthy of being proud of.  And then let those of us with a different vision make something new from it.  It's like the Phoenix of the Multiverse.

    I'm mostly talking about Vanilla I'm mostly going to be playing console when it comes out. My pc Is @%$# I have to save money on other things. 


    Unless they really want to go full on with modding like they said 

  9. 2 hours ago, FramFramson said:


    They're also not obsessively monetizing it with microtransactions or gatcha-style mechanics, which honestly getting quite rare for any game which is online and actively receives regular content updates.

    The only real reason we get so much Content in updates it's cuz it's still alpha.  I'm afraid when gold comes.  Nothing new will be added aside from QQL stuff 



  10. 9 hours ago, v3tro said:


    Are these custom made models/variants like 2-3 for each zombie or randomized colored clothing pieces so we can have 30 of them and each have different colors? 

    I don't think it will be that deep but I think it's just colors and maybe a few zombies with different style/themes like the bowler 



    The only thing they need is random walking styles and it would be perfect I would never get bored at them.  


    Oh and special zombies but that's a story for another day

  11. It's such a shame too. Imagine TFP with the ambition they have for this game.  And they had the budget ans man power of Bethesda



    Some of the staff from TFP did work for ID and Bethesda 


    I love this game.  It has its limitations and  TFP are really stubborn on some topics 


    But they still put a ton of soul Into this game. Something that can't be said about most games now 

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