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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Okay okay:


    Alpha 22 is slated to be published some time after Alpha 21 and would be followed by either Alpha 23 or something else.



    And then alpha 24, then alpha 42 then alpha 69 then the last alpha 


    ALPHA 420 


    Alpha 22 dev diary and overlord armor plz ;)

  2. 1 hour ago, eganonstwr said:

    Just try to power attack with knives, they consume significantly less stamina and dmg almost identical to that of machete

    The dismembing and range as well on the machete is what makes it better. On survivalist or nightmare. You really don't want to uses knifes and that's a shame 


    They got good sneak damage but it's kinda useless in pois! But handy if your sneaking outside. 


    I'm more of a spear kinda guy but I love slashing with a machete 



  3. On 9/19/2023 at 12:32 AM, FramFramson said:

    TBH, the sing;e biggest thing I want to see with characters after we get raiders is more variation in NPCs, and I'm really wondering if the new character models will allow us to create new traders, non-trader quest givers, and non-trader NPC quest targets (kill/rescue/deal or trade with).

    Agreed, they could spawn with random armors and such and maybe part of quest, static nps like guards at trading post, Scavengers, desperate survivors shooting you over a can of Chilli 


    Even some small challenges from npcs like  "go kill this bear and come back" like darkness falls 


    Or even the old random clans back then for challenges could come back! AND TRADER JIMMY

  4. The biome lighting has always been like that. A darker blue for snow, yellowish for desert, grey for wasteland 


    But some of the lighting in doors without windows can be a bit jarring but honestly it's better then how it uses too be. Anything is. 


    Plus I'd you have a crappy pc you don't notice lighting anyways! 


    WHERE BE THE ALPHA 22 NEWS! ima thirstier then him on lady's night 


    Alpha 22 Dev Diary and overlord armor ;)

  5. On 9/25/2023 at 6:48 AM, BFT2020 said:

    What difficultly level are you playing that you think knives are OP and need to be nerfed?


    One of the main game themes is looting.  If you want to reduce the looting aspect of it, you are going to have to mod the game.  And since you think 3rd party modders are crappy, you might want to start learning XPATH.

    If anything they need a buff and Swords or something 


    The only bladed weapon that's really good is the machete 

  6. 25 minutes ago, The TJC Show said:

    I noticed a few alpha's back that there was something that would buy stuff from your rented vending machines and still does to this day. However in the new A21.1 they no longer buy bulked stone and other stuff like wood and iron?  Is this a patch or bug, it was my main way of making a lot of dukes?

    That's because it's a exploit lmao 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Javabean867 said:

    I was thinking something different.  You can pull murky water from sources, but it takes 10 murky water to make 1 clean water.


    Probably get 20 murky water from a water block.

    Rain collected from the dew collector should be murky 


    That or for the cases of glue that can add alt recipes 


    Like murky water and bones, cornmeal and bones, 


    We could also use more uses to cornmeal as well! 


    "Alpha 22 dev diary and overlord armor plzzz"

  8. 24 minutes ago, Gamida said:


    Did you try any of these threats...?


    A. Knuckle rubs.

    2. Take away their water bottles.

    C. Have Snowdog subsitute teach for a day.

    Today's class is how baby's are made! 


    Alpha 22 Dev Diary and overlord armor  ;)

  9. Imo the Learn by reading feels kinda.... rushed. Imo like no lead up, no discussion that I remember, just.  Hey in alpha 21 we are adding LBR


    While I like the system. And its fun in single player, multi-player is kinda a pain. The host mostly reads them. Aka me. 


    I can't imagine what servers are like.  People are ether stuck in the stone age or keep hitting the traders and double loot up. 


    I think a hybrid of LBR and LBD or even LBL (learn by reading , learn by doing and learn by leveling) 



    *cough* alpha 22 dev diary

    *cough cough* Overlord armor





  10. 17 minutes ago, Arma Rex said:

    Dude, what? 7DTD was NEVER like COD. The gunplay was pretty bare in the beginning, and has evolved a little since then.


    I don't doubt that art style in games can degrade, but you're bringing up non sequiturs left and right by talking about COD and other zombie games, not a substantial reason as to how 7DTD has changed.


    Plus, we're talking about an unfinished early access game that has little to no story yet, it's natural that things will change.

    The game changed/overhauled at least 3 times in terms of graphics and theme


    We went from PlayStation 1 and almost everything looking like plastic and genetic 


    Too a super dark, gritty and ugly game with aspects of the PlayStation 1 version and not really a set tone 


    Too a pretty decent looking game with a set theme they are going for a much more goofy simi-serous Apocalypse, were people wear buckets as helmets, guns made of trash and makeshift parts, and goofy places like the boobie trap, sushi chest, Poopie pants daycare! OHREALLY AUTO PARTS! Should i go on. 


    Not even going to set aside the unrealistic thing like, why are their tones of wolfs in the US still, zombies even existing, radiation making things glow, power still being on! You know why? Cuz it's a game. 


    Not every survival game needs to be DAYz level of realistic and I don't want that. Is there stuff that would improve the game to Make it harder? Oh yeah and I'm sure they will add it.. Hopefully 


    *Cough* overlord armor *cough*


  11. I know for a fact JACK if the Apocalypse happens.  THE SPLIT SECOND IT DOES, ima put on them black leather and str-


    Oops I meant 



    Ima start wearing Apocalypse armor! Hell maybe in the future this is a fashion trend.


    Hell maybe I'm going to wear it now! Don't tell me what to do. All I hope is! Please for the great lord prime himself.  Let us have the overlord armor and wear it Amen 🙏




  12. 23 minutes ago, spud42 said:

    even with VOIP there are still recognisable phones on desks . or even headsets for call centers and helpdesks. 

    there are no mobile phones  lying around either even as props and unusable for scrapping. 


    of course there are inconsistancies but this is a GAME . its not an appocolypse simulator. chill out go have a frothy with Jawoodle on his latest balcony watch the sun set and get ready for the next hoard..... im out of ammo and dont have time to notice most of this stuff in game....



    If I find spare electronics I like to think it's a phone I break apart 


    *Cough* cough* alpha 22 dev diary

    If not, then I will  :D


    The Alpha 22 unofficial dev diary 

  13. I'm hyped for the new armor but I wanted to share a few ideas of other armors. 



    Scrap armor: the new version looks kinda like the new plant fiber armor but with much more junk. License plates, flatten cans, bones, sheet metal. Etc. The helmet would be a bucket on your head. It gives small buffs to melee, stun protection and weapon speed.  But it's not for being stealthy


    Primal armor: looks like a guilly suit with pelts, camo pants, and a deer skull with guilly and a face wrap, it gives buff while in the cold, hunting/skining, Stealth and buffs with spears and bows


    Skullcrusher armor: looks like the new raider overlord armor, gives buffs to brawling, getting attacked from behind, alcohol buffs, and more 


    Runner armor: looks like white river runner armor, gives buffs in speed, jump, parkour brawling and bartering 


    Hunters armor: looks like a set of hunting gear, Orange vest, camo, ushanka hat and goggles, with some reinforced parts like a leather vest 



    More to come 





    DeerSkullHelmet (1).jpg


    images (1).jpeg


  14. 17 hours ago, Toned_hickory said:

    So this happen to me after the update but it is a crazy idea for it to be added to the game. So after day 21 every poi you complete in the pine forest turns into the wasteland. Now with zombie bears now in the pine forest that would add something new and exciting into the game. 

    That would be a great setting or mode 


    Insane mode/wasteland mode. 



    And maybe also add wandering/wild screamers

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