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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. Zombie deer are faster then zombie dogs spawn as male and female (deal same damage) give lacerations or even cripple limbs . And fast enough to run down a 4x4! Deals extra damage to vehicles too


    Radioactive variant: heals, extra health and deal rad damage 


    Zombie boar, have headshot resistance, eats dead zombies to gain extra health. Can, much more hp. Can puke at range 


    Radioactive variant: heals, extra health, radiation damage. Puke does radiation damage 


    Zombie cougar: jumps even higher then spider zombies, (20 block high and long) deals extra bleed and armor damage 

    Radioactive: Same as others 


    Zombie wolfs: chance to spawn with zombie dogs, can howl and spawn more zombies around you like a screamer but much less, will spawn on bloodmoond too

    Deals Same damage as a direwolf. 


    Radioactive zombie dogs: more damage, radiation damage, heals, extra health.  


    Zombie bear update, deals 200% more damage to blocks! He can spawn on bloodmoon hordes. 


    Radioactive zombie bear: EVEN MORE HP about 5000, heals, deals radiation damage, extra block damage. 




  2. 23 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Note that looting in 7D2D currently is not OP at all. You loot and loot and all you ever find as a lvl5 character are pipe guns and stone spears. It is the trader and his quest rewards (including the heap of dukes you get) that are OP.



    My luck I find level 5 or 6 shovels 


    Iv found some good stuff before.  But the most stuff Is at the traders 


    I think a way to fix it is give traders a set about of dukes they can trade you, like 7000. If you want more.  Do jobs . 


    I'm just spitballing, I'm overall happy with what we got

  3. 1 hour ago, Maharin said:


    If half a body was running on its arms toward you in real life... how would you react?

    @%$# my pants 👖


    I'm talking like the deadspace leapers when they run at you,


    imagine being in a building a it's about to turn night and you see Mr crawler drag himself then at 22:00 BOOM he starts scuttling and trys his best to eat your ankles 


    Plus it would look cool seeing his organs jiggle when he runs at you *giggity*




  4. 6 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    You're dying (fainting). You wake up in one of Dr. Jen's tents. She says that someone from her group found you unconscious and brought you here. You feel better now.
    It's time to pay. 25,000 dukes or 5 quests and we're even. Good motivation not to die anymore.

    I like the new function of punishment for death, but still, between the option with the preservation of all debuffs and the complete reset of the character, there is not enough option with a fine in dukes or with a constant decrease in the points of characteristics / the number of books read. (Amnesia)

    A temporary stat plenty made me REALLY not want to die on alpha 17

  5. I think it's good enough.  Not every game needs hyper realistic driving or has to be perfect 


    The only thing really right now the game needs is bandits, new special zombies, optimization and whatever little improvements 


    Like eatting animations, more craft able decor/parts and more game settings 


    The game is so close! I can taste it! *giggity*

  6. After playing a bit more i have a few other things i want to get off my mind.  


    Cotton still only gives 1 cloth and doesn't match the new cloth cost for many things. The amount Cotton from cloth and the fiber book give 4 Cloth per craft. 


    I know I made a post about it but iron sights are messed up. For many weapons like Tactical Ars, Magnum, hunting rifle and pipe AR, it's annoying. The hunting rifle could also uses some real ironsights. I don't care if it's a peice of wire wrapped into a Circle. 


    Stealth is completely worthless. But I still like the trigger points. My suggestion. Have the "triggers" being live. 


    Like a POI screamers. If she screamers not only she lures/spawns zombies around her, but she spawns the trigger zombies in the POI, or even something like a Alarm you can deactivate it or if you or a zombie set it off it spawns them. 


    Cop cars are pretty easy to cheese, just break and run. Should be right when you hit then it turns on. So you gotta quickly break it while the alarm is going off. You way say? "I'll just drive off" and you can! Once you break it

    Cuz right when you come back they will just respawn.  


  7. 12 minutes ago, lord_ahriman said:


    4) Screamers. I don't mind the heat map attracting tons of screamers, what I don't like is screamers spamming during quests.


    5) From the Shadows Perk. Absolutely useless. Sneaking is dead and it does nothing to difficulty screamers to spawn zombies while minning at the bedrock.



    Overall I'd say it's a very good alpha, but I still like A20 more.

    I don't mind the screamers on quest. It adds more zombies around even tho I modded my XML to be 2x more. I still like having more zombies cuz like what holo said. The world feels empty 


    And yes stealth is useless. I really hope they fix it especially with the new stealth armor coming 


    Everything else i agree with. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I gotta admit, as weird as it is, I miss concrete drying.  Yeah, it was kind of annoying because it was random, but I miss that thrill of upgrading something and hoping it would dry before horde night.

    God no I don't miss that at all. But I do agree it did add a ton of dread 

  9. Kinda agree all these random junk mines are kinda strange.  I would list as 


    Junk mines: random items like hubcap, air filter, nails and gun powder makes for a okay mine, will kill or break legs (has pipe bomb explosion) 


    Firemines: Same idea as a junk mine but when it blows up it throws gas everywhere and starts a fire. Looks like a tin candy mine and a few glass bottles around it. Blows up like a pipe bomb and molotov 


    Heavy mine: great for vehicles, strong zombies or that one dude in heavy armor, looks like a millitary landmine, and uses forged iron mostly. It blows up like a grenade/frag rocket.   



  10. 4 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    I'm pretty sure the Fun Pimps won't be giving any of the vehicles any sort of weapons - hell, they don't even want to allow passengers to shoot their guns while in vehicles.


    The rest seems pretty feasible.

    They should at least allow people to shoot out. 


    Like if you're on thr back of the 4x4 you should stand up and start blasting 




    But aside from that. Great ideas

  11. 2 hours ago, Kuoshi_Zetzy said:

    I absolutely agree that we need something on an industrial scale. The dew collector is too weak and takes up a lot of space when there is a lot of it. It would be great if there was, for example, a machine that collects moisture from the air. Such a large machine is capable of supplying more water, generating more heat, requiring more space to work.
    I really don't like that such strict requirements are imposed on a creative player as on the surface of the earth.

    There is no need to invent something unusual. Just look at it and enter it into the game:


    This beautiful machine is able to work almost anywhere, as long as there is no drought. Put this machine underground and you will be amazed at the result of its work! Efficiency is higher compared to dew collection. This machine can run on both electricity and batteries.

    Attention, if you put this car on the snow, it will heat the snow and fall apart.

    Put this machine underground and you will be amazed at the result of its work! Efficiency is higher compared to dew collection. This machine can run on both electricity and batteries.

    Zombies will be furious and want to destroy this miracle machine. And when a screaming zombie sees this device, her eyes will turn red and she will scream!
    Amazing balance. Players install the moisture trap at their own risk!

    Yes, just yes 


    I kinda drew something like that. I'm going to edit it and outline stuff In photoshop buy yeah something basically like that. Imagine is still WIP


    A large condenser and or Water pump.  Can get 30 water a day but at a cost of so many screamers 




  12. 3 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    And when the weather's bad, you won't see a thing!

    That makes me curious about the new weather....


    *cough Alpha 22 dev dairy* 

    We got Questions too ask our lord! The Pimps that are Fun! The fun pimps! 


  13. Hey anything Is better then the playdoe like creatures we have now. 


    Tho tbh I'm more looking forward to the Armor and I think it's going to be like what Fram said or we only get set characters. Like on console.  


    Ether one I'm Okay with. 

  14. 1 hour ago, HB_H4wk said:

    I made a custom Karen's Palace casino and 30 room hotel as well as a smaller Paris Casino for my custom Vegas City for my server.


    I might think about sending them to the combopack group. I do have other ideas for more casino prefabs, too bad they don't have a slot machine model in game. 


    That's really cool! You got a video? 

  15. On 8/31/2023 at 9:29 AM, OneManStanding said:

    I generally like the addition of dew collectors -- but we're needing INDUSTRIAL levels of them to meet demand at times. Between our home base and our horde base we've got four forges, three work benches, three chemistry stations, four mixers, four campfires... but we have about forty dew collectors in parties of eight in fields around the town in order to compensate for the automatic heat/activity production. We've switched to horde nights every night whilst we wait for another friend to run up a server, and due to not having the time for POIs we are using a LOT of water making paper to make shotgun shells. We're planning another dew farm at the moment.



    Now, there are dew collectors which use power to increase their output. I'm thinking we could go from these passive barrel collectors producing three waters a day to having a battery or generator-powered versions which produce ten jars a day over the normal three. The obvious cost in XP points, additional resources and setup, magazines, wiring, charging and replacing batteries, fuel, noise, screamers, would balance out not needing as many - as one powered dew collector is worth three passive collectors.


    Something like a water pump would be cool. If it made like 15 to 20 water but it was very expensive.  Like 6 water filter and other stuff 


    Like my post I made https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/33627-water-pump-high-teir-dew-collector/

  16. So I'm playing and then it dawned on me when I pulled out the hunting rifle.... 


    What the hell happened to the ADS? This goes for so many weapons like the Hunting rifle, Magnum, Tactical AR, and lever action 


    All the other weapons are fine, yeah they are too zoomed in but it's find 


    You may say! "Just uses reflex sights" and yes that may be true. I shouldn't have too. What if I want more mods on my gun

    And in the case of the Tactical AR the reflex sight is broken


    *bottom image has the TAR reflex sight, I'm at work on break I can't pull any on my pc videos are from Bear gaming and King of the Zeds*






    TAR with reflex 


    Here's what weapons like the TAR looked like before alpha 21


    I love alpha 21 but what happened here? Lmao 


    This video I got it from was  Snyplays all guns alpha 20. 



  17. 7 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    No. That´s absolutly not what anyone means if they say we need more different zombies. Reskinning doesn´t help at all.


    Also OP is talking about the spawn rate not about different zombie types .


    And i have to agree. We need the slider for the spawn rate back. But i know the answer to that: "It would hurt performance, also wait for Bandits, they will change difficulty a lot." Meh. 




    Once optimization comes then it shouldn't be that much of a issue then hopefully 


    Zombie spawn slider, wild screamers/POI screamers would also do great at adding more zombie spawns, screamers like in the city or randomly in the woods would be a nice addition to artificially add more zombies and another threat. 


    Today I went to the outdoor wedding place and I saw the screamer! That was cool and also almost made me @%$# myself 


    In pois at least they should snore loudly so you can tell if there in there and only spawn in the open 


    And the bandit excuse doesn't mean much. Yes I want different combat but still wanna fight zombies cuz at its core it's a zombie game.  

    5 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    *insane rambling*

    In terms of the skins for zombies I think it's great the main ones I'm looking forward too Is stuff like the bowler cuz it changes other details 


    Like image hazmat zombies wearing firefighter colors and emblems, solders wearing swat all black with police logos. 

    Bikers having different gangs or patterns on helmets. Ect 


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