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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 9 hours ago, Doomofman said:


    I can't stand those super tall front posts. It feels like extending the front post was the easier/quicker solution than reorienting the holding animation. Hopefully with the A22 character changes a bit more care is put into it

    I don't get how they messed it up some aiming is fine like the pistol, pipe pistol shotgun, and m60! 


    But the rest the aiming Is horrible.  What happened to the Mp5 sites! How do you mess that up. I don't care if it's a makeshift wire or spoon with a hole carved in it! 


    Please at least fix that fun Pimps! 


  2. 56 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    Any change to the damage model? You guys went from 0-100 in one update again. It´s actually annoying to drive a vehicle right now. Beeing able to kill zombies again with them is literally useless.


    There is mods to reset back to the A20 damage model, but i would much prefer a middle ground.

    Yes please. I'm pretty sure I can plow more zombies with a 4x4 


    But the damage for hitting trees and buildings 



  3. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Okay guys : do you think that something is going to change about solar cell? Because it's so hard to find them that even find pearl quality weapon in Bordelands is easier. Yeah are pretty poweful so... maybe good option would if solar cell became T5 quests rewards. what do you think? Because situation about them have to be change in one way (remove) or another ( make them more common)

    Tbh I don't really uses solar cells, as a challenge, cuz you basically get infinite power (yes that's the point) 


    What I really want Is more traps, a more needs for power *cough cough water pump* and a larger power source.  I would rather have 1 large generator with like 1000 power versus having like 4 generators! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Gronal said:

    These animations look like an enormous improvement. But I can't help but wonder if we will have any ADS animations or if we will permanently look as though we're hip firing to other players.

    I want them to fix the aiming in first person! I hate the overhead aim

  5. I personally am kinda glad for the armor change, it will change things up and can change things about the game, all armor has a uses. Unlike not were you got, cloth (goat) military or steel. Maybe iron or mixing up


    Cuz whole wears boots unless your warm or cold? Goth boots? Sweat shirt vs normal shirt, 


    The one thing I don't is nitpicks, like not having a helmet on the commando, the goofy mask for plant fiber, why can't we wear overlord armor, 

  6. 4 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    @Jost Amman @Adam the Waster
    This is what I mean by hopping, I have ZERO points in parkour (Not that is means anything, but it was brought up in the reasoning why, parkour causing hopping would be a dumb mechanic)

    Notice that my character makes the 'jumping' sound, and I lose 20 stamina for hopping. It cost me getting hit from a dire wolf due to running out of stamina.


    Ok that issu. I get that when I'm spam jumping and almost out of stamina but yeah it sucks

  7. I would like too see train tracks around the map. With some pois attached 


    A place too raid, scrap, bring back up, and build a base at. Or scrap railroad tracks for steel

  8. I think a mod for them would be nice like a battle axe mod. 


    Lowers block damage by 50% and harvesting but ups dismembing and melee by 35% but once you place that mod. It's permanent. 


    This perk is effected by heavy weapons



  9. 2 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    Personally, I'm not a fan of having someone yelling in my ear because it's night time.
    I'm happy if we get more, and sad that some have been removed over the years, but there's a lot night stingers that are so loud it ruins the experience and immersion, for me at least. They don't make the game scary, it makes me annoyed.
    TFP removed the scary ones many alphas ago

    0:17 - Too loud, immersion breaking. Please remove it.
    0:33 - Too loud, immersion breaking. Please remove it.
    0:51 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    1:03 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    1:16 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    1:29 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    1:49 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    2:01 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    2:20 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    2:30 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    2:45 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    3:00 - loud, could be lowered 50%
    3:11 - I think it repeats from here

    I want more natural sounds and the other stingers being more rare. Like wolfs howling, sticks breaking, wind blowing, coyotes howling/barking. 


    Etc And old scary sounds

  10. 7 hours ago, FranticDan said:


    11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT


    I hope we get some more, we had the same stuff from alpha 15 so we could uses a change

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