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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. I think bandits will help but we need more bosses, more quest, and maybe named legendary weapons for collectors



    I do like the idea of achievements!!! Maybe something with traders? 


    But true threats would really help imo.  Too put your defenses too the test. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Syphon583 said:

    For the life of me, I still don't understand why there is no flamethrower in the game. It screams for it!


    I know some arguments against one might that it would be OP, but that's not a great excuse. You could easily balance that by the amount of fuel it took to operate (or the scarcity of whatever special ammo type it took). My guess is the potential hit on performance as the main reason they don't. However, mods like the spreadable fire mod have shown it's not that big of a hit as one might think, so maybe there's another reason. 🤷‍♂️

    Ikr the game is mostly pve so op doesn't mean much. I think the main thing people really want from a flamethrower is burning the terrain and stuff which might be too taxing but I think something like the arc flamethrower which just shoots fire would be the best bet we already have a fire come out of pipes which would look perfect for a flamethrower




  3. I know I've done this before but with age comes wisdom!!!! 9 months or sum idk. 


    But it's kinda weird that All classes have at most 3 weapon perk lines 


    Intellect only has two. 1 melee, 1 special and ranged.... 0, you might say, "uses the junk turret!" OK fine but good luck aiming it or using it in emergency, it's a support weapon for bases and raiding pois!  


    So I want to list a few ideas I got 


    Tier 1: The Junk pitcher! a old leaf blower or pitching machine, BIG AND BULKY 

    Like the junk turret but amiable! Shoots junk rounds! 

    Slow reload, low recoil 


    Junk rounds: 25 dm 


    Tier 2:! Mauler!: modified nail gun/airgun with two guns in one!  that shoots nails, darts And junk rounds!. Faster firerate, faster reload low durability no muzzle attachments, even cheaper ammo! 


    Stats: ammo!

    JUNK rounds 35 dm 35+

    nails: 100, dm 15+ stackable bleed 

    Darts: 10 DM, 50+ dismember bonus 


    Tier 3: Scorcher: Flamethrower!!!! An old fire extinguisher remade into a flamethrower. Uses gas and does stackable fire damage! 

     and uses the fuel storage mods too extend ammo

    Base damage: 50+ plus stackable fire damage (cap is 5) 


    Or!!!  It could be 3 guns in 1! Flamethrower, nail gun and air gun


    ORRR it could be a homemade Coil gun that shoots junk rounds and darts! 




    New weapon mods for theses weapons junk turrets and sledges. But not the flamethrower 


    Shock Coil: adds a chance to stun/shock targets and arch to them


    Fueled Heated Coil: Adds chance for fire damage and does splash Damage


    Advanced Compressor: Adds bonus damage, causes knockback/send flying and does limb damage! 



  4. 16 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Only if they give axe combat some love. Fire Axe has been my go-to melee for more than half a decade, in spite of no perks buffing it (Even the dedicated fireman's axe mod is terrible). It's the perfect balance of range, damage, stamina use, attack speed, and ability to one-shot zeds. Hunting Knife would be better but the range difference is critical - axe allows you to escape with little to no damage taken. Axe wins IMO; nothing else beats it as the holdout melee weapon for non-melee builds (though steel shovel comes close).

    I think a total conversion would be cool. Trade harvesting for Damage and dismember 

  5. 3 hours ago, zztong said:


    I think they make more sense along a road distant from a settlement. Why would survivors build next to a big pile of zombies?


    I can't deny the Trader being beside, or in, a settlement is convenient for the player and doing missions.

    I like it cuz A! I like building deep into the woods and B! 


    It reminds me of a frontier trading post being deeper in the woods

  6. 7 hours ago, Roland said:


    Any plans on moving the traders closer to larger settlements within their biomes in Navezgane? Presently their locations are on the remote side and it makes Navezgane the most difficult map to play which might be a zinger for brand new players.

    Tbh I like traders in the deeper woods 

    6 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    The introduction of additional traders wouldn't be unwelcome, either. :) I doubt that's going to happen now though at this stage in development and after the trader specialization updates.


    Edit: In my opinion, after playing on Navezgane currently, it's just not designed for modern 7 Days To Die, especially for newer players - it's much more difficult to unlock magazines at a steady rate, you really feel the 60-minute time crunch when you're walking multiple clicks in-between locations, trader quests are often miles away or in the same general area over and over, many POI's (cough, T2 bookstore, cough) are never selected as quests in the first place. A complete redesign of the Navezgane map from the ground up would be nice, but again, 99% chance that's not going to happen.

    Trader Jimmy is still missing 😢  hope we can find his camp someday laz... ;)

  7. 1 hour ago, doughphunghus said:

    I bet you wont take it for granite though, always in the toolbelt, a stones throw from your inventory.  Is it just a rock shovel?.. dammit marie! Its a tier 6 mineral shovel!

    Why are you so tuff on me, no need to grind me now about it. Just mine your business!!! 




  8. 8 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Had another idea for one of those T0 filler/vacant lot POIs that could go in both cities and small towns and most districts other than industrial: A baseball diamond.

    I would love to build on a small baseball feild 


    Or hell even a stadium!!! I'm going to build in the football one 

    3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

     Wish we had diagonal fence pieces, probably the main reason we haven't made any of those.

    You you know what you have too do

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