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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 56 minutes ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

    You know what I would love to see, when you attack a zombie with a shovel instead of the digging animation, you get a sideways slam with a nice dong noise, id so do a shovelman run in the game hahaha


    IE THIS!

    Shovel Hit GIF | Gfycat

  2. 29 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned, there's a lot of traffic in this thread...


    Has anyone had any issues with disappearing trees since updating to the latest experimental build? It's a weird bug - trees disappear when looking directly at them, but appear when you're not looking directly at them.


    I did not start a new game world since updating the build, so I don't think I can create a bug report. And, everything else seems to be working fine for me, so if it's a choice between starting a new game or living with the bug, I can live with the bug.

    thats been a thing for me sense A17

  3. 15 minutes ago, Danidas said:

    I've been playing a lot with the Stun Baton as of late and it's amazing how over looked it is. As it's boarder line OP, especially with Tech Junkie Volume 6 to get a 25% chance to charge it on each hit and 50% on power attacks. Which makes it trivial to stun lock your target and even keep multiple targets stun locked as you beat them to death. As for damage and time to kill it is actually really good despite its low stated damage due to the shock dps.


    However it is plainly obvious why it is so over looked as its listed damage is so low and the games electric shock special effect is way over the top to a boarder line annoying level. Which both effectively drive people away from the weapon to more comfortable options with bigger numbers like the Club or even Axe. 


    It would be awesome if the electric effect was toned down a bit and even better if the electric dps was listed in the weapon description to show it's true damage.

    I kinda disagree with the Shock effect being annoying. it makes me feel like i GOT the POWER!!!!!!!!!! but i can see what you mean!

    The Main turn off for me is "For now" theres is no other tiers, Hell for intellect there is only One Range weapon! 


    What i hope they do is for each baton they add a unique effect for each

    • Junk/pipe/Scrap/Whatever its called Baton: could have just a Shock that does damage over time and Slightly slow down the Target. (the shock effect is smaller though)
    • Stun baton: Does More Shock damage overtime, a Very slight increases of Damage and Can Stun! (the shock effect is less then the One we have now)
    • Tesla/Plasma/Lightning/Whatever they will call it Baton: it Does much more damage, the Stun Can set targets on FIRE! and can break/cripple Limbs! (the shock effect would be the same as the baton we have now!)



  4. Just now, sillls said:


    I love this!

    But no you can't use the shovel as a blunt weapon currently. All you can do is thrust with it. 

    im talking realistically. sure you can uses it as a bladed weapon, Mostly if its a Tactical or Military shovel. but the shovels that we have in our yards that may or may not be rusting away, we would mostly uses it as a blunt weapon

  5. 3 minutes ago, sillls said:

    I call them shovel spears and yes they are still good. and in a way better than the spear. 😁

    Power thrust.

    Spears are great at keeping your distance. 

    But when your fighting against fast enemy's like birds the bone knife is better.  

    You know, this gives me an idea... 

    i mean i would uses a shovel as a blunt weapon but ok Game!


    Home alone shovel hitting GIF - Find on GIFER

  6. 3 minutes ago, sillls said:

    I thought that my first day was rough. I forgot how bad it can get at night. 


    I set up camp at a trailer were I started at. I got attracted around midnight by a feral zombie. At first it was not so bad. Then I ran into a spider zombie. I thought that going unarmed against a dog at the start  was tough. I managed to kill it but broke both my arm and leg at doing so. Got infected again.

     Found out that I can patch up both my arm and leg using the materials of one cast. Treated the infection with the last of my honey. 

    Even with the fire out I still get zombies and feral zombies attacking me all night. 

    Still plagued with fatigued but not a big deal. 


    Hoping to do better the next day. 

    next those condors will come after you!

  7. 15 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    Better, we will have drones rounding around us, capable of many things depending on setup we choose. A20 dev diary is near, so not long till we see.


    We have bicycle, minibike, motorbike and a precious gyrocopter, better than horse. (sorry horses). And a 4x4 that is gonna get some love as all others in the future. 


    And sadly, a dog companion have been discussed and rejected, probably because the complexity of the worlds (generated or pregenerated), things as path finding can`t be as in Minecraft you know. 



    plus if they added horses i would just eat them.

  8. 3 hours ago, mr.devolver said:

    Hide and seek game? Nice! Not sure what happened to this drunk npc, but the last time I saw him, he was hiding in a bus. Maybe he's on his way to play hide and seek with Arlene over there...


    i didn't know they added me into the game lol!


    also Content has the M word! WEE WOOO WEE WOOO WEE WOOO!


    he as a Burning shaft Mod!!!!!!!!

  9. Just now, BobbyLee298 said:


    Did ya start a new map, i think thats the only way to get them

    yeah and i looked around and could not find anything. i spawned in Nav and i check the areas the Images showed and areas where i would think it would spawn like hospital 

  10. "Oh great @Roland May i summon you in times of need, I and Other have Dabbled in the Dark spell of politics, May i summon you to Cleanse this Forum from the Aberrations that I and others have made!  Cleanse it With you're mighty mouse! and Sweep this forum of the dust that falls! Amen"



    im going to keep that.

  11. 9 minutes ago, RhinoW said:


    The cheerleader is pretty normal to be honest, and is supposed to be the typical american high school girl probably.

    as someone that is in high school. no lol


    She is my least favored zombie due to the color of her cloths, I know she is iconic but she also does not fit in much like the football player. Maybe they could turn her into a Business woman or maybe she can be room to make a new special infected. *Cough *cough* My Ravager Idea *Cough*


    Still agree with out on everything else...

  12. 18 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    So this is the "black" zombie you are talking about? you really think he is "black".. aham... now i know why you dont wanna see black zombies in this game..

    All zombies in this game have skin, no one has a black skin.

    If its just a game with zombies, why do you care if there is black zombies or stronger females? what your problem with them? You dont wanna see them? ok your opinion, but you cant tell that there is black zombies or strong females. Feral and soldiers are MAN. You cant see the different between grey, yellow and black, now you cant see the different between genders? omg


    Spongebob Man Ray GIF - Spongebob ManRay Facepalm - Discover & Share GIFs

    Boe is black, have you ever seen a black person like that? 


    and im not agents Seeing a strong woman zombie. If they add another special infected zombie that is a woman then cool.  

    and you're the person thats bring race and gender in the game, no me. if this game just had rotten skeletons walking around people would still complain.


    and i say the feral, solder and crawler are "Unlisted" because there is nothing about them that says "Im male or im female" are you saying Woman can't be tall pr can be solders?? the Only thing you can tell about the Feral wight that its a PERSON is because of its butt. It has no genitals of many kind, its a person who are Radiated to the point where they lose everything. can you tell me who they where due to their face? no its a face that wants to eat you're heart like a Apple!


    God please shoot me already....


    i am done having this discussion, im going to eat Acid jello 

  13. 3 minutes ago, zWolfer said:

    My argument are just the facts, there is no black zombies or strong females and some of them are sexualized because this is true happening. Opinions are something different, like you dont wanna see black zombies or strong females or you dont think the game needs that. So you can disagree with my opinion but not the facts.


    There is a black zombie his name is boe


    Second: Although yes many of the female zombies are Weak.... So are the men... Steve, Joe and Yo, but you're also very Vague with "Strong woman" Like what? a Female Solder? a Female Body Builder? a Female who works out alot?, you're not really giving a Idea. 


    Third: there are "unlisted" zombies. the Feral wight? is it a Man or a woman? no one knows! Solder! man or woman? Crawler Man or woman? Burned victim Man or woman? 


    Forth: Zombie Race? Does it matter? They are dead zombies that want to eat you! they are not talking people! if i made this game i would have added 2 zombies that would be so rotten that you can't tell who they where so argument like this does not happen


    Fifth: there is only one "sexy" zombie. the rest are Nasty! have you Seen Darlin? *sudder* and like i said! I think that she is too fresh to be a zombie and i would add some rot, but will anyone listen? no and it will be that way! im not in control of the art i can only give Suggestions...


    and Last


    Most strong people would have survived the Zombie outbreak, i say most due to other zombies like Bikers, solders, and Cops turned. so this one is kinda standing on one leg....



    Moral of the List. its fine to give you're opinion, just don't try to jam a agenda down anyone throat...  





    5 minutes ago, DarlingCows said:

    How do you guys think skin color changes as the skin rots. I’d imagine it turns grey. 

    No skin at all,



    the sun would melt that. Zombies in a desert would be walking Meat without skin

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