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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 8 hours ago, BADxW0LF said:

    It hasn't from what I can tell. Rendering on the game when I'm on a faster vehicle is terrible. Cars will spawn in the middle of the road when I'm a foot away from them or won't even spawn at all and I will hit an invisible car.

    I ment alpha 22

  2. Just now, Callum123456789 said:

    with seeing the new animations for the mountain lion, hopefully theres also some new animation for zombies crawling in the works the current one is quite janky and glitchy (zombies falling into the floor crawling and getting stuck or they do these ninja ducks within a blink of the eye and get a free hit off on you)

    Maybe a leaper crawler!

  3. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:


    theses animating are really cool/good 


    much better then what we have now. I hope we get this for zombies, humans, first person combat




    This alone has me hyped! Imagine what they could do with this! 


    Like zombie climbing or clamber animations, give that spider zombie his climb again or even


    Feral zombies lunging at you in the darkness. 


    Player animations swinging there melee weapon more times or combos


    More responses to attacking body parts.  Too go with the new gore system. 


    So much cool stuff. Please keep showing more


  4. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    Ok so i have alternative which would both shoes and partialy barefoot : just change skin into fiber. I think it's sensible alternative to flip flops



    This would be realy.... normal. Trust me - after seeing guy with sword, guy in Plague Doc, guy who had only shirts while carry road sign then... i could consider as student 




    To be honest - i woudn't mind fiber footwear in foot guard style. I think it would looks realy good : example




    We get it you like feet! Snowdog agrees


    BTW I hope we get a hunter set of armor like this that will be baller. I want to wear bones and @%$#

    8 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Roland can probably correct me on this if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the intention was always to bring burnt forest back. They just set it aside for the time being so that they could focus on other aspects first.

    From what I remember.  Faatal said there was a error bring it into random gen.  And it's getting fixed in alpha 22


    At least I can see My favorite crispy zombie 

  5. 34 minutes ago, Roland said:


    There will be some goals that won't be done until after gold. In the original kickstarter they listed some features that would be added after 1.0 release. They have since shuffled which features will be part of 1.0 and which will be after 1.0 due to the realities of development. VR support is not on the list for pre-gold.

    What other features they plan for 1.0

  6. 42 minutes ago, FramFramson said:



    More than three jars of storage, please, for god's 


    Also, if they get rid of clothes, I'm wondering if all wearable items will have both some sort of armour value AND some sort of temperature protection value.

    That's my main issue I just need more! For Grenades and bomb arrows


    I mean sense we have a set of desert gear I'm sure some armors will have some strengths or weaknesses 

  7. I really want too see other armors I know we got biker and Ranger armor but I hope there's more! Like the types of bandit armor shown being part of the loot pool/craftable 


    Like do we have a scrap armor equal? Will we have a winter set cuz aside from the lumberjack or biker, none really would keep you warm and I wouldn't trust plant fiber aside too keep me itchy. 


    Another issue I think they should be addressed isthe water thing.... I know it's been done too death but tons of people hate it... but at least more ways to get water without looting, trading or having 5000 dew collectors.  


    At least have tiers of water collectors 


  8. 19 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, I wouldn't expect experimental until summer and stable in the fall.  Still not too far, though.

    as a console mostly person.... I can't wait long enough 

    Screw it this is the Alpha 22 discussion page now

  9. 13 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Considering it's almost the end of Feb and they still only can post this year for a release date, I get the feeling it won't be anytime soon. Maybe September for EXP. Shame it's likely gonna be that far away and bandits still aren't making it in.

    I highly doubt it. My guess ether end of March or April 

  10. On 2/15/2024 at 9:19 PM, Crater Creator said:

    Tech allows for one zombie model to have different clothing designs, hair colors, skin colors, etc.

    This interests me. Skin color and hair! Maybe we will see Boe at last with a sick set of hair.




    39 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    A beginning of a new era. Lets do it ! 


    Btw, I think we have to thank @Adam the Waster for how he began the topic about A22, and the new dev dairy layout. 

    Thanks, buddy, hats off for you. 


    Here, a beer !

    Thank you it means alot 

  11. 1 hour ago, zztong said:


    The web tells me there are 33 swamps in AZ. I don't know any of them personally. Perhaps all/some/many are man-made and the pictures don't necessarily give me a creepy remote bayou feel, but maybe there's enough to say "sure, let's do a swamp biome" ... ?

    I looked at some but I'm sure they could take creative liberty with it and you also gotta think how it would realistic look in game.  Like the water biome 


    Make it 2 skulls, have crawlers and maybe naturally spawning feral zombies or even spider zombies thicker trees, dirt, sand and gravel on the ground.  Water alots of dirty stinky water


  12. 3 hours ago, Mister Forgash said:

    The game is intended to represent Arizona, so I can understand why a swamp biome doesn't make the final cut- but that said, as someone that lives in the wetlands- Knobby cypress knees, tangle-y vegetation, and 'gators.. All of this would be so very welcome in an apocalyptic nightmare. (...Maybe as a DLC.)

    Unless it was a man-made mash aka just a flooded forest a poormans swamp, it wouldn't make sense.  Too be in Arizona 


    But dlc would be kinda neet

  13. 2 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    yeah with the new pois coming you would think having those cut zombies would make sense to have a reappearance i.e im not too sure why the frigid hunter or the frozen female lumberjack were removed and just the ordinary lumberjack is the main wilderness spawn, as stated above the farmer zombie being removed as there are plenty of farm related pois now theres more schools and what not so it'd make sense to have those spawns around there and the cowboys in the old west which were also removed.

    Cheerleader and football player doesn't really fit in with many areas 


    I miss the frozen hunter and worker I do wish he had some kinda of frozen zombie. Kinda like the burnt zombie but.... frozen and harden


    I do think a hunter would fit in. With the classic look of a orange coat and camo. 


    But farmers could have fit in and would also be like the cowboy. Fit the same roll

  14. 4 minutes ago, BADxW0LF said:

    When are y'all actually going to spend time optimizing this game to operate smoothly? It lags constantly during horde nights and it seems like all you are doing is reworking mechanics or making the game more difficult by taking away actual ways we could work toward self sustaining like farm animals or filtering water from lakes.



    This game has been in alpha for over 10 years now. Like.....how? HOW?!?!?!?! I do not get how you can just constantly say your game is in alpha and never release the game to production. There are live service games out there and that's basically what you are doing with this game, but taking a cop out to not optimize it keeping it in alpha. 

    This alpha should help out with optimization

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