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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 48 minutes ago, FramFramson said:



    Or some sort of vehicle-themed T5 (IIRC, there's no T5 Pass n' Gas, but a T5 gas station plaza doesn't exactly feel like the right way to go with this)


    They did make a refinery. But that's a T3.

    Why not mix it with both

  2. 5 hours ago, Jugom said:

    are those goggles in the lumberjack hat preview added by the NVG mod or do they come like that by default?
    and if they are added by the NV, are they planning to make the look like the actual mod installed?


    13 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    All of the factories are tagged for industrial.

    YO when will we get that working stiff factory 🤣 

  3. 7 hours ago, faatal said:

    Gray - downtown

    Blue - commercial

    Yellow - industrial

    Green - residential

    Cyan - rural


    Darker of those colors if remnant.

    FSR AA looks much better. Like TAA, FSR AA uses camera jitter, so it is not quite the same effect in a picture or when standing still.

    Is a mod. Here you can see it enabled in the background.


    OMG I CAN SEE!!!!!!!!

  4. 7 hours ago, Makaroni95 said:

     there is that new tinting mod for windows, it just look dull with these tinted windows. 

    there is that new tinting mod for windows, it just look dull with these tinted windows. 

    If it helps with performance I'll allow it

  5. 5 hours ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    There was a brief period in RWG where bridges generated (albeit poorly) over rivers back in A17 I think. You also got frog and other wetland sounds along the shores of lakes and stuff too. Would love to see that make a return @faatal

    I just called that the swamp.


    Towns could spawn in the river biome. I just called it a swamp

    Also i remember seeing a bridge load sideways, I tried to connect it and it fell apart

  6. 9 hours ago, faatal said:

    More changes for RWG coming in 1.0:


    RWG highway generation uses a new algorithm.
    RWG highway generation allows double connections between towns.
    Added RWG big cities can have two gateways per side.
    Added RWG big cities generate a highway bypass ring.

    This is a 10k, many towns with 30% wasteland. Generated in 1 minute, 12 seconds. Has 4 of the new big cities.


    I have a question.  Will one day if possible.  


    Will natural Terrain, like more rivers and connected rivers with bridges? 


    Canyons, larger mountains, inland lakes deeper in the map, craters in the wasteland aka nuke craters 


    if some of it in even possible? 


    I think it would be cool to see people doing challenges.  Maybe settings were 80% of the map is water

  7. 4 hours ago, Professor-Pip said:

    Yeah, I don't feel like what I saw in the trailer is that much of a stretch. Yeah, you'll need a good PC and a graphics card, but you can get similar scenes even now.

    I know they are optimizing the game but I don't think it's that optimized

  8. 40 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    I dunno, you might be able to recreate that scene in the trailer if you turn on feral sense and go to a wasteland downtown city. 😎

    Trailer lies :(


    And you didn't say anything about the deco! 


    Ether way i.am excited 

  9. 10 hours ago, Arez said:

    The lighting for a bunch of the scenes looks extra cinematic (i.e. Big Mama getting slashed in the hospital). Is that what 1.0 is going to look like or were some of those shots enhanced for the video?



    Are you saying that's too many zombies to play against? If so, I disagree. That looks like fun! I think all the cities should look like this. Any area that would've been densely populated pre-apocalypse should be FLOODED with zombies. 

    No I love having that many zombies but I think this is just a trailer thing vs reality 



    Also @Laz Man does this mean the trader defenses/buildings are craftable?!?! Dont be playing with my emotions 


    1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    No I love having that many zombies but I think this is just a trailer thing vs reality 

    Also @Laz Man does this mean the trader defenses are craftable?!?!


    Me waiting for 1.0


  10. 12 minutes ago, Grimace521 said:

    anyone else think a couple animations in the trailer looked a little janky? the mountain lion looked odd and the knife and shovel swinging felt chunky in an odd way. could just be me though

    Kinda but I'm uses too it

    But this is a little if city's looked like this I would delete my account 


  11. 21 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Old model wasn't horrible but always reminded me like the B team guys from the expendable movies... 😃


    The new look will pair better with the solider.

    Idk about that , he looks like thing from the fantastic 4 decided to join the SWAT team and strapped bombs on him self


    Same arms too XD



    3 hours ago, Teezer said:


    F1 'nade, 9 smokes... I hope for 2 things

    - demolishers have a chance to release a smoke screen as they blow up

    - revamp the night vision gear and add a thermal scope mod to see through


    Would be insane

    Probably still just explodes cuz it's rule over cool. 



    But that would be really cool

  12. 1 hour ago, beerfly said:

    Pimps could have named A22 Bob. Would that make some difference in the future development and plans from what they planned from the beginning ? Nope.


    Lets move on. 


    Whats next gate ? :)

    Exactly it'd basically the same thing really just a different name 

  13. I'm kind of excited to see the new challenge system having some extra stuff is nice I hope that they do add like some simple stuff like in Darkness Falls like go kill a bear and come back or like the old Quest where he had to kill say chickens or deer or male zombies

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