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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 1 hour ago, Space4Ace said:

    Yes, a zombie stag would be great; running at you and could do a lot of damage with those antlers.

    Don't forget does! 


    But screw it make all zombie animals 

    Zombie rabbits, chickens, cougars, wolf's (stronger dogs) and boars

  2. 6 minutes ago, Rotor said:

    I started when A20 dropped, and have not downloaded/played any of the previous As. 


    I miss the ability to get water from lakes/rivers, etc and bring back to boil..

    I just think they changed it in the wrong way

     They should make it harder to boil/clean. Not make it were jars don't exist.  Or hell even just lower the stack amount.  Like 5 

    21 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    I miss learning by doing and more complex crafting processes with intermediate steps. I experienced both in the Undead Legacy mod and it was a lot of fun.

    But what I've noticed more and more lately is that there don't seem to be any really big ore deposits anymore. I used to have huge mines that never ended. Now I have to keep opening new mines because I'm running out of ore. And building big in general is not that easy anymore. On the one hand, I have FPS drops despite better hardware, and the spawn radius of the zombies in the horde night is significantly smaller than it was back in A16.


    Some aspects of LBD I like 


    Such as running, combat, mining etc. But some stuff was such a pain.  Like leatherworking, or tailoring. 


    But I do like the perk system we have now tho.

    And performance.. yes


    Here's hoping a22 will be true about the performance updates

  3. 55 minutes ago, Maharin said:

    Probably the #1 thing for me is the maps with a large central city.  I so desperately wish they'd bring that back before release.

    We kinda have those but I do miss the large dense areas. If we had more sky scrappers  and how it was much harder and had more zombies

    1 hour ago, doughphunghus said:

    - weapon parts: i personally liked having to decide if i wanted to carry a found weapon back to base, or the parts bs carrying other things. And having to wait/loot the better parts when you had a weapon with 1 crappy part.

    - vehicle "maintenance" was mentioned, and was also "parts", and same reason.


    For me: for these two above, it just made you really like the weapon you were specializing in. Short of "giving it a name" it made the items more personalized and like mini-games/quests. Mods are kinda like that but not as much fun IMHO.


    - The "ambience" of the constant? Thick Mist/fog (im thinking console version, at least as i remember it).  I like being able to see really far away, sometimes, but my PC isnt powerful enough to render everything far away so its a bit immersion breaking on a clear day to look to the horizon and see only flat ground/grey "areas" where roads and POis are when far away, grass and trees just "not there" until you get close.


    - zeds that climbed walls. To stop/defend against them was "easy" once you knew it happened and how to do it. I wish this came back in a harder to defend form (like zeds piling up climbed on too of each other higher) or there were varied special "attacks". I loved the addition of the bomber zed (with button to activate them). And dealing with spitters is a joy (well, thats just me). 

    - i think Learn by doing  should be brought back for a limited set of things. I know why it was taken out, but it was satisfying to me in non multiplayer games where people were not "cheating the system".  As an example: jumping height, stamina while mining, swimming, and/or weapon accuracy could be LBD, no?


    - i kinda liked "empty trader compounds" on console (no traders existed). I know traders can be removed, but i think an option to turn them "off" would be nice, and the game were balanced so traders are not required for all items.  Maybe "traders so not exist early game and then start appearing as the game progresses" would be kinda fun (though never was in the game) and then the items do not have to he rebalanced (except dew collector filter?)


    - i liked the concrete drying, because it was a punishment if you waited too long to upgrade to concrete on day 7, which i did a lot. It was another mechanic that you had to allocate time to that was not a bug deal unless you didn't plan ahead.


    - caves. Randomly finding them, accidentally driving into them. On a large map with few cities, caves were a fun and sometimes necessary resource/overnight temp base vs "build another ugly wood box". I  was really hoping with the new RNG being worked on (and possible FPS improvements), decent caves would come back (not underneath POis). Its kinda a shame with a full voxel survival world (that does not have infinite map size)  how much underground "area" goes unexplored/unused. Making "big mountains and cracks is kinda a workaround, but finding random gen caves in those mountains and cracks would he awesome.


    I so miss caves too but we are getting some cave pois in alpha 22 according to Laz,  and I do miss climbing zombies! I want those back it would change up tower defense a bit . Them to climb up and start damaging blocks. I hell I miss all of those aside from fog. 


    I like dense fog every now and then but on console it was bad. And I started and still play console rarely

  4. 6 minutes ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    Will they have to make physical copies of 7d2d for console? Or is it all hosted on a central server now that you download? Could explain the delay in a diary? Also if it’s cross platform will they have to revamp the forums to not segregate the two platforms?

    I doubt it. 


    Xbox Just recently cut their physical games division. 

  5. With the light of GNS new video about going back in time to the old alphas


    I want to here people thoughts on cut things 

    Here is mine 


    Smell when holding meat and Other types of meat 


    Some LBD skills not all but some


    Zombie spawn setting 


    The nude/zombies in underwear


    I kinda miss water jars but too a point


    Smg5 ring sight... such a down grade hell I miss most iron sights and being able to aim 


    Old hunting knife model... small I know but the bowie knife has drip. I'm bias cuz I own one


    Maintenance on vehicles like checking tires, engine, battery, etc 


    Some old skill names like sex rex. Small Ik 



    Iron tier of blocks



    The old sniper model. I like it a bit better then the SVD. Makes bearly any sense why it's in the US, unless it's a cheap Chinese rip off..... probably that. 


    I also mostly miss the true survival aspect. Dying has consequences other then perma death or large xp lost. You came back weaker, wellness was cool but it was way too slow to build it up, infections In a17 was stupid fast, dysentery was rather harsh and wouldn't go away unless cured


    Hopefully they add on some other survival aspects after they are done with RPG and looter shooter. Tho tbh this game is a mix of many things. Voxal, survival, tower defense, rpg, looter shooter, and Hopefully soon story.


    That's really it! I want to hear yalls


  6. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    It could be non-alcoholic beer 😁. (Yeah, I was only searching for "alcohol" to make sure there isn't any in the game)


    Grain alcohol  (rip drinking real moonshine)

    Grandpa moonshine



  7. 40 minutes ago, Elukka said:


    If I sound a bit frustrated, I've been watching this circus for 10 years, 1 month and few days now.

    The way I see it is at least we have the game and we see it evolved. Unlike the day before we're we don't see anything. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Elukka said:


    Yay... We're getting animals and prettier fur this year. I can barely hold my excitement.

    They look like animals now!

    Also I hope we still get the boar! We can always uses more hostile wildlife 

  9. 47 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:


    The kids immune system was much stronger than those of adults, so they were immune. But after their parents turned... well, you know hoe it ended.

    (just a possible in-lore explanation :))

    Maybe they ate them all for protein 

    8 hours ago, Trankitas said:

    I find it weird that there's not an A22 dev diary yet, It's been half a year since A21 launched right?


  10. 2 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Unfortunately, unless they can optimize the game enough, I doubt we'll see an increase to max spawns in an area because they are limiting things to make it work with console.  As is common for games developed for both console and PC, PC will suffer because console can't do everything that PC can.  There's nothing wrong with dual development like that but I really wish that they'd just offer it as two games that have differences based on capabilities of the systems rather than restricting what's available for PC.  But that would just generate a huge outcry from console gamers and so isn't going to happen.

    I mean they are working on stuff to help with it but there's alot of back ground stuff going on 

  11. On 1/25/2024 at 1:30 PM, Riamus said:

    I wouldn't mind seeing this as I use melee most of the time.  You can slow enemies by hitting their legs... At least with a spear.  I don't really know if that is unique to a spear or not since I only use that for melee.  But if I'm going in for melee, I'm not looking to slow anything down.  I'm just there to kill it.


    Then again, I'm not really a tactical combat person, so I'd probably still just go for the headshots every time even if it was added.

    The issue is the spear is the only weapon you can get away with doing that or less you will take damage 


    The spear got range 

  12. 11 hours ago, faatal said:


    Looking better, but running worse is often how it goes. In this case it may cost a few FPS, but it is not a final tweaked feature yet. The lower quality shadow settings may have contact shadows disabled.

    Here's hoping we get alot of optimization in Alpha 22


    Anyways! How is that going 


  13. At least a small country air feild would be cool. Like a place you learn to fly. It is the country side! Kinda like farcry 5


    Or even a farm with a small air strip 

    Then again there has to be a plane model. He'll he don't even have a chopper model... yet

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