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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 2 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    No. Clothing mods will not show.

    I know this sounds like a huge reduction in customization, but you'll just have to trust us that we have a plan and will reveal that plan once it's ready.

    We fully understand your concerns. I, Allan, understand your concerns as I'm a player too. I'm on your side. Trust the process.

    I appreciate the transparency 




  2. 2 hours ago, beerfly said:

    You guys shared a post with new gameplay video minutes ago. I read many comments from dudes thinking Blood Moons is developed by you, The Pimps and that will affect the development time of 7 days to die.


    Adding a statement that BM is developed by another studio and will not affect 7 days to die should be added in the posts you share. People are thinking odd sometimes, you know. 

    Yeah kinda wish people were informed but people don't read so 

  3. This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

    Primitve Hides: class set Mid armor: this early game mid armor can help your a bit on your adventure, while Heavier then most mid tier armors it does keep your warmer, it cost Fibers, Cloth, hide and wood. and it only goes up per level.


    Primitve Scrap armor: a Heavy set for early game, even comes with a sexy bucket to wear on your head!, made from random junk this provides the best protection early game but its the WORST for everything else. no weather, if anything you get warmer or colder, its super heavy and slows you down much more. but hey it protects you


    Now for the good armors

    Thug armor: light: show how much of a tough guy you are by showing the wasteland whos boss, 

    • Mask: Increase Power attack by 2% cap is 20. gives bonus when buying (cuz your scary)
    • Chest: Increase damage to Humans, and increase Stamina by 2 cap is 20
    • Gloves: increase Looting speed and bonus AR damage by 1% cap is 10
    • Boots: Increase Special ammo damage by 1% cap is 20
    • Bonus: increase AR increase AP damage, and Bonus 20 HP if you carry 10,000 Dukes

    Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
    set: Light
    A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! Be the a exterminator and healer of your gourp

    Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

    Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies

    Gloves: Increase Healing output and on teammates too


    Boots: adds extra health to player (based 2 cap is 10by each level)

    Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even for teammates!

    Hazmat (1).jpg


    Trapper armor: weather: COLD!
    set: Mid

    Live off Natures animals, Sell your hunted wears, even Hunt the Infected wildlife looks like trade hughs armor but with a few additions 

    Hoodie: increase harvest from animals 

    Outfit: less damage from wildlife and more damage to wild life by% (also works on zombie animals

    Gloves: increase Spear damage and bow damagw

    Boots: increase power attack damage by %

    Full: increase harvest even more and extra bones! Gives you bonus attack speed with spears


    Trapper (1).jpg

    Desert gear: aka Explorer


    Being a true raider of pois! A tome raider!!! 

    Class: light, cooler


    Cap: increase cripple damage by 10%


    Outfit: 1 carry slots, decrease thirst and hunger, food effects last longer.


    Gloves: increase pistol and smgs damage 


    boots: decrease melee stamina use


    Bonus: 20% more damage for all 9mm weapons and 20% reload speed

    Peace keeper: A set of old Swat and army gear, are you going to protect the peace?? be the heavy demolisher you always wanted to be!
    Class: Heavy: Warm


    Helmet: Reduced critical on user 

    Outfit: take reduced damage when standing still: Increase damage and attack speed for clubs. 


    Gloves: Increase shotgun and clubs damage. 

    Boots: Increases Knockdown on targets!

    Bonus: 20% More damage with clubs and shotguns: and chance too knock down targets that attack you.

    Peace keeper (1).jpg

    Engineer:  a set of old construction equipment reinforce an armored OSHA compliant


    Class: medium warm. Intelligent 


    Helmet: increase crafting speed by 10% per level and falling blocks deal less damage 


    Outfit: increase carry by 1 and increase damage of intelligence weapons. 


    Gloves: lower durability uses by 5% per level. 


    Boots: increase attack speed of batons 


    Bonus: increase robot place capacity by

     1 and chance 35% chance to add a durability too a tool after uses

    images (10).jpeg

    Responder armor: A heavy set of firefighter gear, with thick metal. Ready to walk into thr blaze? 


    Class: Heavy. No weather resistance 


    Unquie unlock: read fireman's Almanac issue number 4 or 5 (whatever gave you the fire fighter Helmet) 


    Helmet: Increase damage with 2 handed weapons so axes and hammers! By 10% (not spears) plus rad resistance 


    Outfit: carry by 2, increase stamina by 5 per level


    Gloves:  Reduced stamina use 2 handed melee weapons and deal extra damage to targets on fire


    Boots: safe fall damage and increase stamina regen


    Bonus: 85% fire, radiation and electric resistance and faster attack speed with 2 handed weapons. 




    Demolisher armor: Do you like blowing things up? Do you like putting 100 holes into zombies!!! Do you like being very heavy!!! This armor Is for you! 


    Class: Heavy


    Helmet: Reduced Explosive and ballistic damage


    Chest: 2% bonus too damage to Explosives and ARs


    Gloves: increase firerate on guns by 2%


    Boots: landmines don't detonate after the first step 


    Bonus: 20% damage with Ars and explosives increase reload speed. 


    Hoarder outfit: often used by Caravans and wandering Traders or borders if you want to transport a lot of stuff in a short amount of time this is for you


    Class, middle (ironic)


    Hoodie: plus 4 carry and increase bartering (selling only) 


    Outfit: plus 4 carry, increase damage damage resistance the more you carry (makes some extra noise) 


    Gloves: increase carry by 4 and increase damage with knuckles


    Boots: increase carry by 4, improve duration off effects like beer and roids! 


    Bonus: all slots open plus a extra inventory line and 20% more damage with knuckles



    Murader armor: the stronger toughest Mo fo in the wasteland! Made of solid steel! Hope your strong enough to carry it! 


    Class: Heavy


    Helmet: increase critical attack damage by 4 


    Chest: improved damage with m60s and auto shotguns by 2%


    Gloves: improved knock down and deal bonus damage to Knockdown targets


    Boots: increase reload speed 


    Bonus: 15% chance to ignore damage from attackers and 20% more damage with auto shotguns and m60s 




    Wardrobe system: my guess is the wardrobe system is skins you can place on your armors so I have a list 



    Here's the list! 


    Basic stuff

    Light hats: 


    Press cap, cowboy hat, cop hat, baseball cap, trucker cap, skull cap, millitary cap, bandana, winter cap, leather cap. Cloth hoodie, bowler hat. 


    Mid hats: hardhat, light millitary Helmet, gas mask, weilding helmet, classic Biker helmet, bucket with holes, football helmets, hockey mask. 


    Heavy: Swat helmet, heavy military helmet, bear hat, heavy biker helmet. . Mining helmet with mask


    Outfits: add in gloves and shoes etc. 


    Light: business casual, farmer clean, cop uniform, football fan, college uniform, millitary fatigues, casual t-shirt and jeans, shorts and t-shirt, denim outfit, cowboy outfit, Ranger uniform, light biker, punk outfit, jump suit. Hawaiian gear, nurse rags, nerd outfit 


    Mid: clean biker gear, millitary gear, construction worker gear, hazmat gear, millitary Medic, millitary Grenadier, football gear, cop vest and uniform..


    Heavy: Swat gear, heavy military gear, heavy biker gear. 



    Now for post war stuff! Skins that bandits wear are NOT armor but if you work with them and or earn challenges, you can unlock them. 






     makeshift gas mask, wolf head Hoodie, leather hoodie with googles; cloth hoodie, bear head hoodie, zombie dog hat, cougar head hoodie, deer head hoodie, hog head hoodie 





    White river types: balaclava, armored biker helmet, Aviator cap and goggles, cage helmet, metal gas mask. 


    Cazadors: deer skull helmet, zombie skull helmet, dog skull helmet, bear skull, metal bird mask, metal skull mask, feathers head wrap, Chieftain feather Hood, Tribal metal mask, 




    light and mid : old cloth rags, classic leather armor, merc armor, classic cloth, animal hides, road Leathers, drifter outfit, rag with hoodies, Archer outfit. Bone armor, wooden armor, retrofitted football gear. 


    Heavy: classic iron, classic steel, spiked metal. 





    Grunt outfit, Sargent outfit, lieutenant chosen solder, Prospect, Tail gunner, Road Captain, runner, Treasurers, Chaplain. Road warrior, Grenadier



    Cazadors: Tribal, berserker, warrior, Chieftain, war Chieftain, Overlord, dealer, Grenadier, chairman, mobster, hunter, marked one, assassin, medicine man, shaman

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  4. 5 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. That's precisely what I was saying would be an issue.

    For the way you want it done to work, they'll have to custom fit every single possible combination of overlapping models in a way that they don't look weird.


    My example about the bandana covering the mouth, having the cigar sticking out if you also equip the cigar, it's the perfect example.

    Not to mention that aligning correctly different layers of "clothing" on top of each other would be tricky, to say the least.


     I do hope it shows up. Then again how would stuff work for the enforcer armor? Are you going to wear shades on your shades? 



  5. 7 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    What about Lock picking to open doors?

    I don't get Why we can't.  It would be so cool to Lock pick more stuff. Like army trucks, doors, players cars, maybe fuses box's to turn power on or generators 

    2 hours ago, zztong said:

     players can keep nice looking doors rather than having to replace a nice door with a rough wooden one.

    Should be in the block shape menu for that

  6. 1 hour ago, User said:

    I (think) it's called the assasin set? I had a picture of someone finding a low tier hood in loot that looks simillar to that, but I'm not 100% sure.

    Maybe we have both wasteland assassin and normal assassin 



    I hope we get it

  7. 2 hours ago, User said:

    Yeah, I guess you're right. These are publicly avaliable through youtube/twitch. Guess it was a bit dumb to worry.


    Courtesy of Shema & Spartan 85 on youtube / Dollishdes on twitch for these. Surprisingly: Redone crates? Could be wrong, I haven't played in a minute, but I swear they look different. Looks like you can get armor from any chest too. Sorry for the quality.









    I really like the new layout for the armor.  And yeah the create does looks new. 



    I want to see all the new armors and how the mods work

  8. 4 hours ago, User said:


    Not sure if I'm allowed to put in photos of the video I saw from pax so I'll hold off on that for now.

    I mean swatchs put something so go crazy 🤪 

    6 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    Tough Guy Glasses

    But do they show? 


    And how about that enforcer set? Do you put glasses on your glasses?

  9. 9 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

    It played really well. Most of the controls were intuitive and although controller will never be as efficent as mouse and keyboard it functions well. The way item lock is currently set isn't that intuitive though. You tilt the right joystick left or right to adjust it and that isn't mentioned anywhere on the screen. Hopefully they will change that. The new armor set stuff is really cool. You will still be able to use cigars and nerdy goggles to. They are being converted to helmet slot mods and will no longer be things you equip.


    How did the armor system work was it 5 parts? 4? 6? 


    Did you find new armors 


    Did you find sky scrappers on the console demo? 


    And what new zombie cloths have you seen so far. Like anything special 

    4 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    If they wanted it announced they would have announced it  

    Yes annouce it!!! 

  10. 6 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    To be honest - laser would be pretty cool stuff. but not pew pew but rather - laser line

    I mean lasers are possible.  We uses them for anti air weapons.  But I don't think a single car battery would work. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Gamida said:
    I only know of a mod which lets you add weapons to the drone. I think they were going to let us weaponize drones once but they dropped the idea later.

    They did but they just thought it would be better as a tool as support rather then assault 



    I think it would be cool for Bandits to have both combat and support drones. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    There's already the Junk mobile Turret that does that.

    Just carry it with you and deploy it when needed.


    :laser: :faint:

    New laser confirmed 


    Intelligent class! 



    Speaking of! We're is the plasma baton!!@!

  13. I also want to discuss and see peoples thoughts about some of this stuff being in 7dtd og



    For example.  Scrap tier weapons, not only it would provide another tier so more progression but it would make getting steel a much more endgame thing. 


    But it also makes sense in terms of the world. 


    Granted I could see it interfering with stone but just simply buff iron and maybe mechanical stuff (augers are kinda under powerd imo, too much gas and breaks too quickly for results) 


    Tries with be for example.  Stone axe, Scrap axe, iron, steel chainsaw



    Another thing that would be awesome is some of the billboards and other building asset.  Like the power pylon.  Imagine building a base into the tower or breaking it down for Scrap or electronics. And adds some nice world building 


    That new lever action would be cool as a alt version that shoots 44 rounds rather then 7.62

    Also new spear found. My guess is a scrap spear. 


  14. 9 minutes ago, Roland said:

    And right now there are people posting upset about the 5% new in Bloodmoons that wasn’t put into this game instead.  Heads would explode if Bloodmoons was 95% new…


    Someone is always going to be mad about diametrically opposite things and for opposite reasons. 

    Personally, I think there is quite a bit more than just 5% new with Bloodmoons. And as its development continues it will get more new and different parts. 

    7 Days is its starting point and they are still at the start. 

    Exactly if it was all new content then people would really complain 



    From how I see it. It's 7dtd horde mode with pvpe

  15. 32 minutes ago, spud42 said:

    in other words for great console games use a console but for great PC games get a PC! lol They are just better....  incoming hate 5..4..3..2..1......




    Your not wrong.  I just don't wanna spend that kinda money yet. I wanna bo3 zombies customs 


    Plus I work about 50 hours a week so I'm bearly home

  16. 1 hour ago, FramFramson said:


    TBH I don't really give a damn if it was explicitly spelled out in a ten-year-old KS or not, a few Neutral NPCs could add new gameplay and player options without detracting from the game at all, as well as enhancing muh immershuns, so I'd love to see them.

    We know non-hostile NPCs exist. For them to ONLY appear as merchants with full compounds (which they kinda-weirdly all defend solo - Jen's compound being empty seems especially bizarre) is just kinda weird; it really reinforces the video-gamey aspects of the world over any sorta verisimilitude.

    I wouldn't mind some friendly faces.  Maybe small trading but they have a limited amount of dukes to trade. 


    Or maybe hire for a set time to guard you or hold haul stuff. Maybe small quest like (bring me a crusable for prize!)

  17. 3 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    I remember long ago I played on a server guppy had. Not sure if he made it but there was a zombie chicken mod.

    I said it before and I will say it again... a horde of zombie chickens attacking me was both the most hilarious and terrifying thing I have seen in the game.


    Oh and him shooting me because I was in bandit gear...yeah I can't let him live that down...

    Take notes the fun Pimps! 


    That sounds really funny. I'll see if I can find a video. 

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