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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 19 hours ago, Maxley said:

    Zombie cuddler: it will hug you and tell you how special you are and if you do not cuddle it back it will break your neck and then cry over your dead body.


    zombie tap dancer: you will hear its tap dancing feet from up to 100 meters away. The closer it gets the faster it’s feet tap. If it finds you it will tap dance up to you at lightning speed and tap dance you to death.


    zombie cannibal: eats the corpses of dead zombies to heal and grow stronger.

    The zombie  cannibal would be pretty cool tbh

  2. 20 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    So will the new armor with the special stats be craftable? Saw they talked about legendary crafting with the weapons but they didn't really get into the armor and stuff or atleast not that I saw from skimming the youtube upload of the 2nd dev stream. Along with what makes the legendary stuff so special aside from an extra mod slot cause if the difference between a tier 5 and tier 6 weapon is a mod slot or 1 point more in damage then that really doesn't seem all that legendary to me at least.

    According to Roland. Yes they are craftable 

    6 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Is there a new category medium armor now? Was that mentioned/shown in a dev stream?


    Unless they have been really really careful it doesn't seem that legendary items are anything more than just quality 6 items. Just to refresh memories, Madmole had designed real legendary weapons with special bonuses and there was work done for that feature. But it was put on the backburner a long time ago. I still hope real legendaries are added to the game, if not now then in one of the after release patches/dlcs.



    I do hope legendary is really good!  Like stats are 2x better 

  3. 3 hours ago, HeLLKnight said:

    So if stream weekend is targeting june 21, any dev stream planned for this week?


    If not, I wonder if TFP are trying to not show too much of 1.0 to keep us pleasant surprises... 😎

    I want it now! 


    HEY TFP if your looking for a console demo player let me know 😉 

  4. A few others I can think off additional zombies. 


    Bikers types: 

    Female biker: departed woman wearing black cloths with a leather tint. And has a biker logo on the back. Has more hp and 10 armor


    Fat biker: fat Hawaiian, wears a black jacket with leather tint, has biker logo on back. Has more hp and 10 armor


    Biker thug: skin for thug zombie, black jacket with leather texture. Has biker logo! Has more hp and 10 armor



    Millitary variants: 

    Fallen grunt: janitor skin, zombie wearing army fatigues. Has a few extra parts on them. Does more damage 


    SWAT zombie skin: for the solder is tinted black and has SWAT written on them. Has 50 armor but is slower


    Fallen Grenadier: looks like the standard solder zombie but has a belt of Grenades on his chest and back. When you hit his chest he will explode like a frag rocket. Doesn't damage blocks 


    Fallen Flamer: a solder with a black vest, different camo pattern. Has gas tanks on back. If you hit it it will catch fire. And blow up like a molotov.  


    Bloated solder: a cop zombie variant.  He wears a helmet, a vest that's ready to rip Open, and wears army cloths. Has 30 armor and does more melee damage and acts like a cop zombie! 


    Hazmat variants: 

    Contaminated hazmat: a hazmat dude covered in Radioactive garbage and blood, deals Radation damage and can somewhat heal zombies near it. 


    Armored hazmat: a hazmat solder wearing extra armor 


    Worker varieties

    Fallen Electrician: looks like a construction worker but has mo power logos on him. He does more damage and is immune to electrical damage.  Has 10 armor


    Blue collar worker: a biker zombie variant. But wears a construction vest, hardhat and still big and buff. Has 20 armor and bonus block damage 


    Fallen worker: a lumberjack wearing a jumpsuit with overalls. Does bonus block damage.  



  5. As it says.... alarms should lure zombies.... that's it what do you want from me! 



    Your saying a cop car, guns, bombs, and the sound of my torch can lure zombies


    But the sound of a alarm... naaa we good!!! 


    Imagine placing them around town and setting them off too lure hordes away or lure to your base

  6. 1 hour ago, Doomofman said:

    You know I can't unsee that thing about towns/cities having no elevation changes now. Not a hill to be seen in a 7 Days town or city 

    I think I remember in alpha 16 towns had elevation but I'm not sure


    Oh I remember is that it was kind of buggy

  7. I can't wait to do this on console tho I'll have to wait for random gen. 


    I've done this on console. The hub city somewhat counts. The amount of zombie dogs has trained me on how to kill a zombie dog with a wooden club! Thankfully zombie bears are much rarer.  



    I can't wait to face direwolfs and zombie bears!

  8. 4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    There are three mods for the dew collect:

    • Filter - changes dirty water to clean water
    • Gatherer (ice block looking mod) - increases collection rate - faster rate
    • Tarp - increases the stack size from 1 to 2 - doesn't affect the rate


    Based on their description in the video

    I still hope we will one day get a upgraded dew collector.  Like a water pump

  9. Here's a few of mine 


    Craftable decor and even defenses, like the trader log walls, corrugated metal, cars, signs, decor, etc. 


    Ranged intelligence weapons, even a flamethrower or something 


    Plasma baton/tier 3 baton


    Wearable bandit armors


    Mutated zombies, burned zombies, direwolfs, and zombie bears spawn on horde night 


    Zombie spawn % In settings 


    Zombie types, solder cop zombies, healing zombies, climbing zombies, tank zombies. Etc 


    Craftable razor wire and maybe a few more traps. 


    Hp rounds being replaced with something better like incendiary rounds.


    Radioactive zombie dogs, bears, direwolfs! 


    Few new cars to scrap/loot! Army jeeps, APC, crashed choopers, old motorcycles. 


    Few new zombie animals, deer, cougar, maybe even normal hogs not just grace. 


    New armors, trapper for hunting, light hazmat, firefighter and maybe a heavy solder set. 


    Swords. A stronger version of knifes in terms of damage and dismember. But can't harvest meat or have stealth damage 


    Water pump: a higher tier version of the dew collector! 

  10. New place to find those party girls! 


    "Get your boogie on in this new downtown Business strip complete with a Disco Dance Floor. One of hundreds of new POIS coming to the 1.0 PC launch in June and PS5 and Xbox X/S series launch in July.


    You can still pick up 7 Days on Steam now for the early access price of $24.99 before the price goes up to $44.99 with the launch of 1.0."


    Also I spot a new cargo truck!!! I hope one day we get army jeeps! 




  11. 17 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    Did you influence the armor idea? 


    How i feel right now! definitely not going to my head.


    Naa i wish! But it's my favorite bandit model. I would rock that armor 


    The model was made by Brett Briley. I know the Pimps have no interest in making the bandit armor wearable. I think that's a shame. More armor the better

    4 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    We have some plans for "sign" tech.  But not for 1.0.

    Any plans for updating the store sighs like working stiff 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    I think my legendary crafting idea made into the game!! 😃 The idea that you would have to get a rare item and have max or high level crafting ability to make the last tier!! 

    Cuz your the best

    Reminder about our holy overlord armor 😍 


  13. 8 minutes ago, Дмитрий said:

    Hello @faatal, this is Dmitry, I also remember in the old version there were bees 7 days to die, they had honey!I have 7 days to die, 3000 hours have been played, I started playing with alpha 3-6 from a pirate, I was lagging on the computer, I bought 7 days in steam to die with alpha 8, I really like this game,I will continue to play it with pleasure!And I wanted to ask if hostile insects (bees) will be added again?Do you plan to add not only bandits in the game, but also allies, such as survivors, who need to be protected from zombies!Would it be fun to add zombie kids???Thank you in advance for reading my answer, thank you very much, let the game become popular for everyone)

    They said they aren't adding zombie kids due to the possibility banning of the game. 


    Plus many people would find it distasteful 

  14. On 6/5/2024 at 9:34 PM, Gamida said:



    TFP: "How many blocks do you guys want?"

    Players: Yes.



    I know, I know. That joke is extremely overused but hey, I gots to fill in my time until 1.0.

    I'm still waiting on theses! 


    I would kill for theses!!!! The corrugated metal, log walls, log gates, metal fence, wooden foundation 



    I want the barbed wire coil. Or even. As a upgraded version.  Razor wire!


    In the trailer it showed someone putting a junk turret on a log wall.  So that got me excited. Yall have been doing good about decor. Like the electric appliances 




  15. 1 hour ago, Teteria said:


    Updated world generation and you can now preview what you are generating:



    More character presets preview:
    Challenges system 2.0

    Vehicles can be dyed, and modifications are visible



    Legendary crafts

    Update includes over 75 new POIs (5 tier 5s, 6 tier 4s) School, Minotaur Theater, Bunker, Football Stadium remake, Skyscrapper... 

    The game has a total of 750 aprox.









    Your the man thank yoy



    Still want overlord!!!


  16. 9 hours ago, OmegaFerret said:

    So I have been playing around on the game.  I tend to find like a Cell tower thing to climb up to the highest point and shoot or hit zombies that are climbing up during the blood moons.

    But the last 2 i had in my gen world crashed down as soon as the blood moon started  causing me to drop from the top down lower.  I dont know what causes this or why.

    Must be made by Boeing

  17. On 6/4/2024 at 9:57 AM, Makaroni95 said:

    Hello, i dont know what is this, i was snooping around  prefab editor and found some unused Skyscaper models, It was something like AAA_skyscrapers or something like this,  I want so bad this big skyscraper at the game! is there someone to know what this is, and is it coming at the game?

    new skyscaper 1.png

    new skyscaper 2.png

    new skyscaper.png

    I hope so

  18. 2 hours ago, zztong said:


    How interesting. Maybe you're more into a Mad Max vibe.


    Gasoline to me is harder to believe unless you convert them to alcohol. The proportion of gasoline vehicles to electric by the game's year takes a crystal ball, but certainly to a greater extent than today.


    Bikes would be readily available and easy to restore. Horses, assuming they survived, would be good.

    I miss bio fuel. Saved me a trip to the desert and gave my animal fat some uses. Same for my corn

  19. So far we know a the few bandit ranks 


    Melee, Ranged, leader  but why not a few more!! 


    Each faction has a way to tell from a distance who you are fighting! 


    White river has a white scarf  While the Cazadors have a bright orange scarf.


    Ranks! Like zombies they have spawn ranks bandits should too!!! 



    Recruit: spawns with tier 0/1 and rarely 2. So you can encounter say! Iron spears, Iron picks, stone picks, primitive bows and wear mostly lower tier armor.  Pipe guns etc


    Prime:  slightly higher health, spawns with tier 2 and rarely 3 weapons and gear, so iron mostly and steel. Spawn with better armor. And true guns 


    Veteran: even better! Only tier 3 gear! They will mess you up. 


    Now classes! 


    Melee: mixed with light and medium armor, they uses anything to beat your head in. Picks, axes, spears, knuckles etc. Have higher health then ranged and can have some effects like drunken or Roids! 


    Ranged: give any fool a gun and they think they are tough, pipe guns, too tier 2 and rarely 3 weapons. They wear mid armor and a few heavy bits!  They can throw molotovs or rarely pipe bombs. If you get too close they will pull out a melee weapon. 


    Leader: wears mostly heavy armor but has a few light sets. They spawn with groups of solders and give them a speed and damage buffs if he is killed. At times his lowers will flee. Spawns with ARs and rarely shotguns.  


    Heavy: only wearing heavy armor! armored to the balls, bulked up, these are some thick boys

     Tier 1: spawn with iron sledge hammer, and that's it! But they move quick and will break your bones!!! Thanks to the roids they are taking


    Tier 2 spawns with m60s and steel sledge hammers! 


    Tier 3: auto shotgun!!! And will equip a smg when you are too far. Is also armed with a steel sledge hammer


    Grenader: an explosive  ""Expert"" or just a arseness! They are armed with shotguns mostly but they have Tons of explosives!!!


    Tier 1 can throw molotov and pipebombs, and double barrel shotgun. There melee weapon of choice is a baton


    tier 2 throws molotov, Grenades and TnT! 

    armed with pump shotgun, iron crossbow with explosive arrows and pipe baton


    Tier 3 is the same but armed with a RPG!!! But the grenader aiming takes some time and a green laser sight shows up so you can tell!. They are also armed with a pump shotgun and stun baton

    They wear mid armor

    (The block damage is lowered by 50%) 


    Sniper: armed with a sniper. They attack from afar! When aiming a red laser and then they fire!!! They got low hp but will deal high damage!!! Spawns with light armor.  Their melee weapon of choice is a knife


    Tier 1 they got hunting rifles with scopes


    Tier 2 they spawn with the lever action and a double barrel shotgun.. with a hunting knife 


    tier 3 spawns with the sniper rifle and pump shotgun 


    Ranger: a Archer class that uses stealth and don't talk. Most times the first thing you will hear is the attack dogs running after you! They spawn with at least 1. Tier 1 have iron arrows and fire arrows wooden bow and light armor and spawn with a iron spears


    teir 2 have ether compound bows or iron crossbows: iron arrows, fire and rarely will equip explosive arrows. And spawns with a few extra dogs and has a iron spear as well


    Tier 3 spawn with component crossbows and iron spear: spawns with steel arrows so good bye armor!!! And spawns with explosive arrows as there special. Spawn with a few recruiters and armored attack dogs



    Attack dog: wearing a scarf (colored based on faction) they look like wolfs but share the same Hp as zombie dogs. They are.... dogs for humans!!! 


    Armored attack dog: wearing a scarf (based on faction) and.... it's a wolf... get this!! That's armored!  Can spawn as a zombie variants!!! 


    Drone: colored based on faction. They heal their allies just like yours! They are quick but.... very weak! A stone arrow is enough too kill! 


    Turrets:  placed around there bases and colored based on faction. They look like junk turrets but on a taller stand, they look at you! Lock on then fire! They only have 80 shots! If you shoot them they explode like a pipe bomb


    Lastly you have rare! Legendary enemies! Ether high value bounties or rare enemies on a raid!  They spawn with a special weapon and are much stronger 


    Legend melee: armed with a chainsaw armed with heavy armor but has a assassin hood always! He goes through armor and tears through buildings


    Legend ranged: armed with a heavy armor with a cowboy hat and has a M4 that has a cripple-em mod so he can weaken you, and when close he will pull out a shotgun! He can throw Tnt and when in melee range he is armed with a stun baton


    Legend leader: guarded by 2 tier 2 heavys and a drone. He is armed with the m60 and when you get too close he pulls out a 44! He wears heavy armor with a nice set of shades! He increases run speed, hp and damage for his buddies


    Legend Heavy: armored with murader armor! Armed with a m6p with HP and a auto shotgun! And if breaking your bases he hads a sledge hammer that's on fire!!! Rad


    Legend grenader: armed with a compound crossbow with explosive bolts, a rocket launcher and when worst comes to worst a auto shotgun! He throws Grenades really quick and throws contact Grenades!!! His melee weapon is a plasma baton: wears nerd armor.... cuz... he's a nerd 🤓 


    Legendary Sniper: armed with a m4 with a scope!! He will shoot you dead from apart with rapid fire!!! When close he is armed with a auto shotgun!!  He wears the Ranger armor with a Nomad helmet 

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