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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, robotic turret ammo is too expensive to be worth using as of A21.  It was fine in A20.  I mean, sure... go mine and you'll be able to make a bunch.  But cost/reward for it isn't worth 

    It should deal a bit more damage.  The lead cost can add up

  2. 55 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is not a purist survival game.  It is partly RPG (and other genres) and it's going to have those elements in the game.


    In short, they aren't going to get rid of the new armor.

    Right. Calling 7dtd a purely survival game is like calling fallout 4 a shooter..... oh wait. 


    But in terms of the armor I think of other things like some armors could be iconic while the old Uma system was very Bland, 


    it gives other armors more uses like who wore a hazmat suit? Or biker boots???. 



    If anything I'm sad that we aren't getting even more but this is a good start


  3. On 6/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, warmer said:

    That would be a cool sub biome with a mass amount is iron scrap.

    I mean just like other stuff like fridge just randomly laying around from the explosive blast throwing something around.  


    I like the amount of damaged cars but also adding some of the new cars would be cool like the work vans Maybe random box laying around little craters from bombs or even a massive crater on the map barrels all sorts of random stuff stuff that looks like would be in a wasteland piles of tires car parts etc

  4. 2 hours ago, Morloc said:


    I'm trying to wrap my head around that one.



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

    5% loot! Take it or leave it. 


    I do wish there were settings where we can do it for specific things like weapons and parts but increase others like books



  5. 1 hour ago, FranticDan said:

    I know that due to the clothing slots reducing to 4 means that a lot of the clothing bonuses are becoming armour mods, I was wondering if those will include the Collage Jacket (movement speed) and High Performance shoes (stamina regen) will become mods as well?

    The enforcer boots are the new collage jackets.... for some reason.  The enforcer set like the gloves less fuel use??? Makes no sense. Maybe more damage with magnums or sum

  6. 4 hours ago, beerfly said:

    More of this for more of everything in the game will be very appreciated for survival.


    Of course, in the proper places, we don`t wanna find a cooking pot in a toilet, or do we ? 

    Agreed! Anything to make survival harder helps. 

  7. I'll update this again. Sense my pc broke Ima wait for console cuz I don't have the time that I uses too. Plus other games haven't been fun/I haven't enjoyed much. 




    Grunt armor mid armor


    BTW I'm still really bad with photoshop lmao 

    Peace keeper armor. Heavy


    Hazard armor, light


  8. 28 minutes ago, Laran Mithras said:

    Really, just a bit of practice makes water acquisition a non-issue.

    Plenty of murkies available as you mission and loot, plus pots are always available from a Roach Coach. You can also buy pots from the trader for 600 dukes. Day 1.


    But these are things you grasp the more you play. In any acquisition game, you must have an eye for it. If you're busy being frustrated that you don't have a bucket in game as you would in real life, you're going to die of thirst with water all around you.

    All I gotta say is this 






  9. Just now, MechanicalLens said:



    Have the variable stats between item quality levels been adjusted for 1.0? Currently, a purple item (example shown above) is always marginally better than a blue version, but the difference is entirely negligible, and I wouldn't imagine anyone caring about being able to craft a purple item if the increase in stats is only 2-5%. :)

    It should be like 3.5% or something 

  10. 1 minute ago, MechanicalLens said:


    They've been calling quality level 6 items "legendary" quality for years. 😛

    And have also specified they have no interest in adding in "actual" legendary items for about as long. *shrug*

    I mean we got stuff like tazas stone axe.  So truly special weapons and or armor would be great. Like dukes coat, Noah's armor. 

  11. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    2x would be impossibly OP. And if you scale the zombies or bandits to need 2x damage you could not cope with normal weapons anymore. Besides, more damage is as boring as more HPs on the zombies.


    I would except more from legendary weapons, something that makes people use them **even** when they do less damage. For example vampiric weapons or weapons with a small AOE push, something like that



    Fire damage, increase block damage, would be cool. Like fallout 4

  12. Few others cuz I'm bored. 


    Zombie deer: (spawns as buck and doe, deal same damage)  can outrun a motorcycle.  Deals extra damage to vehicles.  Really fast and equal damage to a zombie dog.  


    Zombie hog: can eat zombie body's, to heal itself and give it extra health. Has healing effect like radioactive zombies.  If if it spawns as a radioactive version it heals 4x faster. 


    Puker: wearing a Level A hazmat suit, that's broken and has a bloated belly. He has a puke ability that acts more like a flamethrower. It doesn't stay on the ground buy it deals MASSIVE damage to buildings and armor. 


    Slasher: a female specal infected, wearing a gym cloths, she has a sharp claws and her lower jaw is completely removed.  She goes through all armor and has as much hp as a feral wight 



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