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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. theFlu

    Dont run

    Consider yourself corrected, light levels affecting speed was waaay back when. I never saw it and I think I joined in .. A14? Maybe earlier, the crafting grid was still a thing back then.
  2. It's a thing; saw it in the spawn volume settings, something like QuestExclude or what not. Not sure how well it is set up, but at least it's a thing.
  3. Hmm... a blood moon starting a day of elections... if I were of the superstitious sort, I might find that a little ominous..
  4. This thread seems to be using "load" interchangeably as "read from disk" and "generate", it's rather confusing. Generating a new map takes ages (10+ minutes), sort of by design. (New game) Loading a local map from disk shouldn't take all that long (still a minute or two). (Continue game, either local or remote) Downloading a remote map will take some time, also depending on the connection afaik. (Join a new p2p / server)
  5. For me, I tested current vanilla (A20.6 b9 iirc) while making my comment; 5/5 Deep Cuts, machete, no bugs to report.
  6. Well, in the current vanilla, you do get the exp.
  7. My sword could use a touch of sharpening, fridge is stocked with pork, elevated concrete building. The neighbors might wonder why there's a flight of stairs missing, but that's their headache... I'll be fine. Until the nukes start dropping.
  8. Yup, good times. Take out the shopping basket while it has stuff in it and ... start gathering
  9. First post.. you wouldn't happen to be that friend of his? Welcome to the forum, but I'm perfectly able to pick my own battles, thanks! Just a little bored atm ..
  10. It's a setting between on/off, not a setting between on / off / "disable entirely". Once in a game, if you have sufficient rights, you can change the setting. It's not broken, it just isn't the switch you're looking for. I don't think joining players have sufficient rights by default, but I haven't tried. At least I agree they likely shouldn't. I don't know if it even should be possible for a p2p game to remove admin from the host; that wouldn't make much sense as he owns the files anyway. If you can't get your friend to play a legit game just by talking with him.. it sounds like he doesn't want to? If I knew what setting are actually required, I'd post them; but I don't, so, just rambling...
  11. Exactly; but the snippet you both were quoting sounded like a simple pickup of the gyro.. although, I'll have to admit, for sufficiently large values of "pick up" the quote could potentially cover "drop a thing, craft a box, place the box, empty your inventory, empty the gyro inventory, pick up the gyro" .. it could, I swear! "12 seconds" might take some drilling, but should be possible...
  12. I assumed he means BOTH inventories, player and gyro. A couple boxes does the trick, but it's not exactly something one wants to spend time on.
  13. Great that you found it; I checked that 10th and while I don't ever recall seeing it in a game, it does look like a decent start for a base
  14. The closest things that come to mind are: house_construction_02 lot_downtown_filler_01 But I don't think either of them properly match your description. You can see vanilla POIs in: SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/Data/Prefabs Most of them have thumbnails there.
  15. Otherwise good, but the chests are blocks, not entities, no? blocks.xml(21794) : <block name="cntBuriedFoodStashChest"> etc. About as likely to fall off the world as your forge.
  16. I think you may have phrased this part poorly, as the rest of your post makes better sense - while this sounds more like quantum entanglement. But to get 10k identically mutated infections, you need to have cloned the mutated strain. Not impossible, just requires the mutation to occur early in the manufacturing, and it being a competitive version of the original - you'd likely have both the mutated strain and the original in each host, so the mutant would have to compete with the original.
  17. You may have gotten rid of Rabies, but all we really need is a single shared host... how about this random girl with rabies: https://community.7daystodie.com/profile/62940-girlwithrabies/ Safe, you say ...
  18. Oi! I think you're selling us a little short here.. rabies is also a viral infection, we just haven't gotten around to do a collab as of yet. If he agrees to chill a bit for a few days after spreading to the brain, I think we could cook up something spectacular.
  19. Yeh, I might be lucky in that I don't care that much if some bright spot is a little burnt; usually I tend to set gamma so that pitch black is mostly dark, so I can see something - and just not care about the max brightness that much. I do play with shadows on, the minimum range shadows don't seem to tank my FPS too much, even if the dark circle looks silly while driving around.
  20. I spun up my test world to check; I wasn't able to sneak an attack volume with 5/5 perk at midnight with a headlight on. It might not be auto-fail, but the effect of the headlight to the AI stealth values is massive. A torch has a lesser effect, but I wasn't able to sneak my test spot with one of those either. The distance to the furthest zed at trigger is pretty long, about 13-14 blocks. It might not be a hard rule, but it seems pretty flawless for a rule-of-thumb. For the overall darkness issues; for attack volumes, as only walking across a specific pixel line is triggering, looking around with the light on is fine. As long as you don't walk with it on. And as you clear a room, moving "backwards" is always safe of course. Of course, gamma settings are pretty powerful, if one doesn't consider it cheating..
  21. Good, good, we're at least talking of the same version then.. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to convey here. If I read it as you've written it, it implies that volume-2 zeds would lose agro if you increase your distance to them after triggering? That doesn't seem to be the case in my testing, not now nor back during that Jan thread testing session. I don't think that's your intent; I could try to guess your intent, but I'd rather ask for clarification. For a sort of a clarification on my position, this part is likely true for the entire game. Max perks and night time etc, and you can stealth every volume in game.
  22. This is "SleeperVolumeFlags", right? With a "grep SleeperVolumeFlags *.xml" (under Data/Prefabs/POIs), and visual inspection.. I'm getting about 40% of 2's, 50% of 0's, just a couple of 1's. I'm kinda confused here?
  23. Ye, ye, absolutely. I think I just saw you being a little optimist about the abilities of militaries and, especially given the recent experience, our leaders. Gas, flamethrowers, skilled personnel, concrete building; easy to imagine, real hard to pull off with just supply lines being borked. Not to mention that one nerdy guy interjecting that maybe aerosolizing the pathogen with a massive bonfire isn't exactly the way to go, and now no-one can even make the call. But yeh, fun little thought experiments, not much more at this stage..
  24. While the whole discussion is quite esoteric, I think the numbers game of a large city could be a massive issue. A relatively quickly progressing disease (couple days of incubation with high rates of transmission) will overwhelm everything at once. Officials would barely have time to issue curfews to slow the spread; but that would just cause further "gathering". You don't have the places to be transferring the sick to, so they're left "sealed" where they fester, transmitting further. Once hungry and desperate, even the healthy ones could have the numbers to overwhelm a "first-week" military response - it's not like there are troops on standby to completely shut down domestic cities. If you happen to have outbreaks in several places, what national guard -type troops you do have, are going to be spread thin. Plus they're your people, so the military is not exactly willing to keep them in line via deadly force.
  25. It has changed, for sure, by how much; I can't describe the original properly, as I did no proper testing on it, so I can't really say. But for me, the mechanic deserves the name "auto-agro" even before a player has found the stealth button. When you walk into a normal volume, sleepers will keep sleeping. When you walk into an attack volume, all the sleepers will automatically attack you. Once you've done a couple repeats of suitable POIs, you've figured you there's a difference; the difference being, some volumes attack automatically, some don't. And for this, this is wrong. The auto-agro zeds will chase a player with the AI showing the player's name as a target for an ApproachAndAttack task. They'll follow the player for the 20 secs (seems to be 20). They'll even hit you "blindly" even if they can't see you before they're in melee range - as in from a range where they're Not able to detect me via normal stealth mechanics.
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