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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Iron types take less damage from everything iirc. There's at least four types, iron, stone, wood, dirt, each have their own resistances and buffs on tools.
  2. Yeh, looks like most of my playthroughs will spend coin for most workstation stuff.. crucible, chem station etc. And the chance of finding upgrades to your main weapon isn't low either.. of course, once those are settled, the trader can't really have that much of a role; what's left, ammo? Ammo seems self-sustaining..
  3. I think the chickens might be actively attacking me.. ran one over, took 7%. I was trying to dodge it, but nah, it had decided to become dinner.
  4. I did read the thread, but mostly for the opening suggestion.. I don't mind dogs that much, IMO they can and should be anywhere. I wouldn't mind tying their existence to difficulty settings, a bit. So, a T1 POI on default difficulty => no dogs. Doggos would be a good enemy to scale with difficulty overall; they're actually "more difficult" without needing to be real bullet sponges.
  5. I'm eating from meat mostly.. all the chickens that sudoku under my minibike. Drinks.. drinking hat and a bucket-puddle on my base floor made that a non-issue, I still carry a 10 stack of self-made teas to keep the stamina regen buff going. I go thru half a stack in an hour of gameplay, not finding too many extra drink in a day either.
  6. Sledgehammer crafting skills, you just earned 5/75 from reading a book. (Could be another skill, just going by the icon)
  7. Yeah, that used to be The problem; but still something that could've potentially been explained, somehow - albeit my imagination wouldn't have sufficed. Now, with the new traps spawning things into places you saw to be clear two seconds ago, even continuity is gone. It's just not a thing anymore. Nevermind "why", "where" and "when" are broken
  8. Correct. It gives 6 or 7. 5 is required to craft a seed, so you'll net 1-2 minimum.
  9. It's been a thing in previous alphas as well; Hatch Elevator, you're still dearly missed. It shouldn't do that while mining, but as with every fresh experimental, there seems to be plenty of regression bugs. Could be worth a bug report.
  10. Just did the new T5 old folk's home .. no spoilers, but whatever cheese you feel like bringing, bring it. And all of the cheese you Don't feel like bringing, bring that too.. the designers sure as hell did. Now, I'm not going to claim it's necessarily terrible, I was able to pre-build myself out of all* of the "traps" - so I guess it was "readable" in the new sense of the game. *except a completely random roof spawn with a weird trigger, but that was small enough not to bring me down to less than half health. I'm actually bitter right now. Didn't think you had it in you, old man.. darnit ..
  11. I'd propose a length-of-press control for the jump key, but that would require a lag free game or a priority thread for input management, neither of which is on the required-for-gold list ..
  12. By default, you _should_ still be in an A20 stable build. The A21 is still experimental, which is opt-in. Unless you've gone and selected the beta branch latest_experimental. My steam on linux is showing [latest_experimental] (meaning A21) in the game name, if that's not there, you should be good.
  13. No. Tier 4 Infestations are T4 quests in T3 POIs with "double" the zombies. T6 Infestation would be a T5 POI with double zeds. What the dev has meant is, there are no T6 POIs, and thus no T6 Fetch/Clears - no "honest" T6 quests.
  14. I haven't played that far yet, but I was under the impression that there were T6 Infestations? Infestation quests in T5 POIs?
  15. Ye, I was saying that the same lamp is giving a shadow, the lightsource being behind the shadow-casting parts.. Dunno if it even should do anything, but turn shadows off for a test?
  16. He didn't say it exists, he said it's the best.
  17. vs These statements sound a little contradictory to my non-native-english brain..
  18. I have perfectly fine hands and I wouldn't mind an auto-run. Then again people who have actual pain issues with using a keyboard will probably benefit greatly from learning to create keyboard macros and such. Give a man a fish or teach him to fish, I suppose ..
  19. Waste of skill points for sure, but you do want some clay to feed the forge, might as well get a reward while at it ..
  20. If that's an actual experience; cobblestone. Two blocks on your toolbelt at all times. Hear growl => nerdpole up two blocks. Now you have all the time in the world to figure out what to do next, so I won't get into that.
  21. I don't know, but it kinda looks like the lamp is casting a shadow of itself. Just misplaced in the depth direction in the image.
  22. Yeh, that ain't gonna fix it either. They'd have to make the installation of a land claim into a timed event like the old concrete drying. Which wouldn't negate the base building aspect, but if successful it would destroy the nature of their world. The main unique thing in the game is the free environment. Take that away, and you have a standard issue static game with absolutely nightmarish lag. Because of the lag and other issues cause by the world (generally slowness), they won't be able to match any static game in the AI side, or I'd guess encounter design. Having to design _against_ the builder game they have is a clear indication that they are trying to do things that aren't a good fit for it. They could, in a "Tier 1 introductory Fetch" tell the player .. "Craft a ladder" "See that broken ladder there, repair it by installing a new one" "Get the satchel" and "Talk to Trader" .. And go from there. Make the building an expected part of the quest experience. Let the players be creative. If they mess up, they mess up, but .. Don't give them buckets, trucks and a sandbox only to then cover the sand in concrete to make it into car track. Fixing the car track can be half the fun.
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