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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 10 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Come on it looks totally the same

    Yep as I said, same thing just one shot taken using slightly lower resolution 😄


    On a serious sidenote,

    of course this comparison is not really fair, cause 7D2D zombies are not voxel blocks but real 3D HD modelling stuff.


    But also the blocks in the background, especially the texturing is of course "zoom to the moon" better in 7D2D.


    ...wait, damn we're still at this topic?

    @Roland fast, a puzzle to distract us😉


  2. Ah...turds...the good old times.


    Can we all now agree that we don't love this game for its bling but for its bang, and go on with another topic.


    Maybe a new riddle about some new stuff.

    Now know the last one was last year, which is a looong time ago.😀

  3. funny fact is that no one ever said that the graphics are "too bad" or "should be better" or else alike.

    The only thing that came up is that the game doesn't have the same graphics quality as other "today's/modern" games,

    but no one demanded it should have.

    And btw naming the technical limitations of a voxel engine running on today's hardware doesn't make it magically look better,

    no matter how much one can appreciate the effort in improving there because he knows about the technical background.



    But TFP should really follow the suggestion of @Fanatical_Meat and update these marketing "screenshots".

    Especially this one that was picked by @Jost Amman doesn't reflect actual ingame graphics quality very well.

    I really thought it was a screenshot he made himself, with just really low settings.

    Now that I know and see that it is a photoshopped marketing shot (truck and Zeds "glued" flat ontop the background), I can only say that's a fail.


    In general these shots are postprocessed to the excess and I assume everybody is more or less used to

    "hey the actual game does not look anywhere near as good as in these advertises".


    So just in case anyone new to the forum checks by, I can tell you this:

    Hey buy and try it, you will be surprised how much better it looks compared to the official screenshots.


    ...sorry this all came out as a much bigger wall of text as I indended.

  4. didn't know you ranted until you said so.

    But yes, you did it for nothing.


    Do I think the graphics of this game is meh compared to many other games today? Yes.

    Did I recently pass over a 1000h in 7D2D? Yes.

    Do I have over 1000h in any other non-voxel super blinky blinky fancy AAA hyper realistic graphics game? No. Not. Even. Close.


    See how much I care about graphics.

  5. 4 minutes ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    Those ugly screenshots are official marketing for the game.

    HA! No way! You're right!

    Well this at least explains that ambulance. It WAS a fu$Q%ng cardboard stand-up.

    Too much effort to drive the actual vehicle there just to stage that one marketing shot 🤡

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Does 7D2D look way better than when it first started in 2013? Absolutely!


    I would agree,

    but these two pictures you selected as proof actually look as they might be from the same alpha, maybe with slightly different screen resolutions or detail quality. 

    Lighting and shadows even look slightly better in the first shot.

    And that ambulance from A20 even doesn't look like a 3D model but just like a textured cardboard stand-up.


    How in the world did you manage to take such an ugly screenshot?

    You did run A20 on your Nokia 3310 cellphone right? 


  7. 4 hours ago, unholyjoe said:
    4 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I think I mentioned that a few years ago. Always wondered why it needed a gas engine but no gas.

    haha.. it was discussed as soon as it was put in game mentioning rotating barrel and sound thus ticket is still open... not a high priority ordeal yet. :)



    several other stuff may be added to that ticket.




    -turrets (di%$ puncher and junky...those may get a slot where you have to put a car battery into)


    I mean it's a nice qol feature that these work infinitely,

    but I guess it wouldn't hurt that you occasionally have to add/replace fuel/battery



  8. 30 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    The weapon stamina built in to the perk and the vehicle damage/exploding seem like ideas inspired by the darkness falls mod. Someone at TFP has been playing darkness falls and taking notes of things they liked 😛

    I have to admit I've made a habit of playing vanilla each alpha first, and then move on to DF, there's so much stuff I like more.

    I hope none of the devs feels stepped on, but I personally feel that Khaine is often one step ahead of what players (or at least me) like to experience in this game.

    Making the game moddable in the first place, even given the fact that it is officially still early acces alpha state,

    credits go to the devs of course for encouraging mods...but I still feel somewhat ashamed to go there.

    ...can't wait to check out the newest version though, which came out recently...and strangely before A21...Khaine must be rather confident A21 doesn't mess up stuff too much for him.

    Those black portal power source keycards...there must be something they fit in dammit.

  9. It would be nice to have a visual outline of a motion sensor's detection field,

    maybe a projected line/circle/whatever it is on the ground, similar to those at buried supply quests.


    Or at least please someone explain what "form" is has.

    What I can tell is, it is not flat what you see when you are in the camera interface to adjust its orientation,

    seems to be some kind of a cone shape (so some part of detection field is cut off/outside the camera view),

    or maybe it is even something completely different.

    The camera interface view seems to be deceptive and therefore not helpful at all.

    You always have to fine tune by adjusting the camera numerous times, which can be tedious.



    to clarify, I don't mean it to be permanently visible of course, but just during camera adjusting.

  10. 4 hours ago, Aldranon said:

    I have found out that once the food problem is solved then everything else usually is too


    I found out how terrible the auger is in combat, so I don't do that again on purpose.  :)

    So we did identify one challenge left for you in the game.

    Take it on.

    Exclusively combat augering playthrough it is.


  11. Although you're specifically talking about the snow biome, where you wouldn't need a powered fridge to keep stuff cool and fresh (ambient temp would be cold enough) 

    yeah I agree food spoilage would be nice.

    I myself have a strong hoarding tendency, and end up every time with crates full of raw meat, veggies and other stuff all together, which is weird.


    On the other hand, bears and other vicious animals...you're clearly talking about rather advanced weaponry.

    Otherwise a bear does NOT just stand around and is downed within seconds by a few shots.

    And at that point of the game, food should still be a struggle? 


    btw ever tried combat augering those animals to save that precious ammo slot 😃


  12. downstairs-bellyflopping Arlene in that vid is my all-time favourite 😆

    Zs ragdolling to the ground after breaking through a door a a great feature, especially because they knock their heads into some wall/cabinet most of the time.

    This is really adding to the fun of fighting Zs, great stuff!

    Still, doors just vanishing into nothing when reaching 0HP instead of having a "break-open" animation, or fly off the hinges is an obviously weird thing,

    but maybe its's just me...like Matt and his skeletons, so nevermind 😄

  13. to be clear, I like your ideas.

    With saying "trash" I was just referring to your list specifying, well mostly literally trash lying around.

    Adding more variety of random "deco" things is cool.

    Btw, as I understood, this art design is mostly done by a contractor, and not something a TFP dev would waste time on

    ...ha, I made a funny. 

    designing trash...waste of time...get it? 🤡



  14. 6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    You might be pleasantly surprised...😉

    So this new bear guy seems to get all the trash he wants.


    If there ever will be a "the owls get everything they want" day,

    here's my list:


    -what about the "new door tech" MM was playing around quite some time ago? That disappeared without any word.

    -Arrows/bolts should have a chance to pin a Z to a wall (at least the weaker ones, or the weaker the longer)...just for the fun of it

    -it's about time that a proper savegame function is implemented to the game menu. Logging out to copy the folder is somewhat inconvenient, even for an alpha version.

    -ETA of A21 should be changed from "2023" to "early 2023" at least pleeeeease 🥲


    feel free to surprise me pleasantly 


  15. 7 minutes ago, Aldranon said:

    looting all the newspaper stands and mailboxes could be the new "player progression" normal routine.

    I would guess magazines will also be given as quest rewards,

    maybe even with a choice (to lower the chance you get something offered that you don't need/want or already have)


    The rest will mainly depend on how "smart" the container's loot table is balanced.


    Everybody going out to raid book stores to boost progression is already a thing in A20.

    I don't think they will make it so that the gameplay will lean even more towards that behaviour.

  16. 3 hours ago, Roland said:


    It uses the active quest selector so only one at a time can be displayed on the screen and if your crafting recipe is displayed the quest marker for any current quest will not. There may be further development on it.

    I would assume that even a few simultaneously open would clog up your HUD too bad.

    Or at least the amount of info/icons could get confusing and therefore not helpful anymore.



  17. 2 minutes ago, Killer35Durant said:

    Learn by reading has to be the dumbest thing/change I’ve ever seen come to this game. And that’s saying a lot. 

    and the fact that it is a dumb thing, you...learned about by.....reading.....about.....it.....that's saying a lot about you.


    Why not wait till it actually is there, then give it at try, then judge it?


    Welcome to the forums btw.

  18. 17 minutes ago, Roland said:


    inorite...? 😰

    I even don't get this one.


    But be assured, I really much apprechiate your efforts to keep us entertained!


    Me, a being that totally lacks creativity, this would have been the summit of what I would have been able to come up with as a "sexy T-Rex going away" puzzle:


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