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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 5 hours ago, Guppycur said:
    6 hours ago, meilodasreh said:


    Absolutely.  But you may want to look at the post I was responding to.  

    Nevermind. I thought about it, and now I somehow doubt that it is even necessary to keep the game easy/accessible for players that are absolutely new to the game.

    Is has been in early access for so long now, that one could think everybody who wants to play the game already has got it,

    so when it is finally going gold, every newbie already has at least 1000hours of experience. 😀

  2. 4 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    This game hasn't been challenging from a survival aspect for many alphas.

    What you really said is:

    This game hasn't been challenging from a survival aspect for me, since the last couple of hundreds of hours I played the game I know inside out.


    See the difference?

  3. 7 hours ago, RipClaw said:


    Although sometimes frustrating, it makes a game more interesting when you reach a dead end and have to find a way around it. There are veteran players who still tell stories about the time when they couldn't find the Forge Ahead book.

    Being limited does makes the challenge and is more or less the whole point of motivation, especially in survival/sandbox games.

    If you had everything you want in a sufficient amount right from the beginning, there would be no challenge, and it would become rather boring really fast,

    especially in said sandbox games.

    It would be like godmode, or in this case, creative mode.


    ...I don't like creative mode though, because my creativity is so limited 😀

  4. On 6/16/2022 at 11:27 AM, Viktoriusiii said:

    As always!
    Great concept... but they had to f*** it up with scripted zombieSpawns/wake ups.
    *sigh* why do I even bother :(

    I think the concept itself is cool, but I can't really see how it fits into a fully destructible world.

    -those could only be at places with e.g. high hp blocks around, so they can't just be bypassed very easily. Definitely something that has to be considered for the POI designers.

    -what happens if I destroy the blocks around the burning pipe end? Will there just be a flame still burning, coming out of nowhere, or will it burn at a new place?

    -fire would have to get a major damage impact when coming in touch, because if it behaves like now, well, you could just run through it, have a drink, and it's of no concern.

    -If they changed it for fire in general, then you could build a rather safe hordebase just with surrounding your walls with campfires.

    -And if they did change it only for the gas pipe fire...well, why would that one fire be so much more dangerous than any other fire?



    I'm curious how they figure it out, so that it doesn't come out weird or meaningless.


  5. On 4/20/2022 at 8:23 PM, mstdv inc said:

    Maybe you do not understand what kind of filter we are talking about.

    Now I got you, you mean a global filter, not an option what appears in loot boxes.

    Ok that makes sense.

    Well in 7D2d there's no "loot groups" like common, magic, rare,... as in your example.

    So if you want to exclude single items, you suggest a complete list of all lootable stuff (which would be a kilometer long list with hundreds and hundreds of checkboxes),

    but I guess it could be done easily with a search function like in the crafting menu.

    So why not. I wouldn't use it though, ...I'm that kind of person that needs everything 😃

  6. On 4/21/2022 at 6:27 AM, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    I always thought it looks like a slice of leather 🙄


    No why, I always thought "yeah delicious big chunks of candied salmon, would also be my preferred apocalypse meal"

    Don't tell me it doesn't look identical.



  7. 13 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    1. Loot filter

    I guess I know that you mean, but I can't see thats an improvement in qol...now you collect it and then discard stuff you don't want afterwards. Then you decide and filter what you don't want to collect before.

    So it's "klick to drop" against "klick to not pick up". Same effort if you ask me.


    13 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    Some stacks in the game seem too small.
    On the contrary, other stacks could be reduced

    Yes! This!. I would also like to see some overhaul considering stack sizes.

    Some stack sizes really seem to be chosen low without any reason. And even those where I can see why...well let's take the 1st aid stuff as example. Stack size are probably low to prevent spamming that stuff to invulnerability. But that's not the case, because the use animation is so slow, and HP don't raise that fast. And if you are in a situation where you have to put on one bandage after another, you have whole different problems (like your defense position was ruptured or whatever).


    13 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    Special types of tools and weapons only in loot with a very low drop rate

    Those could be called "uniques"...implementation of those was mentioned to be considered since long. 


    13 hours ago, mstdv inc said:


    Zombie figurines, merchants, faction symbols?

    Hello Fallout Vault Boy Statues.

    In my humble opinion, that's useless easteregg-kind of stuff. Could be considered when everything else is finished, but wouldn't make the game anyhow better right now.

  8. On 3/16/2022 at 7:02 PM, Roland said:

    Additional Advanced World Generation Options

    • Biome Percent Sliders

    Finally a way to make bachgaman happy (wasteland slider 100%, other biomes...nope)

    New challenge of the day:

    day 1 speedrunning naked all day just to escape a zombie bear


    still alive, fatigue, hunger, out of stuff.

  9. 8 hours ago, saulysw said:

    If a bandit loses a fight with a zombie, could they "turn" into a zombie bandit?

    Yes! And when a bandit loses a fight against another bandit, he will become a bandit bandit!


    ...wait...that doesn't make any sense at all!

    Let's just stay with what you said.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    So my question  mean more :' how much bandits will be ratio to zombie number

    Ok I see. I would guess you cannot count it like that, plus 1 bandit means minus one zombie.

    bandit AI will probably be more complex, with bigger performance hit.

    But that's all still in the early works, so I think nobody can tell right now about definite numbers.


    ...I still stay with 12 😃

  11. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    What do you mean by "numbers" here?

    Possibly he means...well...numbers. You know, stuff like "1", "5", or even "12" just to give a few easy examples.

    Commonly used to specify a certain amount of things.

    In this context:

    how many bandits can be there simultaneously, without too heavy performance impact.


    ...oh, now I get it! You already knew that, and your real, indirectly asked question was: 

    how many bandits can be there simultaneously, without too heavy performance impact?


  12. Getting too many weapons too early from looting bandits wouldn't be such a problem, or could be avoided by 

    -making weapons degrading/break faster

    -reverting to "weapon parts needed to repair a weapon of that type" (which was the case once iirc)

    So you would have to scrap a lot of guns to keep your best one in good shape...feels logic to me.

    -and of course early on they may/should be a challenge to deal with, so you wouldn't be able to just go out there and kill them...I mean...they have a gun, and you have...a stick. So you would have to consider if you take the chance or better avoid him.


    Ammo balance is always a tricky one, so I would go with the idea that at least the early "low level" bandits only have half broken guns with just the ammo inside the mag.

    Later/higher tier bandits could have better guns in better shape and more ammo with them...again sounds logic, doesn't it?

  13. On 3/26/2022 at 2:19 PM, Matt115 said:

    Will bandits droping loot after kiling them? If yes , then chances will be bigger to find loot that find loot kiling zombie? 

    I would even like to see every single bandit completely lootable, with an inventory just like the player's...or at least their clothing/armor + weapons.


    Never really liked the idea of this "POOF-KA-CHING: glary lootbag appearing from another dimension" thingy.

    Always seemed like a placeholder for me (which is okay, cause it's an alpha version)


    If you ask me, with introduction of bandits, Zeds shouldn't drop anything anymore,

    and instead I want to be able to take all stuff that bandits carry/wear. 


    ...you know...they just wouldn't need it anymore then😏



  14. On 3/19/2022 at 5:20 PM, Adam the Waster said:

    Wonder how the bandits/npc will work in A21.

    will the melee ones just charge at you like a zombies and do nothing to protect themselves, are they going too do moves that we can't like Blocking and dodging


    A21 will be the very first iteration of bandits in the game, so let's just hope they don't behave like completely brainless morons, despite not being intended to behave like that.

    I expect an AI that acts totally different from Zeds, otherwise it would be just some random other skin put on already existent entities.


    On 3/19/2022 at 5:20 PM, Adam the Waster said:

    and i really hope the ranged bandits aren't going to be some 360 No scope level of aim 

    That I guess is the actual tricky part of it...to code it so they aren't invincible aim-bots, spotting you from out-of-sight-distance, and then one-shotting you from incredible angles just when in range...and at the same time not too numb nut.

  15. If the future water includes a somewhat sufficient flowing behavior,

    I would love to see some kind of pump system introduced into the game.


    I can imagine some nice use cases of this,

    starting with just decorative handpump water fountains for my living base,

    over water filled traps to emergency-flushaway zombie hordes, or water jet defense turrets,

    til just idle sandbox fun in creative mode when I want to set a complete POI under water with a massive setup of high-power electric water turbines.

  16. 12 minutes ago, faatal said:

    so there is a good chance it will be in A21.

    Definitely doesn't count as a confirmation.

    You know how to play the game 😄


    Really I love and hate you,

    having the guts to come here as a dev, to make a vague assumption right into the heart of the "dev-confirmed feature" discussion!😂

  17. @Roland

    sorry to tell you but like 99% of the time it will go like this:


    -Forum user klicks at the "news and announcements" forum section as usual to check for any updates

    -"YEAH, there's finally a A21 dev diary thread!"...*klick*..."lets check out the 1st post for the upcoming feature list"

    -eyes immediately and only caught by the big text font size part "confirmed features"

    -Reaction: "OMG WHAT? Where's bandits? Where's water overhaul? just some new POIs and decorative car models? You kidding?"

    -*immediate klick on comment to ask about where stuff is gone*


    So I really hope for you "the good stuff" will be added really soon,

    because until then you will just spent lots of time explaining the decision to "hide" unconfirmed features.


    Please don't blame us, we are what we are....news-starved, impatient addicts 🤗 


  18. 10 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    How awesome would it be, if each section of that bandit's armor was randomly present or not on each bandit?

    • Instead of the player reacting, "Oh, this is the heavy one, I have to shoot him more," the reaction could be, "Aha, this one's right leg is unprotected!

    Oh yes I greatly support this idea!

    General "bigger armored guy has overall more hitpoints" would be somewhat meh,

    but being able to specifically target unprotected areas  (limbs 😏) on individual enemies to take advantage in some situation, e.g.

    -weapon arm causing bad aim (of course)

    -leg causing limp/slower movement (...no kidding...🙄)

    -shooting off helmet giving a chance to let him flee/panic or at least keep him hiding behind cover



    ...wow, enumerating this feels so stupid, as it sounds absolutely logic that it should be like that,

    I really hope there's nothing about the game engine or whatever to prevent implementation of some kind of such system!

    *fingers crossed*

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