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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 5 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Both bugs cause a red error spam in the console that forces the player to have to terminate their game to recover.


    We got lucky with one as it involved a particular zombie being submerged in water....😅


    Did the console output look like this?:


    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

    NullReferenceException: ZombieUnderWater

  2. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    someday with the insane spelunking depths and water/lava draining/filling mechanics of that game--not to mention all the rest.

    ah yes, filling mechanics...like water filling an empty glass jar you brought, and you happily take it with you...just imagine that. so beautiful.

    Wow I really hope some future game will make that possible.



  3. Yeah maybe you're right. I definitely cannot judge the effort it would take to implement such a thing.

    And adding completely new POIs is of course better than said "mirroring trick" with existing ones.

    Though also complete new ones will get old fast after a few runs, and these take definitely much more effort to make.


    Whatever...are we there, yet? It really feels somehow mayjuneish if you ask me 😄  (yes I know, memorial day and stuff...it's just I don't care)

  4. 17 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I've never understood using mirroring like that...To me, it is the same...

    Yes of course after some time you will recognize it.

    You are thinking of it as a player that knows stuff inside out. Then it doesn't make much of a difference I agree.

    But take perspective of a new player.

    Seeing a POI for the second or third time, you barely recognize "Have I been here before? Oh yeah right I remember, here I think I have to take the left...yes..."

    But that same POI mirrored, it would be more like "hey I remember this place, wasn't it a left turn here...no wait...hmmm...must be a different one"


    Of course that doesn't work infinitely,

    and maybe for a guy with a really good memory it even comes clear immediately that it's just a "trick", and of course that guy may even be like "oh how lame that is just a mirrored version of that one from the last session yesterday, how stupid do they think I am"

    No pun intended, congrat you for your really big brain 😛



    I once played a racing game for weeks without noticing that figure 8 race track was a mirrored one 😄

  5. I have once brought up the suggestion of "Sudoku style POIs" to have a bigger variety.

    What I mean is you wouldn't notice you solved one and the same sudoku several times after another, just because its orientation is rotated and/or mirrored.


    Well for POIs rotation would not really help,

    but a mirrored one would maybe some kind of "quick win" to add variety?


    A mirrored POI would be somewhat recognizable, but would play/feel different because obviously every way you take is oriented the other way round.


    Just a thought, don't know cause I'm no coder,

    but when generating the world, it could just check "mirrored (yes/no)" randomly and generate it accordingly...boom, two times count of possible POI setups,

    higher replayability because things don't feel that repetitive so fast?

  6. yeah Temreki is my favourite, I like his calm narrative style much better than many "agitated" others who would also perform great as soccer commentators in South America.

    Btw I still wonder why he missed to do a summary of the fourth dev stream. Or did I miss something?

  7. I can't see any need for another trailer next to the one from Paulie.

    Yes, almost 10 years old, from a totally outdated alpha...but can never be outmatched if you ask me.


    ...dammit, now I will again watch it the whole day, jiggling my head just like she does her hips to the rhythm.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

    I have no idea what’s going on here.


    I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude.


    I usually just lurk and browse.


    I can’t stand the arrogance.


    It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


    Just lurkin' and browsin' might be the problem here.

    Once you stay a little and listen (sorry to bring up that famous D4 qoute here), you will probably just the same fall in love with our beloved "Trolland".

    Just as mostly everbody else who's coming here regularly.

    We usually don't take things too serious here, which is a good advice you may take into consideration too.


    Welcome to the forums.

  9. 6 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    I'd have thought they would avoid the D4 release week, I certainly would in their shoes

    I can't really see the point of this whole "aviod this or that date because it interferes with XY".

    Neither D4 nor 7D2D are games that you will be done with after one or two weeks.

    These are both games with high replayability.

    Especially D4 is of course an everlasting grind for the best stuff you can get...so what's the point about "let's avoid the release week"?

    Wouldn't it be more like "let's wait several months or even years, then interest in the game will maybe somewhat diminished"?


    If you're into both of them, you will get both of them, and play both of them,

    if you ask me, this is completely independent from the actual date when the game is initially available.


    Of course you can't play both games at the same time, but really, what does matter at the end?

    Number of copies sold long term, or a bar on steam statictics that tells you that many people playing simultaneously especially during the first few days?

  10. 2 hours ago, zztong said:

    June 5 and June 12 look to be still viable.

    One of those is my guess too.

    Mid of May was out of my personal "guess range" the moment when ever-over-optimisitic Rick brought it up as "mayyybe..." during the dev stream.

    *Feel free to rant at me instead of TFP if you didn't like what you read before*

  11. 14 hours ago, Riamus said:
    15 hours ago, Matsanity said:

    Would it be possible to add fishing to this game?  :fish2:

    I wouldn't mind it, if done well, but they don't seem interested in adding it from what has been said.

    I guess this is farther away than ever before, with the new water behaviour.

    They neglected water inhabitant entities in the past for a reason, and now with that new "fake flowing behaviour" I assume it gets even worse to get a fish to behave a way that looks natural (or at least not totally stupid) within that new "pseudo physics".

    Just a guess though, please feel free to prove me wrong by adding fish.


    Btw we already came to the conclusion that the "food stuff thing" (holding/eating food from hotbar) looks just like smoked glazed salmon. So there already is fish in the game.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    If you notice anything that is not accurate (or even simply wrong!), please feel free to correct me, and I will fix it, thanks. :) 

    There's a typo in your list




    Of course you wanted to say "dives"...I mean "lives"...I mean "wives" ...I mean "hives" ...I mean "jives" ...I mean.........I'm a trowl. Don't feed me.


    On a serious side note:

    Thank you very much for your effort,

    I'm never able to participate the streams, so this is very helpful!

  13. @Khyron thx for the effort. Not really what I meant though (or I just don't understand the new system at all)

    Still unsure what type of ammo an explosive arrow is, or what is increasing its damage.

    Is it a "bow-ammunition" and therefore damage will increase with perk/skill/book/whatever into bows,

    or is it considered an explosive, and so damage increases with perk/skill/book/whatever into "demolitions" (insert correct name here)

    Will I be able to craft higher tier explosive arrows when I find archery skill books, or explosives skill books?

    Or is it even separated? Arrow damage for the direct hit, and explosive damage for the splash/arial damage.

    Do I have to spec/skill/perk/whatever in both "professions" if I want to max that out, or is this specialized/bound to only one of them.


  14. I have long neglected bow+arrow in my playthroughs, so I'll give it another shot in A21.

    For "mass-control" I want to use exploding arrows (which I always have lots of in my hoarding boxes, but always forget to use).


    So now I'm wondering:

    What to do to get the most damage out of those in A21?

    Not that I ever really bothered before how they work, but now with the skill changes in A21:

    Will these be governed by "bow and arrow" skills, or by "explosives" skills?

    Or both maybe?

    Are there specific books for exploding arrows?



  15. 8 hours ago, Moonflower said:

    diablo 4 releases june 6th. Please whatever you do, just don't drop it june 5th. Dont do this to me.

    Have you watched what became of Blizzard over the past few years?

    What will be released june 6th will be a totally unbalanced and buggy mess.

    That little piece of content you were able to "beta" in the PTR during the last few weeks does say nothing about the long term. It's a small ingame-preview, not more.

    On release, it will be in a state that TFP wouldn't even dare to call "pre-ante-experimental-alpha".

    D3 did grow to what it is over years. 1st release iteration was BS. And that even was when the original Blizzard team was still together.

    And D2 got really good with D2R, when they finally patched out some terrible bugs...20years later 😄


    I'm also excited for D4, but I will get it not before end of this year.


    So A21 may come when it comes.


    ...which it does anyways, regardless from your and my posts 🙂


  16. 21 hours ago, Riamus said:

    He said mid-May.  Not just May.  :)


    1st post of this thread says just May. Which may or may not be the case after all.

    Lathan also specifically said that we shouldn't expect it to be released May1st (and his initial reaction to Rick's half spoken sentence was speaking volumes)

    You are of course aware that I was just fooling around with this in the first place.


    But you have to keep in mind a common forum rule:

    Don't feed the trowl.

    You may not.

    Come what may.


  17. I remember that Richard Huenink - being the ever overoptimistic guy - said in the dev stream that they were releasing the kraken maaaaybe hopefully May.


    Well...May is already a few hours old...so where is it?



    ...hehe...next time when they do a dev stream and Rick is starting a sentence that might include such a guess,

    the picture will just resolve into static, and when it returns Rick just sits there, mouth being completely taped,

    and we will get a new "pokerface" meme from Lathan, because everybody else acts like nothing happened.

  18. 15 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Normally they're in groups of 3-5.

    ok then it did happen to me.

    Just never did recognize those as "a horde".

    Always thought these are just normal spawns along with all these other random zombies that can clearly be distinguished from a wandering horde, just by their number and behaviour.

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