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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 26 minutes ago, NukemDed said:

    its not often that i hope im wrong,

    but it fits well to the fact that the devs want to prevent things where you can "skip progression".

    Now, when you invested some points into better barter (or was it that perk?) ...anyhow, then there is soo much overpowered stuff in it sometimes.

    And when you didn't perk into, well at least I have the feeling that then it is just another tab of "unfiltered" stuff, where you mostly could get the same stuff that is also available in the other tabs.

    So I would not especially miss it I guess.

  2. 17 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    the deodorant brand is "Secret"

    Ah yes brilliant.

    So its obviously about secret stash.


    But "increase" because Barbie has arm up, I don't know. Why Barbie/a doll of all choices, and she isn't even pointing upwards, but more waving.

    It must be something else.


    What can be changed about the secret stash?

    Increase/decrease obviously, but then again, why a waving barbie doll to symbolize it?

    So what else?

    more variety. more individual/or general choices between the traders? Can't see the connection to barbie there either.


    More beautiful secret stash maybe, as barbie is a beauty idol. Still somewhat stupid conclusion I guess.


    Maybe the clue is about her outfit? I mean what does she resemble? A stewardess or alike?

    I don't know that uniform. Anyone else?

    3 minutes ago, NukemDed said:

    or is she waving goodbye?

    uuuhhh, good one, I guess we have a winner.


    goodbye secret stash it is.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I already posted almost this same solution, but my post is marked as hidden! 

    I don't understand why...:noidea:

    maybe you nailed it but Roland was hoping it would take us way longer to solve, because he has other work to do next to keeping us entertained.


    So he secretly stashes away the correct answers.

  4. Another interpretation:


    Barbie is like "Hello I'm Barbie"

    Armpit deo maybe is "smell"

    last part is "stash" as said before



    hello smelly stash


    --> a game mechanic is (re-)introduced that your stash can smell and attracts zombies

  5. 4 hours ago, Melange said:

    Hence 'stash'.

    My guess is we're getting some high(er) quality secret stash, or there will be more secret stash to be found (that may have filters in it!) 


    Same conclusion here for the "stash" part, but the first part I don't know.


    Maybe it's a hint that we have to stash stuff in our armpit (because we start with no backpack, but have to make one first)

    So very small inventory at the beginning, which would add to the "slower progression, harder survival" aspect that the devs are pointing towards.


    Or the arm stands just for "bodyparts" in general, so a hint for some change considerung storage capacity at our bodyparts (which was already planned with the armor overhaul)


    ...and in the end it will come out far less ecxiting, like "there's a chance you can find deodorant under stairs as another source for scrap polymer"


    For the other riddlers here:


    have in mind: Roland said "three words", but there are four pictures. The last two pictures are surrounded by the same grey box, so the're one word. (very probably "stash" as Melange pointed out)


    So the first two pictures are two individual words.


    Barbie arm stash


    Doesn't make any sense, Roland.

  6. 8 hours ago, Carlmunist said:

    this is very disappointing. This was a favorite game of mine to play with loved ones, and it sounds like we're at the end of the line.

    What a pessimistic guy.

    He doesn't even seem to want to give it a try at least, but has already totally made up his mind what he thinks it will be is cast in stone, just by few pieces of info he derived when reading a few pages of this thread.

  7. 10 hours ago, Snowydeath said:

    What POI is it? I am genuinely curious and would love to go look at it in game!

    I started a new game and took a quick "debug mode flyby" over the region a thought it was, but couldn't find it again.

    Maybe DF interferes with the map, or it even isn't a thing any more (cant even remember what alpha it was when I was there. I would assume 17 or 19?)

    When I found it I thought it would be supposed to somehow be connected to the not-yet-existent storyline (had actually working motion sensors outside), was mainly underground, and at the top some "out-of-place-but-beautiful" landscape with said cascading water.

    Maybe somebody else can help me correct my obviously broken memory?

  8. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:

    It does in 7D2D as well (in principle), but very slowly and often with blocks not getting updated. Just like the SI of buildings where often blocks stay floating

    It definitely does.

    Learned that the hard way btw.

    First played DF and put a bunch of raincatchers on top of my base (was the "present box POI"), because I assumed those would have either an "empty" or "filled" state and then I can get some murky water out of it to "reset" it to empty.

    The amount of overflow messed up the whole base.

    I could literally swim up to the rooftop like 20blocks from ground (using the totally submerged ladder was still faster tho) 😅

  9. I guess the problem is primarily not about that/how water could flow, but more considering its overall amount in those cases.


    If it flows into an adjacent block, will it leave the block it was in before? Will it split it half the amount (one half stays, one half flows)

    Or does it "double up" and exist twice, one in the one block and one in the next?

    How do you prevent long term that water doesn't fill up the whole map, or trickle away to bedrock and leave a complete dry map. 


    Especially that example given by the devs ("there will be no waterfalls") is a good example for what I mean.

    If water flows down, there has to be a certain given amount at the top side (lake or whatever).

    When it flows over time, that lake would dry up and the lower landscape would be flooded.

    It couldn't be refilled by for example rainstorm, because over time it would submerge the whole region.

    So there would have to be a mechanism to tell the "bottom" water to disappear...but how to determine that/when/how without making it weird,

    especially cause a player can dig down everywhere.

    And it also can't flow down and also stay up in the lake, that would fill up the complete map (and create lots of exploits I guess)




  10. 11 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Sorry Matt, there are no new skeleton props for A21...


    Maybe in A22, if you keep asking for it at least twice a day


    5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Thanks for that info 😊 i appreciate that :)


    ...how it entered his mind

  11. There's a mod out there that makes all wooden blocks flammable, and fire spreads out so that a whole poi will burn out or collapse when you don't extinguish it.

    Never tried it, but that one would combine great with those static events.

    Imagine fire bursting out suddenly somewhere, and then you have to find a way to extinguish it before it spreads out and locks you in, or makes everything collapse (hurting you of course)...and those precious loot boxes are also mostly flammable or break when they fall. 


    I hope that finds a way into vanilla, maybe as an option "flammable blocks" for those who like that little extra thrill.


    Oh yeah I can see it...fire extinguisher could be able to blind zombies if you hit them in the eyes, so then they enter rage mode running around wildy making random swings at everything. Meanwhile you can hurry and care for that fire that may make that pillar collapse what seems to hold up the whole building...oh now I peed a little 😀

  12. Ok let's get it on:

    kid with the repeat symbol on the shirt is a zombie horde (wow he's the exact match of a starving tourist)

    15 day timer means 15 Days will be the cycle.

    little sign up right with the three arrows means "random choice"

    "Toadys special" just means what it is (special event)

    the guy to the left in the background is us (the player) caring for some other stuff and probably taken by surprise by whatever happens behind his back


    So my guess:

    Every 15 days there will be a special "surprise" event (probably special random superhorde, occurring random time of day)

    ...maybe even with zombie hippos in it



    Maybe it should be "randomly once in every 15 days" instead of "every 15 days",

    because a random superhorde occurring right after hordenight day 14 would be a bit unfair


    ...at least for those who aren't used to DF sreamer cycles after every hordenight 😅



  13. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:

    but also a bit sad that the spear is not different enough, does not allow new tactics

    throwing away your weapon and then having a hard time to get it back was a bad tactics anyway, so I won't miss that.


    ...still a bit sad that it wasn't the zombie hippos though, but I guess I will get over it eventually.

  14. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    There are no overlapping trees

    can you add this to the confirmed feature stuff in the first post?

    I mean, that wasn't updated for over two months now, which is really sad because we're all starving for some progress added there.

    And well that would be at least something (though "no overlapping bandits" would be a bit more exciting)


    ...please? 🥺

  15. 14 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    Yeah, about the release date, divide 22 by 7 and you will get it 🤘

    You mean it is released when I finished writing the result?


    Challenge accepted:

    7.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333uh that takes longer than I thought dammit333333333...


    ...stay tuned I'm on it

  16. 33 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    I'm sure Roland is racking his brain to top his "Everdeen" puzzle.  He is probably wants to make sure whatever feature he will elude too won't slip to A22...😅

    the real reason of alphas being delayed is finally revealed


    TFP were always on track...it was him all the time 🧐

  17. On 9/17/2022 at 8:57 AM, Roland said:

    They have had a long long time to figure out what works best for their goals and business.

    That's why I'm in the mood of "let them alone so that they can get stuff done".

    People keep posting elaborate walls of text about some concepts they would like to see in the game, which is good and all,

    but I guess we're far beyond that point of development.

    There's enough stuff already in progress of getting implemented, and beyond that...well there has to be some cool things left for 8D2D right? 😀


    ...speaking of concepts btw, I hope you already figured out some A21 date interpretation puzzle thingy that we can scratch our brains sore about?

  18. 13 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    You can now drink from bodies


    13 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    of water




    ...yes, I recently tend to read the comments i reply to only very superficial. Just ask guppycur, he knows what i mean...


    2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    an endless resource as long as we haven't made this planet unhabitable.

    7D2D going gold before the end of days confirmed!!!

  19. 16 minutes ago, Haidrgna said:

    Yes stacksizes are determined per item, but makes little sense to apply the change to one if all other similar items would not have that change done to them, that was my point.

    There already are lots of those things you call "would be weird".

    You can carry 125 murky water in one stack, but all the "processed" stuff like coffee, boiled water, teas and so on only stack to 10.

    I always thought that doesn't make sense, but only for reasons of balancing.

    Concrete is just the extreme example in that context.


  20. 12 minutes ago, Haidrgna said:

     You do realize this will and should also make any other jar non stackable right, so all drinks, even those from your dew collector that now need to also be supplied with clean jars.

    Aren't stacksizes determined individually for every item, independent from one may or may not be an ingredient for another?

    And the "should be" part: well let's not start the "why can I carry 6000m³ of concrete but only one piece of XY" thingy.


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