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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 5 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:


    So in terms of the Burnt zombie, we have 2 the burnt zombie and the burning zombie

    will the Burnt zombie spawn in with normal zombies like Moe, boa etc. while the Burning zombie spawns in the burnt forest/wasteland

    Or will they both spawn in that one biome?
    (idk how to explain it)

    Well you know you would summon me with that kind of question, so here we go:



    the burnt zombie is low tier and so can be spawned from day 1 on, whilst being most common in burnt forest biome



    the burning zombie is higher tier, so will be locked until higher gamestages and/or higher difficulty biome such as wasteland



    the glowing zombie is highest tier, but momentarily overlooked cause Blizzard Entertainment claimed the design to be a clone of their fire mage skeleton


    4. you can "summon" burning zombies by yourself using the burning shaft mod an a club or burning arrows with your bow/bowcaster

       (but that wasn't what you meant I guess)



    the mid-tier version (also known as "medium-rare" zombies) are the most delicious ones and largely requested all over post-apocalyptic Navezgane



    the "well-done" versions are mainly requested by Matt115 (calls them "skeletons"), whilst predominantly known by their trivial name ("gore blocks"),

    but they're quite not so popular because of their "ashy" after taste, so mostly used just for descoratice aspects.


  2. 20 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    How so?  You can make pipe weapons a lot sooner than the other weapons that use the same ammo.  I don't rush to find a weapon at the traders on Day 1 and looting at that early of a game stage, I am going to be very lucky to find a Q1 pistol in the toliets.  With a pipe weapon, I can use that 9mm or 7.62mm ammo I find early on if I find myself in a bit of a jam.

    I hope those pipe weapons aren't that easy to craft or too early to find (at least the shotgun version).

    One can now easily kill a mountain lion or even a zombie bear early game, because you find enough blunderbusses really fast, and you just have to carry 3-5 of them loaded in your belt to get some kind of overpowered autoshotty. That would work with the pipe weapons too and gives you an advantage you shouldn't have that early game.


    Or am I just playing a too low difficulty level? 🤔


    btw, anybody else having issues with postings saving like literally minutes before being submitted/completed?


  3. 11 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    thx :)

    you're welcome.

    I wasn't sure you really meant that one, because I can't see anything really impressive in that "poi" 

    ...but I'm not that involved into archtitecture to judge, so no need to further explanation, just be happy with it and let me see it as 4 poles with flat roof and no walls, as I clearly have no inspiration.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Hyperbolt said:

    Question! Will the pipe weapons have their own primitive ammo, like the blunderbuss, or will they use the standard ammo that the higher tiered guns use? 

    Can't find the exact post/statement to verify right now,

    but I'm pretty sure it was said they would use the same ammo as the corresponding higher tiers.



  5. 4 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    So did Trader Rekt finally go out of business and then got eaten by zombies?

    Probably he got robbed so he hadn't anything to sell left. 😁


    Does anybody else find it weird that you can reach behind their desk and take their stuff? I mean you lockpick their safe while they stand there just staring at you?

    works with

    -Bob's safe (from the front)

    -Hugh's safe (from the side) ...well he clearly deserves it 

    -Joel's bookshelf


    -Jen : no success so far...boobies too distracting


    -Rekt : can't remember now, I usually don't drive that far south a lot

  6. 51 minutes ago, Treb said:


    I would be surprised if 7DTD turned gold in 1-2 years. Pretty sure we have several years to get to gold and then a period where gold gets fixes.

     In fact I wouldn't mind if 7D2D turns out to be what it is today forever: a sandbox playground where the devs can make experiences and improve their skills

    (and nevertheless for us as players a - despite of "early development state" - source of hundreds of hours of great fun)

    Those skills they can use in their next games for next generation engine and hardware.

    I remember it was oftenly said that this or that cool thing can't be implemented because of performance reasons.

    Those restrictions wouldn't be there in next generation setups.


    ...please just wait with anything 'til mid 2023 when I will build my new AM5 Zen4 DDR5 Navi3 rig 😬


    ...which will of course be totally outdated when we reach 7D2D 2 A20 😂

  7. 2 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Always felt the rifle line perks were pretty useless. Being able to fire thru a zombie with a single shot rifle???

    How often does that happen even with the perk. How often a two perfectly lined up. Maybe on a horde night but single shot rifle while they are all running seems to be a bad weapon choice.

    conga line would change all the above and make that perk totally worth having.

    It really is useful when you have a horde base with elevated corridor design, so they all line up going for you. I always wondered why they introduced that perk because that design was „officially“ stated as „cheesing the AI“

  8. 2 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    In a burnt biome, such wandering hordes would consist primarily or exclusively of burning zombies.

    conga line of fire. Extremely dangerous, cause those will burn extra long, similar to a barbecue minion ring 😄

    Just don't let it come too close to a horde of frozen lumberjacks (those will obliberate each other of course)


    On a serious side note, 

    I would rather see burnt or frozen versions of every zombie according to the different biomes.

    But I know it was discussed so many times that it ain't easy to do that sort of variety in zombie models, so won't happen.


    I guess I would take your suggestion, although it might look will look weird and repetitive. (I don't care, it's easy XP, so what 😬)

  9. 14 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    it's the panic that makes me crouch and then I can't run away. (because I press both ctrl and shift by mistake)

    So it's not a thing of visual indication of crouch/stand anyway,

    more a need for a workaround for your failing brain-muscle connection 🤔


    I had a similar problem with Skyrim, it didn't let me bind a key I used in many other games.

    So I feel your pain, regardless of I myself am more like "damn what's wrong with me, why do I keep pressing the wrong buttons, man focus and get it right finally"

    Have you looked for a mod that "fixes" keybindings to your needs?

    For Skyrim there was one 😬

  10. 43 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    I have run in the same situation - not realizing I am still crouched as I try to get away from a pack of zombies after me.


    And I agree wit the statement that we shouldn't change the environment (toggle switches).  However, in real life, I can easily tell if I am crouched or not.  In the game, it sometimes is not apparent that I am crouching when I want to run away from the danger.  It would be nice (like Meganoth mentioned) if there was a better visual indicator that you are currently crouched or not.  I have no issues with the keys themselves, it is just that the awareness could be better IMHO.

    I see and agree.

    There seems to be a bunch of people (including me) how faced that situations.


    So what about getting the camera perspective a little lower than now when crouched, plus making the screen egde darker/dim (similar to the freeze and heat indicators)?



    20 minutes ago, Survager said:


    According to your logic, character models and animations don't need to change... so they walk normally, shoot normally, look like people... from afar )))
    Why improve something that already works even though it looks some wrong? )

    🤔 Maybe you got me wrong here.

    my logic is that when you hit the wrong button in a panic situation, it is you who made the mistake, and wanting a solution from somebody else to fit your individual needs (which might maybe/likely not work for the next person) is...well I just don't like that "I don't want to adapt, so I demand from others" attitude. 

    So your example with general graphics/animations/other game improvements is something completely different.



  11. 4 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Or TFP could just bring back the eye at the center of the screen when crouched. 🤷‍♂️

    Probably wouldn't make a difference in said panic situations.


    It was already relatively clearly stated that "the controls should be changed cause player doesn't want to change his muscle memory"

    Without wanting to get too philosophical, in fact that's one of the bigger problems mankind faces today. Seen from the perspective of evolution, one had to adapt to the given circumstances to succeed...nowerdays everybody is just complaining that the enviroment has to be adapted to the individuals best pleasure.


    I myself have to admit that I have run into those "why is my running speed so damn slow oh I'm crouched...ouch get away zombie" situations.

    ...then I feel stupid some time and just start over.


  12. 1 hour ago, Survager said:

    You are not entirely right, as the problem really exists.
    The problem is that we have two buttons for stealth.
    The first button (CTRL) puts the player in stealth with a single press, and the second button (C) keeps the player in stealth while the player keeps this button pressed.


    @madmole @faatal @meganoth

    It would be nice if the player, after switching to permanent stealth (CTRL), could cancel permanent stealth by pressing the "C" button, which is responsible for temporary stealth, and not must to remember which of these two buttons is responsible for which stealth option.


    Don't you think so?

    I have played more than 3000 hours and I still sometimes get confused about these stealth 😅


    You're watching the news and the headline is (as several times every year) the following:

    "Old man drives his car through a wall because he mixed up gas and brake pedal"


    What is your reaction:



    "confused senile $*I§head should get taken away his drivers license"



    "poor old man, anti-gas-brake-confusing-device should be installed into cars"


    C (option only available in the US of A)

    "confused senile $*I§head should get taken away his drivers license, and car manufacturer must be sued for not having installed an anti-gas-brake-confusing-device"

  13. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Maybe you should be going to the forums of "Civilization" and "Fifa" and convince the developers of those games they should change their games to be a shooter like CoD. Help those poor misdirected developers so they see the light and produce another rail shooter. 😁



    Hey...that kind of biting sarcasm used to be my part around here.


    ...but well


  14. 58 minutes ago, bilibili-wayne said:

    Sincerely hope that developers healthy body, the work is smooth!

    Hey, are you the guy who has also written the manuals for all my electric devices in my household?


    😄sorry, no offense meant, I'm just kidding. Google still has a hard time translating Chinese-English.


    It's just cool to hear 7d2d is loved so much all over the planet.


    ...now that you are here, can you do me a favor: go to your nearest container port and send the cargo ships! I am still waiting for an impact drill a have ordered in Febuary!

    Thanks!👍 😁

  15. 5 minutes ago, Dares said:

    Hello there 


    I play the game since A15 i guess. Had so much fun during the time, exploring the navezgane map, playing with friend. Building our own big base on the corn field and stuff. Recently got back for A19.5 and the game took me over again. Still great and i like the changes.


    About the new Z. I like it ! And i would like to see the spider getting more love in this way. Maybe some freaky spider like eyes so when you see it you will get an instant heart attack. Everytime I see the spider in game i have in mind the mutated zombie from resident evil. With the long tongue and visible brain.


    I would like to see in this game some secret lab, underground, ultimate T6 Poi, where in the past scientist made experiment's on the already turned humans to zombies. It could open a path for some more special Zeds like this one. Mutated and all

    Yeah, RedMesa 2.0 or something. I‘m in for that. Haven‘t visited that poi in A19, must remember to check in A20 maybe it got some update.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Hmm... ok now, are you willingly ignoring what is written in the game description? :twitch:



    you post the description where the word horror appears.

    He posts a part where it does not appear to „prove“ it isnt there at all.

    ...so yes, he is willingly ignoring it. 


    I guess we are being trolled, aren‘t we?

  17. 33 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    Show me the word horror?I don't see 


    There you go.

    You might have missed it cause it is written over a line break.

    But it is there, right on the main page.

    I have marked it for you.





    I'm just curious:

    What will you do now,

    after all these years of zombie-head-exploding-sledge-hits, legless creatures creeping towards you, exploring dark cellars hearing strange groans and so on, and you now have been actually proven you have been playing a horror game all the time?

  18. 6 hours ago, ZombieHorde said:


    Hi everyone,

    here's some live footage where I will shoot a zombie in that unreal engine game:



    no, it is not a picture, it is a live stream.


    I will update this post i a few hours when my PC has finally rendered the next frame.


    The zombie I will shoot is behind that mountain in the background.

    So it could take a little while before I take the actual shot.


    Stay tuned 


  19. On 6/21/2021 at 12:03 AM, Blake_ said:

    [...]current locked AND closed AND planked AND reinforced doors (except the rare vault one) are just what, 1200 hp  with all the swaps?. And breaking them is common for players with or without the "brass door knob" book. I'm just saying, making them pickable doesn't change a thing. Why? because it takes couple of minutes to break with a stone axe or a couple of minutes to pick open with 50 lockpicks.

     Yep, can confirm that.

    And I have to say it is totally common for me to go through walls (mostly I even break the wooden wall right next to the doors cause that's just 250hp in most cases).

    In fact, only when this whole topic came up, it made me realize that all pois had a way you are suggested to take by design.

    For the higher tier buildings it was obvious, but all those smaller town houses...I mostly enter them by breaking though a wall, or even jump on the roof and make my way down from there.


    @devs/poi design artists:

    Sorry for thinking too much out of the box in your fully destructible sandbox voxel game.

    Now that I have have been smarted up by Roland, I will of course behave bravely and get stuck to the predetermined paths.




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