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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. Do I have to be concerned that bandits, water overhaul, armor/clothing upgrade and stuff isn't listed,

    and therefore - following Rolands statement - maybe not being implemented or at least postponed further to A22+?



    my bad, bandits were never before spoken of being ready-to-play implemented in A21,

    so scrap that.

    the rest can still be found as "pushed to A21" on the 1st page of A20 dev diary, so maybe correct it there too?


    Anyway, good luck for this thread staying as on topic as its predessecor 



  2. 57 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    It seemed to me that multiple statements about the different games we play are a sign of distrust

    No why? It is just a sign of...well...a discussion. Meaning: two people having different opinions which might be both valid, and one person wants to know why the other person is thinking different about the same.

    If I thought you were just lying about, I would have quit it much earlier (or even didn't ask in the first place what you mean considering weapon balancing)


    And as a conclusion I (we?) found out that our game settings must be so completely different, that it makes a total different game (experience).

    (while the "you being insanely more lucky than me all the time" theory seems not valid) 😄.


    So we're not thinking different about the same, but about something different...making further discussion pointless of course.


    So no distrust there, I actually even enjoyed it a little.

    We both seem to come across as being somewhat angry or even poisonous sometimes for others.

    I like to say it's just because of my angry-looking avatar, but maybe I have to admit that I like to be a bit sarcastic sometimes.

    But not in this case. Thx again.

  3. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:
    2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    Ok for me this is all starting to become pointless...we ARE playing different games here. Thx anyways for your thoughts.

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    I somehow knew you would feel called upon proving you get all that stuff so early by posting some pictures,

    although I never said I didn't believe you. 

    Well those pictures don't "prove" anything cause there's no way to say how your game options are tweaked,

    or even whether you gave yourself all that stuff via console command.


    But that's not the point, and I'm not saying that.


    I truly believe that's your actual real and straight game,

    as you can believe me when I tell you that I never have all that stuff that early ingame (and no thx I'm not lazily hiding in the bushes all the time...)

    (or should I post some pictures of a trader's inventory without any full-auto guns or impact drivers to prove it? 😀)


    So it's what I said. Different games. Pointless discussion. I'm out. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    On my last visit to Vanila, I bought an AK at the beginning of the second day (or at the end of the first, I don’t remember), bought a crucible for day 4

    Ok for me this is all starting to become pointless...we ARE playing different games here. Thx anyways for your thoughts.

  5. Nothing new there, trader Rekt just likes trolling you.

    If you get close, you can hear him giggle in the background.


    Have you tried to open the gate?

    Maybe it's just that his neon sign is broken?


    Or is it even one of the new "restore power" quests? (haha, I can hear him say that : "restore power for my damn neon sign or just @%$# off"



    On a serious side note:

    Are you using any mods, or is this random generated world?


    If you use mods, then first check if that's causing your problems.

    If not, you might supply a proper bug report in the correct spot (not here, not like this).


    Otherwise it's just a funny fact that you're being trolled by Rekt.

  6. 11 hours ago, bachgaman said:
    12 hours ago, meilodasreh said:


    now I'm not even sure anymore we're talking about the same game.


    I will go home and rethink my life.

    Perhaps the explanation is that I do 3-4 trader quests a day while you hide in the bushes with your homemade bow

    No I also do mostly trader quests (whilst I never can do 4 a day, mostly 2 sometimes maybe 3 to the highest).

    And I've never been so lucky to get awarded an AK at day 1 or 2, nor was there an affordable one in stock. Same for bigger stacks of ammo.


    If you say that's generally the case...

    Well I will just assume you must be like that super lucky woman from Deadpool 2.

    When your life is a row of incredible flukes, then I can understand every of your arguments.

    But that's not my reality.


    The only thing I keep being lucky in every game I start is that I find the recipe for bacon&eggs very early, so I do not need to spend any points in Chef.

    Once that failed me, and the game felt totally different because I suddenly had to care about starvation, which was not a problem at all before.


    We will see how A20 performs in that way (as it was already announced that there are bigger changes in loot/progression)

    TFP did already do a good job in diminishing the game being set upside down by a lucky/early find of high quality stuff in previous alphas.

  7. 7 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    The conversation is not about who should do what, I don't care what others are doing, conversation is about how balanced the power of the perks is

    So you would consider the game to be truly balanced when every perk/power/skill/weapon you chose has an equal chance in succeeding?


    Meaning bow/arrow should be an equal weapon choice for horde night compared to an AK47,

    a hand grenade should be equally suitable to kill a zed over distance, and so is a sniper rifle when you fight a bunch of Zs in close quarters?


    I mean, I know you don't want to say that, but.


    Especially perks are per se a very individual thing, giving advantages only for some situations, whilst you have to accept that you won't be that good in other aspects (because of limited point to spent ) and that's a big part for adding to variety/replayability.

    Otherwise, wouldn't it get boring when you realize that your choices don't really matter, cause the different weapons for example are - at the bottom line - really only different textures over the same DPS mechanics?


  8. 38 minutes ago, Roland said:

    [...]sneaking past or evading is just as valid as killing.[...]


    You are right...for 6 days.

    On bloodmoon night it's a bad idea to actively choose to just sit there and poop my pants.

    (in fact, even if I choose to not poop my pants, most of the time it still happens...but that's another story).

    Sneaking past aggro GPS Zeds...nope...and evading (e.g. driving around all night) is cheesy, isn't it?

    ...but well, it's called 7D2D, and not "live forever in the zombie apocalypse", right?

    so I'm not really saying your argument also has a little flaw there 😉



    nevermind. Just remembered that after hordenight, there's always a whole lot of lootbags piling up against my fort. It's just a completely different game that night.

  9. 13 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    This is interesting, thx.

    Although I can see it's mainly focused on PvP (boardgames) where your whole strategy also depends on how your opponent adapts to your behaviour (trying to exploit your weaknesses)

    So I'm not sure if that's 100% applicable to singleplayer/PvE in 7D2D (game doesn't adapt/react to your choices),

    but nonetheless, some interesting ideas.


    edit: @Jost Amman I see we had the same thought there 😀

  10. Isn't this argument just based on different individual interpretations of what an alpha version of a software is?


    I actively play this game since A16.4, and every public release was totally playable,

    without any obvious bugs or the feeling that mayor parts of the game are still missing/not working.


    That's not the definition of an alpha version of a software if you ask me.


    So TFP could have just called A16.4 gold as well,

    and every subsequent update could have been labelled as content update.


    There are in fact many game studios who do just that today:

    Release an unfinished product right after a very short alpha/beta stage,

    and sell you further patches/updates as DLC for another little fee every time.


    I have to say I prefer TFP's way, whilst I can see the commercial advantage of the other approach.


    ...so thx to TFP, for being the stupid perfectionists you are 😂

  11. 44 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

    ...but without doom and gloom, the forums are dead and the only exciting thing to do is play who's the best sycophant.  And that's boring. 

    Yes, the dev diary threads of the previous alphas used to have a couple of hundreds more pages.

    Here and now, it's all about bandits lately (which should rather be placed into the not-yet-started A21 dev diary thread)

    ...oh and of course Matt complaining about his unimplemented fetishes (newsstands and skeletons)


    So forums lay low now I agree, maybe partly because of Roland being so diligent shoveling off-topic posts over to the diary discussions thread, but might be mostly because everybody is having a good time with other games now.

    There was just nothing new in 7D2D for over half a year.

    Sure there were .X updates, but those were about stuff like social media implementation, which a surprisingly large part of humankind (including me) gives a sh** about.


    Wait until we get that whole lot of new content A20 seems to bring along,

    and the forums will go boom again.

  12. On 9/15/2021 at 3:13 PM, JPE said:

    Thanks for all your work FunPimps. Could I ask you, will players be able to keep their bases and character levels in future updates?


    Thank you,



    It is not that they actively intend that you have to start over every major update (or after some builds).

    In fact, you can always try to take your savegame over to future builds, but it gets more and more likely that you will face minor or major bugs, or even having the game become unplayable, depending on how much the code changed from one build to the next.

    That's just part of game development, and you have to go with it when you take part in early access.

    Things are in permanent change/develompent/optimization/...

    And - no offense meant by saying it - it is absolutely nonsense to ask the devs to "please have an eye on backward compatibility"

    That would unreasonably delay - if not making totally impossible - any further development.

  13. 14 hours ago, Roland said:
    We are kicking off continuing the A20 Dev Stream Series this coming Wed night Sept. 8th, after a faaar tooo looong period of time. In the first third event, Lathan will Host TFP Co-Founders Richard and Joel Huenink who will be giving a sneak peek of A20 features and some insider news. Tune in at 9 PM CST here: http://twitch.tv/fubar_prime


    fixed that for you



  14. I think the idea itself is cool, but - as was already stated before - it's been "proven" by a lot of other games that it can be a real pain in the a cause NPC gets stuck somewhere,

    causing the quest to fail without you making a mistake...just annoying waste of time then, and very frustrating.

    Problem is: You can't for example just copy the AI of the drone (which also is supposed to follow you)...beacuse when this one gets stuck somewhere, it will (as was said) just teleport back to you when you get too far away.

    In that case it's necessary to avoid silly "micro-management" to get your drone free, and - if not happening too often - is a simple workaround, especially in a fully destructible world, where paths are often blocked/destroyed/created new,...

    But imagine that in such a rescue mission...you could easily cheese those quests by just shortcutting straight through the next best wall to the destination point, and your NPC keeps teleporting after you.

    Nope, wouldn't be fun that way...and otherwise, that guy would just keep being stuck behind walls, edges, stairways, doors, chokepoints, fall through holes,...of my,

    I'm getting angry just by thinking about it 😵

    So again, cool idea, but the effort to get it straight in a fully destructible world is...just wow.

  15. 11 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    Water is SO HARD. Even games that have a heavy focus on water such as Raft, Subnautica, Stranded Deep, etc have some severe limitations that work for their concept but would fail completely on a fully-destructible game like 7d2d. Add to the challenges the potential for griefing that water presents which must be taken into account in a game that supports PvP like 7d2d does.


    So I personally don't expect anything but mild water improvements going forward. I think water + crafting + fully destructible is enough of a challenge to make a whole game around it.

    Although I also don't have any great expectations for the announced "water overhaul" (you explained the limitations),

    I still also hope for that "go fishing" thing which was asked for many times thoughout a whole bunch of alphas now.

    It just fits too well into that survival aspect of the game, that you would be able to craft a simple fishing rod to have some food supply.

    Not necessary though, you have enough options to get along now, but just for the total of the concept, I second his thoughts.


    Great opportunity to create some kind of mini-game, which contributed to make many "AAA" titles like Fallout, GTA,.. so popular.

    Lockpicking in Fallout is simple but feels great beacuse it's fast achievement/succes with using some skill. Watching a counter going to zero in 7d2d is just a missed chance in my opinion.

    GTA has all that small cool stuff like playing billards, bowling,...all small simple game-in-the-game stuff which adds to the fun.

    Going fishing could be one of those if it's done correctly...and there is much more stuff, especially in a fully destructible world, what can be used the like.

  16. 23 hours ago, Matt115 said:


    Maybe someone keep him somewhere and he wrote this post because he need help. anyone was studing cryptography? 🤪

     That would be me.


    let's see... *analyzing*...



    he just ordered 12tons of unstretched cocaine to be delivered in a 40ft container, concealed from DEA by housing it into banana crates and coffee beans roast grade 3,

    shipment havana-amsterdam within the next two months.


    ...oh hi there NSA keyword search algorhythm 😬

  17. 4 minutes ago, Zeal said:

    I have been watching Glock9's newest video on Lockdown. And he actually raised a good question in it. From 4:09 to 4:45. Mostly speaking about how there should be some fishes in the water, mostly to create the fish tacos. Or even zombie fishes, alligators or anything that could be a possible threat. So i hope for a fish type to be implemented in the next few alphas. Maybe a crocodile.


    fish type skeleton crocs confirmed for A20!


    ...sorry I'm in a trollin' mood today.

    Roland, skip me over to the dev diary discussion thread right now.

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