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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    You pass a POI that you would normally ignore because it seems small and uninteresting, but the danger meter tells you that there is more to it than meets the eye. Now your interest is piqued.

    Yes there might be some cases where that point applies.


    But I am afraid that in general, the danger meter will only lead to many more pois are being skipped.

    You just drive by and say "...nope....nope...nope..." to places you'd otherwise maybe investigated further because they look promising.

  2. was there any statement about the danger meter can be toggled on/off in the game options?


    Now that I have seen it a few times during the dev streams, I still cannot see the use of it.

    Or in other words, I don't want to use it, I want to explore stuff for myself,

    and not more or less being told what I run into, right on arrival.


    Doesn't this even the thrill away a lil bit?

    When you want to explore a poi, and then a seemingly harmless building has e.g. an elaborate undergrund part, so you realize at some point that you can't make it yet.

    For me, this always motivated me to come back later when I'm better prepared/geared.


    This "drive-by danger assessment" even feels a bit cheesy in my opinion.


  3. Yes, that missing T is very distracting.

    It feels so strange when you know the T should be there...in fact you know it must be there somewhere...you can even feel it is there...but then still, it just isn't.









  4. @Trankitas

    I know what you mean, and I have to say I also was kind of disappointed that a good chunk of the stuff shown in the A21 dev streams was "flagged" as not-in-A21-but-some-undefined-later-alpha.

    But then again, there's soo much stuff that will make the whole world look better, so much love for details and atmosphere and variety of things,

    I can't wait to go explore it, just to see how nice (in the sense of "more immersive") everything looks.

    And don't forget that there will also be a totally new mechanics about character progression,

    so it's not quite just about the looks, but also lots of new stuff to try out how it feels to develop/progress your character.


    If you ask me , there have been alphas that - at least retrospectively - did qualify better for "could have been skipped"  -  but not this one.

  5. 18 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    I was having troubles streaming 7 days tonight with a lot of stuttering even though I just upgraded to a 4070ti

    If you changed GPU brand (previous one was AMD chip?) then this is most likely a driver issue, because even with a seemingly clean uninstall of the former driver, there are often remains deeply in the windows registry that can cause said troubles (remnant "fragments" of amd drivers can interfere with newly installed nvidia brand driver, or vice versa)

    For totally getting rid of these, you can utilize a free tool called DDU.

    I hope this helps.

  6. 2 hours ago, katarynna said:

    I personally wouldn't care if there was a completely naked outfit for each sex that gave nature-related buffs, If i was channeling my inner hippie, i would go for it.

    I've heard snowdog has his own server farm to host exclusively nudist games, to give people a home who refuse to wear any type of clothing/armor, but stick to the "just woke up in the apocalypse dress".

    PM him for the login data.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    There's a difference in choosing what you want to wear and not being given a choice in what you wear, though.  I think that's the concern of at least some of those who didn't appreciate the female outfit.  

    ah ok if that shown outfit would be the only one you could chose as a female, I completely agree this would be total sexist BS.

  8. Just now, bdubyah said:

    People are complaining about that female outfit? Really? Do you ever go outside? I see females with less clothing on than that every time I'm out in public.

    that's what I was trying to point out. I live in Western Europe, and the shown female outfit is really considered as a regular hot day's outfit, not "sex object"ish at all if you ask me. 

    But again, that's a discussion you can only lose as a man. You just get "branded" and that's it

  9. thx for the reminder.


    And may I kindy add:

    game or reality, if you have a discussion, there will be different opinions. 

    People with other opinions are not automatically trolls, sexists, or otherwise bad people.

    They just have a different point of view, which one may or may not agree. This is all ok. Just please don't take it on a personal level.



  10. 11 minutes ago, KatsPurr said:

    they _could have_ chosen to show the hoarder female if they wanted to


    Maybe they did?

    I have to admit, I can't spot any difference, what gender actually is inside that pile of clutter 😄 

    ...ok there's that little bit of fuzz on the upper lip...but that could be due to normal apocalypse hygiene? The face itself looks somewhat feminine to me.


    ---this is a great concept if you ask me, and I guess that's how I would look like anyways...except for that panama-class container ship that would stick out of my packpack to hold the rest of my cargo 🤣



  11. @Professor-Pipnope. It is you who's missing my point.


    I was just trying to point out the obvious flaw in the argument, when supposing the devs think like this:

    4 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    or... did they say: 


    "Duuuuude! Let's show our boys some eye candy, why don't we!? They're gonna looove the rack on this desert character! *giggity*!"


    ...and at the same time completely ignoring that this exact way of thinking could also be put why they chose naked, muscle-packed male character models,

    as eye candy for the girls!?


    If she stepped up for that the constant-nipple-slip jiggling physics on the party girl was unnecessary, I would have been completely at her side,

    but the argument like she brought it up with the current character model setup, I don't agree with.

    If you ask me, boobies seem pretty well contained on the A21 character in relation to the party girl, and also lots of other "occasions" one comes across todays.


    But this is an argument I shouldn't have brought up in the first place,

    so I apologize, I see now, I can only loose here.


  12. 28 minutes ago, KatsPurr said:

    out of all the variations, he decided to show the "boobies busting out her top" variation.


    you mean this when saying "boobies busting out version?



    and then not a single word about the male characters they chose to show?



    this is all ok to you, right?


    You must be the most sexist person 😅



  13. 12 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    I'm still trying to figure out how far after the pandemic this game is set in. The cars all look old and rusted. Same goes with many houses. Paint peeling etc.. It's only appropriate that we have overgrown vegetation and trees growing in strange places if that's the case. 

    I like to think we're not after the pandemic, but still in the middle of it (still hoping to see a game mechanic where there is a settlement of survivors overrun by zeds, and they all "turn", but I know it is not happening in this game)

    About vegetation:

    Taking into consideration that a standard post-apocalyptic tree only takes a few days from seed to its full-grown state, which would normally be assumed as a centuries-old one,

    it does make it rather hard to figure out how far we're from "pre-apocalypse" judged by vegetation, right? 😛

    But I know what you mean, this "taken over by nature" looking stuff really adds greatly to the atmosphere of abandoned places.

  14. I see there is a gas pump in the trader compound.

    Would be cool if that wasn't just a decoration, but a real working one, so we can drive next to it, pay the trader for gas and then fill 'er up outside.

    ...one of those things that I feel have that "natural logic" to them.


    In addition, I think producing gas youself is waaay to easy atm, so that should become harder to get/make...or you pay a fair amount of money to the trader to stay mobile?


    Can somebody please put these as a question in the dev stream (I won't be able to participate)


    ...or if you don't mind, feel free to answer it right here 🙂

  15. 22 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    please start these streams on time, bugs the crap out of me when they start late. If you say it begins at 9PM, it needs to begin at 9PM. Test the streaming stuff out earlier to ensure it all works. Respect your fans by being on time.

    thank you

    ...and now you wasted your shot with your premature demand.

    Dammit, some people just don't have a sense for correct timing.


  16. 6 hours ago, Melange said:

    Sometimes its too bright. I adjust my video settings, then its too dark for me. Lighting effects could use some smoothing (smaller increments?). Also, it seems inconsistent in A20. Some 'days' its fine. Other times it just appears to be either too bright or too dark.

    I haven't experienced this for quite some time now, before that it happened to me regularly, especially when entering rooms that had like a half collapsed roof or something else that seemed to mess with indoor/outdoor. 

    What I did change and think that might have caused the problem:

    Win11 seemingly messed up my monitor color scheme/brightness/contrast settings etc.

    There's a configuration file that saves said settings as a .icm (icc profile), but either windows or/and the graphics driver tend to override or else mess around with those.

    Do you experience that maybe your Monitor (desktop) seems to be brighter/darker or/and has other "color temperature" sometimes after you closed a game in comparison to it was before?

    Then you might have the same issue than me, said monitor profile is changed by whatever is the cause.

    You'd have to try out what does override those settings (driver options?)...or as a workaround there are lil tools ("batchfiles") that can save/load different settings directly, instead of having to click yourself through all the sometimes hidden menu options.

  17. 28 minutes ago, eciggy said:

    "Simon hit space bar, hit space bar!"

    This was definitely one of the greatest moments of the whole channel 😄


    btw do you remember where that poi was located? I think it was some kind of "easteregg POI" that was removed at some point...at least I can't find it anymore.

  18. 50 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    There's at least a couple more things not noticed in those screenshots.

    Obviously the agility skill tree and/or parcour perk got a big boost.

    Look at the height the player can jump now, to be able to get the perspective shown in the pictures...high as the tree tops at least.

    This is great, I always liked parcour and so I'm really looking forward to it being even more enhanced.


    Surely it is even boosted further with some new kind of candy (e.g. "Jumping Jacksons", or "kangaroo kandy")

    Love it!



    ...btw just kidding, but please do the jump increase candy thing

  19. 1 hour ago, Mumpfy said:

    the party girl zed model is missing a triangle (mesh face) on one of her boobs

    I remember, over 25years ago, we all had a crush on Lara Croft, despite the fact that her boobs were just one triangle each.

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