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Gabe Lincoln

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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Right now, there is no indication to tell if you've read any particular skill magazine you stumble across so you have to exit out of whatever you were doing go check the skill magazine tab, and remember what book you were planning to read. Often times this has led to me having to go back and forth between the skill screen and my inventory multiple times. I would like an indicator on the magazine in the inventory or item summary of whether or not you've read any given skill magazine.
  2. Yeah, I understand the idea of not spawning in zombies for performance reasons, but if I am forced to drop into a trigger it shouldn't spawn in 3 or 4 high level zombies right on top of me alerted. I knew I was in a dangerous area, but it struck me as wrong that there was no way to get into that area (which was a closed in box) without triggering that particular fight, and it struck me as extra wrong that something spawned in right next to me alerted. I do like the idea of "wandering sleepers" ones that aren't spawning in alerted, but are shambling around on a patrol path with more normal detection ranges instead of sleeper ones. On the actual topic of the suggestion, I hope there is some redundancy to zombie spawning in PoIs to prevent that sort of thing from happening.
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