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Posts posted by warmer

  1. 21 hours ago, blitzkrieg7498 said:

    i 100% agree, its not so much as we need to pickle/jar to prevent from spoiling in game (at least yet...) but its something that would be more prevalent in the circumstances and brings greater verisimilitude (sorry i also dungeon master so story-crafting and immersion is a big focus), and we definitely need farm animals. think of the challenge and possible setbacks of keeping zombies from eating your livestock that you arent using as meat shields lol.


    Ya know for roleplaying/immersion sake that makes a lot of sense because for the setting, that is what you would be doing in the second the leaves turned. I personally wish there was a season mod that shifted the biome in 1 direction temp wise. depending on year. This would make you worry about crop yields and planting season.

  2. As a chef myself, I have similar feels, but I also want to simply a few things. There are definitely some major stumbling blocks in realism and quality of life updates that could be made. Previously they let you boil a can of water, then they removed the need for a pot to boil water in jars. While that makes H2O easier, we still need a pot/jar of clean H2O/egg to boil an egg.


    We should be able to do that in a can of dirty H2O. 


    Because we dont have food spoilage, the need to pickle or jar stuff isnt as necessary, as much as it adds more realism. 


    How about we make snowberry wine and let it turn to vinegar so we can pickle some eggs?


    First though, I REALLY hope they add animal husbandry at some point. So many eggs and no baby chicks. Would love to see that be possible. I want an unlimited supply of feathers, or the ability to release a chicken as a living meat distraction for zombies.

  3. If you are making money from using assets you dont own, you are making money from assets you dont own. Pretty simple. "free" to the user doesn't change that.


    I see this all the time on youtube. People clip a professional piece of media and put ads on it. That is 100% not allowed by law. 


    Trying to apply a "video policy" that allows monetization has NOTHING to do with an app that uses assets. That is 100% not related to YouTube videos. Not peripherally or otherwise.


    Why would a video policy apply to;


    making an action figures for the Traders

    making a comic book about the game

    selling 7D2D cereal that has status symbol shaped pieces


    if you are using assets you dont own, and are branding yourself to appear to represent a company you aren't a part of for profit, you are using assets you dont own to profit from their use.


    why is this confusing?

  4. @AdebarMaybe you should go play a lego land game made by disney if your feels are hurt so bad by some words...

    But I have to wonder why are you so comfortable with the graphic violence?

    Selective outrage is a very curious thing. Kind of like seeing a nipple making people lose their minds, but dozens of people being killed by guns prior to said nipple showing on screen does nothing to your sense of morality.

    I guess I am just a bit to logical to understand things like this...

  5. I like @Armoredsaints idea, as I assumed once you are 1st sent to you next trader "to open trade routes" it would up your quest level once there  Sorta like how most MMO have leveled areas and you graduate to harder "zones". Zones being biomes. My ideal setting would be 1 trader in the biggest city per biome and each trader was different. The quests would level based on the biome you are + game stage vs. tier.


    Tier is what is attached to the POI if I am not mistaken and how they associate POI and quest tiers.


    When you think about it the majority of large infrastructure/factories/sky scrapers would be located in the wasteland biome, as any nukes would have targeted the largest cities. That would make sense in regards to tier/poi/biome relationships.

  6. ya know I didnt have a single night attack till day 7 and I am pretty sure that is because I never use torches or candles at night. Kinda weird you got attacked at night day one. That almost never happens to me. Must be something specific you are doing to alert them.

  7. 2 hours ago, Whiteshark68 said:

    I have found that 7d2d now keeps about 5-7 Gb of memory in standby and will not free it up at all even after closing the game. Makes it easier and quicker to load into the world next time as long as you haven't restarted your computer.

    I was wondering why I always end up loading in the 2nd time so fast! makes so much sense.

  8. Is it me or are some animals 100% silent at times while moving. I had a zombie bear go from 25 yards away to attacking me without ever making any sound. I was in the wasteland biome.


    I was in my inventory doing something while sneaking and then the next thing I know I am getting attacked by a bear and a vulture. I heard the vulture flap it's wings and I exit my inventory and turn around expecting to see a vulture, but it was a zombie bear right in my face with the vulture behind him.

    Further more, sneaking over piles of broken bricks should be super hard even for players. How is a zombie bear accomplishing this?

  9. 60fps with everything max minus reflects and water. Sometimes dip into 40's in massive POI. Running a 5700xt and 32GB ram at 3880x1440 resolution.


    Not sure why people say frames are bad. Runs very comparable to the last build.


    Are you trying yo say the drone is like the Automotron? THAT is a stretch! lol


    This game has always been envisioned as an RPG forward gameplay style. If not they wouldn't have so many stats and skills.


    You salty boy


  10. I would think they stay at least as long as the night cycle before dr spawning to gice you a chance to loot them after horde night.


    I bet the mission start despawned the bag for you @ElCabong


    My bicycle was too close the other day and it said move vehicle out of mission area, because it resets everything at mission start

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