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Posts posted by warmer

  1. First thanks for this great mod to create incredible maps, but I also have the problem of roads with blurred textures[ATTACH=CONFIG]29499[/ATTACH]


    Kind of strange how there is a chunk close to you that is normal res. Also, you have additional mods running. While that might not be a problem, I am sure your mods aren't 100% compatible with A18 yet.


    I use Texture Streaming and I don't see the blur you guys are mentioning.


    Radeon RX 580 6GB


    Has anyone explored the differences with the completely new vanilla A18 map generation versus Nitrogen's algorithms? What are we losing by switching to Nitrogen, etc.? Curious to know if this has been researched vs A18 since they redid everything.


    I can tell you, if you have a Radeon GPU, Nitrogen is the only way to go currently, unless you like your terrain in slices.

  2. Not sure if it has been brought up before, but my biggest pet peeve in RWG are those circular out of place terrain pieces around some kind of small POI.




    What is WEIRD, is the only way I have found to get rid of them is to turn off All lake options and use a import_HM.png for your world in order to get water.


    Why that makes them disappear is unclear to me, but I would love an option to remove them from the game world as it really breaks the feeling of a "real" location due to how unnatural they appear.

  3. Alpha 18 (test) version


    Includes the new POIs, and fixed some smaller issues in the prefab-list.


    I'd like to add, this avoids the terrain slicing on AMD cards. Not sure what you are doing differently, but I LIKE IT! RWG on Vanilla 7D2D RWG is simply unplayable/believable as a landscape because of the never end terrain cuts.



  4. I can get full screens. Then I take it into gimp and square up the biggest shot I like and then stretch to make 4k. The stretch also helps smooth out mountains a bit, otherwise some of the peaks become needles if you aren't zoomed in very far. Recommend reducing contrast as well. Took about 5 tries before I got a world that was recognizable. Just not to scale. Also painting the biomes.png file helps it look way more believable if you know the general area.

  5. Not sure if this has been shared here, but here is a height map generator for the World.




    Zoom in or out with about the resolution of google earth. Just save a file and edit to have with the same resolution of the map you want. Then use it as your




    file when generating a map from a height map file.


    You can use it for anywhere in the world. This is the result I got for the town in Idaho where I grew up. It will likely take some editing of the range of the height map to make it believable. I lived by a mile high mountain, and that made the mountains SUPER rough until I lowered the contrast to diminish the severity of the mountain slopes.




    Here is Arizona


  6. Thanks for the inspiring post. Took your advice and went into Gimp and used the pick and erode filters on the generated height maps and biome maps. Blends are really interesting. I got something similar to what you see in Oregon/Washington border on the Columbia river as it goes from Deep forest to scrub land.



  7. Hi, long time lurker here. This is such an amazing tool, I've been messing with the resource image files for the last few days trying to get more natural looking height maps. I used the software Wilbur, to help me generate the textures. I also redrew then scrambled up the biome borders with Gimp's pick filter so there isn't such a harsh line between biomes. I'm quite satisfied with the results.


    That is a GREAT looking map! Well done. I have often wondered about how to go about making use of height maps, but wasn't sure the end result would be worth the effort.


    My favorite aspect of the results you got where how natural the erosion and shoreline looks. Great job!

  8. Procedural caves unfortunately cant be defined within the world-files. It can only set the (2D) terrain, and place POIs. They require some new code on the Fun Pimps side.


    There are some cave POIs in the world. But procedural ones are not possible ATM.


    I definitely understand that. What I would like to see is just more caves. I would be more than fine with a few predefined mines that aren't so "developed/commercial" looking. Currently everything right now feels very discovered. I would like more of a small hole in the ground that opens up to a significant chamber and ore veins.


    I will say though, I sure miss the days of running through the forest and falling through the ceiling of a mine and plunging into water 20' below. That is exciting stuff! A couple prefab caves of that sort would be fun and add a lot to the random nature of the world.

  9. This is my idea for distribution of biomes. I hope we move more towards this type of distribution as it encompasses both the latitude analog to the real world as well as a rough approximation of elevation influence.M77wrgr.png

  10. Is it possible to have some kinda cave system ?

    Great Work As Allways. :cool::encouragement:


    Caves are by far my most missed element of RWG.


    With river being back in RWG with Nitro, Caves are the last element that is truly missing for me.

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