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Posts posted by warmer

  1. there are those quest that ask you to kill specific types/with certain weapons, so those are kind of like bounties. But bandits that are known to harass peaceful settlements would add a huge layer to the unfolding story.

  2. On 6/16/2022 at 3:15 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @warmer So you rely on luck finding all the recipes for minibike, forge, workbench, chemstation and first aid in MP? 

    Not at all what I said. what I implied is that getting to that level to craft a gyro based on stats alone is a GIGANTIC investment. Since they introduced bicycles as a quest reward I have stopped spending point beyond getting a forge based on stats for most play throughs. Bicycles are my main vehicle. No gas and silent essentially. Much easier to be stealthy in the wasteland on a bike than a gas powered vehicle. I usually find a trader/POI with a working bench or chemstation pretty quickly.


  3. 12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I have never cheated to get a vehicle and I have had several playthroughs where eventually I had all of the vehicles. 


    It might be 10% or it might not be, not sure how you got your statistically number there.

    Fair question. The Intellect level requires a huge investment. That's the gate. It was purely a guess by playing with 20+ odd people over time in private MP servers and none of us had ever gotten one legit. Vehicle tier investment is really rare. Way more people go for strength than intellect given how effective a strength upgrade is for most of your actions while grinding for resources. It would be interesting to see the stats in player level choices if TFP has those metrics.

  4. I remember minecraft cubed everything


    Also the same minecraft make a pattern with components crafting grid system.


    Part of me wishes we had to create things that way the first time as an act of "prototyping" and then its just a matter of having said ingredients there on.

  5. if I was to guess, less than 10% of players have ever legitimately gotten a gyro without cheats. I have over 1000 hours in game and I have never even gotten a real motorcycle.


    The point I am making is this affects a very small subset of players and things that affect a majority of players are the obvious priority.


    They absolutely can't let the game go gold with the controls being as janky as they are. If they do, we will all drag them through the mud for it.


    I would 100% expect this to be fixed prior to full release.

  6. controller support for 7d2d is ok until you get into ANY menu and then it is way to slow and inaccurate for me. I tried to play with a controller on my PC and I just couldnt do it long enough to get through the tutorial quest at the start. I was using a PS4 controller, so the touch pad at the top let me mimic a mouse, but even still I would much rather use mouse and keyboard. Its just frustrating as heck in menus.

  7. On 3/15/2022 at 6:05 AM, Kyonshi said:

    For me, one interesting aspect is how the Pimps create "stories" in various POIs, like when you get in one and see bedrolls, iceboxes, clothes on the floor, like it was used as a shelter for previous survivors who were likely killed or went missing. I love discovering those and try to imagine how was life going on for those unknown people. 


    Yes! The way items/objects are laid out makes you feel like you really walked into a place where people were hold up. The POI designers have done an amazing job in that regard.

  8. On 2/16/2022 at 9:42 AM, Roland said:

    That would be nice but also unhelpful in this particular case since he was subtracting a block instead of adding a block. How could the game cue the player that the block they are about to remove is the lynchpin of their entire base....?

    You could have an additional sound that is triggered when you hit. Basically using the same "collapsing through floor/creaking" sound in addition to the hit sound. This would give the impression additional blocks are counting on it's support. The additional sound would be triggered by that blocks state being stress point. This would work if the fun pimps model which points of a building are under the most stress like a bridge builder sim. If not, then it wouldn't work.

  9. it would be nice to hear a floor creaking sound when you place a block on a structure near the edge of collapse to give you the sense that it needs more supporting structure. that seem like an easy ask.


    when placing a yellow stability block,

    play a creaking floor sound,


    when placing an orange stability block

    play the floor breaking from under you sound. 


    much easier that going into debug mode if you are in the middle of gameplay.


    Some audible queue. structures creak like crazy before they actually collapse.



  10. As much of a pain in the butt inventory can be, I find it adds a survival element to the game that is vital. Time management is so important in 7D2D. An auto inventory sorter circumvents part of that issue/challenge.


    If you want to auto sort your inventory, I imagine you also don't want any overloaded debuffs as well.


    Both of those elements require me to make choices, and that adds to the immersion for me. Like what was previously stated, we already have several auto sort functions. Anything more just removes inventory as a game play mechanic, and to me that is a vital aspect of any survival game.


  11. ya by the time I can craft them and bought all the required skill level ups, I have typically found much better versions from quest rewards or looting.


    I think crafting weapons really has the most benefit when playing multiplayer and each member is specializing in a given task. In solo rarely spend points to learn workbench because I almost always find a schematic by day 7. 


    Back when ammo wasnt as easy to come by I always leveled into workbench. Now it doesnt feel necessary for my play style.


  12. On 1/26/2022 at 9:26 AM, Sjustus548 said:

    Early game I always place torches down when I am clearing a room or having to fight outside.  Just put the torch down, do my business, and pick the torch back up to continue on.

    This makes the most sense to me. The night should feel incredibly dangerous right when you start. This is a good way of splitting that difficulty by preparing and being creative with what you have to work with.

  13. 21 hours ago, blitzkrieg7498 said:

    i 100% agree, its not so much as we need to pickle/jar to prevent from spoiling in game (at least yet...) but its something that would be more prevalent in the circumstances and brings greater verisimilitude (sorry i also dungeon master so story-crafting and immersion is a big focus), and we definitely need farm animals. think of the challenge and possible setbacks of keeping zombies from eating your livestock that you arent using as meat shields lol.


    Ya know for roleplaying/immersion sake that makes a lot of sense because for the setting, that is what you would be doing in the second the leaves turned. I personally wish there was a season mod that shifted the biome in 1 direction temp wise. depending on year. This would make you worry about crop yields and planting season.

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