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Posts posted by warmer

  1. 4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I don't think you will hear any zombies complaining about illegal bats in baseball.....

    point I was making is there is no cork to replace, because it wouldn't be there to begin with lol


    all though corking a bat would be an interesting mod. they did it in baseball to increase swing speed at the cost of mass. Faster attack/less damage.

    You could cork a bat as a mod and have a trade off 10% high attack speed / -10% damage
    Adding iron would have the opposite

  2. People that continue to whine when a perfectly reasonable solution has been presented are petulant children having a fit. get over it. They don't owe you a finished game on YOUR timeline. You bought it in an incomplete state.


    What about that fact entitles anyone to assume they can influence the dev cycle?


    Nothing... but people that want the world to cater to them are never satisfied.


    Grow up and own your decision to buy a game in Alpha and accept the results your decision has brought you.

  3. 1 hour ago, katarynna said:

    baseball bats haven't required "baseball bay" parts for a long time.

    sorry I misspoke when I called them "baseball bat parts"


    I was referring to all the metal involved that isn't actually in the weapon as "parts"


    Duct tape I can agree with. But all that metal that isn't even in the weapon makes no sense.

  4. well personally speaking I would have moved on from this game years ago if it had ceased getting worked on and refined. The dev process is smoothing out a giant cube of marble until it rolls smoothly. Sometimes you crack the whole thing and you have to start over. 


    You can always download your favorite release and pretend like dev is over and be happy with it. Being upset above the process won't change anything other than your PH levels after you get done with your rant.


    Go to steam and right click in 7d2d and chose the release you want. Then play the game release you want. Updates are optional. You only have yourself to blame if an update crashes your world. 



  5. they REALLY need to re do a lot of weapon recipes. A wooden bat is just a nice piece of wood. Makes no sense requiring parts. You can make a stone sledge with just stone/wood/plant fibers. You should be able to make a wooden bat without "baseball bat" parts. Maybe require a workbench because there is obviously tooling required beyond a simple club, but its still just a hunk of WOOD

  6. I had a wolf on me within 30min of spawning in on an island I made in a lake on a custom heightmap. Even in such an isolated spot, they show up. lol. This is one reason I ALWAYS run around with 6 wood frames on me. I have saved myself 100's of time by climbing up something quickly using wood frames. VERY useful when you first start out and run into a bear! 

  7. I was running a 16k custom map I made yesterday and made several versions 0.10 and 0.11 tells me my pixel count is over limit even though my pixel count is the square root of a 16k map

    "Generating heightmap.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
      File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
      File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
      File "world.py", line 1187, in run
      File "world.py", line 227, in generate
      File "world.py", line 905, in init_heightmap
      File "world.py", line 921, in load_heightmap
      File "PIL\Image.py", line 2953, in open
      File "PIL\Image.py", line 2940, in _open_core
      File "PIL\Image.py", line 2849, in _decompression_bomb_check
    PIL.Image.DecompressionBombError: Image size (268435456 pixels) exceeds limit of 178956970 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack."

    268435456 pixels in a 16k map
    178956970 pixels limit is a 13,377.4 a side map

    any ideas?

  8. On 6/23/2021 at 10:01 PM, Cpt Krunch said:

    Devils Island

    is this 8k?

    I am guessing based on the size of the city layout.


    thanks so much for the per city type grid size. this opens up lots of options.

    It is possible to do a 24k map? I have tried to do it in gimp and the lag makes it unbearbale to work with, but I really want to achieve large cities with significant dead zones between them and slow natural moutains. 24k feels like the right size. 

    What is the highest you have rendered?


  9. Awesome on the height map submissions. I love making height maps from scratch and I really hope to see some creative designs! Already submitted my first one I made. @KingSlayerGM KingGen is head and shoulders above the rest of map gen tools and I sincerely thank you for the inspiration! KingGen as a platform makes a sandbox true to it's name. Now if we could figure out caves that would be a game changer!

  10. I have been using King Gen to make custom maps with specific city and district layouts (industrial/commercial/residential)

    https://imgur.com/a/VogzfUF - 8k custom height map/biomes/city layout/districts/water.

    Everything is designed using Gimp and King Gen. Takes some work but you can make some really specific maps.


    Now they implemented custom water spawn so we can go below "sea level" on maps.


    Check it out here




  11. seriously guys, if you are worried about what people think of the two letters cp next to each other you probably spend to much time thinking about what that stands for, because those of us that DONT think about cp had no idea what the issue is. lol


    you cant run your life constantly worried about what a fractional percentage of people think of you and what you do. there will always be someone somewhere that hates the most innocent thing you do. just focus on making the best possible game and let wacko fringe issues stay wacko fringe issues.



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