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Posts posted by warmer

  1. Fire
    When I moved into my perfect spot I thought, damn I have to tear it all down... OR... I could just throw this moltov and watch it burn :) this is only 1 logical choice lol


    One of my fondest memories playing 7 days to die is running through the woods in the dark without a torch with zombies behind me, only to fall into a cave. In my first 20min of play with the new mods I fell into a cave running through a forest. This was a great surprise. It felt new and I wanted to explore it so badly (randomly generated caves) but I was burning daylight and hadn't set up any type of base or gotten food or water sorted out.


    Board Pulling 
    Pulling boards on windows and crates  vs. destroying them. Much more realistic method of entry in a possible zombie infested structure

    Chest broadcasting to work benches
    this just saves you time and lets you have more fun. Workbenches pull from nearby crates

    The above 4 are just a few of dozens from 0-Score SphereII mods, there are a ton of really neat quality of life and features, but it takes some manual editing of the blocks.xml file to turn them one. There are some great tutorials explaining how to get started doing so. 

    Pickable doors:

    this speaks for itself. With that said, a wall safe or a gun safe should require a level of 3 or higher in my opinion, simply because of how uncommon the knowledge/tools of dial safe cracking is compared to a rake and tension bar .

    Lootable/semi-persistent decaying zombies
    Non lootable zombies turn then into "purely" xp and ammo dumps. They cease to have any real identity. When you kill 20 of them around your base and they slowly decompose over time from a battle, it adds SO much dark grit to the game. additionally, these are great for starter clothing pieces and very basic food scavenging. It feels much more immersive.


    Specific wish list "items/guns/vehicles" aside, what other fundamental gameplay aspects are missing?


  2. I think stealth is overpowered current in non horde night scenarios. They should bring the smell factor back. :)

    If you are wearing zero noise armour and  maxed out the extra damage skill and bonus to move silently skill + maxed parkour. Once I had a scoped compound crossbow I would only get a non 1 shot kill sneak headshot when I get surprised. Combat really got boring until horde nights when the skill became useless.


    Other than that if I was slow (cost of time in game to do stuff) I could get nearly every clear and fetch mission without triggering awareness. Some ambush section I could take out several zombies before I had to enter line of sight.

    Tenchu: Stealth Assassins Creator Wants to Make a New Game for PS5  [Updated] - IGN

  3. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:


    The latter insult is better. In your case it may just be the novelty that makes the first one shine.


    I will have to disagree on this one.


    One makes you wet and requires a lot more mental imagery/processing to understand.


    and one makes you wet with your own blood, and is immediately understood as a bad idea.


    If your goal is to confuse someone for a second, then I would agree with you.


  4. I think the issue is someone has a less than optimal install of their OS. Original post said it was due to OS corruption. How is that the problem of TFP to solve?


    someone could make a 

    .bat file utility that automatically saves a copy of your save game on exit and keeps the last two exit saves before replacing them. That solves the problems with the least heavy lifting from all parties.

  5. 1 major example;

    C#(unity) can automatically manage your memory for you

    C++(Unreal) you have to manually manage that, and this would like require re-writing memory calls to include dumping it when it isn't needed. If you didn't you'd have memory issues the longer you played a session.

    Most people finish the road trip in the car they are using at the beginning unless it completely breaks down.
    What they learn during that road trip will inform them on how to prepare their vehicle best for the next one.

    The framework they've made is incredible. That's worth moving over to a superior engine performance wise at the beginning of the process. 10 years of code in C# is not something I'd move over to C++. I think at this point, they want to finish it and take lessons learned to their next game. If Voxel support in Unreal came out 5 years ago, they probably would have switched, but not when you are almost at the finish line.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Hollowprime said:



    This is a very serious post. I'm merely asking a question if the devs considered it. I even provided an example of a massive performance improvement. You don't have to be negative about it, especially since the devs keep reworking the same components (namely graphics) .

    they have updated through several major unity  updates to keep current. This took them a TON of time. To switch engines isn't as simple as pasting your code into a new engine. This would likely break a ton of code due to the syntax differences and make it unplayable for quite a while with no ability to see if there was a genuine pay off for the switch. Not trying to be mean, but when people ask "why aren't you doing x?" it is a question that comes from a place of ignorance to the facts at hand. This is why I said what I said. If you knew that, asking this question would seem like a pretty impossible ask. This would completely halt further progress for 6 months or more. NO WAY they would do that.

  7. 1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Are you seriously suggesting at this late stage they switch engines? Are you daft?

    ya something like this seems to indicate they have never tried to port a game from one engine to another. This seems more like a troll post than an honest question, because if they really considered the work involved, they'd realize what a bad choice that.is so late into dev

  8. On 9/3/2022 at 8:50 PM, Vansanity33 said:

    Why do they continually change things the community doesn't want changed? Add stuff that no one cares about? Don't add stuff that is continually asked for. Thank God for the modding community bcuz the devs just don't get it. 

    I'm going to guess you've never made a single passion project in your life, or you'd realize that some endeavors are about pleasing yourself first.

    You know what happens when you listen to too many voices in the community and pick the middle ground?

    Saint's Row 2022

    That steaming pile of crap I uninstalled within 45min of launching it.

  9. The one who controls the games development are the ones that are doing the developing. Whether or not they take our feedback into consideration is entirely up to them. I am not sure I understand why someone posts a question like unless they feel they are owed something beyond the game they already got their fun tokens worth out of...

    It just strikes me as pretentious to assume your feelings of "going in the wrong direction" is going to bear a significant weight into how they have been developing a game for a decade now. Keep in mind, I have read they are going in the wrong direction for at least as long as I have been in this forum, and they keep going in "their" direction. 

    It also seems kind of related to this notion we have now were everyone thinks their opinion matters on what other people are doing. Your two cents only matter if they already tangentially align with the direction they intend on going. How many copies did you buy, now divide that by how many they sold.

    The resulting fraction of a percent is how much they care about you saying they are going in the wrong direction. 

    Instead of expecting the devs to make the game you want, you should learn how to mod the game to suit your taste. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone in a vanilla 1.0 version, and they have given us the framework to make that possible if we care enough to put in the time. There is obvious passion in posts like this, so turn those finger clicks into .xml edits and you are halfway to your desired end goal.

  10. Air drops and whatever you have your loot respawn set to is the limiting factor. Also Trees can easily be planted, so you technically never run out of wood if that is what you want.

    Ore/Coal are the biggest limited resources, but there is a lot of metal to be scavenged in the game world. I highly doubt any has actually used every bit of iron on a map yet.

  11. 27 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    Well, there seems clearly to be a language barrier between me and you @warmer One last try: It´s only about the description of the games default settings in the steam shop. It´s not about changing the game or it´s settings.

    you are absolutely right, the game description clearly states, the "default settings" are hardcore. Thank you for clarifying it with such precision.

  12. Until you layout what you specifically and precisely mean in a detail manner by "hardcore survival"


    you have a nebulus goal post you can move at will.


    Pretty sure I have detailed what I think it means and @pApA^LeGBa just keep saying, That is "harder" and not hardcore... Ya know a compound word of "hard."

    4 minutes ago, Roland said:

    But I also think that the game just as it is, is still on the hardcore side of the spectrum. It’s cool that other games exceed 7 Days but they don’t disqualify 7 Days in my opinion. 

    Yes, that is like saying a Ferrari isn't fast, just because a jet car broke the sound barrier on the salt flats. 

  13. 1 minute ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    How often do i have to say this? IT IS NOT ABOUT MAKING 7 DAYS HARDER.  It´s about a wrong description on the shop page. 7 days isn´t hardcore compared to many other surival games, no matter what settings you use.

    Hardcore is the definition of getting your game erased upon death. That's the original definition, now attach "survival" to that. How many times do I have to say your point of view is subjective? Play dead is dead. Problem solved. So much energy to complain about what the meaning of a word is that doesn't meet your exact specifications.

    Just now, Roland said:

    In my opinion any discussion about what this game is or is not should include modding because it was designed from the moment of conception to be modded. The files are set up as an advanced configurations menu. You say a developer can’t make claims based on mods but what about options. Can they claim their game is hardcore knowing players can turn off loot respawn, change the game to 25% loot, and delete all on death?  These particular three settings do increase the hardcore survival factor of the game and they don’t require any modding knowledge. 


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