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Posts posted by warmer

  1. I like Rust a lot and that game has some VERY harsh penalties for weather. I would say somewhere in between current 7D2D and Rust temp effects would be a good middle ground.

    With that said, I wonder why they ever strayed away from elevation dictating temp. That was once how it worked and I personally think having desert bordering snow on a flat plane is ridiculous. At least make it heavily weighted towards elevation dependency for temp effects vs biome borders. That is just ridiculous to be sweltering and freezing within 10 meters of each other.

  2. 7 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Isreael and 1982, 22kg drone. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/How-Israel-became-a-leader-in-drone-technology-595209


    (I don't know when it became "common" knowledge, but I would say 30-40 years is a long time to keep something secret.)



    Here is the quote from Victorious, where does it say common knowledge? Since we are talking about moving goal posts.



    uhhh ARMED drones in active military use are the topic at had. That is purely for recon. There isn't a single mention of any weaponry on that thing.


    How about you ask Vik what they meant instead of arguing with me. This is pointless lol


    6 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I'm sure you can show me a quote that shows that everyone, especially ViktoriusIII who seems to be the only one mentioning "military" at all was talking about US drones, right? 😉


    The argument was about what current tech is (for drones) and what is Scifi tech. Now if the turkish military has shown such a drone I'm sure the US military won't call it Scifi tech either. So there are no goal posts moved unless you think the turkish military is decades ahead in drone tech.


    uhhh we were talking about drones in active military use in 2010 that were common knowledge.

    Maybe you can show anything other than US Drones in active use in 2010. OR maybe you can ask ViktoriusIII which ones they were referring to. lol

  4. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    Nitpicking your nitpick: ViktoriusIII, who you replied to, talked about "military" without specifying the country and I know he is not from the US. Though his reference of 2010 is a bit early for the current turkish drones, they exist now and represent current tech as well as any drone developed by US military




    We are talking about US military drones and the drones currently in game. I mean we can keep widening the goal posts to include anything you want, but everyone in the original exchange understood the context. loL


  5. 22 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Context is everything. We were talking about the drones in the US operations around the world, and consumer sized drones. Those guys are the size of a large dishwasher. 

    Point of comparison is the drone in game. That's probable 18" across or so. But I do give you that yes they exists, just not in the form we were discussing.

  6. 3 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Thx. Well howdy partner :D
    I didn't know that. Guess it only looks weird to a western european then.


    What I meant was that sure, there is the arts guy that has to paint the cracked concrete...
    but I mean as in placement on the street AND gras spawnchance on top.
    So instead of
    g = gras; s = sandy gravel;  c=concrete d = damaged concrete (chance for gras)

    Hard to explain, but I think you know what I mean.

    That makes good sense to me. each roadblock tile would have a chance to spawn as a damaged version of that tile. You could make the likely hood that a tile near it would be damaged be higher so long meandering sections might be damaged and a small single square would to give it a random feel. and a 1/3 chance of a grass growing up of 1/20 for a random crop.

  7. hey I got a secret for you...

    If you aren't looking at the source code, anything you say about optimization is conjecture and you are guessing...

    I would say something about how your newest piece of Hardware being 7 years old, but you don't seem to agree that is an issue. I had a massive improvement in my FPS when I upgraded my CPU. It was bottlenecking my video card, and so is yours because the CPU can't actually provide the GPU data as fast as it can process it.


    You CPU is 4 years older than your video card. Your ram is probably DDR3 which is WICKED slow compared to current ram. EVERYTHING is stacked against you. What you are asking for is literally next to impossible with modern graphics and physics and complex multi entity AI.

    It ain't happening dude.

  8. Considering this game has been balanced against the current encumbrance system for quite a few Alphas, I would be shocked if they started adding weight to objects.

    Would we account for chests containing objects? Why wouldn't they fall through the floor in most buildings when full if using weight?
    We already account for structural integrity based on block weight/distance from support allowances, so shouldn't chest weight also be considered if inventory weight is?

    Where would/should you stop drawing the line?

    I agree the current system seems flawed when compared to realism, but I always am willing to allow a game to ignore certain real world rules when it means realism will drastically get in the way of gameplay and fun. 

    This would make micromanaging inventory take up more time than it already does and I just hate late game Diable loot fest games for this reason. I spend more time managing my inventory than I do playing the game.

  9. On 10/10/2021 at 2:36 AM, Viktoriusiii said:

    There are things called "drones" that the military uses since like... 2010? Maybe earlier? :D

    ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


    Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna

  10. a distraction mod or mode would be cool. you could point to an area and it could hover out of reach and play loud music attract/distract.


    I expected myself not to like it, but honestly found it pretty believable based on current available tech. I didn't want this to become a sci fi game with a crazy flying auto turret. The abilities they gave it already feels realistic, so for me its a win.

  11. One thing I really like about some city builders is when they have goals that don't require a specific task, but rather a metric be achieved.




    Survive 7 days without needing to kill a zombie 


    That would be an interesting end game achievement of sorts. This means you have crafted a self sustaining base and that in an of itself is my personal "win" goal when I play 7 days to die. If I can survive and get everything I need without leaving my land claim for 7 days, and without killing a single zombie myself, then the game has ceased to be a challenge, and in a certain sense, you have beaten it.

  12. Just now, Matt115 said:

    But it was added. So if any guy from governament wanted to take care about it they could right?

    You don't understand how free speech works. If a Government wants to ban a game for a POI that doesn't contain any nudity, they are banning the word or concept. There is zero sexual about the location other than what the name implies.

    It implies you might see some nudity inside.

    You guys ever looked in your spam folder? How about we go after people delivering porn to minors emails. That's a problem. This is not. Take responsibility for buying a game with a Mature rating and MOVE ON.

  13. What makes anyone think they can dictate what other people create with their own blood, sweat, and tears?

    When people talk about being sensitive to things in a game, a game which has a primary gameplay activity involving killing things graphically, I am always reminded of a quote from Larry Flint (The creator of Hustler)

    "Murder is illegal but if you take a picture of somebody committing the act of murder they'll put you on the cover of Newsweek, you might even win a Pulitzer Prize and yet sex is legal everybody is "doing it" or everybody wants to be "doing it". Yet if you take a picture of two people in the act of sex or if you take a picture of a woman's naked body and they'll put you in jail."

    Context. This is a video game. A fantasy world of an epically bad scenario. Why on earth do you want to water down anything that makes the apocalypse gritty? If anyone thinks the apocalypse is going to be censored for their particular flavor of ideal consumption, it's NOT THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. 

  14. I think we should choose the media we like rather than dictate media be to our liking.


    If this was a gameplay mechanic I would have have that debate, but this is a game rating debate. Devs decide that. I personally don't want anyone's art to be restricted based on a minority of people that won't deem it acceptable.


    Art isn't for everyone

    Music isn't for everyone

    Movies aren't for everyone

    Games aren't for everyone


    Allow creative expression or you risk making creators second guess everything they do, and in turn water it down until we get a homeopathic dose of a zombie apocalypse.






  15. I used to always play with anti aliasing turned on in games. Then I realized when you are actively moving through any game, you don't notice anti aliasing at all. the only time you do is when you are staring at screenshots. 


    To say a game is unplayable for lack of options is quite the stetch.

  16. 11 hours ago, geengaween said:

    Games that are heavily and easily moddable basically live forever. But actually having to learn how to install mods is a big roadblock that prevents the majority of players from seeing what's out there. Steam workshop allows a quick and easy way of seeing the best mods and installing them.

    I wholeheartedly agree.


    I have been making custom heightmaps in gimp with world gen tools, editing xml files to suit spawn and loot to my tastes, and yet I can't figure out how to repeatably and reliably install a mod without needing to create an entire new install.


    I seriously love the community of modders and all the talents there in, but for someone who just finished updating his bios, I still can't figure out how to install mods without a tons of errors...


    It shouldn't be so hard!? lol

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