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Posts posted by warmer

  1. 5 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    You do realize those other games have settings for difficulty aswell? I am comparing default here. If i fiddle with the settings in the other games aswell we are were we started. They will  still be harder than 7 days.

    Ok, then turn all your settings to the most difficult for you and make that your default. You have agency, or maybe you don't know how that menu with 3 pages of settings works. It's up to you to use the tools you have. Whining about it when you have the tools "by default" is pretty comical actually.

  2. 3 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @warmer  If a new player plays all the games i listed he will tag 7 days as easy compared to the others. Hence hardcore is the wrong description. Food is literally everywhere, hunger and thirst have minimal effects on you, weather/temperature aswell. All that are things that aren´t hardcore. And new players struggling in the game doesn´t make it hardcore either. I have seen new people struggle with survival playing RAFT. Yet no one would call it hardcore.

    LIke I said, turn loot abundance all the way down, no loot respawn and no air drops. Edit bioms.xml for more severe temp differences. Problem solved.

  3. 12 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @warmer Telling this again: It´s not about making 7 days harder here. It´s about calling it hardcore.


    Words with meanings like "hardcore" are subjective. And you are 1 person with an opinion on what that means. Until you can point to a world agreed upon definition of what "hardcore survival" means, it's an opinion. That's it. Opinions are not global truths. This is why I said, "Survival" is literally the concept of NOT dying. If you want to go back to when the term originated, it was in games where the "Hardcore" setting would ERASE your save game upon death.

    AGAIN @pApA^LeGBa that is exactly what "dead is dead" style of playthrough is. SO.... That is just a user defined rule set. You are an adult. Make up your own rules if you want it more hardcore. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I think you make a good point that modding is part of the intended game design. I don’t know how moddable The Long Dark or Green Hell are but I’m pretty sure this game could be modded to be just as difficult to survive as those games are if not more so.

    Also, if you want to make it much more hardcore with 3 settings. Turn loot abundance all the way down, no loot respawn, and no air drops.

    Instantly a TON harder, you are going to have to hunt for most of your food and water/jars much harder to come by. There are options, but what bugs me is when someone with agency pretends like they are helpless to change the games settings to taste. The settings available are already 10x what most games give you as far as tailored difficulty. If the game just isn't fun for you with all those options...

    Maybe it's not the game for you?

  5. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    I’ve not played The Long Dark or Green Hell.   @theFlu
    In these other games that deserve the title hardcore survival, what is it that makes survival difficult no matter how experienced you are with the game?

    This exactly what I meant by difficulty being inversely proportional to number of hours in game. Both of the games have severe penalties for ignoring basic character health maintenance.


    If you want it "more" hardcore. Mod your debuffs to be deadly. End of story. There you go, more hardcore. the entire argument is based in the "survival" elements not being hard enough.  


    How about 7 days to heal a broken bone, 1 day to or an infection kills you, edit the biome.xml for more severe temp difference between areas making cold/heat more of a killer. How about playing "dead is dead" like I suggested?


    If you remember that is the definition of "hardcore" difficulty for many games, and you also have "survival" elements. There you go. Harder to survive. Its not the problem of the games framework when the tools exist, it is a problem of your expectations that is remains difficult once you know and understand the mechanics.


    Some people complain food/water are already too hard for them. Why? Gameplay experience. That is it.


    Anything ceases to be hardcore once you have mastered the basics unless the game ramps difficulty with you, ala gamestage, and that only helps for so long. You have beat vanilla, accept that achievement as a win for you, and not a fault of the game when there are 100's of ways to make it more hardcore if you wish.

  6. 8 hours ago, Matt115 said:


    2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    We were talking about "hardcore survival", not about hardcore difficulty in games.

    I don't know how the topic steered in that direction... :suspicious:


    the essential definition of survival is "not dying" so either you are being difficult for the sake of it, or dont want to mod your game to suit your taste.


    Have some agency, take control of your satisfaction, or accept the fact that you've played a game until you exceeded its base mechanics. You beat vanilla. Now go find a mod for more of a challenge in your desired direction, or stop playing.

  7. Crank your zombie damage against blocks to max, turn on feral sense, up difficulty to max, set sprint day and night, and add in my spawn files 2.5x spawn amount everyday.

    Then set it to 60min days, bloodmoon to daily, with no loot respawn, no airdrops, 


    Play dead is dead. 

    No one can pull that off for long my friend. That is PLENTY hardcore enough for anyone. That makes the game so hard it isn't fun anymore. BEYOND hardcore. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Unfortunatly no.... i wish it was true.

    I am pretty bored with the difficult once I had over 1000 hrs so I made an edit to the spawn.xml and it's been making it a lot more fun/difficult

    Put this .xml into \steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config

    and make a new random gen map. 2.5x Zeds per spawn at a much faster respawn rate. This makes the game feel a lot more "lived in" regarding populations of places. With this you can't wipe out an area quickly and become comfortable for days on end like you can with vanilla spawn.xml

    The biome.xml I made to add more cars/thicken forests/add more rocks/more guts and gore - not a difficulty modifier per say, but more of an atmospheric change. Same link for that one if you are curious.

  9. In order to keep from feeling "bored" I made edits to the spawn.xml and I upped the total spawn per chunk to 2.5x and respawn down to 1 day or less. This keeps you from being able to sit back and relax unless you have a very effective AFK base, but this also increases your leveling quite a bit so I have never gotten past day 24 without dying due to how quickly the difficulty increases. I always play "dead is dead" now. 1000+ hours, so this is the only way for me to feel a real sense of danger and anxiety.


    60minute days and solo with this many zeds to deal with makes stamina a REALLY valuable commodity.

  10. 22 hours ago, Ray Garraty said:

    My RX 6700 XT gives terrible fps in downtown area. Its ~10-20 fps in Dishong.

    My resolution is 2560x1440 and video settings are set to High.

    I guess for comfortable fps this game requires to have 6800XT or higher

    your memory or cpu can be bottlenecking your GPU performance. Reason I say this is the first time I noticed is when I upgrade to my current Ryzen 5 6 core. I gained about 20% increase in FPS and that is when I discovered how much CPU and RAM can keep your GPU from hitting peak performance. Right now I am basically maxing out my CPU, so I can't upgrade a GPU any higher without also upgrading my CPU to see that expected performance gain.


  11. 5 hours ago, Maharin said:


    It is a LOT less taxing on your computer to reduce the respawndelay values. 

    Ya I wanted a similar "lived" in feel of cities so I turned my max spawn up 2x and my respawn down to .2 and basically everytime I cleared a block there were back immediately. It makes it really easy to grind out some levels if you want a hard/fast game.


    There was never a moment when I was SAFE unless I sat in the dark in a box at night like the old days when they could smell you :)


    Bring/toggle smell back. That was great. Feral is a tad op. Like through walls at 20 blocks is crazy.

  12. On 8/12/2022 at 12:40 PM, NekoPawtato said:

    I've always wondered if farther drops mean better rewards in them? :) (assuming it lands in the same biome and that the air drop picked your location and not another player's location)

    This makes me think of a question that popped up recently while playing. I was in the Forest biome, and the air drop landed a hundred yards into the wasteland. Will the biome it lands in influence the loot table?


    I died trying to get it. Soldiers and Zombie Bears were all over it. ;) just want to know how worth it it truly is given the added danger.

  13. definitely would benefit from the tried and true long press/max jump mechanic. nothing worse than falling on spikes you just place because you whack the heck out of your head on a block above. Last time I played a long game, my 1st death at day 24 was due to parkour mechanics in the above scenario.

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