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Everything posted by khzmusik

  1. I don't think it's misleading for the most part. The only thing I saw that was not in the game was the nuclear explosion at the beginning. Unless that's actually in 1.0 now... Well, and the wood frames instead of the frame shapes, unless that's making a return.
  2. Thank goodness. I'm sure there were good internal reasons for that change, but from a modding/XPath perspective, that format is abominable.
  3. Question about how the post-1.0 roadmap will match the current alpha development cycle. There are currently three post-roadmap releases/goals: "Storm's Brewing," "A New Threat", and "The Road Ahead". Are these going to be equivalent to new alpha versions? (So "Storm's Brewing" would be A23, etc.) If so, will there be breaking changes to the code or game mechanics, or will these updates necessarily be compatible with the 1.0 game, with the changes mainly being additional content? (I'm specifically asking for modders like myself, I'd like to know if mods for 1.0 will still work in post-1.0 versions.)
  4. No, you shouldn't remove the existing tier5_nexttrader code. That code appends the "biome_filter" variable, which is needed. The commented-out code includes this: <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']/variable[@name='biome_filter']/@value">wasteland</set> That will change the value of the "biome_filter" variable to "wasteland". An alternative is to replace the existing tier5_nexttrader code with this: <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> <variable name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" /> </append> But, I figured that it would be easier for people to just remove comments.
  5. Honestly, I would not be surprised if this were the case. I know from work experience that mobile app marketplaces (like Google and Apple) do that, specifically because versions must be stable enough to support specific hardware. I'm not sure "forcing" is the right word though. Probably more like "pushing them to do what they were going to do anyway, just sooner." Even if true, I think it's good news. If nothing else, having a major, stable, non-alpha version is going to make modding the game much simpler. The only real drawback is the price increase to match consoles. On that note, everyone should tell folks to buy the game next week when it's on sale for dirt cheap.
  6. I just double checked. With both Food Spoilage and Snowberry Love mods installed, seeds, paste, and drinks do not scrap at all. I also double-checked what items they spoiled to (for those items that spoil), and they spoil to vanilla items, so there should be no issues.
  7. Hey, glad you're enjoying the mods. I just got back from a week-long vacation with my family, so I haven't been checking the forums. I'm actually not sure I'm a good person to ask about vehicles. I haven't really worked with them all that much. I looked into it briefly, and it would take a lot of research just to figure out if it's feasible. If it's possible to actually swap out a vehicle's container, then it might be possible to make a mod that swaps it out to a bigger container which has a higher "preserve" value. But so far I don't think that's possible. So, no promises. My mod has neither SnoBalls nor Twinkies. (It does have "preserved pies" which are supposed to be like Drake's or Hostess fruit pies.) Those probably come from another mod. The way I add food spoilage tags is by the item's name in the XML. It should start with "food" or "resourceCrop" and not contain "Can", "Schematic", or "Magazine". If the other mod doesn't follow this convention, then you'll need to make a compatibility modlet. Another possibility is that the other mod loads after mine (mods load in alphabetical order). If that's the case, then you could rename my mod folder with a "z_" prefix to make it load later. That's very odd. None of them have a "scrappable" attribute, and the ones that have materials, have the same materials as their vanilla counterparts. I will investigate.
  8. In general, it's up to modders to figure this stuff out. Hopefully when 7D2D goes gold, TFP will put together some kind of "official HOWTO" but there's nothing official yet. Also, the "shininess" of a texture is determined by either the specular or metallic values in the shader. They are separate shader workflows in Unity. I'm not sure which one TFP uses, but you're not required to use the same shader as the game. For these questions, it's better to ask other modders, not the game devs. You can ask in "Discussions and Requests" here on the forums, or join Guppy's Discord server and ask there.
  9. Meant to reply sooner, sorry... The actual food spoilage is done in SCore. That is a C# mod, and spoilage does in fact require C#. My mod enables it, sets the spoilage rates for various foods, sets the preserve rates for containers, adds fertilizer that plants spoil to (instead of rotten meat), creates craft-able canned goods and fridges (powered by batteries), and a few other user-friendly things like loading tips. If you want to change the water situation, I have a few different mods you might be interested in: Rain Collector: The "dew" collector fills less when the weather is dry, a little more when it's foggy, and a lot more when it's raining. Also includes the ability to change the number of "slots" in the dew collector. Requires C#. Murky dew: The dew collector fills with murky water, not clean water. In return, it doesn't produce heat. XML only. Polluted water: Glass jars are back, but they can only be filled with polluted water, which is much worse than murky water, and needs to be purified (not just boiled). For that, there are new water purification tablets, which can only be crafted with bleach (bleach can only be looted or bought at traders), and are unlocked with herbal antibiotics. It also includes the features of the "murky dew" mod. This does not require C#, but there are new icons, so it has to be installed on client and server. You are free to use anything in any of my mods, however you like, verbatim or not. You can also use them purely as tutorials, if you want to do your own thing. There are Gimp files for the new icons, if you want to make your own (they are all based on the vanilla game icons, photos taken by me, or public domain images, so there are no rights issues if you want to distribute them).
  10. Speaking of dyes - will the new armor support dyes? I hope so, it's an easy way to make your character more unique.
  11. That is outstanding, I didn't know it was in worldglobal.xml. I will definitely mess around with it. When the lighting is changed, please keep that bit.
  12. RE: zombie looting, my understanding is that looting would require the bodies be around longer, which degrades performance immensely. RE: interior/exterior lighting. Is there any way to make this easily moddable? Perhaps not through XML, but at least through defining some variables in C# that modders could easily change through a simple Harmony patch or something? I ask because, frankly, the way A21 handles interior lighting is exactly backwards from how our eyes actually work. If your eyes are adjusted to exterior (brighter) ambient light, then the interior (darker) places should look darker than normal. When crossing into those spaces, the spaces initially look nearly pitch-black, but as your eyes adjust the interior spaces look brighter than normal. (And the exterior spaces look very bright, almost washed-out.) But in game, when standing outside, dark interior spaces look like they're brightly lit. When transitioning into those spaces, they lose their lighting and look darker. Even worse: if you find a brightly-lit spot in that space and stand in it, the entire space suddenly becomes brightly lit. I find it incredibly annoying, and I have heard others express the same opinion. Of course, you can make your game's lighting work however you like, I'm just asking for the ability of players or modders to override it. EDIT: For example - my guess is there's probably some variable that controls how much darker it gets when you are in a dark space vs. a bright space. Simply allowing this value to be set via XML would mean we could just enter a negative number rather than a positive one, and that would solve most of the problems.
  13. There is a console command named "visitmap full" that theoretically does that. I say "theoretically" because I don't know if it works. When I was creating my "Rogues and Psychos" NPC pack, I made some small prefabs that were used as biome decorations, and I tried using that command so I could see all of them on the map. At that time it did not work. However, the recent A21.2 b30 EXP release notes say they added this: I have not tried it since that version came out. Even if it does work, it would take a long time. Things like biome decorations are not generated with the world, they are generated when the chunk is visited. But they show up on the map, so for the entire map to show, all the chunks in the map need to be visited.
  14. In the comments of the buffs.xml file, there are both "onSelfOpenLootContainer" and "onSelfLootContainer" triggered effects. I have never used either, but I'm guessing that the former is triggered when the loot container is opened. I'm also guessing the latter is triggered either when the loot container is closed, or when the player removes all the items from the loot container. If I'm right, you could write a buff like this, and add it to the player when they spawn or respawn: <buff name="buffGodModeWhenInContainer" name_key="buffGodModeName" description_key="buffGodModeDesc" tooltip_key="buffGodModeTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_add" icon_color="132,0,155"> <stack_type value="ignore" /> <display_value_key value="buffGodModeNameShort" /> <display_value value="xxx" /> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfOpenLootContainer" action="AddBuff" buff="god" /> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLootContainer" action="RemoveBuff" buff="god" /> </effect_group> </buff> (As you might tell, I based it off of the vanilla "god mode" buff.) That's just a suggestion, but it should hopefully be enough to point you in the right direction. Also, a caveat: Those triggered effects are not actually used in any vanilla buffs. The comments don't have the "hook up" phrase that means they still have to be hooked up, so I assume they're hooked up and working, and just unused. But that is my assumption. You'll have to try it yourself. EDIT: Also, if "onSelfLootContainer" is not fired when the container is closed, then you will have to figure out some other way to remove the "god" buff (or its effects). Maybe make the "update_rate" value be "2" (seconds) and have the "god" buff removed "onSelfBuffUpdate".
  15. Sorry, I was going to reply earlier. I was pretty certain it was that line that was causing the problems. The "param1" attribute value tells the game to exclude that property from the block you're extending. You're telling the game "my block extends 'cntDewCollector' but don't use its 'Class' property." Look at the "terrSand" block for an example. The "Class" property specifies the C# class that controls the block's behavior, so without that property, the block has no behavior.
  16. If you are trying to do this on player death, there are already action sequences which you can use. The action sequences are "game_on_death_[option]", which is fired as the player dies, and "game_on_respawn_[option]", which is fired when the player respawns in the world. Here, "[option]" is the player death penalty option, which can be "none", "default", "injured", or "permanent". I don't know what you mean by "a loss of XP" since the default death penalty option is to add an XP deficit. If you want to outright remove a specific number of experience points, I don't think there's any way to do that. But you could also reduce the amount of XP gained via a buff. The passive effect to use is "PlayerExpGain", and you could use "perc_add" with a negative value. Look at the "twitch_buffBadLearner" buff for an example.
  17. That is actually an XPath feature. Every XPath expression always selects a collection of XML nodes. It could contain one node, many nodes, or no nodes (but in this case 7D2D will issue a warning in the console). A lot of times, people want that collection to only have one member, and that's why they include predicates like [@name="whatever"]. But you don't have to use a predicate, and if you're trying to remove a type of zombie from the game, what you did is exactly what I would do.
  18. Just FYI - I don't know if by "rogues" you were talking about my "Rogues and Psychos" pack. But if so, there are already "advanced" versions of the Rogues, and there is XML at the end of entityclasses.xml that will have them use the "whiteriver" faction (and thus be friendly). You just have to un-comment the code at the end of that file. There is also commented-out code in entitygroups.xml that will add the "advanced" versions to the biome spawn groups. You can un-comment that code and the "friendly" versions will spawn in the game. (There is also commented-out code that will remove the "basic," non-friendly versions, if you don't want both in the game.)
  19. You are correct, both will work. The "remove" op also accepts wildcards, so the second example could just be this (assuming those are the only two custom zombies): <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >CustomZombie*</csv> The reason you can't find much information through Google, is because "csv" is not standard XPath. It's something TFP created to modify lists, especially comma-separated values (hence the name). SphereII has a good explanation of it, here:
  20. Yes, there is. There's a game event action called "ResetMap" and one of its properties is "remove_discovery". The other property is "remove_waypoints" but I don't know if you also want to remove the waypoints. Here's the relevant code from the "action_lost" action sequence, in gameevents.xml: <action class="ResetMap"> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <property name="remove_discovery" value="true" /> <property name="remove_waypoints" value="true" /> </action> Now, how you trigger the action sequence is another matter. There are several ways to trigger a game action (e.g. through a quest or buff), but I don't know when you want this to happen. Also - this works in A21.2. I don't know for sure that it will work in earlier A21 versions. (I think it was introduced with the "permadeath" setting, so I don't know if the code was ready before then.)
  21. Not necessarily. All they would have to do is to make some of the quests be for Whiteriver folks, and some of the quests be for the Duke. Whichever one you do more of, that's the group you ally with. (I'm going to assume the game will make the quest choices meaningful in-game; for example, Duke quests reward more weapons and armor, and Whiteriver quests reward more medicine, food, books, etc.) In either case, the "end game boss battle" involves fighting enemy NPCs, the only difference being which group you're fighting. No additional friendly NPCs would be required, and I suspect this is the direction TFP are going to go.
  22. TFP said in the last dev diary that they do not plan to add any more friendly NPCs into the game. The "NPC assistant" is the drone. Human assistants proved too problematic to do in a way that was high quality and would be ready before gold. However, there are mods that add friendly NPCs to the game (look in the Mods section). I can't speak for anyone else, but I plan to keep going with them, including after the game goes gold.
  23. Hey, thanks for the interest. Hope you like it. The mod contains custom C# code, but as far as I know, it is not code that involves anything used in any other mod. So, it should be compatible with Darkness Falls or Ravenhearst. Having said that, I have not tested it with any overhaul, and in general overhauls are not designed to be modded. There is no way to set it up so that you start as a new character after X deaths. That's not even something I considered, and it kind of goes against the intent of the "Mostly Dead" playstyle. Also - I don't know if you learned about the mod from the Evac series by More2Me 4Life (Liz). But, I've been watching that, and I learned that I was probably too generous with the starting items at low player levels. You might want to change that, by bumping up the levels in the "PlayerLevel" properties, in "buffResetPlayerOnDeath". That's in buffs.xml in the mod folder. This is something I could do, but I'm actually in the middle of re-designing the mod completely. As you probably know, A21.2 introduced permadeath as a vanilla game option. My new plan is to modify that to do "Mostly Dead" instead. The A21.2 version should not require custom C# code, so it should be EAC safe. (It will probably still have custom icons though, so won't be entirely server-side.) I can't add a new death penalty setting, so the plan is to replace one of the the death penalty options with "Mostly Dead." That way players could still choose the death penalty setting, and the mod would be suitable for including in overhauls or mod packs. The natural replacement would be "permadeath." But it could be one of the others: "nothing," "XP only" (the default), or "injured" (keep debuffs and respawn with 50% food/water). It might be worth it to replace one of those instead; that way, players could choose between "permadeath" and "Mostly Dead" with the mod installed. (Does anyone actually use "injured"?) If any of you all have opinions about this, let me know. There are a lot of things about the new version that I'm in the air about. EDIT: I have started working on the new "Mostly Dead" because the "survivor stories" is taking a very long time. I keep having ideas that make the stories longer and more complicated (so far it's up to about 500 lines of dialog). If you've been waiting for "Survivor Stories" then be prepared for a longer wait.
  24. A bit late, but it looks like you can mod in new DMS (Dynamic Music System) sounds or layers. The XML that controls it all is in \Data\Config\dmscontent.xml and \Data\Config\music.xml. (EDIT: Now that I look at it, I don't think music.xml is used.) The .wav files are in \Data\Music. I haven't done a deep dive so I can't tell you precisely what you would need to do to create your own music. But that should be a good place to start. (FWIW, I'm also interested in creating my own music for the game, but it's a ton of work.)
  25. Since we're talking about RWG, are there any plans to specify that a specific POI has to spawn in specific biomes (or conversely, can't spawn in certain biomes)? That was in the game a couple alphas ago, and there were hints of bringing it back, but it hasn't made it in thus far.
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