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Everything posted by Star69

  1. If you have a good graphics card, the graphics are actually really good. I have over 6000 hours in this game as it is very, very replayable. Understand that there is no end game so you play until you get bored then start again. There is also a steep learning curve so my advice would be to join a server with helpful players in order to get tips on playing or read any of the posted player guides.
  2. If it’s a single player game or you have admin powers on server, try going to the marker spot and using god mode go below and above the map to see if the vehicle is either really high up or far below map surface. If that can’t be done or you still can’t find the vehicle then I believe if you place a different vehicle of the same type, it should go away. AFAIK, the game only remembers the marker for the most recently placed vehicle for each vehicle type. So if you lost a minibike, put a second minibike down and you should only see the new minibike marker. Hope this helps.
  3. Try running a trace route to the ip of the server you are getting the errors on. It should show if there is a bad hop between you and the server.
  4. Since your friend is the host, he should be able to give the necessary xp to put you back at the level you were at as well as give you the items that you lost.
  5. This is a related question.......is a log generated somewhere when you update server files? If so, that would be helpful in cases like this.
  6. I love the stun baton, love the mods for it, the books and perks too. Day 60, still using it, wouldn’t go anywhere without it. If used correctly, in my opinion, it is the most powerful melee weapon in the game. It keeps you from taking damage while other melee weapons cannot. Like others have said, sometimes I use a gun when getting over run and I’m out of candy. With candy, I have no qualms wading into a wondering of 30 using nothing but the baton and I’ll take no damage. So, in some players opinions, melee weapons are very useful even late game.
  7. I have the same vidcard but a different processor, 5950x. All settings maxed, 4k resolution and I get a minimum 83 fps during horde night of 12 zeds per player, 4 players. During a normal game day, fps is a steady 120. So, like others have said, it’s got to be your cpu.
  8. No, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Same seed name on 2 different map sizes give completely different maps.
  9. I finished my new rig last month. I’m fortunate to have a Microcenter in my town and was able tp pick up an amd 5950x and a rtx 3090 pretty easily. It’s amazing to play 7Days with max settings and 4k resolution. My advice, if you have a Microcenter anywhere near you, go often. Their website always says nothing in stock but if you walk in, they have plenty. The day I stopped in, they had five 5950x’s and three 3090’s.
  10. For our group, starting over is the most fun. Generally, we’ve got everything we want by day 60ish so that’s when we start over. None of us are into extravagant bases. I would imagine those people play a lot longer.
  11. There looks to be an issue with XUi being inactivated. Did you have a mod installed at some point???
  12. All the quest poi’s are linear beginning to end. If you follow the designers linear pathway and don’t break down doors/walls to make your own path, you will clear any poi completely. Once you stray off the designed path you run the risk of missing some zombies.
  13. Thank you, I knew it was something simple I was doing wrong. I’ve been wanting to try this map generator for a long time.
  14. I'm having difficulty getting the nitrogen map I generated to work correctly. I'm sure it's a "me" problem but I just can't figure what I did wrong. I rent a dedicated server from Bluefang. I used Nitrogen to create an 8k map named TurtleSoup. Using the explanation that Guppy made in the first post, I took the Nitrogen output folder TurtleSoup and uploaded it to the Data/Worlds folder on the server. On the command line, I changed the GameName to TurtleSoup and the WorldGenSeed to TurtleSoup. I then started the server and it spent 40 minutes generating a new map so obviously didn't pick up the uploaded folder. Are there other command line changes that I need to edit? Such as changing GameWorld=RWG to something else or userdatafolder=worldgen to something else? I'm feeling sort of stupid not being able to figure this out. Thanks in advance.
  15. Post your server output log. Lots of times there are hints there. The times I’ve seen it on our server, someone did some xml edits that the game didn’t like. Verifying server files resets all xmls and generally fixes this and other spawning issues.
  16. Depends on what you mean by modding. There is a way to do exactly this just by changing a couple of numbers in one of the xml files, no user-generated content necessary.
  17. I have a rented Bluefang server, latency for me is a steady 40 and it’s passworded and with only 2 of players, no mods and I still get the missing swing animations. /shrugs I’ll wait for fixes down the road.
  18. I agree that melee feels better from the players swing perspective....you hit when you think you should hit and at the proper distance from a zombie. However, on a multiplayer server, getting hit by a zombie with no corresponding swing animation 50% of the time is absolutely annoying as heck. I’m patiently waiting for a fix for that. Some people say that it never happens to them, guess I should learn how to take videos and edit them....never taken & edited videos in my life!
  19. Not sure why the down vote on something that had zero to do with you nor was I involved in any discussion with/about you, just responded honestly to a guy wanting to know how to tweak wandering hordes. Rather childish.
  20. There are optimizations happening with every alpha. In fact, I'd say that the optimizations from A18 to A19 were the best so far. I was really able to crank up my video settings for A19, playing on a 5 year old gaming laptop at 1080p {Nvidia gtx 980m}, all things maxed except shadows and water while maintaining a steady 60fps. The developers have said that they aren't done yet.
  21. I agree with Beelzybub, if people on your home network can join but others cannot then there must be a port issue or the wrong ip listed in config. For a server to work, you must use your public ip address not your home network ip address. Also check the server faqs to be sure you have all the appropriate ports are opened/forwarded. EDIT: An aside, if this server is only for friends, you can disable EAC to get a small boost in server performance but if it will be a public server, leave EAC enabled. Just my 2 cents as server owner.
  22. I mentioned as well but was told it was meant to be that way, which I already knew. I think that they went too far. They aren't just rare, they are non-existent. When you can go that long in a game seed, seed after seed, and you see none....that is an issue.
  23. Since this is still A19, question for anyone really. On every seed thus far it seems as if pigs and deer are kind of rare. Chicken and rabbits are common as well as bears and wolves. We get most of our meat from bears and wolves. In our current seed, 1 deer and no pigs except for poi pigs on day 56. We travel a lot with 8 traders marked so I expected to see more pigs and deer with that much map opened up. Anyone else experiencing this? Just curious.
  24. Totally agree with you. We call the red haired zombie ‘Ronald McDonald’ because of his superb resemblance but he is definitely underwhelming. Hopefully as time goes on the other zombies reach the quality of the crawler and nightclub girl.
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