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Everything posted by Star69

  1. I guess it’s possible. A20 rollout has seen some weird file issues. A bunch of server providers loaded a bunch of their rental servers with A19 files in their A20 builds that took them a while to figure out the issue. Definitely some missing blocks. Any chance you have old A19 maps saved on the server with the same seed name as this map? At this point I’m reaching for a good explanation for you. Edit: how about telling me the seed name, map size, any special generation changes as well as map coordinates of that poi and I’ll generate that map and see if I see what you see? I guess it could be a real generation bug.
  2. A quick google search mentions excluding game folder from your antivirus might do the trick. Now I have my entire Steam folder excluded from my antivirus but at a minimum, try excluding your 7 Days folder.
  3. I don’t use spikes so can’t help with your issue but to find bug reports, click the blue banner at the top of the page. At the bottom of that page, click on the word HERE to go to the bug report section.
  4. Posting your log file using pastebin will go a long way to finding why it crashes, also posting your pc specs will help. Until then, all anyone can do is guess.
  5. I’ve seen this complaint several times and it’s due to remnants of A19 files in your A20. A straight update from A19 to A20 will cause this. Click on the blue banner at the top of the page and it will give step by step instructions on cleaning and uninstalling the game. Before reinstalling, be sure that you are opted out of betas so it doesn’t reinstall A19.
  6. Unfortunately, Windows Update screwed up some software and in your case 7 Days. (Big surprise !! /sarcasm). You are going to need to uninstall and reinstall the game. I guess you could roll back the update but it might be a needed security update so I wouldn’t go that route. Click on the blue banner at the top of the page for instructions on how to properly uninstall the game then reinstall. Let us know if that doesn’t fix your issue.
  7. The log file shows the game is looking for files that aren’t there and also directx is having some issues as well. I’d recommend wiping the the server and reloading just A20 and not A19 upgrading to A20. FYI, there is always more info in the log file than is shown in the dropdown error that you see in the game window. The stuff I’m seeing in the log is not on your screenshot.
  8. If you go to the first page of A20 Diary, it literally says water will be worked on in A21. They had initially said that they wanted to fix it in A20 but, since it will take a lot of work, they pushed it to A21. You should read the deveopment diary if you want to hear what the developers are doing or what their plans are rather than spewing nonsense. That is caused by not all of your A19 files being deleted…..been posted about many times and in each case a correct cleaning and reinstall fixed this. You should bring up the game launcher, click on Tools tab, check everything then hit clean. Uninstall the game. Delete 7 Days and The Fun Pimps folders from steam apps->common and app data->roaming(or local, I forget) if present. If you had a mods folder it must be deleted. To be extra sure, pull up Regedit and search for any reference to 7Days and The Fun Pimps and delete. Before reinstalling, be sure that none is selected under betas tab then reinstall. If you do this and you generate that same map seed and your map still looks like that, then it is indeed a bugged rwg and should be reported in the Bug Report section so they can fix it.
  9. Yes, but remember the server is running the game. If the server has bad files, you’re going to have problems too. Now if you tell us that you are playing the same map on single player and are seeing this problem then that’s different. From the info you have given us, you have the problem on a multiplayer server game. Play it on single player and let us know how it works.
  10. @voge3 I agree with everyone that the issue is outside of 7 Days causing your issues. However, once you get this figured out you need to start a new seed. Your log file is showing several chunk errors which usually means that the save is corrupted. Most likely it got that way from the crashes you’re experiencing. Good luck and keep us in the loop as to what you find. Two other tests that I’d recommend are Memtest for the ram and, if you have a spare, switch out power supplies. People good with meters can test the ps in place but I’m not so I have a cheap ps of same wattage to use to rule out power issues.
  11. I would still post your log as that is your only hope of anyone helping you find the problem. Also, when you installed A20 on your new computer, did you install A19 then update to A20 or did you just install A20?
  12. Your latest log shows chunk errors so likely your save is corrupted.
  13. Please post a copy of her and your log file using pastebin. We need more info than that one line you gave us. If you need help with that, the pinned thread at the top walks you through it.
  14. Pingperfect was one of the server providers that recently discovered that they were including A19 files in their A20 servers. If you’re having any issues with rwg maps, to wipe your server and install a new A20 as they have fixed things on their end. If you aren’t comfortable doing that, submit a ticket to Pingperfect and ask them to do it. They are aware of the problem. Edit: changed A10 to A19….mistake
  15. Everything you're seeing is expected. Unfortunately, in some situations it feels fake.
  16. Several questions for you: Are you playing A19 or A20? If A20, did you play A19 on the new computer? Can you post your entire log file here using pastebin? Little snippets of errors don't always show the overall picture. When you performed reinstall, did you clean your files before uninstalling then reinstalling? Sometimes A19 files can remain with just uninstalling so you must clean your files. I can give you instructions on how to do this.
  17. Known issue and has been reported to TFP
  18. Also if you could post a copy of the server log where it shows you trying to connect.....might give some hints there. It's odd that it's only that one server you are having problems with. Maybe a corrupted player save???
  19. If you set Persistant Profiles to false, every time you log in as a Day 1 new player. Basically, none of your progress is saved. In my opinion, I have no idea why this would even be an option. Edit: you can type any letter, number or symbol in the server confirmation text.
  20. Try turning off SS Reflections. {"SS Reflexionen"}
  21. It's still trying to load EAC and not finding certain EAC files, also having trouble loading libraries. Now this doesn't necessarily look like the errors that other Mac users were reporting but try playing the game using Rosetta.....it seemed to fix some issues running the game. I'm really not familiar with Macs at all so beyond the Rosetta idea, you'll need to wait for someone with Mac knowledge to help.
  22. I’ve used the junkyard building on the second floor. The only prep is tear out 3 vertical blocks worth of both staircases. I then access it using wood frames that I pick up after I get up there. Pretty comfy and the lighting is good.
  23. You need to check your Microsoft Visual C installation. The log actually says that version 2022 is not installed.
  24. Check and see if it is writing anything to the output log. If it does, post your log here using pastebin so we can see if the issue is mentioned there.
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