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Everything posted by Star69

  1. You will need to wait until TFP fixes it then....they are fully aware of the Mac issue and it is their suggestion to use Rosetta until it can be fixed.
  2. Have you tried running the game with Rosetta? It is a known workaround since the launch of A20.
  3. I don’t bother opening exterior doors and, yes, most pois don’t have secret rooms but there are a few. There’s a hidden drop in one of the tier 5 (forget which one, maybe shotgun factory?) that does have sleepers. It’s a smaller loot room with a couple of business men that don’t spawn until you drop out of the ceiling which was the only reason to mention hidden rooms as a potential spot for missing zombies. Also, I know this was true for A19 so I can’t say whether the level designers went back and changed things so that all zombies spawn if you you just follow the path they lay out for you. I’ve not run across not being able to finish a quest, I follow the path, loot everything, wrench everything and open doors if I can tell it’s a room not accessible by elsewhere on the path. Takes a bit longer to do quests that way but you miss nothing.
  4. Star69


    Follow the instructions in the pinned thread he posted specifically on how to post a copy of your log file using pastebin. Most likely the reason for your issue can be found in that log. Once you post it, someone will look at it and try to help you. How to find your log file is also explained in that thread.
  5. Sometimes, even though you tell a router to forward a port, it isn’t successful. Ideally, you should use an online port checker to scan and make sure the ports are really open. Scroll down in the following thread and it lists all the ports that need forwarded: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/
  6. You can ignore that error message, it shows up in everyone’s server even headless servers and has no bearing on how the server works.
  7. Usually there's a hidden room somewhere where the sleeper zombies haven't spawned because you haven't entered their room. I've not experienced this but haven't yet played tier 4 or 5 yet in A20. My suggestion is to follow the path the poi author meant you to take, beginning to end. Sometimes, there are locked rooms along this path that aren't part of the path....be sure to break down every door on the way to the loot room at the end, exploring completely all floors. If you don't follow the path, you can miss these side rooms.....it can be a bathroom or office or bedroom or some other room but it isn't part of the path, just adjacent to it and you have to enter the room for the zombies to spawn. Other than that, I can't think of any other way. I've heard people in your situation blow up the entire building and still not finished the clear and that's because some sleeper zombie hadn't spawned yet. If you open every single door in the place and still doesn't clear, then I'd submit a bug report with tier number and name of the poi so someone on the QA team can take a look.
  8. Yes sometimes, for whatever reason, you have to run the Steam verify file integrity several times in order for it to finally fix the bad file. Try it a few times then do as Beelzybub suggested with the teleporting command and hopefully it’ll fix your issue.
  9. Open your latest output_log file for the server, scan down until you find the first player joining. There will be the players name and steam ID then it will assign the EOS number to that player. That EOS number corresponds to 3 of those files in the Player folder.
  10. If he wants to keep any saves he can just make a copy and save it somewhere else and put them back once this issue is resolved. With the cleaning process, we are trying to remove any remnant of your world off of his system. A final thing to check in your serverconfig.xml, what is persistent profile set to?
  11. If you do come back to the game, I’d either turn off dynamic mesh or set it to claim block. I do understand your frustration… it stinks.
  12. Go into your Saves folder and select the world you are currently using. Click through until you see the Players folder. Delete 3 3 folders associated with you. If you’re playing single player there should only be 3 files. Start the game launcher, select tools and check maps and profile then hit clean. Boot up the game and join. You will download the map again but should enter as a level 1. If you don’t know where your saves are, click on the pinned thread and there’s a section on finding your saves depending on your operating system: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/
  13. 7 Days used to be listed in Geforce Experience until A20 was released. I'm not sure what the process is for it to be added back but I'm guessing some testing by Nvidia and I have no idea how long it takes. As far as your current issue, it looks like your player profile is corrupted. You didn't say at what point that your game crashed, whether it was just starting the program or when you tried to enter a world or when. It's possible that we could see the issue if you post your latest log file. Instructions on how to do that is in the pinned topic above about how to post a bug. Finally, your settings. Your videocard just isn't going to cut it for the game much longer. I used to have a 980m and had to play using very very low settings. From your screenshot, recommendations that I have would be: turn off everything dealing with shadows and water, disable bloom, turn off sun shafts, ss reflections and motion blur. I'd need to see the other pages of your settings for more options for you. So post your log so we can get you back up and running.
  14. Some odd stuff in some of the logs. I’m assuming you can join the server just fine, correct? When you delete his profile, are you deleting a total of 3 files from the saves folder and your sure that your picking the correct world? Player files are map specific so you need to be sure that you’re in the correct save. Also, have your buddy have the game launcher show up, select tools tab and check all boxes then hit clean. Warning, this will delete all of his saves even single player games. Next have him verify game files twice. Reboot the server then have him try to join.
  15. Those warnings about shaders are not an issue and are not causing your server to stop functioning. Every server gets these warnings, the developers have not, as of yet, kept them from showing up in the logs. Your server seems to stop in the middle of EAC trying to verify a player joining. It could be a EAC issue or something else. What we need is to see the entire log as there’s probably more info elsewhere in the log. Refer to the pinned topic that explains how to post your entire log using pastebin and hopefully we can help you out: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  16. This is a new bug that started popping up in A20.1. It appears that the game is have trouble determining where your player is supposed to spawn and can’t resolve the issue. Unless someone else has come up with an easy fix, I haven’t heard of any, you need to delete your player profile then try to load back in. If you fail to get in after deleting the profile then the entire save is corrupted. If you do get in, you’ll be level one. You can then give yourself xp to get your levels back and use the creative menu to get your items back. Your base and all of your stuff in boxes will still be there, you will need to find it as your spawn will be random the first time. Hope this helps.
  17. At a minimum we need a copy of your logs. Post them using this pinned thread at the top of this forum: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  18. Alright, I’ll add one as it happened last night. I’ve been playing with a friend, we play dead is dead with feral sense on. We were on Day 30, out looking for interesting poi’s to explore. I play an intelligence character with 90% of my points spent in intelligence. For horde nights, I use shotguns and turrets while during explorations I use 9mm and stun baton to save on ammo, my friend uses an ak. I had just built a gyro that I use to get overview of the cities. We amazingly got a 20 block by 20 block city….it was beautiful! Lots of large buildings and high rises in the expansive downtown area. I spotted a poi that I hadn’t seen before…..a destroyed version of the Crack a Book tower. On the roof it has a helipad just like the regular tower, but I think a little smaller. Since the gyro is considerably faster than a motorcycle, I beat my partner to the building. Over Steam voip I said”I’m going to land on the helipad, wake up the roof zombies”. My buddy says “Oh, this will end badly”. Premonition indeed! My plan was to wake them up on the roof, kite them and take them out with my baton and 9mm. If I got overwhelmed, I had that boot mod lessening fall damage within reason. The outside of the building has ledges at each floor that I could jump to floor by floor to the ground. I landed perfectly, I was so proud of my flying too! Once I exited the gyro, the roof woke up. Probably a dozen or more zombies, a couple of birds and a half dozen dogs that I wasn’t expecting! I couldn’t use the gyro because there’s a fence around it….it’s a helipad not a gyropad…oops. Okay, I will just bail, after I leave they’ll go back to sleep, right?? Right?? I jumped to the first ledge, success, jumped down to the second ledge and missed, failing all the way to the ground….crunch, broke my leg. So I’m limping around to the front of the building to wait for my buddy’s arrival. Then the most amazing and fatal thing happened. Have you all watched Brad Pitt’s World War Z? It looked just like the scene in Israel. The roof zombies including the dogs were throwing themselves off the roof, zombies on other floors with open windows were throwing themselves out the windows!!! Add in the feral sense bringing many street zombies including puking cops from the surrounding downtown streets, suddenly there were zombies everywhere! Me, with a broken leg and a measly level 2 9mm pistol and stun baton limped along backwards attempting to thin the crowd. I lasted about 15-20 seconds before getting overwhelmed and my soul eaten. Sigh…..not so smart for an intelligence character. A new map for tonight I guess. 10/10 was worth it, would do it again but probably with an ak!! The visuals of all the zombies blindly throwing themselves off the roof was a stunning “oh s**t” moment. I love this game!
  19. You should upload a copy of your output log using pastebin in case there are some underlying errors that caused you to spawn there but, to see if you can continue to play this map, do the following: Hit F1 to bring up the console, type dm then hit enter. Close the console by hitting F1 again. Hit M to bring up your map. Move the map so you can see your bedroll. While holding the control button down, right click on your bedroll. This will teleport you to your bedroll. Try to continue your game. If it doesn’t play right, post your log as I mentioned above.
  20. I think you should. What you are describing is exactly what dynamic resolution does…..when the fps begins to drop due to the stress of many zombies , the game adjusts your resolution down to attempt to maintain your fps so your graphics look like lower quality. Try it with that setting off.
  21. Kernel Power Error 41…..googling that got me an article where there are 5 steps to fix that error. They include making sure windows is up to date including making sure your chipset and video drivers are up to date, turning off fast start in windows power settings, open your case and reseat your ram and videocard, run chkdsk /r and sfc /scannow, finally use a program like OCCT that will stress test your cpu, ram and power supply but you want to stress the power supply. Errors should pop up in 5 minutes but run it for an hour to be sure.
  22. You should have multiple copies of your output log files from when you have played successfully. Go to the drive Steam is installed on (C or D or whatever): program files (86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data and in that folder there should be several files with this kind of format: output_log_2022-01-22_19-53-17 where the numbers mean year-month-day-hour-minute-seconds of when it was created.
  23. My only suggestion is a going a step further with the cleaning. I’m suspicious that you have some registry settings leftover after cleaning your files. This is what I would try, it’s a pain but hopefully you only need to do it one time. 1) Open game launcher, tools tab, check everything including player profile then hit clean. 2) Uninstall 7 Days 3) Using windows explorer, delete your 7 Days folder located at drive letter(c or d or whatever)/steam/steamapps/common and also the 7 Days folder located at c/users/your name/appdata/roaming. Delete The Fun Pimps folder located at c/users/your name/appdata/locallow. 4) Open regedit and make a backup of your registry. This backup can be used if you accidentally deleted something you shouldn’t have. 5) Search for 7 Days To Die and delete any instance. Hit next function (I think it’s F3) until you get through the whole registry. Go back to the beginning of the registry (or just quit and reopen regedit) and search now for The Fun Pimps and delete all instances. **Be sure before deleting an entry, that the spelling is EXACTLY “7 Days to Die” and “The Fun Pimps”. When finished, close regedit. 6) Reinstall 7 Days and hopefully this will fix your issue.
  24. I think, many times the zombies go for the last player to hit them. Since she's using a gun it's more likely she's hitting more zombies and hitting them before they get near you so they target her. That being said, I've had to hit some zombies several times with melee to get them to quit targeting a player with a gun.
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